Scribe of the great and noble Necropolis 

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Scribe of the great and noble Necropolis

Pap. Leiden I 369, rt. 1[4692]; Pap. Turin unnumbered, 1[4693]; Pap. BM. 10417, rt.1[4694]; Pap. Phillipps, vs. 11[4695]; Pap. Leiden I 370, rt. 1[4696]



SS n pA xr aA Sps Hr imnt Wast

Scribe of the great and noble Necropolis on Western Thebes

Pap. Turin Unnumbered, rt.1[4697]




SS n pA xr aA Sps HH rnpwt n pr-aA

Scribe of the great and noble Necropolis of millions of years of pharaoh


Pap. Bibl. Nat. 197, IV rt. 1[4698]; Pap. BM. 10326, 1[4699], vs. 6[4700]; Pap. Phillipps, rt.1[4701]; Pap. Turin 1971, rt.1[4702]; Pap. Geneva D. 407, rt.1; vs. 20[4703]; Pap. BM. 10300, rt.1[4704]


sS n pA Hm nTr tpy Imn


Scribe of chief priest of Amun

Pap. BM. 10053, pl. XVII rt. 1:17[4705]



sS n pA xr


Scribe of the necropolis

Pap. Turin Cat. 1881, vs. 6:1[4706]; Pap. Turin Cat. 1900, vs. 2:1, 2:5, 2:8[4707]


sS n pA xtm

Scribe of theTreasury

Pap. ESP, A5[4708]



sS n pA sA aA

Scribe of the great phyle

Stela of the scribe, Tusy, Cairo CGC. 34073[4709].

1798 -

sS n pA sA aA n Imn


Scribe of the great phyle of Amun

Stela of the scribe, Tusy, Cairo CGC. 34073[4710].


1799- var.

SS n pr aA

Scribe of Pharaoh

Stela of the scribe of Pharaoh, Hori, Berlin 2081[4711]; Pap. BM. 10054, pl. VII vs. 1:3[4712]; Abbott Pap. BM. 10221, pl. I rt. 2:5[4713]



SS n prwy HD


Scribe of the double treasury

Pap. Anast. VI, 37[4714]; 51[4715], 62[4716]


SS n pr MAat


Scribe of Temple of Maat

Stela of the scribe, Maaya, Hildesheim 1083[4717]


1802- var.

sS n pr xr aA Sps


Scribe of the great and noble Necropolis.

Pap. Bibl. Nat. 196 II, rt. 2[4718]; Pap. Geneva D. 192, rt.1[4719]; Pap. Griffith, rt. 1[4720]



sS n pr xr aA Sps HH rnpwt n pr-aA


Scribe of the great and noble Necropolis of millions of years of pharaoh

Pap. Griffith, rt. 1[4721]; Pap. Bibl. Nat. 196 II, rt.1[4722]


1804- var.

SS nfrw

Scribe of recruits

Theban tomb of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, no. 78[4723]; Graffitti of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, at Konosso[4724]; Stela of the treasury scribe, Min-hotep, from Abusir, now in Cairo[4725]; Statuette of the scribe of recruits, Men, Cairo 901[4726]; Tomb-blocks of Siese, Cairo Museum[4727]; Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[4728]; Tomb of the scribe of recruits, May, at el-Amarna[4729]; Tomb of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, Cairo 583[4730]; Statue of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, from Karnak, Cairo 42127[4731]; Fragment of a sitting statue of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, BM. 103[4732]; Tomb-blocks of Siese, Cairo Museum[4733]; Red-granite sarcophagus lid of Setau, BM. 78[4734]; Stela of the overseer of the army scribes, Sety, Turin 172[4735]; Block-statue of An-her-mose, Cairo 582[4736].



SS nfrw n nb tAwy

Scribe of the recruits of the lord of the two lands

Stela of the army scribe, Khaa-mtir, BM. 139[4737]; Tomb of the high priest of Onuris, An-her-mose, at Nagaa el-Mesheikh[4738]; Block-statue of An-her-mose, Cairo 1136[4739]; Statue of User-khaa-nakht, Leiden D. 37[4740]


sS nfrw Hwt Wsr-MAat-Ra %tp-n-Ra m pr Imn

Scribe of recruits of the Ramessum

Theban tomb of the scribe ofrecruits, Neb-mehyt, no. 170[4741]



SS n Mn-Nfr

Scribe of Memphis

Stela of the overseer of the storehouse, Peru-nefer, from Saqqara, Cairo 34050[4742]


SS n nA mrw pr Imn

Scribe of the weavers of the temple of Amun

Pap. BM. 10053, pl. XVIII rt. 4:3[4743]


SS n nb tAwy

Scribe of the lord of the two lands

Two Ushabti figures of the overseer of retainers, Khnum-em-hab, Sedment[4744]; Doorjamb of the scribe, Amen-nakht, Ramesseum[4745]



