By A. H. M. Fowzie, Minister of health, highways and social services of the Democratic socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


By A. H. M. Fowzie, Minister of health, highways and social services of the Democratic socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

(Geneva, May 3, 1995)

Part 2

Ladies and gentlemen,

To ensure that health personnel will have the necessary capabilities to meet the current health sector demands, their training curricula will be revised. Equitable opportunities for career development will be provided to all categories of health personnel by making facilities available to them for higher education - both in-country and abroad.

We are also taking steps to provide more facilities to our primary curative care institutions. For this purpose we intend to open one primary level institution in each of the twenty five districts every year for the next five years. Each such institution will be provided with all basic facilities inclusive of an emergency treatment unit, a health education unit, a laboratory for basic investigations and ambulance facilities.

The plantation sector which makes a major contribution to the national economy, was provided with better access to health facilities than other parts of the country during colonial rule through the provision of a large number of government medical institutions in plantation areas. Encouragement was also given to management companies to provide their own services within the estates by granting them special incentives. Despite this seemingly favored treatment the desired impact on the health status of the population in the plantation sector has not been achieved. It was, over the years, remained well below that of the general population. Commencing next year, it is our intention to integrate the existing plantation health services with the government health services. Plans are afoot to integrate all health facilities and staff in the plantation sector with the rest of the government health programmes in a phased manner. We will appoint qualified personnel to man these stations and bring them in line with the government health facilities. We are hopeful that through these efforts we will be able to produce a healthier population in the plantation sector.

Undernutrition is recognized as a serious and longstanding problem, affecting preschool children and pregnant mothers especially among underprivileged groups. We realize that there are no easy solution to the problem of undernutrition. We are in the process of developing effective strategies to combat undernutrition realizing that it requires a multisectoral approach with a strong coordinating mechanism.

Amongst the communicative diseases, malaria continues to be the most important public health problem. About four million people live in areas where there is a risk of malaria. Since adopting the Global Strategy for the Control of Malaria recommended by the World Health Organization, in 1993, the annual incidence of malaria has declined by 30 percent while the expenditure on insecticides has been reduced by a third. This has been accomplished by establishing mobile malaria clinics for early detection and treatment of cases, and limiting spraying operations to selected areas. We are also carrying out trials with alternative insecticides with promising results.

Sri Lanka is still a low prevalence country for HIV/AIDS with a cumulative total of only 1156 HIV antibody positive cases, inclusive of 51 cases of AIDS. However, there is a significant degree of risk behavior among Sri Lankans as reflected in the high incidence of other sexually transmitted diseases. We are convinced that a concerted effort could contain and modify the epidemic. Unfortunately, because Sri Lanka is a low prevalence country we have experienced difficulty in mobilizing international support for other programmes. We trust that WHO would be able to assist us in mobilizing such support.

In 1989, Sri Lanka had the unique distinction of becoming one of the first developing countries to achieve universal child immunization. Recent reports indicate that the coverage for all EPI vaccines exceeds 85 percent. Special surveys carried out indicate a much higher coverage. The EPI target diseases have continued to decline, and the government has embarked on a programme to eradicate poliomyelitis and eliminate neonatal tetanus. No cases of poliomyelitis were detected in 1994. Starting in October this year, we propose to adopt the strategy of conducting National Immunization Days during the next three years. WHO, UNICEF and Rotary International have already committed themselves to ensure the successful implementation of this programme. We are confident of being able to declare a polio free Sri Lanka by 1998.

Another area of great significance is the effect of the environment on the health of our people. Environmental effects caused by population growth, changes in ecological systems, environmental degradation, and natural and man-made disasters can have a profound effect on health. Decisions on environmental issues are often taken with little consideration of their health impacts. This deficiency has been recognized and the health sector is now recognized as the focal point for all environmental health activities.

Mr. President, our country is facing a period of transition. Non- communicable diseases are on the increase. Life styles are changing - alcohol consumption and substance abuse are on the increase. The aged population and the workforce are increasing. The health needs of the population and, therefore, the demands on the health services will consequently change. We need to prepare ourselves to care for the elderly and meet the health needs of an expanding workforce. I am confident that under the guidance of the World Health Organization we will be able to meet these demands.

