Text 2: Hunting Methods for Beginners 

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Text 2: Hunting Methods for Beginners


Грамматикалық материал: The Future Continuous Tense. The Future Perfect Tense. Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 1. Hunting Idiom:1.beat about the bush- talk indirectly about something; e.g. Stop beating about the bush and tell me how much money you want to borrow! Phrasal verb: 1. Call off – cancel: “The concert had to be called off because the singer went down with a bad case of flu.”

Text 1: Hunting


Hunting is the practice of pursuing any living thing, usually wildlife, for food, recreation, or trade. In present-day use, the term refers to lawful hunting, as distinguished from poaching, which is the killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species contrary to applicable law. The species which are hunted are referred to as game, and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory game birds.

Hunting can also involve the elimination of vermin, as a means of pest control to prevent diseases caused by overpopulation. Hunting advocates state that hunting can be a necessary component of modern wildlife management, for example to help maintain a population of healthy animals within an environment's ecological carrying capacity when natural checks such as predators are absent. In the United States, wildlife managers are frequently part of hunting regulatory and licensing bodies, where they help to set rules on the number, manner and conditions in which game may be hunted.

The pursuit, capture and release, or capture for food of fish is called fishing, which is not commonly categorised as a form of hunting. Trapping is also usually considered a separate activity. It is also not considered hunting to pursue animals without intent to kill them, as in wildlife photography or birdwatching. The practice of hunting for plants or mushrooms is a colloquial term for foraging or gathering.

Skilful tracking and acquisition of an elusive target has caused the word hunting to be used in the vernacular as a metaphor, as in "bargain hunting" or "hunting down corruption and waste".




1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Hunting, wildlife, food, recreation, trade. distinguish, poaching, trapping, capture, non-migratory, involve, elimination, vermin, pest, prevent, diseases, overpopulation, advocate, necessary, component, modern, management, maintain, population, healthy, animal, environment, ecological, carry, capacity, natural, check, predator, absent. manager, frequently, part, regulatory, condition, pursuit, capture, release, trapping, intent, photography, birdwatching, practice, plant, mushroom, colloquial, term, foraging, gathering. skilful, acquisition, elusive, target, cause, vernacular, metaphor, corruption, waste.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Practice of pursuing, any living thing, recreation, or trade, in present-day use, lawful hunting, contrary to applicable law, migratory or non-migratory game birds, component of modern wildlife management, maintain a population of healthy animals within an environment's ecological carrying capacity, wildlife managers, frequently part of hunting, regulatory and licensing manner and conditions, capture for food of fish, form of hunting, separate activity pursue animals, without intent to kill them, in wildlife photography or birdwatching, for plants or mushrooms, colloquial term, foraging or gathering, skilful tracking, elusive target, bargain hunting


3. Put special questions to the following sentences:

1.The species which are hunted are referred to as game, and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory game birds.2.Hunting advocates state that hunting can be a necessary component of modern wildlife management. 3.The pursuit, capture and release, or capture for food of fish is called fishing, which is not commonly categorised as a form of hunting. 4.Trapping is also usually considered a separate activity. 5.The practice of hunting for plants or mushrooms is a colloquial term for foraging or gathering.


Give the definitions.

Hunting, game, vermin, trapping, foraging, capture.

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Грамматикалық материал: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Лексикалық материал Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 2: Hunting Methods for Beginners Idiom:2.burn one`s boats- follow a course of action that cannot be reserved or changed later; e.g. Keep your job and your flat. Don`t burn your boats here until you know for sure that you are going to stay in Canada. Phrasal verb: 2. Look up- search for: “I’ll go online and look up ‘phrasal verbs’.” “You have to look up all the unknown words in the dictionary”

Text 2: Hunting Methods for Beginners

Although hunting is enjoyed by millions of people every year, they don't all define hunting the same way. There are several drastically different ways that the sport can be experienced. To make sure that you get the most out of your experience, it's important to learn about the different hunting options, so that you can choose the method that you'll enjoy the most.

Rifle Hunting. For rifle hunting, you need little more than a rifle, ammunition, a hunting knife for cleaning, the appropriate attire for the terrain, and any general camping or hiking gear. Additionally, many consider rifle hunting to be slightly easier than using a bow, simply because it is easier to load a rifle and make a kill with a bullet than it is with a bow. Larger rifles are used to bring down larger game, like elk and bear.

Bow Hunting. Bow hunting is the preferred hunting type for those who wish to get more in touch with the primal nature of the sport. As it is quieter than rifle hunting, bow hunting often allows opportunities to bag several animals, since others aren't spooked when you fire. However, since bows generally can't produce the same type of power as rifles, aim and accuracy are much more important. Bow hunters generally carry their bow, a hunting knife, extra arrows and arrowheads, extra bowstrings in case of breakage or other string damage, and a rangefinder. They typically aim for only large game, as it is very difficult to bring down smaller animals with a bow.

Using Decoys. Decoys are typically used for hunting waterfowl, although large game decoys do exist. Generally used in conjunction with fowl-enticing calls or scents, decoys are placed in the sight of hunters who are camouflaged within a hide or a blind. Decoys often reduce the skill level needed for a successful hunt, as they often bring game to the hunter. Decoys also increase the chances of having a successful hunt, which is especially important if you are hunting for meat instead of trophies.

