Mini-presentation (on/off-line activity) 

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Mini-presentation (on/off-line activity)


You have just read the text about universities in Great Britain. At last lesson we discussed a lot about our university.

Do you know that your university is one of the participants of the Tempus Joint European Project with regard to the Bologna process? The aim of this project is to improve the level of knowledge and practical skills in foreign languages among students of technical universities of the Ural region, using communicative approach technologies.

So, you are lucky, that you are involved in this process.

The task (on-line activity)

Your homework was to find from the Internet resources the information about five universities – the participants of the Tempus Joint European Project:

– Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania, - the Grantholder of the project;

– Dresden University of Technology (DTU), Germany;

– Ural State Technical University (USTU), Ekaterinburg;

– South Ural State Technical University (SUSU), Chelyabinsk.

– Izhevsk State Technical University (ISTU), Izhevsk.


Now divide into 4 groups, choose one of the universities you are going to represent.

In groups prepare short performances about the universities, according to the following plan:

The geographical situation;

The history of foundation;

Faculties and departments;

University staff;

Total number of students;

The kinds of degrees;

International cooperation;

Student’s life, etc.


1 grade – appropriate language (vocabulary, impersonal style, use of pauses)

1 grade – grammar, pronunciation

1 grade – full information (all questions were answered)

1 grade – delivery (open manner, involving audience, avoiding monotonous intonation)

1 grade – body language (general appearance, gestures, confident and positive impression).


The more you know about these universities, the easier for you it will be to set objectives and aims for your further study and future plans.


Work in pairs

Discuss with your partner and write a short report about differences and similar features of education at home and abroad using the information, having got before.


Find from the Internet and other additional resources the information about your University:

  • The history of foundation;
  • Faculties and departments;
  • Branches in other towns;
  • The faculty you study at;
  • The kinds of degrees;
  • International cooperation;

· Recreation and accommodation.

And be ready to make the presentation.

Recommended resources:


Lesson 6

The secrets of successful language learning


You are going to read the opinions of two English teachers:

Alastair Banton, a teacher at a private language school in the UK. He has also taught English in Japan.

I think the most important thing is that you really have to want to learn the language – without that, you won’t get very far. You also have to believe that you will do it... imagine yourself using the language confidently, and think, “Yes, I can do that”.

Then there are other things: of course you need to work hard, but at the same time you need to enjoy it and not get frustrated when you feel you’re not making much progress. And you have to be realistic – learning a language takes time, and you can’t expect to know and understand everything in a few weeks!

Also, you should try to “develop an ear” for the language – not only to recognise the sounds of the language and to understand what people are saying, but also notice the exact words and phrases that people use... and then try to use them yourself. Some people can do this naturally, but others have to learn how to do it – that’s where having a good teacher is important!

Teresa Pelc, a teacher of English in Poland. She has taught English in a secondary school for a number of years.

For me, motivation is the most important thing. You have to be ready to study grammar, read a lot, listen to English songs, radio and TV, and what’s more you have to do these things systematically.

It is so easy to forget what you have just learnt... that’s why I needed a teacher to force me to study. Even the most motivated students need that extra push sometimes. I believe that only a very few people can learn a language on their own.

Learning a language can be quite stressful, especially for adults... suddenly, we speak like children and make fools of ourselves! But if you’re motivated, you learn to overcome this. It all sounds like very hard work – and it is. It is also very enjoyable – I praise my students for everything they do well, however small it is. Many of them are very successful and speak English better than me, and some of them have even become English teachers themselves!

Sarah Curringham, Peter Moor, Cutting Edge, Longman

Reading comprehension

I. Find in the text the synonyms of the following phrases:

a) you won’t make much progress.......................................................................................

b) become angry because you can’t do what you want to do...............................................

c) see and pay attention to...................................................................................................

d) often and carefully, and in an organised way..................................................................

e) alone, without help...........................................................................................................

f) do something that makes you seem stupid.......................................................................


II. Discuss with your partner: Which pieces of advice are most useful?



Now listen to Lida Baker, English teacher, who suggests her FIVE NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS FOR ENGLISH LEARNERS and make notes about them in a written form.

What new have you learnt from this interview?


Work in pairs

Discuss with your partner: Which things below are most important for learning a language? Prove your opinion.

  • hard work
  • enjoying learning
  • really believing that you will be successful
  • having a good teacher
  • really wanting to learn (motivation)
  • studying lots of grammar
  • getting praise from your teacher
  • being realistic about the progress you can make
  • “developing an ear“ for the language
  • reading and listening to lots of English.





Your homework was to find from the Internet and other resources the information about your university and your faculty and to make the presentation.

Today we have come here to get acquainted with the Vice-rector, the Dean of your faculty, the Head of the International Department and other representatives of the university staff. You have a great opportunity to listen to them about university’s affairs, future plans and to talk to them, ask the questions about students’ life and your problem.


At present your university is one of the leading in Russia. It is a training center of engineers and lecturers and develops cooperation in education, research and academic exchanges with a number of other International Universities. The graduates of the university are considered to be highly qualified specialists and are constantly in great demand.

The Task

Find from the Internet the information about your University:

· The history of foundation;

· Faculties and departments;

· Branches in other towns;

· The faculty you study at;

· The kinds of degrees;

· International cooperation;

· Recreation and accommodation


Choose the parts of: the vice-rector, the dean of the faculty, and other representatives of the university staff. Be ready to prepare presentation about your university. Other students will take an active part asking different questions.


1 grade – appropriate language (vocabulary, impersonal style, use of pauses)

1 grade – grammar, pronunciation

1 grade – full information (all questions were answered)

1 grade – delivery (open manner, involving audience, avoiding monotonous intonation)

1 grade – body language (general appearance, gestures, confident and positive impression).


The more you know about the university, the easier it will help you to study better, to make a right decision about your study and future plans.

Recommended resources:


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