Unit 1. Three economic issues 

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Unit 1. Three economic issues

Ласточкина Т.И.


Англо–русский учебный словарь по экономике

Приложение к учебнику C.St.J.Yates«Economics»

English Russian Learner’s Dictionary on Economics



Настоящее пособие является приложением к учебнику Economics C.St.J.Yates. Пособие состоит из двух частей. В первой части предлагается материал для активизации лексического материала уроков (юнитов) 1–6, во второй – уроков (юнитов) 7–15. К каждому уроку предлагаются следующие разделы:

1) поурочный словарь терминов и понятий;

2) список синонимов и антонимов активной лексики;

3) список словосочетаний (Translate and Practice).

Словосочетания данного раздела предлагается использовать в упражнениях типа:


заполните пропуски: ключ:

a) to........... scarce resources between competing uses (allocate)

b) to impose a........... on a good (tax)

c) to........... businers over the telephone (transact)

d) demand........... supply (exceeds)

e) substitutes........... oil (for)

f) to reduce the........... to work (incentive)

g) to have sole........... of facilities (use)

h) to satisfy the law of........... returns (diminishing)


составьте предложения с данными сочетаниями;

составьте сообщения на тему прочитанного текста, используя предложенные слова и словосочетания.


Поскольку студенты факультета экономики не всегда имеют достаточный словарный запас (General English), в подстрочном словаре дается лексика не только сугубо экономической направленности.

Ряд лексических единиц дается «кустами» (to compete – competition – competing – competitive).

Большая часть специальной лексики дается в виде устойчивых словосочетаний (combinations, partnerships), поскольку известно, что словосочетания гораздо легче запоминаются, чем отдельно взятые вырванные из контекста слова. Кроме того, при переводе с русского сочетаний типа «покупательная способность» русский студент обычно переводит каждое слово отдельно, что не всегда возможно.

Словарь построен по принципу избыточности. Преподаватель вправе ограничить объем активной лексики в зависимости от уровня группы. Цель данного пособия – помочь студентам экономических специальностей (факультетов) освоить специальную терминологию, расширить словарный запас, приобрести навыки чтения текстов экономического содержания, навыки аудирования (понимания лекций на английском языке). Студенты уровня Intermediate, активно владеющие предложенным лексическим материалом, смогут вести беседу по тематике «Economics» на английском языке.


Ø price – cost

Ø buy – purchase

Ø consumer – buyer

Ø expensive – costly

Ø to increase – to rise

Ø abrupt – sudden – dramatic – sharp

Ø gradual – constant – steady

Ø to respond – to answer– to react

Ø to assume – to suppose – to believe – to assert

Ø to understand – to realize – to recognize

Ø to predict – to forecast – to foresee – to anticipate

Ø to decrease– to reduce

Ø commodity – good

Ø substantial – serious, large

Ø an increase – a rise – an upheaval

Ø to inflict – to damage

Ø to switch to – to shift to

Ø to raise the price – to bid up the price

Ø revenue – profit

Ø to require – to demand

Ø to secure – to ensure

Ø effect – consequence

Ø profitable – lucrative

Ø fuel efficient – economical

Ø to contemplate – to think over – to consider



Ø buyers – sellers

Ø scarce – abundant

Ø to increase – to decrease

Ø cheap – expensive

Ø efficient – inefficient

Ø to expand – to contract

Ø intricate – straightforward

Ø to get, to acquire – to give up

Ø efficient – inefficient

Ø price slump – price rise


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to allocate scarce resources between competing uses

2) oil and its derivatives

3) cheap and abundant oil

4) an abrupt change

5) to raise prices

6) to raise taxes

7) to economize on the use of oil

8) to be dependent on oil

9) substitutes for oil

10) an intricate, interconnected system

11) the upheaval of the world economy

12) the assumption of cheap oil prices

13) people respond to prices

14) to attract extra labour

15) a price rise

16) demand exceeds supply

17) to secure wage increases

18) in comparison with

19) a small reduction in sales

20) a gradual rise

21) to produce electricity from coal– fired generators

22) to use less oil

23) to choke off the demand for oil– related commodities

24) to purchase substitute commodities

25) to form car pools



Ø chiefly – mostly, mainly

Ø correspondingly – respectively, accordingly

Ø regulation – law – restriction

Ø to ban – to forbid

Ø eventually – finally

Ø spending – expenditures

Ø a target – a goal – an aim

Ø to refine – to specify – to clarify



Ø sufficient – insufficient

Ø efficient – inefficient

Ø incentive – disincentive (effect)