Tracking. Regardless of their weapon, many hunters choose to track their game instead of simply waiting for the game to come to them. Bow hunters are more likely to track than rifle hunters, mainly because a bow is quieter and less likely to spook game if the hunter misses. Tracking requires skill in the form of being able to identify animal tracks, scat, and other signs that your desired game has been in the area recently. A skilled tracker can almost guarantee contact with the game that they are hunting. Hunting gear for trackers tends to be sparse and lightweight, since they have to carry everything with them as they go.


1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Way, several, drastically, different, experience, important, option, choose, method, rifle, knife, appropriate, attire, terrain, general, camping, hiking, slightly, bow, load, bullet, elk, bear, primal, allow, opportunity, generally, produce, power, accuracy, carry, extra, arrow, arrowhead, bowstring, breakage, string, damage, rangefinder, decoy, conjunction, fowl-enticing, camouflaged, hide, reduce, skill, level, successful, increase, chance, especially, trophies, weapon, track, identify, scat, sign, tracker, guarantee, contact, sparse, lightweight, everything.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Millions of people, several drastically different ways, get the most out of your experience, to learn about the different hunting options, choose the method, hunting knife for cleaning, the appropriate attire for the terrain, any general camping or hiking gear, rifle hunting, to load a rifle, to bring down larger game, like elk and bear, the preferred hunting type, for those who wish to get more in touch with the primal nature of the sport, opportunities to bag several animals, the same type of power as rifles, extra arrows and arrowheads, extra bowstrings, large game, for hunting waterfowl, with fowl-enticing calls or scents, who are camouflaged within a hide or a blind, successful hunt, increase the chances of having a successful hunt, nstead of trophies.

3. Put special questions to the following sentences:

1.Larger rifles are used to bring down larger game, like elk and bear.2.Bow hunting is the preferred hunting type for those who wish to get more in touch with the primal nature of the sport. 3.Bow hunters generally carry their bow, a hunting knife, extra arrows and arrowheads, extra bowstrings in case of breakage or other string damage, and a rangefinder. 4.Decoys are typically used for hunting waterfowl, although large game decoys do exist.5.Decoys also increase the chances of having a successful hunt, which is especially important if you are hunting for meat instead of trophies.6. Tracking requires skill in the form of being able to identify animal tracks, scat, and other signs that your desired game has been in the area recently. 7.A skilled tracker can almost guarantee contact with the game that they are hunting. 8.Hunting gear for trackers tends to be sparse and lightweight, since they have to carry everything with them as they go.

4. Give the definitions:

Rifle hunting, bow hunting, decoys,tracking.

Retell the text


Грамматикалық материал: Passive Voice Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 3. Hunting extreme of Kazakhstan Idiom:3.change one`s tune- change one`s opinion, attitude or way of thinking about something; e.g. Tom suggested that we should modernize the house, but he soon changed his tune when he realized how much it would cost. Phrasal verb: 3. Carry out – to perform, to conduct: “The scientists have been carrying out the research into causes of cancer for 10 years”


1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Business, reach, astronomic, volume, variegated, wealthiest, respectable, authoritative, part, various, oligarch, mini-oligarch, half-oligarch, ammunition, price, gun, construction, arrangement, blend, steel, handcraft, hatching, incrustation, manufacturer, result, equipped, fly helicopter, national, park, shoot, luxurious, castle, jaeger, serve, doughboy, visible, attribute, success, perceive, advent, apocalypse, foreign, reason, totally, unadmirable, freedom, wilderness, ability, hunt, encounter, exotic, falconry, expect, complete, commitment, developed, country, effeminate.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Lots of money, hunting business, astronomic volumes, hunters’ composition, the most respectable and authoritative part of hunters society, various oligarchs, mini-oligarchs and half-oligarchs, hunting enthusiasts, submachine gun, hard question, construction and arrangement, special blends of steel, handcraft, hatching, incrustation, special ammo, dominant name, a piece of art, fly helicopters around national parks and shoot animals, international Red List; luxurious joy therapists, jaegers serving them as a doughboy, a piece of a pie, the hunter’s trophy, all visible attributes of success, artwork knife, normal hunter, as a third advent of apocalypse, foreign hunters, totally unadmirable about freedom and wilderness of Kazakhstani nature, ability to hunt the animals, like exotics such as falconry, expect complete commitment, hunter’s laws, from developed countries.


3.Put special questions to the following sentences:

1.The most respectable and authoritative part of hunters society is various oligarchs, mini-oligarchs and half-oligarchs.2. The hunters have ammunition, which is worth that much, that common hunting enthusiasts couldn’t ever afford themselves a rifle. 3. They are totally unadmirable about freedom and wilderness of Kazakhstani nature. 4.They also like exotics such as falconry.5. Foreign hunters from developed countries are effeminate.

4. Complete the following sentences:

1.Such hunters have ammunition, which is worth that much, that common …couldn’t ever afford themselves a rifle. 2.The very rifles are going by prices for …of US dollars. 3.Construction and arrangement, special blends of steel, handcraft, …dominant name.4. They are totally unadmirable about freedom and wilderness of Kazakhstani nature, …which can’t be encountered in Europe. They also like exotics such as falconry. 5.Foreign people are paying a lot of money, but….6. If oligarchs are pretty stupid by hunter’s laws, then …from developed countries are effeminate.