SS n nb tAwy m pr Ra

Scribe of the lord of the two lands in the temple of Re

Stela of the scribe of the king, Mama, Hildesheim 983[4746]



sS n nsw m t(A) Hwt Wsr-MAat-Ra %tp-n-Ra m pr Imn


Royal scribe of the Ramessum

Graffito of the royal scribe, Djehuty, Temple of Sahure, Abusir[4747]


SS n Hwt-nTr m pr PtH

Temple Scribe in the temple of Ptah

Relief of the mayor of Memphis, Ptah-mose, Florence 2557[4748]




sS n xnr m @wt-kA-PtH

Scribe of the harim in Memphis

Statue of Her-min, Leiden D. 38[4749]


SS n Xnw


Scribe of the Residence

Pap. BM. 10053 rt. pl. XVII, 1:11[4750]



SS n sA nsw


Scribe of the royal son

Theban tomb of the viceroy of Kush, Huy, no. 40[4751]


sS nsw


Royal scribe

Group-statue of Min-mose, from Nebesheh[4752]; Statue of Min-mose, from Karnak[4753]; Inscription of Min-mose in Turah[4754]; Statue of Min-mose from Medamud[4755]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Djehuty-nefer, no. 80[4756]; Stela of Min-hotep from Abusir[4757] A statue- base of Nefer-hotep, from Deir el-Bahari, BM. no. 40964[4758]; Theban tomb of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, no. 78[4759]; Graffitti of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, at Konosso[4760] Statue of the viceroy of Kush, Amenhotep, from Deir el-Medineh[4761]; Statue of Amen-hotep son, of Hapu, Cairo 583[4762]; Statue of Amenhotep, son of Hapu, from Karnak, Cairo 42127[4763]; Statue of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu,[4764] Cairo Museum[4765]; Fragment of a sitting statue of Amen-hotep, son of Hapu, BM. 103[4766]; Statuette of the scribe of recruits, Men, Cairo 901[4767]; Golden bowl of the general, Djehuty, Louvre no. 358[4768]; Theban tomb of the general, Djehuty[4769]; Theban tomb of the general, Thanuni, no. 74[4770]; Theban tomb of Amun-em-hat[4771]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the granaries, Min-nakht, no. 87[4772]; Statue of the royal barber, Si-Bastet, now in Cairo[4773]; Stela of Hori, from Amarah west, BM. no. 1784[4774]; Graffiti of the troop-commander of Kush, Bak-en-seth, south of temple, Buhen[4775]; Stela of the royal butler, Ptah-em-wia, National Museum, Stockholm, NME. 57[4776]; Tomb of the overseer of the harem, Mery-re II, at el-Amarna; Tomb of the overseer of the harem, Huya, at el-Amarna[4777]; Tomb of Pentu, at el-Amarna[4778]; Tomb of Ipy, at el-Amarna[4779]; Tomb of the scribe of recruits, May, at el-Amarna[4780]; Tomb 24, at el-Amarna[4781]; Tomb of Ramesses, at el-Amarna[4782]; Votive stela of Thay, BM. 29748[4783]; Two fragmentary statues, found in Balansourah[4784]; Stela of the vicerory, Amenhotep, in the Ashmolean Museum[4785]; Stela of the overseer of the treasury, Montu-em-tawy, from Deir el-Medinah[4786]; Stela of the royal butler, Hori, BM. 588[4787]; Stela of the royal butler, Hori, from Deir el-Medinah[4788]; Plaque of the royal secretary, Ramesses-user-her-khepesh, UCL[4789]; Statue base of the general, User-maat-re-seneb[4790]; Tomb of the high steward, Kha-em-waset in Heliopolis[4791]; Stela of the general, heq-mare-nakht, from Qurna[4792]; Door-lintel of User-maat-re-nakht, from Hermopolis[4793]; Tomb of Prince Ramesses Montu-her-Khepsh-ef, no. 19, Valley of kings[4794]; Palette of Nakht-min, BM. 12786[4795]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Kenamun, no. 93[4796]; Theban tomb of the royal scribe, Sen-em-Iah, no. 127[4797]; Sinai 217[4798]; Sinai 219[4799]; Sinai 220[4800]; Sinai 221[4801]; Sinai 259[4802]; Sinai 295[4803]; Sinai 321[4804]; Theban tomb of royal herald, Iamu-nedjeh, no. 84[4805]; Pap. Amiens 2,2[4806]; 2,7[4807]; 3:11[4808]; vs. 2, x + 6[4809]; vs. 2 x + 11[4810]; vs. 2 x + 13[4811]; Theban tomb of overseer of the granary, Ka-em-hat, no. 57[4812]; Wine-Jar sealing, from Malkata, nos. 15, 25, 39, 78, 93, 95, 96, 101, 104, 121, 130, 132, 136, 139, 140, 142, 143, 143A, 149, 160, 161, 171, 184, 192, 203, 220, 237, 238, 239, 240, [4813]; Stela of the viceroy, Amen-hotep, now in the Ashmolean Museum[4814]; Statue of the royal high steward in Memphis, Amen-hotep, BM. no. 632[4815]; Stela of the high steward, Ipy, in Leningrad [4816]; Theban tomb of a royal tutor[4817], no. 226[4818]; Theban