Universities in Great Britain 

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Universities in Great Britain


Britain has more than 90 universities. British universities (19)__ into several categories. The foremost universities are the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, both founded in the Middle Ages. The term Oxbridge (20)__ to refer to both schools as a single entity. Another type of university is the so-called redbrick variety – old and solid schools that (21)__ in the 19th century. In those days bricks (22)__ as the standard building material. The large number of ultramodern universities that sprouted up in the last half of the 20-th century (23)__ cement block and plateglass universities. London has its own great schools, the enormous University of London and its world-famous college, the London School of Economics.

Students interested in advanced education can also attend polytechnics, which are schools dedicated to the sciences and applied technology. An education act in 1992 (24)__ the status of these colleges to universities. Higher education (25)__ through the Open University, which (26)__ in 1969. The University (27)__ extension courses taught through correspondence, television and radio programs, and videocassettes. It also (28)__ local study centres and residential summer schools. The purpose of the Open University is to reach people who may not ordinarily be qualified for university study.


A19. 1) will be divided 3) had divided
2) would be divided 4) can be divided


A20. 1) used 3) is used
2) will have been used 4) uses


A21. 1) were built 3) are building
2) have been built 4) are being built


A22. 1) have been used 3) will be used
2) were used 4) are being used


A23. 1) are called 3) would be called
2) will be called 4) will have been called


A24. 1) has changed 3) was changed
2) changed 4) is being changed


A25. 1) can also be obtained 3) could also have been obtained
2) could also have obtained 4) can also obtain


A26. 1) has been founded 3) was founded
2) is being founded 4) founded


A27. 1) offers 3) was offered
2) is offered 4) will be offered


A28. 1) is sponsored 3) is being sponsored
2) sponsors 4) will be sponsored



Task 5. Study the text and choose the correct variant.


Oxford and Cambridge


Oxford is a beautiful city on (29)__ river Thames about fifty miles from London. Most of the Oxford colleges are fine buildings of grey or yellow stone and many (30)__ them have stood there for more than 5 hundred years.

There has been a university in Oxford (31)__ the thirteenth century. It began when some teachers, each with a few students, decided to live and work together in the same house. Later they built colleges and little (32)__ little the university grew up. Several colleges are (33)__ oldest, but no other college is (34)__ old as Merton which began in 1264. The newest college has only been open for a few years, so the university is still growing.

Cambridge is situated at a distance of twenty miles from London, the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam crossed (35)__ several bridges. The dominating factor in Cambridge is its world famous University, a centre of education and learning. Newton, Byron, Darwin, Rutherford and many other scientists and writers were educated at Cambridge.

Oxford and Cambridge universities are (36)__ ones known (37)__ their specific system of education. Great emphasis is laid at Oxford and Cambridge on what are called “tutorials” in which a Don (a university tutor) gives personal instructions in his/her subject at least once (38)__ week to the students numbering not more than four.


A29. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4)


A30. 1) from 2) of 3) about 4) with


A31. 1) since 2) from 3) at 4) in


A32. 1) as 2) by 3) at 4) than


A33. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4)


A34. 1) as 2) so 3) such 4)


A35. 1) in 2) by 3) across 4) at


A36. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4)


A37. 1) at 2) for 3) because 4) since


A38. 1) a 2) an 3) the 4)


Task 6. Find a mistake in the underlined parts of the sentences given below.


A39. Colleges still rely on exams though it is well known that exams measure A B C a very small part of a persons’ abilities. D


A40. Albright graduated with honorsWellesley College near Boston, A B Massachusetts, in 1958 with a bachelor’sdegree in political science. C D


A41. The committee raised numerous objections, asked many questions, A B and, in the end, rejected to the plan. C D


A42. Institutions of higher learning have granted degrees since the 12-th A B century and the academic degree is a title granted by a college or university, C usually signifying completion of an establishing course of study. D


A43. It wasn’t untilthe last centurywhen Oxford and Cambridge universities A B C started taking female students. D


A44. Correspondence courses are especially suitable for the physically A handicapped and homebound. Special programs designed for the blind and B C D for parents of deaf children.


Task 7. Study the text and choose the correct variant.


Selecting Courses


The courses given by a college or university are called its (45)__. The prospectus of the institution (46)__ the complete curriculum. It gives the (47)__ for entry to each course, as well as the credits given for the course.

Each course is (48)__ as giving a specified number of credits. These are usually equal to the number of class hours (49)__ each week to the course. For example, a course that gives three credits towards graduation. Schools using the semester calendar (50)__ about 120 credits for graduation. Between 30 and 40 of required credits must be in the student’s (51)__ subject.

Schools vary considerably in the (52)__ of freedom given to students in selecting their courses. Almost all schools have a certain (53)__ of required subjects. Students can also choose nonrequired courses called electives. Liberal – art colleges usually give students more (54)__ to chose than do technical schools.


A45. 1) program 3) syllabus
2) curriculum 4) prospects


A46. 1) outlines 3) indicates
2) observes 4) possesses


A47. 1) demands 3) requirements
2) instructions 4) rules


A48. 1) designated 3) allowed
2) reached 4) devoted


A49. 1) meant 3) instructed
2) devoted 4) applied


A50. 1) insert 3) demand
2) require 4) possess


A51. 1) major 3) interesting
2) minor 4) valued


A52. 1) volume 3) amount
2) number 4) quantity


A53. 1) number 3) value
2) amount 4) volume


A54. 1) opportunity 3) demand
2) necessity 4) requirement


Task 8. Choose the appropriate remark in an answer to the suggested stimulus remark.