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Грамматикалық материал: Passive Voice Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін.Text 4. Hunting extreme of Kazakhstan(continuation) Idiom:4.do one`s nut- lose one`s temper, become very angry; e.g. The headmaster will do his nut when he finds out that someone has let the air out of his car tyres! Phrasal verb: 4. Call on/in- Visit: “As we were in the area, we called on my sister-in-law”

Text 4: Hunting extreme of Kazakhstan (continuation)



In neighboring Kyrgyzstan on Southern shores of Issyk-Kol lake there is an entertainment for reach clients to hunt down on grunting-ox (yak) with bows. Kazakhstani oligarchs are enthusiastically torturing poor beast until they would finish it with tenth arrow or telling Kyrgyz jaegers to finish it to free yak from tortures. Foreign tourists are not involving in such an entertainment since may years spent alongside with Greenpeace have taught them not only to be afraid of tree huggers’ revenge but changed their mind.

There are also poachers, but in Kazakhstan this feature has more of social reasons than purely criminal or psychological. If hunting is more of a meantime spending for thousands of townsfolk, then in Kazakhstan for significant category of people is a source of food products for families and additional sales income from animal furs and antlers. However, even complete poacher, if hunting is a source of income for him, wouldn’t harm nature as much as common oligarch who is shooting every living things only for fun and satisfying his hunting instinct; at least given the story with big men from Kazakhmys Corporation. Not only an air field and dozens of support structures were built for them in a nature reserve, but also dug out a ditch around Kopkol pluvial type lake. The one who gave this order wasn’t probably realized that shooting migrant birds from trench would be more comfortable, but the lake itself will certainly die from such technical advances.


1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Neighboring, southern, shore, lake, entertainment, reach, client, hunt down, enthusiastically, beast, finish, tortures, foreign, tourist, involve, alongside revenge, change, poacher, feature, purely, criminal, psychological, meantime, spend, significant, category, source, family, additional, sale, income, fur, antler, common, satisfy, instinct; story, air, field, support, structure, reserve, dug out, ditch, probably, realize, trench, comfortable, certainly, advance.


2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Neighboring Kyrgyzstan, on Southern shores of Issyk-Kul lake, an entertainment for reach clients, to hunt down on grunting-ox (yak) with bows, Kazakhstani oligarchs, enthusiastically torturing poor beast, foreign tourists, in such an entertainment, alongside with Greenpeace, to be afraid of tree huggers’ revenge, change their mind, social reasons, criminal or psychological, a meantime spending for thousands of townsfolk for significant category of people, a source of food products for families, additional sales income, animal furs and antlers, to harm nature, common oligarch, living things, for fun, hunting instinct, air field, dozens of support structures, in a nature reserve, dug out a ditch, around Kopkol pluvial type lake, migrant birds, from trench, from such technical advances.


3. Put special questions to the following sentences:

1.In neighboring Kyrgyzstan on Southern shores of Issyk-Kul lake there is an entertainment for reach clients to hunt down on grunting-ox (yak) with bows. 2. Foreign tourists are not involving in such an entertainment since may years spent alongside with Greenpeace have taught them not only to be afraid of tree huggers’ revenge but changed their mind.3.Hunting is a source of food products for families and additional sales income from animal furs and antlers.


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Грамматикалық материал: Complex Object. Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 5. Golden Eagle Hunting in Kazakhstan Idiom:5. get oneself together- regain control of one`s emotions; e.g. Pat`s been crying.Just give her a moment to get herself together. She`ll be all right. Phrasal verb: 5. Fill in/out -complete a form: “I filled in/out the application form and mailed it.”




1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Hounds, art, actual, graceful, movement, emotion, passion, hunter, festival, steppe, derive, pleasure, tandem, golden, eagle, method, ancestor, Eurasian, master, several, age, proof, mainly northern, central, region, prefer, hawk, falcon, particular, type, apart, fox, catch, corsac, hare, strong, rapacious, well-trained, prove, useful, hoofed wolf, geese, bustard, sparrow-hawk, hare, goshawks, quail, merlin, excellent, extremely, expensive, camel,

season, start, frost, continue, schedule, se, fur, winter, late, migration, last, snow, fall, unique, feature, life, wild, to be gained, century, secret, impart,

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Hunting with birds, the actual course of hunting, graceful movements of animals,emotions and passions of the hunters, a steppe hunter, great pleasure, from the tandem of a dog and a hunting bird, Golden eagle hunting, one of the oldest methods of food hunting, our ancestors, Eurasian steppes, master eagle hunting, several thousand years ago, Andronov age, Bronze Age petro glyphs, northern and central regions of Kazakhstan, south hunters, particular type of animal, apart from foxes, catch corsacs and hares, rapacious eagles, useful for hunting, for geese and bustards, for hunting hares while goshawks, excellent for hunting smaller birds, extremely expensive, eagle hunting season, continue from November through February, furry animals, the most unique features of Kazakh life, the experience of wild bird training, Kazakh kusbegi, over centuries, from father to son,very secret.