Ø to impose – to remove

Ø to borrow – to lend


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to provide services

2) to make transfer payments

3) government expenditures

4) the provision of goods and services

5) government borrowing

6) to raise tax revenues

7) to allocate scarce resources among competing demands

8) low share of government spending

9) to impose restrictions, regulations and laws

10) to obey safety requirements

11) to pollute air, water, land

12) to finance by imposing taxes

13) a percentage of national income

14) the scale of government activity

15) to ensure that the poor are allocated more

16) attractive residential parts of the city

17) to allocate goods to consumers

18) to reduce the incentive to work

19) to afford a foreign holiday

20) to prevent from pollution




Ø to obtain – to get – to acquire

Ø an instrument – a tool

Ø to diminish – to get less – to decrease

Ø extra – additional

Ø to transfer from... to... – to move from... to...



Ø implicit – explicit

Ø implicitly – explicitly

Ø at one extreme – at the other extreme

Ø to have sole use of the facilities – to share the facilities


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to satisfy the law of diminishing returns

2) to raise output by 9 units

3) a small increase in output

4) to have at one’s disposal

5) to have sole use of facilities

6) to share the facilities

7) the output falls

8) at one extreme

9) at the other extreme

10) to transfer workers from one industry to another

11) a trade off between film production and food production

12) to trade off food for films

13) a hypothetical economy

14) to allocate workers between two industries

15) a fixed total amount of

16) to reduce equipment per worker

17) to exhibit diminishing returns


Text 2

feasible возможный, вероятный
feasible combination возможная комбинация
resources ресурсы
spare resources свободные ресурсы
scarce resources редкие ресурсы
to sacrifice v жертвовать
sacrifice n 1. жертва 2. убыток
to yield v производить, приносить, давать
to yield extra units of a good производить дополнительные единицы товара
yield n 1. размер выработки, количество добытого 2. доход, доходность 3. сбор плодов, урожай
waste n (syn. inefficiency) 1. растрачивание, расточительство 2. потери, убыток
to waste resources расточать, растрачивать ресурсы
to arise (arose, arisen) возникать, появляться
attainable (ant. unattainable) достижимый
restriction ограничение
to impose restrictions вводить ограничения
to lift restrictions снимать ограничения
without restrictions без ограничений
choice выбор
to make a choice делать выбор
limit n граница, предел
to limit v ограничивать, ставить предел
to accept 1. принимать 2. допускать, соглашаться, признавать
acceptable приемлемый



Ø feasible – possible

Ø restriction – constraint

Ø to limit – to restrict

Ø attainable – possible – feasible

Ø to yield – to produce



Ø spare resources – scarce resources

Ø attainable – unattainable

Ø necessarily – unnecessarily

Ø efficient – inefficient


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) a feasible combination

2) to produce more of one good without sacrificing output of the other good

3) to put an extra person to work in the industry

4) loss of food output

5) to produce efficiently

6) to obtain more output

7) to waste resources

8) the amount of labour available

9) to make choices

10) to select a point inside the PPF

11) to sacrifice output unnecessarily

12) the desired output combination





Ø profitable – lucrative

Ø to allocate resources – to devote resources

Ø to emphasize – to stress – to point out – to underline

Ø luxury – expensive – rich

Ø to force smb to do smth – to make smb to do smth

Ø illness – disease

Ø scarcity – rareness



Ø skilled – unskilled


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to bring together buyers and sellers

2) to transact business over the telephone

3) remote control

4) consumption of alternative goods

5) to reconcile decisions

6) adjustment of prices

7) to produce those goods and services that society demands

8) limited resources

9) to answer the question in favour of smb

10) the seller’s viewpoint

11) to be in business

12) to switch to another kind of production

13) a suitable part time job

14) to offer high wages

15) to guide smb’s decision

16) to allocate resources through the price system

17) to cover the cost of running the enterprise

18) to devote no resources to some production

19) to reduce the economy’s ability to produce smth

20) to be forced to raise prices

21) to reallocate resources

22) to reflect the increased scarcity of a good

23) to involve several markets

24) a local labour market

25) market for rented buildings

26) arrangements through which prices influence the allocation of scarce resources



