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Термін Переклад/пояснення
Article Артикль
Consonant Приголосний
Vowel Голосний

А АБО AN? THE / / АБО THE /і:/

A, an і the є артиклями. Ми використовуємо a перед приголосними (b, d, k, t, s, і т.д.): a café, a tourist, a museum

· І перед u, eu коли вони звучать як приголосний /j/ («й»): a uniform, a European city

Ми використовуємо an перед голосними (а, і, е, о, u): an interesting book, an unusual job,

· І перед словами, що починаються на беззвучну /h/: an hour / n au /

Ми вимовляємо the / / перед приголосними звуками: the book, the tourist

Перед голосними слід вимовляти the зі звуком /і:/: the art gallery, the English teacher


Ми використовуємо a/an або залишаємо слово без артикля коли говоримо про річ у загальному значенні:

a/an + Іменник в однині Без артикля + Іменник у множині Без артикля + Іменник, що не можна порахувати
Is there a café here? (будь-яке кафе) Sandwiches aren’t expensive. (сендвічі загалом, усі сендвічі) I don’t like music. (музику взагалі, будь-яку музику)


Ми використовуємо the, щоб говорити про певні конкретні об’єкти:

The + іменник в однині The + іменник у множині The + іменник, що не можна порахувати
Yes, the café’s on the ground floor. (там лише одне кафе) Did you get the sandwiches? (ми розуміємо, про які сендвічі йдеться) I don’t like the music on that CD. (лише музику на цьому диску, а не музику взагалі)



ми не використовуємо the з іменниками, що позначають речі в загальному значенні:

Is there the cash machine near here?. Is there a cash machine near here?

I prefer the films to the books. I prefer films to books.


Ми використовуємо a/an або жодного артикля коли говоримо про щось вперше. Однак ми використовуємо the коли згадуємо це знову:

I’ve just bought a new suit. It’s the grey suit we saw in the shop window last week.

‘Carla asked her teacher for advice. ’ ‘Really? Was the advice useful?’

‘Have they filled in entry forms?’ ‘Yes, I’ve got the forms here.’

Ми використовуємо the коли слухач знає про яку конкретно людину чи об’єкт ідеться:

It was a great holiday. Have you seen the photos yet? (фотографії зі свята)



According to legend, the answer dates back to the time of Napoleon. (38) …………. emperor was quite a snappy dresser and a perfectionist.


38 А - В an C a D the

Коментар правильна відповідь D, тому що з попереднього речення нам уже відомо, про якого імператора йдеться.


Професії та описи

Ми використовуємо a/an із назвами професій:

Michelle’s a student.

I want to be an engineer.

Ми також використовуємо a/an для опису людини чи речі, зазвичай із прикметником:

She’s copying a beautiful painting.

He’s a nice person.

That was an interesting exhibition.


заклад School college university prison hospital


Коли ми думаємо про призначення одного з цих закладів, ми не використовуємо артикль the.

Проте коли ми маємо на увазі будівлю, ми використовуємо the або a/an.

Призначення Будівля
Michelle is a student atart school. The art school is in North Street.
My brother’s sick in hospital. Excuse me, where’s the hospital?
The murderer was sent to prison. The prison has stone walls.




Ми використовуємо the з назвами більшості газет, проте вкрай рідко з назвами журналів:

газети The Daily News, the Sun, the New York Times
більшість журналів Vogue, Newsweek, Time, Hello


‘Did you see her photo in Vogue?’ ‘No, it was in the Sun. ’

Ми говоримо the cinema, the theatre, i the radio. Ми не використовуємо the перед television або TV коли говоримо про телепрограми:

In the mornings I like listening to the radio but in the evenings I prefer watching TV.

Проте ми використовуємо артиклі a чи the, говорячи про телевізор як пристрій:

There’s something wrong with the television in my bedroom.


The young the old the elderly the rich poor the sick the homeless the deaf the disabled the unemployed the blind the injured the dead


Деякі прикметники можуть виступати у ролі іменників, описуючи конкретну групу людей, наприклад усі багаті люди = the rich. Ми використовуємо з ними дієслово множини:

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

Ми створюємо назви національностей, що закінчуються на –ch/-sh/-ese/-s таким самим чином, наприклад French, Dutch, Japanese.

The French have elected a new president. (усі французи)

The Irish are voting on the the new European Union tomorrow. (усі ірландці)

ми не використовуємо the з національностями, що утворюються іншим чином:

The Brazilian are used to hot weatehr Brazilians are used to hot weather.

(лише національності, ща мають закінчення –ch/-sh/-ese/-s використовуються з артиклем the і в однині.)