3. Put special questions to the following sentences:

1.Hunting with birds and hounds has always been considered an art. 2. Golden eagle hunting is one of the oldest methods of food hunting. 3.Eagle hunting was mainly practiced in the northern and central regions of Kazakhstan. 4.Strong, rapacious, well-trained eagles proved useful for hunting hoofed animals and even wolves. 5.Hawks are used for geese and bustards. 6.Eagle hunting season starts with the first night frosts and continues from November through February. 7.Hunting with Golden Eagle is one of the most unique features of Kazakh life. 8.The hunter is named kusbegi or berkutchi.


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Грамматикалық материал: Gerund. Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 6. Animals and birds of Kazakhstan Idiom:6.keep in touch with someone- continue to visit or have written or telephone contact with someone; e.g. When the Browns moved to London,they said they would keep in touch,but unfortunately we`ve had no news of them. Phrasal verb: 6. “Give in/give up”- relent or surrender: “She didn’t want to go, but the kids pestered her until she gave in.” “The robber gave up when the cops cornered him.”



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Грамматикалық материал: Infinitive Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 7. Animal Morphology Idiom:7.know one`s onions- know one`s subject or how to do something very well; e.g. When it comes to car repairs, David certainly knows his onions. Phrasal verb: 7. Pass away –Die: “Sadly, Georgia's uncle passed away yesterday after a short illness.”

Text 7: Animal Morphology

Animal morphology refers to identification and analysis of morphemes structure of animals. Animal morphology is a branch of bioscience that concerns more about the study the form and structure of organisms and their special features. In contrast to physiology, animal morphology also concerns about the function. It includes the outward appearance and internal structure such as bones and organs of an animal. The gross structure of animal is discussed well in animal morphology. Animal word was derived from Latin word ‘animalis’ and it refers to have breath. Colloquially, animal refers to non human. However, it is close to humans like mammals and vertebrates. It includes kingdom Animalia.

Classification of animals:

Aristotle was the first to divide the plants and animals in the living world. Carolus Linnaeus has first introduced hierarchical classification of animals. The biologists discovered the evolutionary relationship that exists in between the group of animals. For example, microscopic protozoa are only the animals known initially as they can move, however it is now separated.



Linnaeus classification scheme shows that animal is one among three classes of kingdom. It is further divided into following types.








Of which mammalian, aves, reptila, amphibian and Pisces are regarded as class of single phylum termed as Chordata. The other forms of animals other than chordata are classified separately. The classification of animals varies as the source varies.

Animal morphology is classified as follows.

Comparative anatomy: The study of analysis pattern which are found inside the body of an organisms and it form the taxonomical catorization bases.

Functional morphology: The animals are classified according to the function they perform and structural features of an animal.

Experimental morphology: The animals can be used as model organisms to study the effect of diseases.




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№ 1 Аралық бақылау Грамматикалық материал: Revision Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 8. Bird Anatomy and Bird Parts Idiom:8.leave someone to his own devices- leave someone to manage a situation or solve a problem without help; e.g. If you want your child to be independent, you have to leave him to his own devices now and again. Phrasal verb: 8. Take over –to take charge; to assume control: When a president dies the vice-president usually takes over as leader of the country.


1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Bird, develop, ability, part, skeleton, feather, evolve, aid, flight, genera, design, distinct, difference, skull, light, proportion, rest, chewing, heavy, jaw, muscles, job, grinding up, food, perform, gizzard, percent, weight, forelimb, wing, compose, humerus, upper, ulna, forearm, wrist, secondary, fused, wrist, hand, primary, joint, add, strength, limited, movement, modification, allow, walk, hind, leg, breast, pectoralis, major, contract, stroke, upstroke, power,

streamlined, reduce, friction, smooth, surface, tail, entirely, maneuvering. To be tucked, affect, beak, diet, save, fingernails.


2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

The ability to fly, every part from the skeleton to the feathers, to aid in flight, some distinct differences, very light in proportion, no teeth for chewing, heavy jaw or jaw muscles, the job of grinding up food, with wrist, and hand bones, secondary feathers, primary feathers limited movement, many modifications, hind legs, important muscles for flight, between the upper arm and the breast, two pairs of flight muscles, less power, part of this design for flight, the smooth surface of the feathers, reduce the friction, beaks of birds, particular diet, to save weight for flight, bony structures, like our fingernails.

3. Put special questions to the following sentences:

1.Birds are one of the few animals that have developed the ability to fly. 2.The skull is very light in proportion to the rest of the body because there are no teeth for chewing, or any heavy jaw or jaw muscles. 3.The job of grinding up food is performed by the gizzard.4.The wings are composed of the humerus or upper arm, and the radius or ulna, which makes up the forearm with wrist, and hand bones. 5. The important muscles for flight run between the upper arm, and the breast. 6.The tail consisting entirely of feathers aids in maneuvering. 7.Bird beaks are bony structures covered with keratin, much like our fingernails.


4. Give the definitions:

Birds, the skeleton of birds, pectoralis, beaks of birds, the body of birds.

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Грамматикалық материал: Direct and Indirect Speech. Sequence of Tenses Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 9. Birds of prey Idiom:9.miss the boat- miss a favourable opportunity; be too late to gain an advantage; e.g. It`s too late to send in an application form now. You`ve missed the boat, I am afraid. Phrasal verb: 9. plug in – connect an electrical appliance to the electricity supply: “The fridge isn’t working because you haven’t plugged it in”.

