Data collection instruments and participants 

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Data collection instruments and participants

This part aims to present the participants, data collection procedure, and data collection instruments of the study. The data obtained from the students and the teachers in Suleyman Demirel University and at the same time the teachers and pupils from school named after Belinskiy situated in Kaskelen.

The research took place in the fall semester of 2015-2016 academic year and during internship program from 04.04.2016 to 30.04.2016.



The majority of teachers who took part in the research came from the Faculty of Philology and Language School Department of Suleyman Demirel University and teachers of the secondary school named after “Belinskiy”. All the teachers are experienced in teaching English a second language. The overall number of teachers is thirteen. In the same way the second part of teacher participants of the research were the subscribers who could share their opinion on implementing the Webquest site in teaching English. In the site I could hundreds of Webquest tasks and thousands of teachers actively reflected their thoughts on using the target site as one of the new techniques in teaching English as a second language.



The student participants of the research firstly, consisted of secondary school pupils with different background knowledge and different language levels. They were the pupils of 9th grades aged between 16-17. And secondly, the SDU students of the 2nd, and 3d year who were selected as one of the major participants, as the pupils from secondary school might have lacked in using different online resources in learning English as well as teachers, since teaching the target language in schools is really poor. Besides, adult learners can more accurately reflect on their learning and are able to actively participate in the investigation. The language level that participants possessed was elementary, pre-intermediate and intermediate.


Subscribers of the website

To determine the perceptions of advantages and disadvantages of using webquests for instruction, we have gathered the site’s subscribers’ shared ideas. Since there were lots of respondents we decided to summarize all of ideas and listed them. (See results section)



Professional literature

Being aware that there is much to be learnt from the various surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a particular issue I started examining them. I tried to read not only foreign scholars’ methodologies but also local coming from the USSR and Kazakhstan as well. However, I benefited mostly from the methodological implications proposed by foreigners as they seem to be active users of using internet resources as one of the modern ways in teaching.


One of my aims of gathering data was to find the teachers who are experienced in teaching English as a second foreign language. As a start, I observed the Practical English lessons in the 2nd course in faculty of philology and as well I had a chance to have some observations in Listening/Speaking and Reading/Writing classes. I participated in the lessons of three teachers of intermediate level working in a group of 10-12 students and upper-intermediate level 20 students. During observations I hoped to make notes on teachers’ using materials from the internet or their instructions on the task completion, assessment and any other new ways of teaching except traditional.As a result, I couldn’t get so much information on using online resources, however, I could gather sufficient information on techniques of classroom instruction. In order to gather information from the observation I have composed questions to be answered like: a) what are the common online sites where teacher takes the extra tasks from? b) How does the teacher encourage students to work independently and how does she/he organize learner-centered class? c) Does she/he motivate students to use online resources when preparing for home assignments? Does the teacher set tasks that will enhance developing students critical thinking skills? Mostly, I found answers to questions however, they were too basic and traditional.

Lesson observations in my opinion is one of the techniques which every teacher must follow as it gives the opportunity for the teacher to see in detail pros and cons of each lesson. As you attend the lessons you see and feel what went wrong and where do you have to make changes and you also feel the attitudes of students, their mood and relation to you as a teacher. During my lesson I tried to make some notes on the positive and negative moments of lessons.



The only interview I had conducted was among students aimed at finding out how do they usually learn English online and what are the typical websites among students to be measured as useful and effective in language learning. The questions were developed based on the literature review studies on the use of websites in learning to identify the learners’ interests and the skills they focus on when using these popular websites.


During my research I have conducted two questionnaires. 15 students and 21 pupils were distributed Questionnaire #1was conducted among students/pupils to reveal the attitudes of them towards different instructions implemented by teachers to teach English. In the same way, Questionnaire #2 was carried out among 15 teachers to reflect their thoughts on the effectiveness of using internet resources, specifically webquests as one of the effective tools in teaching English. The teacher participants were asked to express their opinion on each statement if they agree or disagree; And student participants were represented the range true / not true.


Experimental classes


In order to collect data, the instruments used in this study were the various types of tasks integrated in the web quest which was recognized by language teachers in institutions as well as other sectors, and shows that implementing those techniques can be effective at teaching English levels. The numerous advantages of web quests were described above one of the most significant being its motivational aspect in developing learner autonomy. It provides real situations in which students can use English. Students are expected to complete different kinds of collaborative tasks such as role plays, project-works, problem – solving task; Pre-test and post- test was also put into practice to compare the results before and after the experiment.

