What are the most dramatic ecological problems of the world? 

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What are the most dramatic ecological problems of the world?

There is no doubt that our planet is in serious danger. Global warming, acid rains, air and water pollution, deforestation and the extinction of animals are the most dramatic ecological problems. They are the result of human activity. Our seas and oceans are filled with industrial and nuclear wastes. Our forests disappear because they are cut down or burnt. People hunt animals and destroy their habitats.

Climate change is the most dramatic environmental problem. The earth is already warmer than it was 100 years ago. Global warming is happening because we are putting too much carbon dioxide into the air. When there is a lot of carbon dioxide it traps more heat, so the earth is getting hotter. As a result we have hotter and drier summers, warmer and wetter winters, more storms and rainfall, extreme weather conditions and raising sea-levels.

If we don’t stop our harmful activities we may soon face the problem ”To be or not to be”.

Is our planet a safe place for animals?

Unfortunately, it’s not. Thousands of species have become extinct and many more are endangered. People hunt tigers for their valuable skins, Great Apes are killed for their meat, turtle and pandas are also hunted. Animal habitats are in danger. So, we need to take action to protect our wildlife.

What questions would you ask a Greenpeace member?

Why did you decide to become a Greenpeace member?

What have you already done to protect nature?

Do you have any positive results of your activity?


A friend of yours wants to become a “greener” person. Give him or her a piece of advice.

Being “green” means following the four R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Respect. First of all, we should save energy and water at home. We can use energy-saving light-bulbs, take a shower and not a bath, walk or ride a bike to school. Secondly, we should recycle or reuse paper, books, plastic bags and bottles or even mobile phones. And finally, everybody should respect our planet and do everything possible to save it.

What ecological problems does Belarus face?

Our country faces many ecological problems. Belarus has suffered greatly from Chernobyl disaster in 1986. About 20% of its soils are unfit for farming because of the radioactive contamination. Some territories are even unfit for living.

One of the other problems in Belarus is the irrational use of energy and resources.



23. Let’s talk about weather and climate

Let’s talk about weather and climate. What is your favourite season and what is the weather like during this season?

Frankly speaking, I prefer summer to any other season. In June the trees and flowers are in full blossom. The fields and meadows are very beautiful, the grass is green. It is warm and even hot. People enjoy bathing in the river or in the lake. It is very pleasant to lie on the sandy beach and sunbathe.

It may seem strange but I like winter. I enjoy skating and skiing. We can have a lot of fun making snowmen with our friends.

Are you weather dependent?

I think I’m too young to be weather dependent. But on some days when the weather is cloudy or rainy I can feel bad.

What questions will you ask your British friend about the weather in his country?

What activities can you advise your friend to do in different seasons?

Winter is a great time for winter sports like skiing, skating or playing hockey. In summer you can go hiking, camping or fishing. You can enjoy nature and sleep under the stars. In autumn it ‘s great to go to the forest and pick berries or mushrooms.

5) English people say ‘There’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes’. What do you think about it?

I agree with the statement that 'There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes'. It means that English people like all the seasons, all kinds of weather. I also enjoy all the seasons of the year.


24. Let’s talk about Belarus.

1) Let’s talk about Belarus. What can you tell me about our Motherland?

The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe. The capital is the city of Minsk. Belarus borders Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. Its population is about 10 million. Belarus is made up of 6 regions with the major cities of Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk.

There are two versions of the origin of the name of Belarus. According to one of them the white clothes of the ancient people, their fair hair and the whiteness of their skin gave the name to our republic. The other version says that the old Rus lands were not conquered by the Tatars and were described as “ white” or free.

The black pages of Belarusian history tell us about terrifying wars which took place on its territory. For example, World War II wiped out one third of the country’s population.

The natural world of our republic is a mixture of forests, swamps and grasslands. There are also numerous lakes and rivers. That’s why Belarus is often called the blue-eyed country.

2) Do you know any symbols of our country?

Our state symbols are the National Flag, and the National Emblem. The National Flag has two stripes: the red one and the green one. The green stripe is a symbol of our green forests. Besides, the other symbols of our republic are a bison, a white stork and a cornflower.

3) What questions about Belarus do you expect to hear from a British teenager?

4) What Belarusian sights would you advise a foreigner to visit?

There are many places of interest in our republic. A lot of them are connected with the Great Patriotic War. One of the most impressive is the memorial in Khatyn, a village burnt together with all its inhabitants by the fascists. There are many historical places in the town of Polotsk, some of them are connected with Francisk Skaryna, and with Efrosinia Polotskaya.

The popular tourist destinations are Mir and Nesvizh Castles. They are unique monuments of Belarusian architecture.

5) Name 5 things connected with our country that you are proud of?

Belarus has a number of national parks. Our swamps are called ” the lungs of Europe” and our forests have some of the oldest trees in Europe.

There are four World Heritage Sights in our country. They are the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Mir and Nesvizh Castles and the Struve Arc.

We are also proud of our famous Belarusians. (Add information about some of them)

25. Let’s talk about Great Britain.

1) Let’s talk about Great Britain. What do you know about this country?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the British Isles.

The capital of Great Britain is London. The population of the country is about 60 million. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and one of the most beautiful cities in Great Britain. `Cardiff is the capital of Wales, and `Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

Birmingham is the second largest city in Great Britain. Manchester and Leeds are the centres of the British `textile industry. Glasgow and Liverpool are big seaports. The most famous educational centres in Great Britain are Oxford and Cambridge. They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe.

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary `monarchy, and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the government with a Prime minister at the head.

2) What part of Great Britain would you like to visit? Why?

I would like to visit the lakes of Great Britain. There are a lot of lakes in Scotland and in England. The most famous is Loch Ness. It is famous for its monster, though nobody knows if it really exists. The Lake District in the north-west of England is known for its beauty. There are 16 lakes there. It’s a very good place for holiday-makers and I would like to have a holiday there too.

What would you like to ask a British teenager about Britain?

Give me a piece of advice on what souvenirs to get in the UK.

You can buy some traditional things like Royal Guard soldiers or a red bus. For a tea lover you can bring an English teapot. If you have friends who study English, you can buy them a DVD with a film in English.


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