I wish the 48th World Health Assembly all success in its deliberations. 6. Выполните синхронный перевод выступления.


1. Aberdeen [ ^b9'di:n] 1. Абердин {графство Шотландии); г. Абердин.

2. Accra [э'кпец] г. Аккра.

3. Addis Ababa ['aedis'aebsbs] г. Аддис-Абеба.

4. Aden ['"^dn] г- Аден.

5. Adriatic Sea [ eidri'aetik'si:] Адриатическое море.

6. Aegean Sea [i(:)dzi:9n'si:] Эгейское море.

7. Afghanistan [aef'gaenistaen] Афганистан.

8. Alabama [,эе1э'Ьэетэ] Алабама {штат США); р. Алабама.

9. Alaska [s'laesks] Аляска {штат США).

7O.Ala Таи [^/t^'tau] Алатау (название горных хребтов Средней Азии).

11. Albania [ael'beinjs] Албания.

12. Albany ['Oilbsni] г. Олбани.

13. Alberta [ael'bsits] Альберта (провинция Канады).

14. Aleutian Islands [s'ljuijsn'ailsndz] Алеутские острова.

15. Alexandria [,aelig'za:ndria] г. Александрия.

16. Algeria [ael'c^isris] Алжир.

17. Algiers [ael 'c ^isz] г. Алжир.

18.Alps [aelps] Альпы {горная система).

