Advantages and disadvantages of egalitarian education. 

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Advantages and disadvantages of egalitarian education.

Еgalitarian education is designed to enable everyone to pursue subjects that they are good at, and at the same time to encourage social cohesion. But there are those who believe that the comprehensive system holds back the very bright children on whom the community will depend heavily in the years to come for inventiveness, decision-making ability and intellectual endurance which enable the country to compete successfully in the world of advanced technology.

It should be pointed out here as well, that success of education does not depend completely on the system of education chosen by the Government. The development of children’s abilities is influenced to a great extent by the society and family.

Children’s intelligence, musical ability, physical endurance varies enormously from individual to individual. Some experts claim that most of these differences are born in the child; others say that they are result of early experiences.

Aim-to diminish differences in ability that are already deeply rooted between children from advantaged and disadvantaged backgrounds.

Egalitarian approach- giving all children equal opportunities regardless of their abilities

Elitist approach-to encourage those who are outstanding in a particular thing

methods: selecting gifted children at a very early age, sending them to schools in which they are given intensive training

Minuses: selection cannot be perfect, some children can just slip through the net or later drop out before the end of the course



Private Schools:

+ To gain certain social advantages

+ parents believe they can give their children a good start in life

The City-as-School idea in New York

+ The programme is individually tailored to the students’ needs and interests

+ it’s a useful alternative way of dealing with final and troublesome school years

+ school without walls and its classrooms is the city itself

+ students spend their days in the theatres, museums, government offices

+ business is in a program of part-time apprenticeships

+ students are individually tailored to their interests and needs

+ students are accepted after an interview, the only academic requirement is two years of basic math and science at high school

+ credits are given for satisfactory completion of each assignment

the students stand as good a chance of getting into an American college

- Misleading name, expensive

- there’re still doubts whether this kind of life experience can totally replace the academic development acquired in a classroom

Summerhill (билет 24 )American example of alternative school

Harrow School- British example of alternative school

In Belarus -specialized schools in languages, computer science, gymnasiums, lyceums, specialized classes that cater for particular group of students.



Summerhill began as an experimental school. now it’s a demonstration school, for it demonstrates that freedom works? With the main idea: to make the school fit the child –instead of making the child fit the school. Obviously, a school that makes active children sit at desks studying mostly useless subjects is a bad school. It is a good school only for those who believe in such a school, for those uncreative citizens who want docile, uncreative children who will fit into a civilization, whose standard of success is money. we set out to make a school in which we should allow children freedom to be themselves. In order to do this, we had to renounce all discipline, all direction, all suggestion, all moral training, all religious instruction. My view is that a child is innately wise and realistic Logically, Summerhill is a place in which people who have the innate ability and wish to be scholars will be scholars; while those who are only fit to sweep the streets will sweep the streets.

- lessons are optional. Children can go to them or stay away from them – for years if they want to. There is a timetable – but only for the teachers. The children have classes usually according to their age, but sometimes according to their interests. We have no new methods of teaching, because we do not consider that teaching in itself matters very much. Whether a school has or has not a special method for teaching long division is of no significance, for long division is of no importance except to those who want to learn it. And the child who wants to learn long division will learn it no matter how it is taught.




Family happiness is not that hard to realize even in today’s stressful times. It just requires that you refocus your life by considering the following steps:

Enjoy Each other. The essence of a happy family is that they truly uplift each other and that all comes down to how they treat each other.

Swap Stories. You must drop everything you are doing and always come home with something to share with your kids, whether a story or even the smallest vignette.

Put the Marriage First. There are many families where kids always come first. The relationship and marriage must come first.

Build and Honor Rituals. Families need rituals and they must be flexible

Break Bread Together. It's that simple. Families that eat together, stay together.

Play Together. Have one or two unifying activities that the family does together on a nightly basis.

Put Family Before Friends. In happy families, family comes before friends. When kids get bored and listless, they start looking for excitement out of the home and that is when friends become more important.

Limit Children’s After-School Activites. Create your own after-school activities as a family. For example, take your kids rollerblading, bike riding, or swimming after school as a family.


There is no doubt that the married couples prefer to get married for love. But nobody can argue that some couples get married of convenience. It is difficult question what it is better of our society.

To begin with, the love and respect in the marriage is worth its weight in gold in all cultures and at all times. The family, where l grew up, for example, has lived with the feeling love husband and wife and respect for each other. My sister and I brought up in conditions love of our parents and near-and-dear. But despite of the fact that I know what the love-match means, I do not know the formula of the family happiness.

Admittedly, the number of divorces is bigger among couples who get married for love than couples who get married of convenience. This is clearly illustrated by the fact the mercenary marriage is more stably. It is perfect way if two rich families want to unit capital or business. Some time, the families like this become happy in marriage life. On the other hand, the mercenary marriage means that one of the better half get marriage for love as the other half get marriage of convenience. They can be happy, despite the fact that they have different image of the family happiness. It gives food for thought.

All things considered, it can conclude that the understanding is necessary point in family happiness. The best course of action would be to attempt to achieve a balance between the financial stability on the one hand and personal relations on the other.


Environmental pollution is contamination of air, water and land from man-made waste. Pollution leads to depletion of the ozone layer, global warming and climate change.

There are lots of different types of pollution: air, water and soil pollution, noise and light pollution, nuclear and thermal pollution and others. Fossil fuels are among the most serious sources of environmental pollution. Other sources include agriculture, trading activities and residential sector. Air pollution is the release of chemicals and particles into the atmosphere. Some of the most important air pollutants are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and ozone. Water pollution includes surface runoff, leakage into groundwater, liquid spills, and littering. If toxins are spilled on the ground or if an underground storage tank leaks, soil can become contaminated. The most common contaminants are herbicides and pesticides. Light pollution, defined as excess light at night, increases women’s risk of breast cancer significantly, as well as wasting energy and disrupting the migration patterns and breeding cycles of many birds and animals. Noise pollution is not only annoying, it can also cause severe hearing loss and other health problems. Litter pollutes waterways and leaches toxic chemicals into soil and groundwater as it breaks down. Most litter begins with a careless or thoughtless act by a single person who tosses away a cigarette butt or an empty soda can, which means there is a lot you can do to prevent litter.



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