Standard-bearer of the great phyle of his majesty 

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Standard-bearer of the great phyle of his majesty

Stela of the troop-commander, Huy, Cairo Inv. 5-11/24-9[5761]



TAw sryt n sA n Hm.f


Standard-bearer of the phyle of his majesty

Theban tomb of the overseer of the deserts on the west, Dedi, no. 200[5762]



TAw sryt n nb tAwy n sA ra n HqAw

Standard-bearer of the lord of the two lands of the phyle Re-en hekau

Stela of the standard-bearer, Anuya Kelekian collection[5763]



TAw sryt n sA HqA iwn


Standard-bearer of the phyle of “ruler of On”

Stela of the standard-bearer, Panehsy, now in Vienna[5764]



TAw sryt n tA Xnyt

Standard-bearer of the sailors

Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[5765]



TAw sryt n dpt nsw mry-Imn

Standard-bearer of royal ship “Beloved of Amun”

Theban tomb of the chief of police, Neb-amun, no. 90[5766]; Stela of Neb-amun, from Thebes[5767]



TAw sHtpy



Graffito at Sehel[5768]


TAw sHtpy n nsw

Censer-bearer of the king.

Statue of the priest, Amen-hotep, now in Rhode Island[5769]


2142- var.

TAw tkm

Tkm - bearer [5770]

Sea People Campaign, Medinet Habu[5771]; Pap. Harris I, 8,10[5772].


TAw Tbwt n sA nsw

Sandal-bearer of the king’s son

Stela of the sandal-bearer, Amen-em-wia, Liverpool no. 25[5773]


2144- ; var.

TA ty


Theban tomb of Sennufer [5774]; Theban tomb of the vizier, Amenemopet no. 29[5775]; Ostracon of Ramesses-nakht, Cairo CGC. 25, 344[5776]; stela of the vizier, Djehuty-mose, Florence no. 2565[5777].


2145- var. , , ;

; ;



Pap. Lans., 4,5[5778]; Pap. Anast. III, 6,8[5779]; Gurob Fragments Z, rt. x+3[5780]; Pap. Anast. I, 26, 4[5781]; Pap. Amiens vs. 2, x+4; vs. 2, x+7[5782]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XIII vs.1:18, 19[5783]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XIV vs. 2:25-26[5784]; Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XVI vs. 6:1-4, 8:11, 15[5785]; Ostracon Deir el-Medineh 240[5786]; Turin Necropolis Journal vs. A9:11[5787]



Tbw nsw


Royal Sandale-maker

Stela of Nekht-kha, Cairo CGC. 34069[5788]; Stela Cairo Museum CGC. 34080[5789]



Tbw m Hwt nbw n pr PtH

Sandal-maker in the temple of Ptah

Stela of the sandle-maker, Khonsu, Stokholm[5790]



Tbw n tA Hwt Wsr-mAat-ra Mry-Imn

Sandale-maker of the temple of User-maat-re Mery-Amun

Pap. BM. 10068, pl. XVII rt. 2:15-16[5791]; pl. XVIII rt. 5:16[5792]



Tbw nTr

Sandale-maker of the god

Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Amen-em-hat, no. 97[5793]


2150- var. ,




Ostracon Deir el-Medineh 354[5794]; Ostracon Deir el-Medineh 352[5795]; W. Theban graffiti, nos. 234, 235, 308, 484, 563, 853[5796], 1390[5797], 2073, 2111, 2168[5798]; Theban tomb of the sculptor Nakht-amun, no. 335[5799].



Tsw aHaw nw ^maw &A-mHw

Commander of the fleet of Upper and Lower Egypt

Theban tomb of the chief of police, Neb-amun, no. 90[5800]


Tsw pDt

Commander of the troops

Dark-grey granite sarcophagus of Prince Ramessu, Cairo J. 72203[5801]; Pink granite sarcophagus, Cairo J. 30707 + 46764[5802]



Tsw pDt n mnfAt

Commander of the troops of infantry

Statuette of the general, Ramesses-sneb, Edinburh, Royal Scottish Museum 1954.261[5803]


Tsw pDt n mSa Qn

Commander of the troops ofthe brave army

Stela of Hatiary, Cairo J'dE 43649, from Abydos[5804]



Tsw pDt n nb tAwy

Commander of the troops of the lord of the two lands

Door jamb, Beth-shan[5805]; Two statues of Prince Pa-Ra-mesu son of Seti I, found in Karnak[5806]




Tsw mnmnt n pr Imn

Gatherer of cattle of the house of Amun

Pap. Lans. 7,6[5807]



Tsw n mnnw n Abw

Commander of the fortress of Elephantine

Theban tomb of the vizier, Rekh-mi-re, no. 100[5808]





2158- var.



Pap.Sall. IV, vs.4,2[5809]


Dsrw m aH


Sacred in the palace

Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[5810]




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