Ø personal value judgment – subjective value judgment

Ø an assertion – an assumption

Ø to seek – to look for – to search

Ø to clarify – to specify

Ø an option – a variant – a version

Ø eventually – finally

Ø completely – entirely

Ø the elderly – the aged – the old

Ø to spell out – to decipher – to decode – to interpret



Ø resolved – unresolved

Ø involved – detached

Ø subjective – objective

Ø correct – incorrect, false

Ø equal – unequal

Ø agree – disagree

Ø distinct – vague

Ø favourable – unfavourable

Ø necessary – unnecessary

Ø curiosity – lack of interest

Ø to distinguish – to treat as the same


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to distinguish two branches of the subject

2) to make decisions about consumption and production

3) a twofold purpose of investigation

4) to predict how the economy will respond to changes in circumstances

5) prescriptions and recommendations

6) to act as a detached scientist

7) «a good thing»

8) a good

9) a bad

10) to have (no) scope for personal value judgments

11) to be concerned with

12) to be similar to

13) to impose a tax on a good

14) to increase the consumption of wheat

15) to command widespread agreement

16) the frontiers of economics

17) to provide scope for further research

18) to be based on the search of objective truth

19) to subsidize health bills

20) the assertion happens to be correct

21) broadly speaking

22) to share the judgment

23) roughly equal amounts of

24) luxury goods

25) to devote society’s scarce resources to

26) the preferences and priorities of the society

27) to make one’s choice

28) to clarify the menu of options

29) correct or false



Ø to extend – to expand – to enlarge – to increase

Ø to proceed – to advance – to go on

Ø to emphasize – to stress

Ø to ignore – to neglect, to miss out

Ø for instance – for example

Ø in some instances – in some examples

Ø a breakdown of goods – ranging (of goods)

Ø a branch (of the subject, of the science) – a field (of the subject, of the science)

Ø to distort – to damage – to destroy

Ø to treat – to approach

Ø a treatment – an approach



Ø sophisticated – simple, plain, straightforward

Ø to extend – to contract, to diminish

Ø to lose track – to follow track

Ø direct – indirect

Ø partial – full, complete


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) the segment of economic life

2) the complete pattern of production and consumption

3) to cut across a number of subject groupings

4) total car production

5) total car purchases

6) to study every market for every commodity

7) to lose track of the phenomenon

8) to proceed down different avenues

9) a rise in wages

10) to preserve the simplicity of the analysis

11) to make sense

12) to sweep under the carpet

13) to offer a detailed treatment

14) to aggregate the behavior of

15) to devise judicious simplifications

16) to keep the analysis manageable

17) to distort reality

18) to retain a manageable analysis

19) the complete interaction of the economy


Text 2. Summary


virtue 1. добродетель 2. достоинство, хорошее качество 3. сила, действие
virtual фактический, действительный
virtually фактически, в сущности, поистине
virtually unlimited demands практически не имеющие границ потребности
limited ability to produce goods and services ограниченные возможности производства товаров и услуг
to fulfill the demands удовлетворять потребности


Ø at the cost of – at the expense of

Ø virtually – practically

Ø conflict – argument – disagreement

Ø disagreement – controversy

Ø to stay – to remain


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) the maximum amount of

2) for each given level of output

3) to depict

4) the menu of choices

5) to rely extensively on production and consumption decisions

6) to co– ordinate through adjustment in prices

7) to rely entirely on

8) extensive planning

9) to allocate resources through markets

10) a large dose of government intervention

11) the optimal level of

12) a subject of controversy

13) to make prescriptions

14) to keep separate

15) sufficient research

16) to involve subjective value judgments

17) to agree about normative statements

18) at the cost of

19) individual building blocks

20) to reconcile the conflict



Ø to ponder – to contemplate – to think over – to think carefully about

Ø to include – to embrace

Ø exact – precise

Ø to square – to correspond, to be in line with

Ø crucial – the most important

Ø to alert – to warn

Ø to overlook – to miss out

Ø confidence – trust

Ø spurious – false

Ø intelligent – clever

Ø to omit – to neglect – to ignore

Ø likely – probable



Ø to include – to miss out

Ø precise – imprecise

Ø previously – afterwards

Ø subtle – crude

Ø intelligent – stupid

Ø likely – improbable


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) the description of the past