19. Alsace ['aelsaes] ист. Эльзас.

20. Alsace-Lorrain ['aelsaesls'rein] ист. Эльзас-Лотарингия.

21. Amazon ['эетэгоп] р. Амазонка.

22. Amsterdam ['aemstsdaem] г. Амстердам.

23. Amur [а:'тиэ] p. Амур.

24. Anchorage ['sei^karic^] г.Анкоридж.

25. Andalusia [ aends'lu^s] ист. Андалузия.

26. Andes ['aendi:z] Анды {горная система).

27. Ankara ['эепкэгэ] г.Анкара.

28. Antananarivo ['aents jiaens'riivou] г. Антананариву.

29. Antarctic Continent [aent'aiktik'kontinsnt] Антарктида.

30. Antarctica [aent'aiktiks] Антарктида.

31. Antarctic Regions [aenta:ktik'ri:d3(9)nz] Антарктика {южная полярная область).

32. Antrim ['aentrim] 1. Антрим {графство в Сев.Ирландии); 2. г. Антрим.

33. Antwerp ['aentwsip] г. Антверпен.

34. Apennines ['aepsnainz] Апеннины (горы).

35. Arabia [s'reibjs] п-ов Аравия.

36. Arabian Sea [s'reibjsn'si:] Аравийское море.

37. Arctic Archipelago ['a:ktik,a:ki'peligou] Канадский Арктический архипелаг.

38. Arctic Ocean ['a:ktik'ouJ"(9)n] Северный ледовитый океан.

39. Arctic Regions ['a:ktik'ri:d3(9)nz] Арктика (северная полярная область).

40. Argentina [,a:d3an'ti:na] Аргентина.

41. Arizona [aeri'zouns] Аризона (штат США).

42. Arkansas ['aiksnsO:, ai'kaenzss] Арканзас (река и штат США).

43. Armenia [a:'mi:nj9] Армения.

44. Asia Minor ['eiJVmaina] п-ов Малая Азия.

45. Assouan [aes'waen] г.Асуан.

46. Athens ['ae^nz] г.Афины.!

47. Azores [э'^0:г] Азорские острова.

48. Babylon ['ЬэеЬМэп] ист. г.Вавилон.

49. Baghdad ['baegdaed] г.Багдад.

50. Bahama Islands [bs'haims'ailsndz] Багамские острова.

51. Bahrein [ba'rein] Бахрейн.

52. Baikonur [baiks'nus] г.Байконур.

53. Balkan Mountains ['^Iksn'mauntinz] Балканы (горы).

54. Barbados [ba:'beidouz] Барбадос.

55. Basel ['Ьа:гэ1] г.Базель.

56. Belgium ['Ье1с1зэт] Бельгия.

57. Belgrade ['belgreid] г.Белград.

58. Bengal [ben'jO:l] ист. Бенгалия.

59. Bengal, Bay of ['beisvbeq'go:!] Бенгальский залив.

60. Bermudas [bs'mjuidsz] Бермудские острова.

61. Bethlehem ['ЬеТПэт] ист. Вифлеем.

62. Bhilai [bi'lai] г.Бхилаи.

63. Biscay, Bay of ['beisv'biskei] Бискайский залив.

64. Bogota [ „ bougo(u)'ta:] г.Богота.

65. Bohemia [bo(u)'hi:mj9] ист. Богемия.

66. Bosnia ['boznis] Босния.

67. Bosporos ['bospo(u)r9s] прол. Босфор.

68. Bothnia, Gulf of ['g^lfsv'bOХгэ] Ботнический залив.

69. Brasilia [brs'zhljs] г.Бразилия.

70. Brazil [bra'zil] Бразилия.

71. Brittany ['britni] ист. Бретань.

72. Brno ['Ьэ:по:] г.Брно.

73. Brussels ['brAslz] г.Брюссель.

74. Bucharest ['buiksrest] г.Бухарест.

75. Bukhara [Ьи:'ка:гэ] г.Бухара.

76. Burkina Faso [bus'khns'faiso:] Буркина Фасо.

77. Burma [Ъэ-.тэ] Бирма.

78. Byzantine Empire [bi'zaentin'empais] ист. Византийская империя.

79. Byzantium [bi'zaenpsm] ист. г.Византия.

80. Cadiz [ks'diz] г.Кадис.

81. Cairo ['kaisrou] г.Каир.

82. Calais [,ka: Je, 'kaelei] г.Кале.

83. Calcutta ['kael'kAta] г.Калькутта.

84. Cambridge ['keimbrid3] г.Кембридж.

85. Canal Zone [ks'nael'zoun] Зона Панамского канала.

86. Canary Islands [ks'nSsri'ailsndz], Canaries [ka'nssriz] Канарские острова.

87. Canberra ['кэепЬэгэ] г.Канберра.

88. Cape of Good Hope ['keipsv'gud'houp] Мыс Доброй Надежды.

89. Cape Verde Islands ['keip'vsid'ailsndz] острова Зеленого мыса.

90. Caracas [кэ'гэекэБ] г.Каракас.

91. Carpathians [k^^^snz] Карпаты (горная система).

92. Carthago ист. Карфаген.

93. Caucasus ['-eDikssss] Кавказ.

