Ex. 6.1. Theft from Clothing Store 

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Ex. 6.1. Theft from Clothing Store

On Wednesday the 30th of April 2015, at 02:15 hours, a theft of clothing incident was reported to Police Station №4. The caller stated that he witnessed a theft of clothing incident, which had just occurred at the “Best Clothes” store located at Main Street -26, grid reference 175-938. Immediately, a police patrol was dispatched to the scene of the incident.

On arrival at the location of the theft the officers observed that the South side door and the door's frame were pulled away from the doorway of the building. The officers further observed vehicle tire tracks next to the doorway and a four meter long section of steel chain that was still attached to the door and door frame. The officers concluded in their investigation that the clothing thieves had used a chain and vehicle to pull the door and door's frame from the building so that they would be able to enter the building to commit the theft.

The caller witness stated that at 01:55 hrs, the 30th of April, he was working late at the “Best Clothes” store doing clothing alterations as the store tailor, when he heard the very loud sound of the South side door being pulled away from the building. The witness stated that, as he was very frightened and hiding behind a clothing display, three meters away from the incident. He observed two men run into the building and steal 17 black leather coats that had a value of 200 euros each. The witness said to the police that he could clearly see both men in the headlights of the vehicle that the offenders used to pull the door and the door's frame away from the building.

The witness described the first offender as being about 30 years of age, with black hair, 180 cm tall, heavy build, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans and black shoes. The witness described the second offender as being about 20 years of age, with light hair color, 175 cm tall, slender build, wearing black shirt, grey pants and brown shoes.

The witness further added that the two offenders committed the theft and departed the area very quickly. The witness reported the vehicle as being a small, van typevehicle, license № 583 KS 694. As it was dark the witness was not able to identify the color of the suspect's car. The witness advised the police that he resided at Main Street -74, on the third floor of the building, at grid reference 173-897.

At 03:30 hrs, the 30th of April, The police finished their interview with the witness and advised the witness that the investigation would be continuing. The police took pictures of the door and the door's frame with the attached chain. They also took four meters of chain as evidence.

Unit 14


The President plays a large role in shaping the laws of the United States by recommending or suggesting, needed laws to Congress. To carry out this constitutional provision, he delivers several oral or written messages to Congress each year. Usually in late January the President addresses Congress in a State of the Union Address where he sets forth the programs and policies that he wants Congress to put into effect as laws.The President also sends Congress a budget message, recommending how the federal government should raise and spend its money. In an economic message to Congress the President reviews the nation’s economic condition and recommends various laws to help the economy. The President also influences legislation by the power to veto, or reject, laws. For this reason Congress considers carefully before passing a bill it knows the President does not approve.

According to the Constitution the Congressmen’s job is to make nation’s laws. They may have to decide how large armed forces should be or how high federal taxes should be. Only Congress holds “the power of the purse”. Members of Congress may declare war and propose amendments to the Constitution.

The Supreme Court begins its sessions each year on the first Monday in October. The Justices spend much of their time reading written arguments, hearing oral arguments and holding private meetings. After the Supreme Court has agreed to hear the case, the lawyers for each party prepare a brief (a written statement explaining the main points of one party’s arguments). Each Justice then studies the brief. The next step takes place in a public session. The lawyers for each party appear before the Court to present an oral argument. The Justices often question the lawyers about the case. On most Fridays, the Justices meet in private to discuss and vote on the cases they have heard.

Ex. 2.2.

1. To have or produce an effect on smb; to modify.

2. To consider or examine a court action again.

3. A formal change made by parliamentary or constitutional procedure.

4. To behave or think in agreement with a rule or standard; to correspond.

5. To refuse to accept, believe or approve.

6. To make certain that a law or rule is observed.

Ex. 2.6.

At the Library of Congress


Student: Excuse, me!

Librarian: Yes, can I help you?

S.: I’m an exchange student studying US government. Where can I find information for my paper.

L.: Could you наметить в общих чертах the topic of your research?

S.: Well, I want to stress исполнительную ветвь of the government.

L.: OK. You should keep in mind that American правительство is a government “of the people, by the people and for the people”. Its main purpose is to serve the people. The executive branch is to исполнять the nation’s laws. It is headed by президентом who is the nation's Chief Executor.

S.: Oh, yes. I’ve read that he may both предложить and отклонить закон.

L.: I see you have an idea about our government and you can find all information on this topic in Section G-5.

S.: Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.


Ex.6.1. Kidnapping

On the 15th of May 2003 at 14:30 hrs investigation officer of the police station # 2 received a telephone call from the chief of the boarder-crossing checkpoint # 5. The caller asked the investigation officer to come to the boarder crossing immediately. On arrival at the checkpoint he saw a big truck registration number 376 KS 941 and the ambulance. The chief of the boarder-crossing checkpoint explained, that this day at 12:15 hrs they stopped a big truck, leaving the country to check the cargo documents. The cargo appeared to be 2000 big boxes of cigarettes.