Text 9: Birds of prey

Birds of prey are birds that hunt for food primarily on the wing, using their keen senses, especially vision. They are defined as birds that primarily hunt vertebrates, including other birds. Their talons and beaks tend to be relatively large, powerful and adapted for tearing and/or piercing flesh. In most cases, the females are considerably larger than the males. The term "raptor" is derived from the Latin word rapere (meaning to seize or take by force) and may refer informally to all birds of prey, or specifically to the diurnal group.


Taken literally the term “bird of prey” has a wide meaning that includes many birds that hunt and feed on animals and also birds that eat very small insects. In ornithology, and the definition used here, the term has a narrower meaning for birds that have very good eyesight for finding food, strong feet for holding food, and a strong curved beak for tearing flesh. Most birds of prey also have strong curved talons for catching or killing prey. Birds of prey generally prey on vertebrates, which are usually quite large relative to the size of the bird. Most also eat carrion at least occasionally and the vultures and condors eat carrion as their main food source. By way of an example, the narrower definition excludes storks and gulls, which can eat quite large fish, partly because these birds catch and kill prey entirely with their beaks, and similarly bird-eating skuas, fish-eating penguins, and vertebrate-eating kookaburras are excluded.

The diurnal birds of prey are formally classified into five families (traditionally of the order Falconiformes, a classification currently in flux):

Accipitridae: hawks, eagles, buzzards, harriers, kites and Old World vultures

Pandionidae: the Osprey (sometimes classified as subfamily Pandioninae of the previous family)

Sagittariidae: the Secretary Bird

Falconidae: falcons and caracaras

Cathartidae: New World vultures including condors.

The observation that otherwise unrelated bird groups may perform similar ecological roles and bear striking morphological similarities to one another is explained by the concept of convergent evolution.

The common names for various birds of prey are based on structure but many of the traditional names do not reflect the evolutionary relationships between the groups.


1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Prey, primarily, keen, sense, vision, define, talon, relatively, large, powerful adapted, tearing, piercing, flesh, female, rapere, insect, ornithology, definition, eyesight, curved, beak, generally, size, carrion, occasionally, vulture, condor, feed, eat, definition, eyesight, strong, feet, holding, curved, tearing, flesh, relative, occasionally, vulture, condor, carrion, exclude, stork, and gulls, which can eat quite large fish, partly because these birds catch and entirely, similarly, bird-eating, skua, fish-eating, penguin, kookaburra, diurnal, formally, currently, accipitridae, hawk, eagle, buzzard, harrier, kite,

observation, otherwise, unrelated, perform, ecological, role, bear, striking, similarity, explain, concept, convergent, evolution, common, reflect relationship.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Birds of prey, hunt for food, primarily on the wing, especially vision, including other birds, relatively large, powerful and adapted for tearing, larger than the males, specifically to the diurnal group, a wide meaning, very small insects, very good eyesight, for finding food, strong feet for holding food, strong curved beak for tearing flesh, strong curved talons, for catching or killing prey, prey on vertebrates, their main food source, storks and gulls, large fish, catch and kill prey, diurnal birds of prey, five families, unrelated bird groups, similar ecological roles, bear striking morphological, common names, various birds of prey, evolutionary relationships, between the groups.

3. Put special questions to the following sentences:

1. Birds of prey are birds that hunt for food primarily on the wing, using their keen senses, especially vision.2.The term "raptor" is derived from the Latin word rapere and may refer informally to all birds of prey, or specifically to the diurnal group.3. Most birds of prey also have strong curved talons for catching or killing prey. Birds of prey generally prey on vertebrates, which are usually quite large relative to the size of the bird. 4.The diurnal birds of prey are formally classified into five families (traditionally of the order 5.The common names for various birds of prey are based on structure but many of the traditional names do not reflect the evolutionary relationships between the groups.

4. Give the definitions:

Birds of prey, raptor, strong curved talons of the birds.

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Грамматикалық материал: Reported Speech. Sequence of Tenses. Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 10. Variations of birds in shape and size Idiom:10.put on airs- behave in a self- important manner to impress others; e.g.Roger certainly put on airs in the television interview. He gave the impression of being arrogant and self- opinionated. Phrasal verb: 10. Come across – Find by accident: “I came across my old school reports when I was clearing out my desk.”



1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Eagle, wing, massive, booted, toe, build, stick, nest, osprey, worldwide, kite, weak, soaring, carrion, medium-sized, belong, genus, perch, tail, buzzard, alternatively, harrier, slender, hawk-like, combination, keen, grassland, marsh, carrion-eating, distinct, biological, partly, fully, devoid, Falcons, swift, flyer, appropriate, cliff, ledge, hollow, caracaras, subgroup appetite, generalist, level, convergence, vulturine, owl, variable-sized, typically, night-specialized, silently, due to, turbulence, acute, hearing.


2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Large birds, with long, broad wings, massive feet. booted Eagles, stick nests, large stick nests, long wings, relatively weak legs, medium-sized birds of prey, woodland birds, sudden dashes, long tail, medium-large raptors, broad wings, slender hawk-like birds, keen eyesight, carrion-eating raptors, distinct biological families, medium-size birds, particularly swift flyers, distinct subgroup, broad wings, naked faces, some level of convergence, typically night-specialized hunting birds, acute hearing.