94. Ceylon [siVO*] о-в Цейлон.

95. Chios [uOs] о-в Хиос.

96. Chuckchee Sea ['tfuktfi'si:] Чукотское море.

97. Cologne [ko(u)'loun] г.Кёльн.

98. Copenhagen [,коир(э)п'Ие1д(э)п] г.Копенгаген.

99. Corinth ['Юист. Коринф.

100. Croatia [kro(u)'eiJ"i9] Хорватия.

101. Cyprus ['saiprss] Кипр.

102. Czechia ['tfekis] Чехия.

103. Czech Republic ['tfekri'pAblik] Республика Чехия.

104. Dakar [da:'ka:] г.Дакар.

105. Damascus [ds'maeskss] г.Дамаск.  
106. Danube, the ['dsenju-.b] р.Дунай.  
107. Dardanelles ['daids'nelz] прол. Дарданеллы.  
108. Davos [da:'vous] г.Давос.  
109. Dead Sea ['ded'si:] Мертвое море.  
110. Denmark ['denma:k] Дания.  
111. Dnieper ['т:рэ] p. Днепр.  
112. Dniester ['nhsts] р.Днестр.  
113. Dover ['douvs] г.Дувр.  
114. Dover, Strait of ['streitsv'douvs] Дуврский пролив (Па-де-
115. Dusseldorf ['dju:^/«C>:f| Г.Дюссельдорф.  
116. Easter Island ['hstsr'ailsnd] остров Пасхи.  
117. Eastern Samoa ['hstsnss'mous] Восточное Самоа.  
118. East Timor ['hst'thma] Восточный Тимор.  
119. Elba ['е1Ьэ] о-в Эльба.  
120. Elbe ['е1Ьэ, 'elb] р. Эльба.  
121. Erie, Lake ['leik'iari] оз. Эри  
122. Ethiopia [ J:3t'oupi9] Эфиопия  
123. Euphrates [ju(:)'freiti:z] p. Евфрат  
124. Florence ['florsns] г. Флоренция  
125. Franz Josef Land [fraents'c^ouzaflsnd] о-ва Земля Франца
126. Galapagos Islands [gs'laipsgss'ailsndz] острова Галапагос
127. Galilee ['gaelili:] ист. Галилея  
128. Ganges ['gaenc^hz] p. Ганг  
129. Geneva [c^i'niivs] г. Женева  
130. Genoe ['с1зепо(и)э] г. Генуя  
131. Gibraltar [ctyVrOilts] Гибралтар  
132. Golgotha [qO/JO(u)Vb\ библ. Голгофа  
133. Good Hope, Cape of ['keipsv'gud'houp] мыс Доброй Надежды
134. Greater Antilles ['greitaaen'tiliz] Большие Антильские острова
135. Greenwich ['grinid3] г. Гринвич  
136. Grenada [grs'neids] о-в Гренада  
137. Guadeloupe [^OdTu.p] Гваделупа  
138. Guam о-в Гуам  
139. Guatemala [,gwa:ti'ma:l9] Гватемала  
140. Guiana [gi'ains] Гвиана  


141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155, 157,

Guinea ['gini] Гвинея

Guyana [gai'ains] Гайана

Hague, the [heig] г. Гаага

Haiti [, heiti] о-в Гаити

Halifax ['haelifaeks] г. Галифакс

Harare ['Иа:гэгэ] г. Хараре

Harbin ['ha:bin] г. Харбин

Havana [hs'vaens] г. Гавана

Hebrides ['hebridi.z] Гебридские острова

Hellas ['helas] ист. Эллада

Herzegovina [ Ji9:ts9go(u)'vi:n9] Герцеговина

Hiroshima [hi'ro:J"ma:] г. Хиросима

Но Chi Minh [ Jiou tfi:'min] г. Хошимин

Honduras [hon'djusrss] Гондурас

Honshu ['honju:] о-в Хонсю

Horn, Cape ['keip'/TO:n] мыс Горн

Hudson ['h^dsn] p. Гудзон

Hull [ИЯ1] г. Гулль (Великобритания)

Huron, Lake ['leik'huirsn] оз. Гурон

Iasi [ja:J, ja:Ji] г. Яссы

Iberia [ai'bisris] ист. Иберия.

Idaho ['aidshou] Айдахо (штат США).

Illinois [ Jli'noi] Иллинойс (штат США).

Indus ['indas] p. Инд.

Ionian Sea [ai'ounjsn'si:] Ионическое море. Istanbul [ Jstaem'bu:!] г. Стамбул. Ivory Coast ['aivo(u)ri'koust] Кот-д'Ивуар. Jamaica [с1зэ'те1кэ] Ямайка.

Japan Current [с1зэ'рэеп'к,Ж-(э)п1] Куро-Сива (течение).

Java ['с1за:уэ] о-в Ява.

Jerusalem [с1зэ'ги:5э1эт] г. Иерусалим.

Johannesburg [d3o(u)'haenisb9:g] г. Иоганнесбург.

Jordan ['с1зО.-4э)п] 1. Иордания; 2. р.Иордан.

Jutland ['d3^tl9nd] п-ов Ютландия.

Kalimantan [,ka:li'ma:nta:n] о-в Калимантан.

Kara Sea ['ka :ra 'si:] Карское море.

Katar [W:] Катар.

Kentucky [кэп 'хМв\ Кентукки (штат США).