2) the prediction of the future

3) society’s value judgments

4) to master the tools of trade

5) a series of simplifying assumptions

6) a deliberate simplification of reality

7) to omit some details

8) to concentrate on the essentials

9) to miss out features

10) to quantify the relationships

11) to draw attention to

12) to square with relevant facts


Text 2. Index Numbers


cooper медь
value 1. (мат.) величина, значение 2. ценность 3. стоимость, цена
base value базовая величина
to assign назначать, определять, приписывать, поручать
troy ounce тройская унция (31,1 гр.)
to pretend притворяться, делать вид
to obtain получать, добиваться, приобретать, достигать
to divide by делить на
to multiply by умножать на
apparent очевидный
index (pl. indices; indexes) индекс, числовой показатель
to plot строить кривую, вычерчивать диаграмму
striking поразительный
variable переменная
necessarily обязательно
to derive 1. выводить, производить 2. получать, извлекать
derivation 1. мат. взятие производной, решение, вывод 2. происхождение, источник, начало
series (pl. series) ряд, серия
time series временной ряд
unity величина, равная единице
to add up to unity добавить до единицы, в сумме давать единицу
weight (стат.) вес
weighted average средневзвешенная величина
to accord предоставлять, придавать
to resemble напоминать, быть похожим на
cross–section структурный анализ
cross–section of comparable households структурный анализ, основанный на данных о сравнимых домохозяйствах
cross–plot сводный график


Ø calculate – to work out

Ø derive – to get from

Ø purpose – aim

Ø to assign – to give, to put forward

Ø apparent – evident

Ø to plot – to draw a figure

Ø to resemble – to look alike



Ø gradually – sharply

Ø to resemble – to look unlike


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to present data as index numbers

2) to quote actual prices

3) specified quantities of smth

4) relative to a given base value

5) annual averages for a good in selected years

6) to exhibit a percentage increase

7) to assign some value to the price of a good

8) starting value

9) to increase sixfold

10) to double

11) to interpret the data

12) striking difference in behavior

13) to pass unnoticed

14) to derive a single measure

15) to construct an index

16) to make a single time series out of two

17) to reflect the purpose of smth

18) industrial inputs

19) the relative use of two goods

20) to have a relatively low weight


Text 1. Economic Models

fair 1. честный, справедливый 2. красивый, светлый
court суд
to refer to the court передавать дело в суд
fare плата за проезд
to cut the fare снижать плату за проезд
to set the fare установить плату за проезд
equation уравнение
equal равный
to equalize (with, to) уравнивать
equality равенство, равноправие
to be responsive to реагировать на
to be unresponsive to changes не реагировать на изменения
behavior поведение
sensitive 1. чувствительный, восприимчивый 2. впечатлительный, чуткий
to be sensitive to smth быть восприимчивым к чему– либо
sense 1. чувство 2. pl. сознание 3. здравый смысл 4. значение, смысл
to apply common sense прибегать к здравому смыслу
straight away сразу же, немедленно
to matter v иметь значение, быть важным
to alter изменять
altered измененный
unaltered неизменный
bare голый, обнаженный
a bare – bones model каркас
notation условный знак, обозначение
shorthand стенография
to take shorthand стенографировать
determinant решающий, определяющий фактор, детерминант, определитель
to vary изменяться
to identify устанавливать, определять
identical одинаковый, идентичный, тождественный
minor незначительный, второстепенный
error ошибка


Ø to choose – to pick out

Ø to omit – to miss out – to neglect – to ignore

Ø straight away – immediately, right now

Ø minor – unimportant – insignificant

Ø shortly – soon

Ø underground – tube – metro

Ø to cut – to reduce

Ø to lead to – to result in

Ø to imagine – to suppose

Ø to alter – to change – to vary

Ø constant – unchanged, unaltered

Ø to matter – to be of importance

Ø broadly – approximately, roughly



Ø gradually – sharply

Ø altered – unaltered

Ø suggestive – conclusive

Ø initially – finally, eventually

Ø to adopt – to reject

Ø to encourage – to discourage

Ø affected by – unresponsive

Ø include – omit

Ø inclusion – omission

Ø broad – narrow

Ø to ignore (to neglect) – to pay attention to


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to influence the number of passengers through smth