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Грамматикалық материал: Reported Speech. Sequence of Tenses. Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 11.Other sources Idiom:11.save one`s breath- not waste one`s time talking; e.g. No one is listening to your advice, so you might just as well save your breath. Phrasal verb: 11. Tell someone off– talk angrily to someone about something they've done wrong: “Clare’s mother told her off for wearing dirty shoes in the house.”



1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Reserve, region, derive, remarkable, canyon, vertical, fairly, impenetrable, total, area, embrace, picturesque, landscape, ridge, respectively, typical inhabitant, Siberian, ibex, roe, deer, boar, weasel, vulture, rare, lynx, argali, golden eagle, saker falcon, short-toed, purpose, northernmost, nesting, place, extend, encounter, waterfowl, impressive, attract, immense, number, fortuitous, protect, landscape, swamp-and-lake, area, measure, protection complex, doubt, origin, depth, whitefish, observe.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Nature Reserve, South Kazakhstan region, the names of the rivers, total area, Alpine landscapes, 239 species of animals, typical inhabitants, Siberian ibex, with rare species, pink flamingo, the northernmost nesting place of the pink flaming, 42 species of animals and 298 bird species, the number of waterfowl, immense numbers of waterfowl, spring migrations, particularly protected landscape of swamp-and-lake areas, natural reserve, most common species, one of the inhabitants, Persian gazelle, 203 bird species.

Retell the text


Грамматикалық материал The First Conditional. Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 12. Wildlife Idiom:12.make up one`s mind- take a decision; e.g. Has Sally made up her mind which university to apply to? Phrasal verb: 12. Make up for– Compensate: "I sent her a present to try to make up for my appalling behavior.”

Text 12: Wildlife

In 1867, the German zoologist Alfred Brehm, while exploring southern Siberia and Central Asia, found a true paradise in the area now known as Kazakhstan. Excited, he wrote in a report titled “On the tracks of the arkhar”: “From the rocks, where Finsch’s wheatear, Godlewski’s bunting and red-fronted rose finch carry on, the faint song of the stone thrush resounds, jackdaws swarm around the upper peaks, and above them circles the golden eagle by day, and soundlessly glides the Eurasian eagle-owl by night—both keen on catching the abundant rock partridge or a careless marmot. The most interesting of all is the arkhar... the argali in the words of the explorer, one of the giant mountain sheep of Central Asia, as tall as European red deer... They climb effortlessly up and down almost vertical slopes, jump wide crevasses and come down from on high, as though they could fly.”

Unfortunately its nimbleness has not saved the argali from having been all but wiped out. These days, they are included in the red list of animal species under threat of extinction. They share this fate with many other animals: the ram-snouted saiga antelope, the elegant dzheyran or goitred gazelle, the kulan (wild ass) and numerous birds of prey. There was little that Brehm could know then about the dangers threatening the snow leopard, the brown bear and even the wolf.

The causes of the decimation of so much of Kazakhstan's wildlife are manifold. First was the conversion of 25.5 million hectares of steppe-a surface equal to that of Great Britain—into agricultural territory in the 1950s and 1960s. This large-scale destruction of natural land, known as the Virgin Lands programme, irreversibly deprived many animals of their habitat. The grasslands of the kulan, saiga, dzheyran, fox, wolf, songbirds and birds of prey disappeared to make way for dubious monoculture. What had taken centuries to grow in the harsh climate of Central Asia was ploughed out within a decade. Even now that large-scale agriculture with chemical agents has ended, it will take decades before the original steppe vegetation, able to support large herds of antelope, gazelle, wild donkey and birds, can be restored.



1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Southern, paradise, track, rock, red-fronted, finch, carry on, faint, stone, thrush, resound, jackdaw, swarm, upper, peak, circle, golden, soundlessly, glide, abundant, rock, partridge, careless, marmot, explorer, giant, mountain, sheep, nimbleness, wipe out, extinction, share, fate ram-snouted, saiga, antelope, elegant, numerous, cause, decimation, manifold. conversion, surface, equal, large-scale, destruction, irreversibly, deprive, grassland, songbird, disappear, dubious, monoculture, harsh, vegetation, wild, donkey, restore.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Southern Siberia, Central Asia, true paradise, the faint song of the stone thrush resounds, upper peaks, golden eagle, Eurasian eagle-owl, abundant rock partridge, careless marmot, one of the giant mountain sheep, red list of animal species, under threat of extinction, ram-snouted saiga, goitred gazelle, numerous birds of prey, agricultural territory, large-scale destruction of natural land, Virgin Lands programme, many animals, songbirds and birds of prey, large-scale agriculture, chemical agents, original steppe vegetation, wild donkey and birds.


Retell the text



Грамматикалық материал: The Second Conditional Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 13. Wildlife(continuation) Idiom:13.have a way with something /someone- have a talent for /skill in dealing with someone/smth; e.g. Susan has a way with children. They love her. Granny has a way with flowers. Everyone admires her garden. Phrasal verb: 13. Hold on – Wait: “Could you hold on for a minute; she'll be free in a moment.”