An experimental research design was used to accomplish the objectives of the study. The experimental study consists of pre-test-post-test and experimental and control-group. Comparison of pre-test and post –test scores allows the researcher to measure the effectiveness of the method used. A pre-experimental test on the knowledge of forthcoming topics was given to both groups and at the end of the lessons an attitude questionnaire was given to students in order to measure students’ attitudes.

This experiment was carried out at Belinskiy School situated in Kaskelen, Almaty. The participants of the study were 31 pupils 9th grade students groups A and B. Of the already existing groups, classroom 9/A was assigned as experimental, and 9/ B was assigned as control group. There were 15 students in the experimental group and 16 students in the control group. Both groups were trained by the same teacher in order to prevent the different teacher effect on the performance of the students. The researcher selected and prepared the materials activities to use in and out the English lessons. All materials and activities were prepared regarding the needs, interests and proficiency level of the students participating in the study. The activities were related to the subjects in the syllabus. All were supported with the present course book, English In Mind Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate level.


The student participants of the research firstly, consisted of secondary school pupils with different background knowledge and different language levels. They were the pupils of 9th grades aged between 16-17. The first day when I have started my internship I asked the teacher to give me tests, quizzes, exam papers of learners in order to count up learner’s average points from these exams and then identify their general level of knowledge. Participants of this research consist of 31 learners which were divided into two groups; experimental group (EG) where webquest technique was put into practice.

Method and the activities related to ELT with the use of WebQuest were applied and the in control group (CG) traditional methods where used.

The tasks were explained to learners during their classes. Learners in the control group were not provided with the Webquests but only traditional tasks described in the book. Conversely students in the experimental group were given assignments prepared beforehand by me as a webquest in the site. The aim of this was to see if students will be motivated by using webquests to study English and how will they benefit from it. Those inquiry based tasks: (posing questions, problems or scenarios) were given to students throughout 16 classes about 5 times. The following examples have been provided to demonstrate how tasks can be designed and differentiated according to the primary criteria of how much independent effort they require from the students.

As I have mentioned before pre and post test was conducted in order to see if the learners are interested in working with the internet.


Pre-experimental stage The first day when I have started my internship I asked the teacher to give me tests, quizzes, exam papers of learners in order to count up learner’s average points from these exams and then identify their general level of knowledge. Participants of this research consist of 31 learners which were divided into two groups; experimental group (EG) where webquest technique was put into practice and control group (CG)


In the Post-experimental stage using a webquest in the class I gave tests for learners which connected with the tasks from the Webquest in order to check their level of knowledge. According to the data obtained the results in performance of (EG) students was better than (CG) learners.

Results and perceptions of the students in groups

  Groups Average
Experimental Group   84,5
Control Group   61,22


It is shown that experimental application has contributed better to academic success of the learners. It can, therefore, be claimed that the experimental application has affected the academic success of the students positively at a significant level. According to the results we see that WebQuest develop critical thinking, motivation of learners, interest for the subject, work in groups. The learners are liked using the WebQuest during the lesson, and they don’t mind that a teacher using the WebQ uest in the classroom.

Description of tasks;

The tasks for the experimental class were different interesting themes. I was taken the themes from the book and considered the interest of learners too. I did five experimental tasks using webquest. There are “Cutting Trees” “If you had…” I want to be a flower” and the last one “Politeness” My learners working pairs, discuss with each other then they work in groups and they had individual work for home work.

The first task was about “Describing an ideal houses “Task: If you have a lot of money and could design yourself a dream house what would it be like? Think about the following factors then compare in groups. House or apartment. Size, number and functions of rooms, city Centre, countryside, country or region, space for entertaining, space for working. In the process: Read all the given information, try to memorize everything. If it is written to read the text its good if you make any notes. But if you made any mistakes do task again. Remember, practice make perfect. At the end you are make a presentation. Everything that is given at this lesson will help you to deal with the last task easily.

According to the evaluation from the table:

Presentation skills: the student as a whole doesn’t read presentation at all and makes eye contact. The student as a whole doesn’t read presentation too much and makes adequate eye contact. The student as a whole mostly reads presentation and makes little eye contact. The team as a whole reads presentation the entire time and makes no eye contact.

Content (Vocabulary and Grammar) All content uses most of the new words from the unit. Uses many of the new words from the unit. Uses some of the new words from the unit. Uses a few or none of the new words from the unit.