2) the model of traveller behavior

3) to study the theory in detail

4) to remain unaltered

5) to depend on all the things listed inside the brackets

6) to take the effects into account

7) to set (raise) a question

8) to apply common sense

9) to be relevant

10) to be sensitive to the costs of competing alternatives

11) to use the terms interchangeably

12) the predicted number of journeys demanded

13) to lead to a serious error

14) to raise the revenue from tube fares

15) to model the demand for tube journeys

16) the determinants of the demand for tube journeys

17) the determine the number of passengers

18) to be unresponsive to changes

19) to adopt a model

20) minor effects

21) economics in action

22) to bring extra revenue

23) to run the tube services

24) to lead to disastrous losses

25) to refer the matter to the court

Text 2. Scatter Diagrams


to scatter 1. разбрасывать 2. посыпать 3. рассеивать
a scatter diargam диаграмма рассеивания
to coincide 1. совпадать 2. соответствовать, равняться
slope 1. наклон, скат; 2. иметь наклон
to slope up подниматься плавно вверх
to slope down опускаться вниз
suggestive подающий мысль, предлагающий объяснение, вызывающий мысль
conclusive убедительный, окончательный, заключительный, решающий
sufficient достаточный
sufficiently достаточно
to infer 1. заключать, делать заключение, вывод 2. означать, подразумевать
in spite of вопреки, несмотря на
shortly 1. вскоре 2. коротко, сжато 3. отрывисто, резко



Ø to make smb do smth – to force smb to do smth

Ø shortly – soon

Ø to infer – to conclude

Ø in spite of – despite



Ø to slope up – to slope down

Ø suggestive – conclusive

Ø sufficient(ly) – insufficient(ly)


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) the relation between tube fare and real revenue

2) measured at 1973 prices

3) to be confident about one’s future

4) correct for inflation

5) the years of the highest revenue

6) expressed in 1973 prices

7) to compensate for the fact

8) in real terms

9) to capture the relation

10) associated with the highest revenue

11) to make total revenue go down

12) in spite of higher prices

13) the analysis is suggestive

14) to reduce passenger use

15) to obtain the revenue from selling tube fares

16) to make the revenue go down

17) parking charges

18) to abandon cars in favour of buses

19) to reduce passenger use



Text 1. The Market


intermediary посредник
stockbroker биржевой брокер
on behalf of smb в интересах кого– либо, от имени кого– либо
transaction дело, сделка
to transact 1. вести дела 2. заключать сделки
to transact business on behalf of clients вести дела, заключать сделки от имени клиентов
the quantity transacted syn. the quantity traded  
auction n аукцион, торг
to auction v продавать с аукциона
antique auction аукцион антикварных вещей
to bid (against) делать конкурентное предложение
superficial поверхностный, неглубокий, внешний
superficially внешне
Demand, Supply and Equilibrium  
to conceive постигать, понимать, представлять себе
conceivable мыслимый, постижимый, возможный
at each conceivable price при каждой возможной цене
to charge the price назначить цену (требовать)
finite ограниченный, имеющий предел
a finite amount определенное ограниченное количество
to admit 1. допускать, принимать 2. впускать, позволять 3. допускать, соглашаться
admission 1. доступ 2. плата за вход 3. принятие, допущение 4. признание
admission fee вступительный взнос
decay распад, разрушение, упадок