Text 13: Wildlife (continuation)



Another cause for the virtual disappearance of many steppe animals is hunting, which once was-and still is, illegally-celebrated in true orgies of killing. The Kazakh and Russian passion for hunting has always been proverbial. But it was social need that drove many inhabitants of Kazakhstan to systematically slaughter the saiga antelope, wild sheep, maral and wild boar, as well as to over-fish the sturgeon population in the Caspian Sea. Pelt hunters still hunt snow leopard and bear, while poachers plunder falcon and eagle nests and sell eggs and fledglings to rich sheikhs and other falcon hunt lovers. In the famine-stricken steppe of Betpak Dala, where the herds of saiga used to be counted in tens of thousands, now only around 1,000 animals survive, whereas in other areas small numbers are thought to linger on. Only in 2001 was the antelope species, under threat of extinction, put under total protection. Some kulan survive in the protected zone of the Barsakelmes Peninsula on the Aral Sea and in Altyn Emel National Park, and thanks to strict protection the animals are multiplying once more.

Back in 1867, Brehm, who was an avid ornithologist, was impressed by the rich bird life in the steppe. Even though this can only be observed today in a handful of remote steppe regions, it still makes for a very worthwhile trip. Tours in these areas support the efforts of national and international nature conservation organizations to open people’s eyes to the beauty of these animals and to sharpen their awareness of the need for preservation of all Kazakhstan's wildlife.



1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Virtual, disappearance, illegally-celebrated, proverbial, social, need, inhabitant, slaughter, sheep, boar, over-fish, sturgeon, population, poacher, plunder, fledgling, sheikh, boar, sturgeon, famine-stricken, steppe, count, survive, small, number, extinction, protection, multiply.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Virtual disappearance of many steppe animals, in true orgies of killing, Kazakh and Russian passion for hunting, social need, many inhabitants of Kazakhstan, wild sheep, Caspian Sea, snow leopard, alcon and eagle nests sell eggs and fledglings, famine-stricken steppe of Betpak Dala, threat of extinction, under total protection, rich bird life in the steppe, remote steppe regions, in these areas, national and international nature conservation organizations, for preservation of all Kazakhstan's wildlife.

Retell the text




Грамматикалық материал: The Third Conditional. Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 14.Birds and Beasts of mountain and steppe Idiom:14.another cup of tea-(another pair of shoes)- something very different from that what has been discussed previously; e.g. They are brothers but Rodney`s way of doing business is quite another cup of tea. Phrasal verb: 14. “Put off”: a) postpone. “He put off painting and cut the grass first.” b) It is also used to describe an aversion: “Her face quite puts me off”. “I was really put off by the way he eats with his mouth open.”

Retell the text


№ 2 Аралық бақылау Грамматикалық материал: Revision Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 15. Birds and Beasts of mountain and steppe(continuation) Idiom:15.one`s bread and butter-earning money, making a living; e.g. He only paints for pleasure. He earns his bread and butter as a photographer. Phrasal verb: 15. Look forward to: anticipate. “I look forward to meeting you soon”. “Kids look forward to the holidays”.

Retell the text


Грамматикалық материал: The Future Continuous Tense. The Future Perfect Tense. Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 1. Hunting Idiom:1.beat about the bush- talk indirectly about something; e.g. Stop beating about the bush and tell me how much money you want to borrow! Phrasal verb: 1. Call off – cancel: “The concert had to be called off because the singer went down with a bad case of flu.”

Text 1: Hunting


Hunting is the practice of pursuing any living thing, usually wildlife, for food, recreation, or trade. In present-day use, the term refers to lawful hunting, as distinguished from poaching, which is the killing, trapping or capture of the hunted species contrary to applicable law. The species which are hunted are referred to as game, and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory game birds.

Hunting can also involve the elimination of vermin, as a means of pest control to prevent diseases caused by overpopulation. Hunting advocates state that hunting can be a necessary component of modern wildlife management, for example to help maintain a population of healthy animals within an environment's ecological carrying capacity when natural checks such as predators are absent. In the United States, wildlife managers are frequently part of hunting regulatory and licensing bodies, where they help to set rules on the number, manner and conditions in which game may be hunted.

The pursuit, capture and release, or capture for food of fish is called fishing, which is not commonly categorised as a form of hunting. Trapping is also usually considered a separate activity. It is also not considered hunting to pursue animals without intent to kill them, as in wildlife photography or birdwatching. The practice of hunting for plants or mushrooms is a colloquial term for foraging or gathering.

Skilful tracking and acquisition of an elusive target has caused the word hunting to be used in the vernacular as a metaphor, as in "bargain hunting" or "hunting down corruption and waste".




1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Hunting, wildlife, food, recreation, trade. distinguish, poaching, trapping, capture, non-migratory, involve, elimination, vermin, pest, prevent, diseases, overpopulation, advocate, necessary, component, modern, management, maintain, population, healthy, animal, environment, ecological, carry, capacity, natural, check, predator, absent. manager, frequently, part, regulatory, condition, pursuit, capture, release, trapping, intent, photography, birdwatching, practice, plant, mushroom, colloquial, term, foraging, gathering. skilful, acquisition, elusive, target, cause, vernacular, metaphor, corruption, waste.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Practice of pursuing, any living thing, recreation, or trade, in present-day use, lawful hunting, contrary to applicable law, migratory or non-migratory game birds, component of modern wildlife management, maintain a population of healthy animals within an environment's ecological carrying capacity, wildlife managers, frequently part of hunting, regulatory and licensing manner and conditions, capture for food of fish, form of hunting, separate activity pursue animals, without intent to kill them, in wildlife photography or birdwatching, for plants or mushrooms, colloquial term, foraging or gathering, skilful tracking, elusive target, bargain hunting


3. Put special questions to the following sentences:

1.The species which are hunted are referred to as game, and are usually mammals and migratory or non-migratory game birds.2.Hunting advocates state that hunting can be a necessary component of modern wildlife management. 3.The pursuit, capture and release, or capture for food of fish is called fishing, which is not commonly categorised as a form of hunting. 4.Trapping is also usually considered a separate activity. 5.The practice of hunting for plants or mushrooms is a colloquial term for foraging or gathering.