(33)…… Swiss have not always been such a docile people.


33 A A В - C The D An


Коментар правильна відповідь C, тому що Swiss закінчується на –s, а отже з цією національністю використовуємо означений артикль the.


Article ‘the’

Ø With nouns which are unique

The Eiffel Tower

Ø With the names of cinemas, hotels, theatres, museums, ships, organisations, galleries.

Ø With the names of rivers (The Nile), seas (the Black Sea), group of islands (The canary Islands), mountain ranges (the Alps), deserts (The Sahara Desert), oceans (The Atlantic), canals (The Panama Canal), countries when they include words such as state, kingdom, republic (The United Kingdom) and names of nouns with ‘of’ (the Learning Tower of Pisa)

Ø Note: the equator, the North/South Pole, the south/north/west/east

Ø Names of musical instruments and dances (the piano, the tango)

Ø The titles (the King), but it is omitted before titles with proper names (Queen Victoria)

Ø With historical period/events (The Middle ages)

Ø family names in the plural (The Smiths)

Ø we use the + adjective to refer to a group of people.

The young are usually impatient.

Ø We use the with the words beach, station, cinema, theatre, coast, country(side), ground, jungle, seaside, weather, world, shop, library, city, sea

(BUT to be at sea = to be sailing), etc.

Let's go to the beach.

We spent the weekend in the countryside. The weather is awful today.

Without article ‘the’

Ø With the names of sports, games, activities, days, months, celebrations, colours, drinks, meals and languages (when they are not followed by word ‘ language’) (We don’t speak germen. The germen language is very difficult.)

Ø With names of pubs, restaurants, shops, banks and hotels named after the people or when the first word is the name of the person and end –s or –‘s (Harrods Winsdor Castle, Dave’s Pub but the Red, the White house)

Ø With by+ means of transport by bus, but ‘She left on the 8 o’clock bus this morning.’

Ø With the words home/mother/father when we talk about our own home and family. (Father is at home.)

Ø names of countries in the singular, mountains, continents, towns, parks, lakes, streets, bridges

Germany, France, Mount Whitney, Africa, Cairo, New York, Central Park, Hyde Park, Lake Michigan, Loch Ness, 42nd Street, Oxford Street

But: The Netherlands, the Lebanon, the Sudan, the Vatican city, the High Street



Kwanza, a Swahili word for "(38)………. first fruits of the harvest," is a celebration of African-American culture.


38 А - В an C a D the

Коментар правильна відповідь D, тому що перед порядковим числівником ми вживаємо завжди означений артикль the.


They were property of (35)_____ United States.


35 A a В the C an D -

Коментар правильна відповідь B, тому що перед United States ми вживаємо означений артикль (це країна, що являє собою поєднання кількох частин).


Тренувальні вправи


... train stopped at... little station.... passenger looked out of the window of... train carriage and saw... woman selling... cakes.... man had not had... breakfast in... morning. He was hungry and wanted to buy... cake.... woman was standing rather far from... carriage.... man did not want to go and buy... cake himself because he was afraid to miss... train. He saw... boy who was walking along... platform near... carriage. He called... boy and asked him, "How much does... cake cost?" "Three pence, sir," answered... boy.... man gave him a six pence and said, "Bring me... cake, and with... other three pence buy... cake for yourself."... boy took... money and went to... woman. A few minutes later... boy returned. He was eating... cake. He gave... man three pence change and said, "... woman had only one cake, sir."


Once there lived... king. His name was Midas. He had... little daughter. They lived in... beautiful palace with... wonderful garden around it. Now... king was very fond of... gold. He loved... gold more than anything else in... world. One day, when... king was looking at his gold,... young man appeared before him. "You are... very rich man, Midas," said... young man. "Yes," said... king, "but I would like to be richer. I would like to have... golden touch. I want everything that I touch to turn into... gold."... young man was... magician, and he gave... king... golden touch which he wanted to have.... king was very happy. He touched... table, and... table became gold. He went into... garden. There were... beautiful roses in... garden. He touched... roses, and they also became gold.... king's daughter, who loved... roses very much, saw it and began to cry. "Don't cry,... dear daughter," said... king and touched his daughter's head.... next moment... girl turned into... beautiful gold statue.