Ø exact – precise

Ø simultaneously – at the same time

Ø to charge the price – to set the price

Ø apart – separately

Ø superficially – on the surface

Ø to exceed – to be greater than

Ø lucrative – profitable



Ø exact – inexact

Ø essential – unimportant

Ø to concentrate on smth – to pay no attention to

Ø admission – expulsion

Ø precise – inexact

Ø lower – upper

Ø to advance – to retreat

Ø to be relevant to – to bear no relation to


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to adopt a definition

2) to bring together buyers and sellers

3) to operate through intermediaries

4) to make a purchase

5) other things equal

6) increasingly lucrative

7) to balance the quantities supplied and demanded

8) supply and demand

9) to involve buyers in forced purchases

10) to react to unsold stocks

11) to eliminate excess demand

12) to charge the price

13) to guide resource allocation

14) to exchange goods and services

15) to bid against each other

16) to perform an economic function

17) at each conceivable price

18) a fall in household incomes

19) to get sick from smth

20) to have a negative slope

21) to approach the problem diagrammatically



Ø inferior goods – low quality goods

Ø nasty – ugly

Ø convenience – comfort

Ø custom – tradition

Ø to single out – to point out, to distinguish

Ø to embrace – to include

Ø ensuing – following

Ø to ensue – to result

Ø adverse – unfavourable

Ø stringent – strict, obligatory

Ø to show – to depict

Ø to expand – to increase, to make or grow larger

Ø efficient – well– managed, profitable

Ø justified – correct, reasonable

Ø only – merely

Ø to persuade – to induce

Ø to ruin – to destroy

Ø probably – likely

Ø to prevent smb from doing smth – to stop smb from doing smth

Ø a process – a way

Ø to extract – to dig out

Ø to protect – to prevent harm

Ø shipping – delivery

Ø constant – stable – unchanging

Ø nasty – unpleasant


Ø prohibit – allow

Ø nasty – beautiful, wonderful, nice, good

Ø precisely – loosely

Ø inputs – outputs

Ø private – public

Ø raw – finished

Ø to impose regulations – to remove regulations

Ø probably – unlikely

Ø profitable – unprofitable

Ø adverse – favourable


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to shift the PPF outwards

2) to discuss smth in (greater) detail

3) efficient producer

4) to make a profit

5) to expand output

6) to work overtime

7) to provide an incentive to produce more

8) to slope upward (downward)

9) to shift the curve to the right (left)

10) total cost

11) improvements in packaging techniques

12) faster shipping

13) better refrigeration

14) to enable the firm to supply more

15) production methods

16) the development of disease– resistant seeds

17) improved weather forecasting

18) timing of planting and harvesting

19) a reduction in input prices

20) to induce firms to produce more

21) to destroy the crop

22) ensuing scarcity

23) an adverse technological change for produces

24) to extract surface mineral deposits



Ø to seek – to look for

Ø to give up – to quit, to stop



Ø rarely – frequently

Ø upward – downward

Ø straight – crooked

Ø positive – negative

Ø include – omit

Ø brevity – length

Ø negligible – substantial, serious


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) hypothetical numbers

2) a trivial cut in the price

3) a negligible effect

4) to measure commodities in different units

5) to examine the percentage change




Text 2

marginal rate of substitution предельный уровень замещения
utility полезность
total utility общая полезность
to comprise содержать
to be reluctant воздержаться
to gain получать
robust 1. крепкий, прочный; 2. здравый, ясный (об уме) 3. грубый, шумный
robust reasoning серьезное обоснование
sufficiently plausible довольно вероятно
diminishing marginal rate of substitution убывающая предельная норма замещения
successive increasing последовательное увеличение
common–sense reasoning здравая аргументация
indifference curve кривая безразличия



Ø to maximize – to make the most of

Ø to rank – to put, arrange in order

Ø environment – surroundings

Ø to yield – to give, to produce

Ø to pick out – to choose

Ø to afford – to be able to buy

Ø to sacrifice – to give up

Ø unaffordable – beyond one’s financial means

Ø reasoning – explanation


Ø apart – together

Ø affordable – unaffordable

Ø to gain – to loose

Translate into Russian and practice:

1) marginal rate of substitution

2) to prefer more to less

3) to sacrifice abundant films for scarce meals

4) to change total utility

5) to tend to increase utility

6) to hold utility constant

7) to give up some good in exchange for another

8) to obtain the same amount of utility

9) to be reluctant to sacrifice smth

10) a robust reasoning

11) a wide range of circumstances

12) to obtain successive equal increases in the quantity of a good

13) to remain unaltered

14) to gain a meal

15) common – sense reasoning

16) diminishing marginal rate of substitution

17) successive increase

18) to rank alternative bundles according to



Text 2. Earnings

cost цена, стоимость, себестоимость
cost of capital стоимость капитала (измеряется нормой процента на используемый капитал)
cost of flotation стоимость размещения акций и облигаций
cost of sales себестоимость реализованной продукции
cost of living прожиточный минимум
costs pl. расходы, издержки, затраты
alternative costs альтернативные издержки производства
depreciable costs 1. амортизируемая стоимость; 2. стоимость основного капитала
depreciation costs амортизационные расходы
factor costs факторные издержки (по труду и капиталу)
opportunity costs издержки неиспользованных возможностей, альтернативные издержки
shareholders держатели акций
retained earnings нераспределенная прибыль
the firm’s net worth чистая стоимость фирмы
revenue выручка, валовой доход
marginal revenue предельный доход
revenues pl. государственные доходы, доходные статьи бюджета
industrial products revenues доход от производства продукции
tax revenues налоговые поступления
to lease сдавать в аренду
income statement (syn. profit and loss account) результативный счет, счет прибылей и убытков
net income чистый доход
corporation income tax налог с доходов корпорации