Kola Peninsula ['v?0.yapi'ninsjula] Кольский полуостров.

Kyoto ['kjouto(u)] г. Киото.

Kyushu ['kju:Ju:] о-в Кюсю.

Lagos ['la:gas] г. Лагос.

La Manche [la:'ma:t]J] прол. Ла-Манш.

Laos ['leiOr] Лаос.

Lapland ['laeplaend] Лапландия.

Las Vegas [lais'veigss] г. Лас-Вегас.

Latvia ['laetvis] Латвия.

Lausanne [lo(u)'zaen] г. Лозанна.

Lebanon [ЧеЬэпэп] Ливан.

Le Havre [l9'a:vr] г. Гавр.

Leiden ['laidn] г. Лейден.

Leipzig ['laipsig] г. Лейпциг.

Lesser Antilles ['lessraen'tiliz] Малые Антильские острова. Liberia [lai'biaria] Либерия. Libya ['МЫэ] Ливия.

Liechtenstein ['lihtsnjtain] Лихтенштейн. Limpopo [lim'poupou] p. Лимпопо. Lisbon ['lizbsn] г. Лиссабон. Lithuania [ JiSJuO'einis] Литва. Ljubljana ['lju:blja:na:] г. Любляна. Loire [lwa:] p. Луара. Lorraine [la'rein] Лотарингия. Louisville ['Iu: iviI] г.Луисвилл. Lyons [ li:'0;§C'lai9nz] г. Лион. Macedonia [^maesi'dounis] Македония. Madagascar [ jnaeds'gaesks] Мадагаскар. Madeira [ms'disrs] о-ва Мадейра. Main [mein] p. Майн. Maine [mein] Мэн (штат США). Malaysia [ms'leiss] Малайзия.

Maldive Islands ['maeldaiv'ailsndz] Мальдивские острова. Malta ['mO./гэ] о-в Мальта.

178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 187,

Marmara, Sea of ['si:9v'ma:m(9)r9] Мраморное море. Marseilles [ma:'seilz] г. Марсель.

215. Martinique [ „ ma:ti'ni:k] о-в Мартиника.

216. Mauritius [mO.'riJiss] о-в Маврикий.

217. Mekong [mei'kO.sff p. Меконг.

218. Mexico ['meksikou] Мексика.

219. Michigan ['mijigsn] Мичиган (штат США).

220. Missouri [mi'zusri] Миссури (штат США).

221. Monaco ['тОпэкои] г. Монако.

222. Montana [тОтДэепэ] Монтана (штат США).

223. Monte Carlo [, mO^'k^/»] г. Монте-Карло.

224. Montenegro [ „ mCw/ni:grou] Черногория.

225. Montreal [, тОпы'О:/] г. Монреаль.

226. Moskva [m^/kv^J р. Москва.

227. Mozambique [jnouzsm'bkk] Мозамбик.

228. Munich ['mju:nik] г. Мюнхен.

229. Mycenae [mai'] ист. Микены.

230. Namibia ['naemibjs] Намибия.

231. Naples ['neiplz] г. Неаполь.

232. Nazareth ['пэегэгэЗ] Назарет.

233. Nepal [ni'pO./] Непал.

234. Netherlands ['ne^slsndz] Нидерланды.

235. Nevada [ni'vaeds] Невада (штат СЩА).

236. New Orleans ['njui'O.lisnz] г. Новый Орлеан

237. Niagara [паГэедэгэ] p. Ниагара.

238. Niagara Falls [nai'aegars'fO.yi] Ниагарский водопад.

239. Nicaragua [^niksVt^s] Никарагуа.

240. Nice [nais] г. Ницца.

241. Niger ['naic^s] p. Нигер; Нигер (государство).

242. Nigeria [nai'c^isris] Нигерия.

243. Nile [nail] p. Нил.

244. North Carolina ['nO.-T кэегэ'Ыпэ] Северная Каролина (штат США).

245. North Pole ['лО.-Урои1] Северный полюс.

246. Norway ['nCw] Норвегия.

247. Norwegian Sea [nO.'wi:d3(9)n'si:] Норвежское море.

248. Oceania [ ouji'aenis] Океания.

249. Okinawa [^ouki'^^vs] о-в Окинава.

250. Oklahoma [oukls'houms] Оклахома (штат США).

Olympus [o(u)'limp9s] Олимп (гора).