Last Tuesday... evening, when... whole family was at... home,... burglar came into... house and stole $500! When we discovered... theft, we called... police. Because... burglar's... shoes were wet and dirty,... detective could follow his... footprints. Here is what... burglar did. He broke in through... front door. It was locked, so he broke... lock. Dad was reading... newspaper in... study near... front door. He was facing... big window, so he didn't see... man, and because he was also listening to... loud... music, he didn't hear him. It was raining and there was... thunder, so there was... lot of... noise outside, too.... burglar crossed... hall to... kitchen. Mum was making... pot of... tea, so he didn't go into... kitchen.... man went back across... hall and looked into... dining room. No one was in there. He looked through all... drawers and found $300. But this wasn't enough. He came out of... dining room and went upstairs. Tom was doing his... homework in his... bedroom and listening to his... Walkman.... burglar went past Tom's... room. Sally was taking... shower and singing at... top of her... lungs. He went into... TV room. He opened everything but found nothing. Then he left... TV room, went back down... stairs and into... kitchen. Mum was sitting in... living room with Dad.... burglar was very quiet! He found $200 in... old... teapot on... top shelf of... left kitchen cupboard. Then... man went out through... French window in... dining room. It wasn't locked, so it was easy to get out.... police couldn't believe it! We never heard... burglar!


Until near... end of... 19th century it was the law in... England that if... man was unable to pay... debt, even... small one, he could be imprisoned. This imprisonment might very well be for... life, as it was impossible for... people in prison to work at their ordinary occupations and so make... money to repay... sum they had borrowed. If they had... friends who could bring them... materials to work with, they might work with their hands, sewing or making... boots, for instance.

... great English novelist Charles Dickens knew... great deal about the debtors' prisons from per­sonal experience, for when he was about ten, his fa­ther was imprisoned for debt, and... whole family had to go and live with him in... prison because they had nowhere else to live.... mother and... children, however, could leave... place when they wished; but at ten o'clock every evening... great gates were shut for the night, and no one could leave or enter until morning. Dickens described... life in the debtors' prisons in some of his novels. It was largely because of Dickens' sharp criticism that... English Govern­ment was finally forced to do away with... debtors' prisons.




... tsunami is... natural phenomenon consisting of... series of... waves generated when... water in... lake or... sea is rapidly displaced on... massive scale. It is also... very large dangerous ocean wave caused by... underwater explosion, earthquake, etc.... earthquakes,... landslides,... volcanic eruptions and... large meteorite impacts all have the potential to generate... tsunami.... effects of... tsunami can range from unnoticeable to... devastation.

... magnitude 9.0 2004... Indian Ocean Earthquake triggered... series of... lethal tsunamis on December 26, 2004 that killed over 310,000 people (more than 220,000 in... Indonesia alone), making it... deadliest tsunami in... recorded history.... tsunami killed... people over... area ranging from... immediate vicinity of... quake in... Indonesia,... Thailand and... north-western coast of... Malaysia to thousands of kilometres away in... Bangladesh,... India,... Sri Lanka,... Maldives, and even as far as... Somalia,... Kenya and... Tanzania in... eastern Africa.... disaster prompted... huge worldwide effort to help... victims of... tragedy, with hundreds of... millions of... dollars being raised for... disaster relief.


Термін Переклад/пояснення
Article Артикль
Consonant Приголосний
Vowel Голосний

А АБО AN? THE / / АБО THE /і:/

A, an і the є артиклями. Ми використовуємо a перед приголосними (b, d, k, t, s, і т.д.): a café, a tourist, a museum

· І перед u, eu коли вони звучать як приголосний /j/ («й»): a uniform, a European city

Ми використовуємо an перед голосними (а, і, е, о, u): an interesting book, an unusual job,

· І перед словами, що починаються на беззвучну /h/: an hour / n au /

Ми вимовляємо the / / перед приголосними звуками: the book, the tourist

Перед голосними слід вимовляти the зі звуком /і:/: the art gallery, the English teacher


Ми використовуємо a/an або залишаємо слово без артикля коли говоримо про річ у загальному значенні:

a/an + Іменник в однині Без артикля + Іменник у множині Без артикля + Іменник, що не можна порахувати
Is there a café here? (будь-яке кафе) Sandwiches aren’t expensive. (сендвічі загалом, усі сендвічі) I don’t like music. (музику взагалі, будь-яку музику)


Ми використовуємо the, щоб говорити про певні конкретні об’єкти:

The + іменник в однині The + іменник у множині The + іменник, що не можна порахувати
Yes, the café’s on the ground floor. (там лише одне кафе) Did you get the sandwiches? (ми розуміємо, про які сендвічі йдеться) I don’t like the music on that CD. (лише музику на цьому диску, а не музику взагалі)



ми не використовуємо the з іменниками, що позначають речі в загальному значенні:

Is there the cash machine near here?. Is there a cash machine near here?

I prefer the films to the books. I prefer films to books.


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