Time limit: Presentation as a whole is of appropriate length as indicated by the teacher. Presentation as a whole is a bit long or short in length as indicated by the teacher. Presentation as a whole is considerably too long in length as indicated by the teacher. Presentation as a whole is considerably too short in length as indicated by the teacher.

Communicates ideas and thoughts: Successfully communicates ideas and thoughts with language and register appropriate for the occasion. Often communicates ideas and thoughts with language and register appropriate for the occasion. Sometimes communicates ideas and thoughts with language and register appropriate for the occasion. Rarely attempts to communicate ideas and thoughts.

The second task about “Cutting Trees” Description: Nowadays, cutting trees is the most problem of the world. Task: Now, get your attention to the task. You are know that how to important our ecology for us. Think about it. And then answer the following questions.

1) Why we have this problem in our life?

2) How to solve this problem?

3) Write the advantages and disadvantages of cutting trees

And you should prepare presentation for this task.

Process: Find and read all the given additional information from the internet. Try to find creative information to solve the problem. You should an interesting presentation. In conclusion, I want to see that every person work with interesting on the task. I want to that every person to get useful information during the lesson. And lesson must be more interesting, more creative, and more useful.

The third task was about “If you had” Description: Imagine your perfect life. Task: Now, guys, get your attention to the task. Imagine yourself, If you had a lot of money and you can spend your money as you wish! What would it be like? Think about the following factors, discuss with your partner and don’t forget to prepare presentation on the task “If I had 2 million dollars”.

Process: Practice using your imagination. A few thoughts regarding imaginative practice that might help for you. 1) Do it when you have energy. Before you run out of mental gas in your long day, try to spend at least 10 minutes for the imagination. 2) Focus your imagination on something. Fine to let the mind wander but have some sort of intention focus or topic to start with. 3) Try to stick with your topic but allow your mind to wander away then to wander back. Try to remember what you have seen. 4) When you are done jot down a few notes in your notebook so you can remember what you experienced. 5) Spend some time thinking about what your imaginary visions are telling you. Do research if it makes sense. Replay your vision and thoughts about it to a good friend. Imagination is one of your most powerful thinking tools, use it, and practice it. Write everything that you wish. How to use you’re a lot of money and what would you like to buy?

In conclusion I want to see that every person work with interesting on the task. Work in pairs, group works and individual work. Therefore lesson must be interesting.

The forth task was about “ I want to be a flower “ Description: Describe your flower, which flower do you prefer? Task: Read a lot of information about flowers and their origin. Learn a lot of interesting and mysterious about them. For example, you know that every flower has unusual structure and each bud is about 50 petals that shimmer with different shades of colors have a velvety texture and indescribable fragrance? Find unusual properties. Then think about it, what kind of flowers you would like to be? and why? Do you know a lot of information about this flower? What kind of information? Why do you like it? At the end you are to make a presentation. Process: Read more and more information about this topic. Do practice with your language. Improve your speaking skills. If you find lots of information try to remember everything. It will help you make a presentation in a short time. If you know a lot of information about this task it will be more interesting during the lesson. In conclusion: I want to you know a lot of interesting and useful information around us. How many people are not being seen as beauty that we have around our lives. Imagine that you are the flower of the miracle of life with an indescribable beauty. Forget about the confusion. Immerse yourself in a fairy-tale life, in the warmth of life where there is only happiness and love. Believe in this tale as a small child. This will give you happiness and smiles.

The last one task was about “Politeness” Description: How to be a polite person

Task: Read the following text. Think about this situation. Do you have the same situation in your life? You must to find the same interesting situation. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. They must to do matching. Process: Speaking with partner and discuss these questions;

- 1) What culture do you think is the most polite?

- 2) Can politeness affect your success in life? How?

- 3) How important is it to be polite to older people even though they are often rude?

- 4) What do you think are some good manners?


Look at this situations. In groups and discuss. For example: In England people are very polite. When a person is walking with friends and accidentally stumble friends begin to apologize even though they are not to blame for them it is okay shows their culture and education but for us it is not familiar. 1) Do people do these things in your country. 2) Do you think it is good or bad manners to do these things For example: In my country we don’t kiss people when we meet them for the first time. You should make a presentation for the next lesson. The most important thing to show of us a polite and a rude person in the role play. It will be assessed. It is very important part for your homework.



This chapter provides information about the analysis of the results gathered from the teachers’ and students’ questionnaires, analysis of the data obtained from the teachers’ interviews, experimental lessons, observations, teacher subscribers’ opinion.


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