Onega [Я'гуедэ] Онежское озеро; р. Онега.

Omaha ['oumsh^J г. Омаха.

Oregon ['Origan] Орегон (штат США).

Orlando [O.'laendou] г. Орландо.

Orleans [,©.-, lei '^Sff г. Орлеан.

Osaka ['ous^^gj г. Осака.

Ottawa ['0^э\л/э] г.Оттава.

Padua ['paedju:a] г. Падуа.

Palestine ['paelistain] Палестина.

Panama ['paensm^J Панама.

Panama Canal ['paensm^^'nael] Панамский канал.

Papua New Guinea ['paepju9'nju:gini] Папуа-Новая Гвинея.

Paraguay ['paersgwai] Парагвай.

Parana ['p ^/t ^'n ^J p. Парана.

Parnassus [p^'naesss] Парнас (гора).

Pas de Calais [ „ k^S/le] прол. Па-де-Кале.

Pearl Harbor ['рэМ'И^^э] Перл-Харбор.

Peking ['pi'ki:t]] г. Пекин.

Peloponnesus [,pelo(u)p9'ni:s9s] п-ов Релопоннес. Pennsylvania [] Пенсильвания (штат США). Persia ['рэ:/э] Персия.

Persian Gulf ['рэ:/(э)п'дPf/f\ Персидский залив.

Philippine Islands ['filipi:n'ailandz] Филиппинские острова.

Philippines ['filipi:nz] Филиппины государство).

Phoenix ['fi:niks] г. Феникс.

Plymouth ['рМтэУ| г. Плимут.

Pnompenh ['pnO.Vpen] г. Пномпень.

Polynesia [,р©/2'т:зэ] Полинезия.

Portsmouth ['рО.-^эЗ] г. Портсмут.

Portugal ['pO:"Uuj(d)\] Португалия.

Prague [/-^.у''-f] Прага.

Puerto Rico ['pw9:t9'ri:kou] Пуэрто-Рико.

Pyongyang [pjainj ^sff г. Пхеньян.

Pyreness ['piarini:z] Пиренеи (горная система).

Qatar ['коЮ:] Катар.


Quebec [kwi'bek] Квебек (провинция Канады); г.Квебек. Rhine [rain]/?. Рейн.

