Prove your point of view with the exact words from the texts. Expand your Vocabulary Map with the ones you find relevant for you. 

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Prove your point of view with the exact words from the texts. Expand your Vocabulary Map with the ones you find relevant for you.

Michael Gordeev,   the Faculty of Economy, Dpt. of Management, 2nd year № 1 I can’t really say it is hard for me to study here, but I have to admit it is very interesting. Our teachers are experts in their field and really know their onions. They have academic degrees in the field of economy alongside with the excellent practical experience in entrepreneurs’ associations, banks and government. The good thing about our faculty is that it provides us with a lot of theoretical knowledge. As regards practical skills, I don’t think we get as many of them as I personally would like to get. So it’s good that we have the University Students’ Association where I can testify myself in different activities and train myself as a leader. Every student has an opportunity to become a part of some projects and learn in practice.
Olga Arishina,   Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Dpt. of Information and Communication, 3rd year № 2 During the whole term I studied as an Erasmus Student in Poland in a small town to the north of Warsaw. At the very beginning I came across some language and cultural problems, and what was really bad, I had nobody to speak about it, no friends at all. Anyhow, I managed to overcome my problems rather quickly and got used to my new surroundings. Our studies were focused mostly on practical matters while theoretical issues were discussed only within particular case studies. I liked them very much as I participated in different workshops and projects. Now I feel more self-confident and professionally knowledgeable.
Alexandra Andriunis,   the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Dpt. of Philosophy, Master course student № 3 When I was a first-year student I experienced a kind of euphoria. Not any longer, though. Still I feel rather positive about my studies here. Actually, I’ve been studying philosophy for 6 years now. I personally believe that the future might seem clear only for a fresher who studies management or other practical disciplines. At least, this is what I think about that. In my case things are quite different; I am only outlining my goals for studying.
Oskar Davydov,   the Faculty of Philology, Dpt. of German Philology, 1st year № 4 At school I liked Geography, History and languages. Now I’m not quite happy with what I‘m doing here at the university. Yet, I’m going to continue my studies to receive a diploma. I hope I’ll find work in a tourist agency and that’s why I’m taking several distance learning courses at the Higher School of Tourism.
    Antony Daineko,   the Faculty of Physics, Dpt. of Contemporary Technology Management, 4th year № 5 At university I’ve realized in full what it really means to be a student. Definitely, here one can take the maximum from their life: a bunch of interesting activities to try, an enormous number of people to get along with, a lot of information to grasp. I was really surprised to find so many forms of self-realization. There are various clubs, bands, choirs, groups of interest. One is welcome everywhere! Just join and you get involved: you become a member of one or another community! It’s easy, isn’t it? Everyone can find their place in this wonderful community and enjoy life. As for physics, it is not only a science but a way of thinking and living. I know that university gives me a chance to be a personality. I should only catch the chance it gives. It’s a pity this experience will never be repeated.
    Dina Sergienko,   Institute of Journalism, Dpt. of Visual Media, 3rd year № 6 Being a reporter means to be in the right place at the right time, always to be ready to meet a deadline, to be tuned to what is really topical and important for the day, and of course to understand what you are writing about, to find alternative sources, and what not? I’ve realized it since the time I am a student of the Institute of Journalism. I am glad that besides compulsory classes we have here optional courses, some vocational classes together with lectures, seminars and workshops. And I’ve already started to look for my future place of work. My dream is to become a reporter from hot spots of the planet.

Ñ 5 Read texts 1-6 given above attentively and mark what students assess in their university studies. Use ‘+’ to do it.

Objects of Assessment Text number
  subjects (courses)            
  link between theory and practice            
  possibility to carry out research            
  possibility to study            
  possibility to be engaged in social activities            
  possibility to be engaged in creative activities            
  conditions of studying            
  relationships among groupmates            

^ 6 Using the material of texts 1– 6 and your Vocabulary Map write the answers to the questions below. Work in pairs choosing just one question for a pair.

1. What kind of people do the students want their teachers to be?

2. What kind of people do the students want their groupmates to be?

3. What should the university community be like?

4. What should the studying process be like?

5. Do students need to be engaged in social life?

6. What kind of life should students’ life be like?


Present the results of your work to the group and discuss them.

Choose a task and do it in a written form.

a) Think of your priorities and ambitions and write an essay presenting your model of studies at the university.

b) Make your personal diary notes on ‘ I am a student: my dreams and reality ’.



here is a summary of a text given in several sentences, the number of which depends on the number of key ideas presented in the text.

Key words

here are words that name or develop key ideas of the author’s message/text. When there are several ideas, key words could be grouped. They help to compose the resume of the text.



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