bill счет к оплате, перечисление сумм к выплате, счет, фактура, торговый контракт, декларация, вексель, трата, долг, обязательство
cash n кассовая наличность, монеты и бумажные деньги
cash flow движение денежной наличности
cash inflow приток денежных средств
cash outflow отток денежных средств
to cash получать наличные, продать, реализовывать
bound adj 1. связанный 2. обязанный, вынужденный З. непременный, обязательный
set up costs затраты на наладочные работы
to prosper процветать
capital n капитал, фонды
physical capital капитал в форме материальных активов, физический капитал
capital adj капитальный, основной, главный, самый важный
goods товар, товары, изделия, груз, багаж
durable goods товары длительного пользования
asset physical asset актив, статья актива, преимущество материальная статья актива
rental (s) сумма арендной платы, список арендаторов
subsequent последующий
subsequently впоследствии, потом, позже
spread n 1. разница, разрыв между ценами 2. спред, двойной опцион 3. рассеивание, разброс, диапазон отклонений 4. распределение, распределять
to spread v 1. развертывать, раскидывать, простирать, расстилать 2. давать отсрочку, отсрочить платеж
to undertake   предпринимать, брать на себя определенные обязательства, функции, гарантировать, ручаться
hence отсюда, с тех пор, следовательно
Opportunity cost and Accounting costs  
to hint намекать
to mislead вводить в заблуждение
to convince убеждать, уверять
to attach придавать, приписывать
to deduct the cost удержать стоимость
supernormal profit прибыль, превышающая норму
resale value стоимость перепроданного товара
to incur losses потерпеть убытки
to incur expense принимать на себя расходы
accounting costs бухгалтерские издержки


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) expenses incurred in producing goods or services

2) the excess of revenues over costs

3) the calculation of revenues

4) to hire people

5) to rent out people to other firms

6) to charge $10 per hour per worker

7) to lease an office

8) to buy advertising space

9) to show the income statement

10) net income before taxes

11) to pay bills immediately

12) an economic viewpoint

13) to make payments

14) the net amount of money received during the period

15) a poor cash flow

16) to be slow to pay bills

17) a healthy cash inflow

18) the cost of using

19) the cost of buying

20) the reduction in value of the good over a year

21) a purchase price

22) a large cash outflow

23) to plough profits back to business

24) to incur debts




Text l. The Overall Picture

cumbersome нескладный, обременительный
magnification увеличение, усиление
to blur сделать неясным, затемнить
to sneak ускользать, незаметно уходить
rail перила, ограда
The Issues  
to pose a question поставить вопрос
the percentage annual growth in the RPI процент годового роста индекса розничных цен
to mind about smth возражать против чего– либо
to seek the answer искать ответ
the unemployment rate уровень безработицы
to exclude исключать
heroin addict наркоман
greedy скупой, жадный
to claim требовать
wage claims требования повышения зарплаты
to create jobs создавать рабочие места
Gross national product (GNP) валовой национальный продукт
economic growth экономический рост
to levy taxes взимать налоги
to commission spending распределять затраты
to set a target поставить цель
to distinguish различать


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) to pose a question

2) to seek the answer

3) to be concerned with the overall picture

4) to piece together the microeconomic analysis of each and every market

5) the amount of magnification

6) to suppress the interaction with other markets

7) international competitiveness

8) to simplify the building blocks of the analysis

9) to focus on

10) they fit together and influence one another

11) the total demand for goods by households

12) the total spending on machinery and buildings

13) to bluer one’s notion of the individual details

14) to give one’s full attention to the whole picture

15) to keep inflation under control

16) to create jobs

17) the outcome of elections

18) policy measures, policy debate

19) to influence the money supply

20) the subject of lively debate

21) the country at large

22) the ensuing chapters

23) to set a target





Ø crucial – decisive

Ø subsequently – later

Ø benefit – advantage

Ø to benefit – to derive advantage from smth

Ø swap – swop – exchange

Ø account – payment

Ø invariable – fixed – immutable – firm



Ø borrow – lend

Ø assets – liabilities


Translate into Russian and practice:

1) the crucial feature of money

2) to exchange services for money

3) to buy goods in exchange for money

4) to trade goods directly

5) to swap goods for other goods

6) to make the trading process more efficient

7) legal tender

8) to quote prices

9) to keep accounts

10) to erode purchasing power

11) to repay the loan

12) to be obliged to pay

13) to be accepted as payment

14) to share by two people or more

15) to work smoothly and well


Text 2. Modern Banking


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