289. Rhodes [roudz] о-в Родос.

290. Riga, Gulf of ['g^^9v'ri:g9] Рижский залив.

291. Riyadh [ri'j^/] г. Эр-Рияд (столица Саудовской Аравии).

292. Rocky Mountains ['rOe'mountinz] Скалистые горы.

293. Rubicon ['rubikO«] ист. p. Рубикон.

294. Ryukyu Islands [ri'u:kju:'ail9ndz] острова Рююо.

295. Sahara [ бэ ' И ^ э ] Сахара (пустыня).

296. Saint Lawrence [seint'lO.rsns] p. Святого Лаврентия.

297. Salvador ['saelvsdo.-] г. Салвадор.

298. San Jose [ „ saen(h)o(u)'zei] г. Сан-Хосе.

299. Saudi Arabia [s^'uidis'reibia] Саудовская Аравия.

300. Seine [sein]/?. Сена.

301. Senegal seni'gO./] Сенегал.

302. Seoul [soul, sei'u:l] г.Сеул.

303. Serbia ['ssibis] Сербия.

304. Severn ['sevsn] p.Северн.

305. Seville [ss'vil] г. Севилья.

306. Seychelles [sei'Jelz] Сейшельские острова.

307. Shanghai ['Jseq'hai] г.Шанхай.

308. Siam [sai'aem, saiaem] Сиам.

309. Siam, Gulf of ['g^/^vsai'aem] Сиамский залив.

310. Siberia [sai'bisris] Сибирь.

311. Sicily ['sisiIi] г. Сицилия.

312. Silesia [sai'lkzjs] ист. Силезия.

313. Sinai ['sainai] Синайский полуостров.

314. Singapore ['sings'pO] Сингапур.

315. Slave [ s I e iv] p. Невольничья.

316. Slovakia [slo(u)'v4Sj<i9] Словакия.

317. Slovenia [slo(u)'vi:ni9] Словения.

318. Sofia ['soufis] г. София.

319. Somalia [so(u)'miSji9] Сомали.

320. South Carolina ['sauT кэегэ'Ыпэ] Южная Каролина (штат США).

321. South China Sea ['sau^tfaina'si:] Южно-Китайское море.

322. South Korea ['sauTko(u)'ri:9] Южная Корея.

323. Sparta ['sp^ts] ист. Спарта.

324. Stockholm ['stOODum] г. Стокгольм.

325. Strasbourg ['straesbsig] г. Страсбург.

326. Sudan [su/daen] Судан.

327. Suez [su:'ez, 'su:iz] г. Суэц.

328. Suez Canal ['suMzks'nael] Суэцкий канал.

329. Surinam ['susrinaem] Суринам.

330. Sussex ['s^siks] Суссекс (графство Англии).

331. Sweden ['swi:dn] Швеция.

332. Switzerland ['switsslsnd] Швейцария.

333. Sydney ['sidni] г. Сидней (Австралия).

334. Syracuse ['siarakjuis, 'saisrskjuiz] г. Сиракузы.

335. Tahiti [ts'hiiti] о-в Таити.

336. Taipeh, Taipei ['tai'bei] г. Тайбей.

337. Taiwan [tai'w^] о-в Тайвань.

338. Tasmania [taez'meinis] Тасмания.

339. Taurida ['tO.rids] ист. Таврида.

340. Tiber ['taibs]^. Тибр.

341. Tibet [ti'bet] Тибет.

342. Tierra del Fuego [ti'er9,delfu:'eigou] о-в Огненная Земля.

343. Tigris ['taigris]/?. Тигр.

344. Timor [ti'mO.] о-в Тимор.

345. Tobago [to(u)'beigou] о-в Тобаго.

346. Toulouse [,tu:'lu:z] г. Тулуза.

347. Trafalgar, Cape ['keiptrs'faelgs] мыс Трафальгар.

348. Trinidad and Tobago ['trinidaed9ndto(u)'beigou] Тринидад и Тобаго.

349. Troy [trOi] ист. Троя.

350. Tsushima [tsuijim ^j о-в Цусима.

351. Tunis ['tju.nis] г. Тунис.

352. Tunisia [tju:'ni3ia] Тунис.

353. Turkey ['ta:ki] Турция.

354. Ulan Bator ['«.-rq^'b^O:] г. Улан-Батор.

355. Ulster Ольстер.

356. United Arab Emirates [jui'naitid'aersbe'misrits] Объединенные Арабские Эмираты.

357. Uruguay ['juisrsgwai] Уругвай.

358. Valdai Hills [v^l'dai'hilz] Валдайская возвышенность.

359. Valparaiso [ vaelps'reizou] г.Вальпараисо.

360. Vancouver [vaen'kuivs] г. Ванкувер.

361. Venetia [vi'nkjis] г. Венеция.

362. Venezuela [vens'swMs] Венесуэла.

363. Venice ['venis] г. Венеция.

364. Versailles [v?^'sai] г. Версаль.

365. Vesuvius [vi'sjir.vias] Везувий ( вулкан)

366. Vienna [vi'ens] г. Вена.

367. Viet Nam, Vietnam ['vjet'n^] Вьетнам.

368. Vilnius, Vilnyus ['vilniss] г. Вильнюс.

369. Vistula ['vistjuIв] p. Висла.

370. Warsaw ['wCbO.] г. Варшава.

371. Warwick ['wOrf] Уорвик; г. Уорвик.

372. Waterloo ['\лЮ.7э'1и:] Ватерлоо (Бельгия).

373. Weimar ['vaim^J г. Веймар.

374. West Bengal ['westben'gO./] Западная Бенгалия.

375. White Nile ['wait'nail] p. Белый Нил.

376. Windsor ['winzs] Виндзор (Великобритания).

377. Wisconsin [wis'kCw*] Висконсин (штат США).