Give the definitions.

Hunting, game, vermin, trapping, foraging, capture.

Retell the text




Грамматикалық материал: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Лексикалық материал Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 2: Hunting Methods for Beginners Idiom:2.burn one`s boats- follow a course of action that cannot be reserved or changed later; e.g. Keep your job and your flat. Don`t burn your boats here until you know for sure that you are going to stay in Canada. Phrasal verb: 2. Look up- search for: “I’ll go online and look up ‘phrasal verbs’.” “You have to look up all the unknown words in the dictionary”

Text 2: Hunting Methods for Beginners

Although hunting is enjoyed by millions of people every year, they don't all define hunting the same way. There are several drastically different ways that the sport can be experienced. To make sure that you get the most out of your experience, it's important to learn about the different hunting options, so that you can choose the method that you'll enjoy the most.

Rifle Hunting. For rifle hunting, you need little more than a rifle, ammunition, a hunting knife for cleaning, the appropriate attire for the terrain, and any general camping or hiking gear. Additionally, many consider rifle hunting to be slightly easier than using a bow, simply because it is easier to load a rifle and make a kill with a bullet than it is with a bow. Larger rifles are used to bring down larger game, like elk and bear.

Bow Hunting. Bow hunting is the preferred hunting type for those who wish to get more in touch with the primal nature of the sport. As it is quieter than rifle hunting, bow hunting often allows opportunities to bag several animals, since others aren't spooked when you fire. However, since bows generally can't produce the same type of power as rifles, aim and accuracy are much more important. Bow hunters generally carry their bow, a hunting knife, extra arrows and arrowheads, extra bowstrings in case of breakage or other string damage, and a rangefinder. They typically aim for only large game, as it is very difficult to bring down smaller animals with a bow.

Using Decoys. Decoys are typically used for hunting waterfowl, although large game decoys do exist. Generally used in conjunction with fowl-enticing calls or scents, decoys are placed in the sight of hunters who are camouflaged within a hide or a blind. Decoys often reduce the skill level needed for a successful hunt, as they often bring game to the hunter. Decoys also increase the chances of having a successful hunt, which is especially important if you are hunting for meat instead of trophies.

Tracking. Regardless of their weapon, many hunters choose to track their game instead of simply waiting for the game to come to them. Bow hunters are more likely to track than rifle hunters, mainly because a bow is quieter and less likely to spook game if the hunter misses. Tracking requires skill in the form of being able to identify animal tracks, scat, and other signs that your desired game has been in the area recently. A skilled tracker can almost guarantee contact with the game that they are hunting. Hunting gear for trackers tends to be sparse and lightweight, since they have to carry everything with them as they go.


1. Translate the following words into Russian:

Way, several, drastically, different, experience, important, option, choose, method, rifle, knife, appropriate, attire, terrain, general, camping, hiking, slightly, bow, load, bullet, elk, bear, primal, allow, opportunity, generally, produce, power, accuracy, carry, extra, arrow, arrowhead, bowstring, breakage, string, damage, rangefinder, decoy, conjunction, fowl-enticing, camouflaged, hide, reduce, skill, level, successful, increase, chance, especially, trophies, weapon, track, identify, scat, sign, tracker, guarantee, contact, sparse, lightweight, everything.

2. Give Russian equivalents of the following word combinations:

Millions of people, several drastically different ways, get the most out of your experience, to learn about the different hunting options, choose the method, hunting knife for cleaning, the appropriate attire for the terrain, any general camping or hiking gear, rifle hunting, to load a rifle, to bring down larger game, like elk and bear, the preferred hunting type, for those who wish to get more in touch with the primal nature of the sport, opportunities to bag several animals, the same type of power as rifles, extra arrows and arrowheads, extra bowstrings, large game, for hunting waterfowl, with fowl-enticing calls or scents, who are camouflaged within a hide or a blind, successful hunt, increase the chances of having a successful hunt, nstead of trophies.

3. Put special questions to the following sentences:

1.Larger rifles are used to bring down larger game, like elk and bear.2.Bow hunting is the preferred hunting type for those who wish to get more in touch with the primal nature of the sport. 3.Bow hunters generally carry their bow, a hunting knife, extra arrows and arrowheads, extra bowstrings in case of breakage or other string damage, and a rangefinder. 4.Decoys are typically used for hunting waterfowl, although large game decoys do exist.5.Decoys also increase the chances of having a successful hunt, which is especially important if you are hunting for meat instead of trophies.6. Tracking requires skill in the form of being able to identify animal tracks, scat, and other signs that your desired game has been in the area recently. 7.A skilled tracker can almost guarantee contact with the game that they are hunting. 8.Hunting gear for trackers tends to be sparse and lightweight, since they have to carry everything with them as they go.

4. Give the definitions:

Rifle hunting, bow hunting, decoys,tracking.

Retell the text



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