A55. She has failed her test in physics.
  1) Good for her!
2) Has she? What a pity!
3) Hasn’t she?
4) Sure she will like it!


Task 9. Choose the stimulus remark compatible with the suggested responsive remark.


A56. I’d rather you didn’t. I must solve the problem myself.
  1) Do you agree?
2) I want to give you a hand with this.
3) How nice!
4) It’s out of the question.


Task 10. Read the question. Choose one of the given variants.


A57. What is one of the most attractive features of the bachelor’s degree program in the United States?
  1) It is comprehensive.
2) It is superficial.
3) It is flexible.
4) It is specialized.


Task 11. Read the text. Then choose the best suitable title to each passage.


A58. The United States have more institutions of higher learning than any other country in the world. More importantly than that, however, is the quality of these academic bodies. Most American colleges and universities offer top-notch education programs with highly qualified teaching staff. The research at many of these universities is cutting-edge and often published in journals worldwide. Many of the professors at these schools are leading authorities in their field. The list of world-class learning institutions in the USA is endless and includes, but is not limited to: Stanford University, Harvard, Yale, Cornell, California Institute of Technology, UC Berkeley, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, John Hopkins, Northwestern University etc. 2


A59. One of the best things about studying in the USA is the vast “number of academic options” offered to students. Since the USA is such a large country with vast resources, almost every field of study is available in the country. One can study everything from Russian history to nuclear physics. 1


A60. A degree or certificate from a college or university is useless if it is not recognized by employers, other institutions or field authorities. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that the degree from the school you choose is recognized in the place you plan to use it in. Fortunately, colleges and universities in America are given professional accreditation by different governing bodies. There are thousands of US schools that offer credentials recognized in almost every corner of the world. 3


A61. Because of the vast wealth of resources in America, the opportunities for practical training related to your field of study are vast. Most colleges and universities have established affiliations with employers and researchers in different fields of study, thereby creating an avenue for students to obtain hands-on and invaluable experience. Many universities even require that students obtain practical training in order to graduate. In many cases, these opportunities are not available anywhere else in the world. 2


A62. Regardless of what degree a student choos­es to pursue in school, he or she will have to use computers and other technologies in order to succeed. Many universities incorporate the latest technology into their curriculum, encouraging students to obtain proficiency before they go out into the workplace. 3


A63. Since the USA school system utilizes credit units and often accommodates working students, most schools offer academic programs that are flexible in nature. This means that, very often, one can choose when to attend classes, how many classes to enroll in each semester or quarter, what elective or optional classes to take etc. 4


Choose the titles A 58-A 60 from the given below (1-4). One title is odd.

1) Endless Study Choices.
2) World-Class Learning Institutions.
3) Worldwide Recognition.
4) The Academic Calendar.


Choose the titles A61-63 from the given bellow (1-4). One title is odd.


1) Supporting Industries and Research.
2) Practical Training in all Universities.
3) Technology.
4) Flexibility.


Part B


Task 1. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning.


My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been unsuccessful (0) so far and I’m wondering whether I’m simply able (B1) to learn foreign languages at my age. I’m not patient (B2) and neither am I intelligent (B3) so why have I found it almost impossible (B4) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is adequately (B5) beyond very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfactory (B6) to say the least. It is not only that my Spanish is incorrect (B7) but I suspect I sound very impolite (B8), too. Recently I met a Cuban tourist in a café and unfortunately (B9), I must have said something inappropriate (B10) because she looked very offended and got up and sat at another table.   SUCCESS ABLE PATIENCE INTELLIGENCE POSSIBLE   ADEQUATE SATISFY CORRECT POLITE FORTUNE APPROPRIATE


Task 2. Read the text (B11-B12). Write down two odd words from each sentence in the order they are given in the text.


B11. My friend said that because he had been only recently started to work in the office everybody was taking of advantage of him. Been of


B12. We enjoyed ourselves her lectures not just because we were her students but because she was enough fun to be with. Ourselves enough


Task 3. Read texts A and B. Fill in the gaps with only one suitable word. The first letter of each missing word is given.


A. At the age (B13) of 16 prior to leaving school students in Great Britain are tested in various subjects (B14) to earn a General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). IF they want (B15), to go on to higher education (B16) at a university, they take (B17) Advanced Level examinations, commonly known as “A” levels. About a third of British students leave (B18) school as soon as possible after turning 16, usually taking a lower-level jobs in the workplace.

B. Language experts have found that children can learn two languages at the same (B19) time and they can’t really tell the difference (B20) between them. They can easily switch (B21) from one language to the other once they have learnt when and with whom they should use each (B22) language.


Task 4. Translate into English sentence fragments given in brackets.


B23. Traditionally the majority of primary and secondary school teachers are women.


B24. I’ll give you this information off the top of my head as I have left my notes in the office.


B25. You can take great pride in your students’ achievements.


Test 4

Part A


Task 1. Read the text. Then study the statements after the text and mark them as true (T) or false (F).



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