378. Wrangel Island ['raengsl'ailsnd] остров Врангеля.

379. Yangtze (Kiang) ['jaen(t)si: (ki'aet])] p. Янцзы, Чанцзян.

380. Yellowstone National Park ['jelo(u)stoun'n3ej9nl'p^] Йеллоустонский национальный парк (США).

381. Yucatan ['u:k9'taen] п-ов Юкатан.

382. Zaire [za'i.ra] Заир.

383. Zambezi [zaein'bi:zi]/?. Замбези.

384. Zanzibar ['zaenzib^J о-в Занзибар.

385. Zurich ['zusrik] г. Цюрих.

20 уроков устного перевода

Учебное пособие Вадим Витальевич Сдобников

Редакторы: Л.П.Шахрова, Н.И.Морозова Лицензия ПД № 18-0062 от 20.12.2000

Подписано в печать 1.09.2003. Формат 60x84 х116 Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура Тайме. Печать офсетная. Усл. Печ. л. 8,5. Тираж 300 экз. Заказ

Издательство Нижегородского государственного лингвистического университета им. Н.А.Добролюбова 603155, Нижний Новгород, ул. Минина, 31

I always felt that I had two personalities. I worked honestly and loyally for the United States for many years. But inside I was always thinking about my country I left as a young man and about my people, who were going through struggles and were cut off from the opportunities that were given to me. The question was always raised - where were my first loyalties1? To the society which gave me an opportunity to be educated, to broaden my horizons - or to my homeland? There was always a kind of guilt. But the Lithuanians never had any doubt. Even though I lived in the United States for half a century, they never considered me an American.

2. We are in receipt of your Order No 718/01.

3. The price of the 2nd consignment is 4 290 rubles.

2. 87 scientists from 14 countries participated in the conference.

3. In 8 districts of the city more than 39 percent of voters came to the polling stations.

4. This summer farmers of the region harvested 1 239 756 tons of grain.

5. The company has paid 32 589 dollars in fines.

6. The tax amounted to 42 569 rubles.

7. 56 784 companies paid taxes this year.

8. The number of new jobs created in the region's enterprises is 8 435.

долларов и за 1997 год возрастет по прогнозу еще на 3,5-4 млрд.


РСПП настойчиво добивается такого изменения правового режима инвестирования, который защищал бы разумные интересы частного западного инвестора.

[1] Last month Mr.Thompson's salary amounted to 7 352 dollars.

[2] We have ordered 75 tons of asbestos.

[3] In July the company shipped 3785 tons of Indian tea to 17 countries.

[4] don't want to sound naive, and the peak of the marching season is coming up. I was there in 1996 and saw the tremendous physical destruction of property and the rioting that occurred. I'm aware of the potential. But I think it's important not to overplay it or overstate5 it.

[5] Прослушайте текст полностью и выполните его

последовательный перевод на русский язык:

[7] hope Madeleine Albright will be free to deal primarily with future negotiations between Israel and Syria. If she has to be active on the Syrian and Palestinian fronts, it will be unfortunate. So let's hope that when she comes our preliminary problems with the Palestinians will be

[8] Законы экономики неумолимы6. И если норма прибыли7 в реальном секторе экономики в 4-5 раз ниже ставки процента за

кредит8, цены на сырье выше мировых, а зарплата ниже среднего

[10] Ожидаемый накопленный объем иностранных инвестиций в российскую экономику составит на 1 января 1997 года 11-11,5 млрд.

В этих целях с участием Российского союза разработаны и

находятся на рассмотрении в Государственной Думе проекты

основополагающих федеральных законов: «О внесении изменений и дополнений в Закон РСФСР «Об иностранных инвестициях в РСФСР», «О свободных экономических зонах», «О концессионных


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