Overseer of the granaries of all gods of Upper and Lower Egypt 

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Overseer of the granaries of all gods of Upper and Lower Egypt

Theban tomb of the royal Secretary, Thay, no. 23[1195]



im y-r S nwty n Hmt nsw mwt nsw IaH-Htp

Overseer of the granaries of the royal wife and royal mother Iaah-hotep.

Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary of the royal wife, Hery, no. 12[1196]



im y-r S nwty n Htpw nTr n Imn

Overseer of the granaries of the divine offerings of Amun

Theban tomb of the mayor of Thebes, Hau-nefer, no. 385[1197]


440- var. ;

im y-r S nwty n ^maw &A-mHw

Overseer of the granaries of Upper and Lower Egypt

Chapel of Min-nakht, at West Silsileh[1198]; Graffitti of the scribe of recruits, Her-em-heb, at Konosso[1199]; Block statue of the overseer of the granary, Siese, Louvre A 47[1200]; Theban tomb of the high steward of Amun, Amen-em-ope, no. 41[1201]; Theban tomb of the high steward of Amun, Thutmose, no. 32[1202]; Statue-group of Thutmose, Cairo 549[1203]; Naos-statue of the wab-priest of Osiris, Men-maat-re em-hab, from Abydos, Boston MFA 00.690[1204]; Statue of the overseer of the granary, Siese (younger), Vienna no. 34[1205]; Wooden statue of Siese, from Assiut, Brooklyn Mus. no. 47.120.2[1206]; Granite anthropoid sarcophagus of Siese, from Deir Drunka, Assiut[1207]



441- var.

im y-r S nwty ^maw &A-mHw

Overseer of the granaries of Upper and Lower Egypt

Theban tomb of the royal herald, Iamu-nedjeh, no. 84[1208]; Statuette of the overseer of the granary Siese, from Abydos, Brussels no. E. 4069[1209]



imy-r qdw m Axt itn

Overseer of builders in Akhetaten

Door from private house at el-Amarna, Berlin 20376[1210]



imy-r qdw m mnw nb(w) n Hm. f


Overseer of builders in all the monuments of his majesty

Door from private house at el-Amarna, Berlin 20376[1211]



Imy-r qdw n nb tAwy

Overseer of builders of the lord of the two lands

Stela of the chief of the royal builders, Paser, BM. 165[1212]


445- var. ; ,

im y-r kAt

Overseer of works

Sinai 200[1213], Statue of the butler, Min-mose, from Karnak[1214]; Theban tomb of the overseer of works, Pa-heka-men, no. 343[1215]; Statue of the mayor of Fayum, Sobek-hotep[1216], Berlin 11635[1217]; Stela of the vizier, Pa-re-hotep, Cairo 48845[1218]; Statue of the high steward, Yupa, Berlin 24022[1219]; Graffito of the troop-commander, Neb-nakht, Sehel[1220]; Graffito of Neb-nakht, Kafranarti[1221]; Graffito of Neb-nakht, Hassawanarti[1222]; Monument of the chief of police, Amen-em-one, Naples Mus. 1069[1223]; Theban tomb of the high priest of Amun, Neb-wenn-ef, no. 157[1224]; Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Nefer-hotep (the younger), no. 216[1225]; Ostracon Cairo CGC. 72502[1226]



im y-r kAt aA(w)t m rw-prw nw nTrw ^maw &A-mHw

Overseer of the great works in the temples of the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt


Statue of the butler, Min-mose, from Nebesheh[1227]; Inscriptions of Min-mose, in Turrah[1228]



im y-r kAt wr(t) m pr Imn

Overseer of the great works in the temple of Amun

Statue of Bak-en-khons, Munich[1229]



im y-r kAt wr(t) m pr @nsw

Overseer of the great works in the temple of Khonsu

Dedication on Lintel of the high priest of Amun, Heri-her, S. doorway, Karnak[1230]




im y-r kAt m Axt

Overseer of the works in the king’s tomb

Theban tomb of the chief workmen, Anhurkhawy, no. 359[1231]


im y-r kAt m ipt rsy(t)

Overseer of the works in the Southern harim

Tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sobek-mose in er-rizeikat[1232]



imy-r kAt m ipt rsy

Overseer of the works in the southern harim

Tomb of the overseer of the treasury, Sobek-mose, in er-Rizeikat[1233]



Imy-r kAt m Ax Ra-ms-sw Mry-Imn m Hwt sr wr

Overseer of the work in “the splendor of Ramess Mery-Amon” [1234], in the great Chapel of prince [1235]

Graffiti of the chief of works, Maaya, N. W. of Chephren’s Pyramid[1236]


453- var.

im y-r kAwt m Ipt-%wt

Overseer of the work in Karnak.

Theban tomb of the overseer of the granary of Amun, Ineni, no. 81[1237]; Theban tomb of the overseer of works, Pa-heka-men, no. 343[1238]


im y-r kAwt m WAst

Overseer of the works in Thebes

Theban tomb of overseer of works, Pa-heka-men, no. 343[1239]


455 -

im y-r kAt m pr ra

Overseer of the works in the temple of Re

Stela of the overseer of works, Maya, from Giza[1240]




im y-r kAt m pr ra m pr Imn m pr PtH

Overseer of the works in the temples of Re, Amun and Ptah

Grafitto of the chief of works, Maya, Sehel[1241]




im y-r kAt m pr ra m pr PtH

Overseer of the works in the temple of Re and in the temple of Ptah

Granite statue of the overseer of works, Maya, from Memphis, Cairo 67878[1242]



im y-r kAt m pr dwA

Overseer of the work in the robbing room [1243]

Doorjamb of the scribe, Amen-nakht, Ramesseum[1244]



im y-r kAt m pA sbty aA n Ra-ms-sw Mry-Imn m pr Ra

Overseer of the works in the great rampart of Ramesses, Mery-amun, in the house of Re

Stela of the overseer of works, Maaya, Cairo 14-10-69-1[1245]


460 -

im y-r kAt m pr Imn


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