The driver of the truck a 42-year old male, 178 cm tall, with sunglasses, muscular built, with short black hair, dressed in blue jeans, green shirt and black military style boots gave necessary cargo documents. The documents were OK, but when one of the border police officers began checking capacity of the boxes in the truck he heard a faint groan inside the truck. At first he did not believe what he heard, but after some time he heard the same sound again. He asked the driver of the truck if he had anything illegal in the truck. The driver said, that he did not understand what he was talking about.

The 3 boarder police officers began removing boxes from the truck. Box number 36 was heavier than the others and officers decided to open this box. When the officers opened the box they saw a young woman in this box. She was about 25 years old, 170 cm tall, with long fair hair and grey eyes. She was dressed in blue and white colored sports costume and white running shoes. She was unconscious and could not speak. The border police called for an ambulance. When the ambulance arrived the woman was already able to speak and asked for a glass of water. The doctor said, that there was no danger to her life and advised, that the woman needed some fresh air and rest. The chief of the border-crossing checkpoint also added, that he spoke with the woman and she revealed, that her father was the owner of the cigarette trading company named “Blend of freedom”. The driver of the truck had kidnapped her on the 13th of May 2003 at 08:00 hrs when she was jogging in the park and now demanded her father to pay 20000 Euros to have his daughter back. She did not remember when and how she was in the truck, because the kidnapper gave her an injection with a syringe and she fell asleep. The driver of the truck tried to flee across the border, but was caught by the boarder police and arrested. The woman gave the telephone number of her father's office as 239-647. The investigation officer called this number and advised the owner of the trading company about the recovery of his daughter. The father of the kidnapped woman was advised to come to the police station # 2 on the 16th of May 2003 at 10:30 hrs. The case is under investigation.

The following conversation is the dialogue between the Chief of the police station # 2 and the investigation officer.



Station Commander: Good afternoon. Please, tell me, what happened at the boarder-crossing checkpoint.

Investigation officer: Good afternoon. On the 15th of May 2003 at 14:30 hrs I received a telephone call from the chief of the boarder-crossing checkpoint # 5. The caller asked me to come to the boarder crossing immediately.

Station Commander: What did you see on arrival to the checkpoint?

Investigation officer: I saw a big truck registration number 376 KS 941 and the ambulance.

Station Commander: What happened then?

Investigation officer: The chief of the boarder-crossing checkpoint explained, that this day at 12:15 hrs they stopped a big truck, leaving the country to check the cargo documents.

Station Commander: What cargo was in this truck?

Investigation officer: 2000 big boxes of cigarettes.

Station commander: Describe the truck driver please.

Investigation officer: The driver of the truck was a 42-year old male, 178 cm tall, with sunglasses, muscular built, with short black hair, dressed in blue jeans, green shirt and black military style boots.

Station Commander: Did he have necessary documents?

Investigation officer: Yes, he did and all documents were OK.

Station Commander: Continue please.

Investigation officer: When one of the border police officers began checking capacity of the boxes in the truck he heard a faint groan inside the truck.

Station commander: Did he ask the driver of the truck if he had anything illegal in the truck?

Investigation officer: Yes, he did but the driver said, that he did not understand what he was talking about.

Station Commander: Did the boarder police check boxes in the truck?

Duty officer: Yes, they did. 3 boarder police officers began removing boxes from the truck.

Station Commander: Did they find anything strange in these boxes?

Investigation officer: Box number 36 was heavier than the others and officers decided to open this box.

Station Commander: What was in this box?

Investigation officer: When the officers opened the box they saw a young woman in this box.

Station Commander: What was she look like?

Investigation officer: She was about 25 years old, 170 cm tall, with long fair hair and grey eyes. She was dressed in blue and white colored sports costume and white running shoes.

Station Commander: Was she able to speak?

Investigation officer: In the beginning she was unconscious and could not speak.

Station commander: What happened to her?

Investigation officer: When ambulance arrived the woman was already able to speak and asked for a glass of water.

Station Commander: What did the doctor say about her condition?

Investigation officer: The doctor said, that there was no danger to her life and advised, that the woman needed some fresh air and rest.

Station Commander: What did she say?

Investigation officer: She said,that her father was the owner of the cigarette trading company named “Blend of freedom”. She also gave the telephone number of her father's office as 239-647.

Station Commander: Did she say who and when had kidnapped her?

Investigation officer: The driver of the truck had kidnapped her on the 13th of May 2003 at 08:00 hrs when she was jogging in the park

Station Commander: Did she explain how she was in the truck?

Investigation officer: She did not remember when and how she was in the truck, because the kidnapper gave her an injection with a syringe and she fell asleep.

Station Commander: What was the demand of the kidnapper?

Investigation officer: He demanded the owner of the company would pay 20000 Euros to have his daughter back.

Station Commander: Was the driver of the truck arrested?

Investigation officer: Yes,-sir. He was arrested when he tried to flee across the border, but was caught by the boarder police.

Station Commander: Did you call the father of the kidnapped woman?

Investigation officer: I called the owner of the trading company about the recovery of his daughter and advised him to come to the police station # 2 on the 16th of May 2003 at 10:30 hrs.

Station commander: So what is the status of the case?

Investigation officer: Still under investigation.

Station commander: Thank you for briefing. Good-bye.

Investigation officer: Good-bye.



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