tomb of the overseer of the palace, Nefer-sekheru, no. 107[4819]; Stela of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, from Karnak[4820]; Stela of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, BM. no. 123[4821]; Statuette of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, from the “Cachette” in Karnak, Cairo 42128[4822]; Statue of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, Louvre A. 50[4823]; Statue of the high steward, Amen-em-hat, Louvre A 51[4824]; A Statue group of the prince, Nakht-min, Cairo 779[4825]; Tomb-blocks of Siese, Cairo Museum[4826]; Tomb of Pentu, at el-Amarna[4827]; Tomb of the overseer of the harim, Meryre II, at el-Amarna[4828], Tomb of Tutu, at el-Amarna[4829]; Tomb of the General in chief, Her-em-hab, Saqqara[4830]; Statuette of the overseer of the granary, Siese, from Abydos, Brussels no. E. 4069[4831]; Double statue of Iuny, from Deir Durunka, Asyut[4832]; Theban tomb-chapel of the tomb-scribe, Amen-em-opet, no. 215[4833]; Graffiti of the viceroy, Huy, Aswan[4834]; Theban tomb-chapel of Nefer-sekhru, Zawiyet el-Maitin[4835]; Statue-base of the viceroy, Setau, from el-Kab, Cairo 885[4836]; Statue of the viceroy, Setau, from Gerf Husein, Berlin 2283[4837]; Stela of Setau, from Wadi el-Sbua, Cairo 41395[4838]; Granite sarcophagus fragments of the overseer of the treasury, Amen-mose, from Thebes[4839]; Statue of the overseer of the treasury, Panehsy, BM. 1377[4840]; Statue of Panehsy, Berlin 4508[4841]; Ostracon Gardiner 86[4842]; Ushabti-figure of Panehsy, Berlin 2313[4843]; Statutte of Suti, From Karnak “Cachette”, Cairo 42172[4844]; Statue of Suti, Copenhagen, Glyptothek Ny Carlsberg, AEIN 584[4845]; Tomb of Suti, at el-Khawaled[4846]; Block statue of the overseer of the granary, Siese, Louvre A. 47[4847]; Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Nefer-menu, no. 184[4848]; Four pillars of the mayor of Memphis, Ptah-mose, Leiden K 10-13[4849]; Papyrus column, from Saqqara[4850]; Cube-statue of the royal steward, Pa-hery, Brussels E. 8063[4851]; Theban tomb of the high steward, Neb-su-menu, no. 183[4852]; Stela of the high steward, Yuy, Berlin 2080[4853]; Fragments from tomb-chapel of the high steward of the Ramesseum, Her-em-hab, Saqqara[4854]; Stela of the high steward of the Ramesseum, Ur-khya, Avignon A.4[4855]; Stela of Ur-khya, Brimingham 134.72[4856]; Block statue of the high steward, Yupa, Cairo 567[4857]; Statue of Yupa, Berlin 24022[4858]; Block statue of the royal secretary, Amen-em-ene, Ermitage Mus. no. 11[4859]; Stela of the royal scribe, Nefer-renpet, Hildsheim 492[4860]; Block statue of the royal table scribe, Amen-mose, Cairo 42,169[4861]; Tomb of the general, Sety, Sedment[4862]; Statue of the overseer of horse, Sety, Louvre A. 70[4863]; Block statue of the charioteer, Merenptah, from Nebesheh[4864]; Stela of the overseer of the army scribes, Sety, Turin 172[4865]; Stela of the chief of the royal builders, Paser, BM. 165[4866]; Faзade of chapel-niche, Sisila[4867]; Graffito of the viceroy of Nubia, Messuy, Aswan[4868]; Ramesses Temple, Beit el-Wali[4869]; Statue of the overseer of the granary, Siese (younger), Vienna no. 34[4870]; Stela of the the royal envoy, Wen-nefer, BM. 154[4871]; Statue-group of the chief table scribe, Hori, Louvre A. 68[4872]; Tomb of the high priest of Onuris, An-her-mose, at Nagaa el-Mesheikh[4873]; Block-statue of An-her-mose, Cairo 582[4874]; Statue of User-khaa-nakht, Leiden D. 37[4875]; Second Libyan war texts, Medinet Habu[4876]; Graffito of the troop-commander of Kush, Bak-en-seth, S. Temple of Buhen[4877]; Stela of the royal butler, Ptah-em-wia, Stockholm, NME. 57[4878]; Theban tomb of the priest of amun, Amen-em-opet, no. 148[4879]; Scene of the treasurer, Pairy, W. Silsila[4880]; Freestanding block stela of the overseer of the treasury, Thya, Cairo 89624[4881]; Pap. Sall. IV, vs. 18,2[4882]; Pap. Cairo, Cat. no. 58053[4883]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25744[4884]; Stela of the high priest of Amen-re, Pa-ankh, from Abydos[4885]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 25745[4886]; Pap. BM. 9901, 1[4887]




SS nsw imyw wrt



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