Chapter 6.Campaign Planning product promotions 

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Chapter 6.Campaign Planning product promotions


Complex marketing communications encompasses four components, such as:

· advertising;

· PR (public relations);

· personal selling;

· sales promotion.

Advertising - any paid form of non-personal information spreading about the company or its product or service from a particular registered customer. The main objectives of advertising is to inform consumers about the product and a reminder of image formation. Our company will market our products by:

TV advertising using promotional videos on leading TV channels of the country;

souvenir advertising, which is characterized by the fact that there will be given away for various small podarunochky (key rings, pens, calendars, etc.) with our brand name;

Here are the examples of key rings:

Pic.6.1 The ‘Medochok ’key rings.

Outdoor advertising, which will be manifested in the form of a billboard.

PR Committee (PR) - aims at a positive image of the company activities, friendly to her and her friend. Our company focuses on children because we have a Christmas service when Santa Claus brings chocolate child personally to the address, but this should be indicated and the number of units sold products must be at least 50. The same goodies Santa brings our production in orphanages and kindergartens.

Personal selling - a means of communication to inform consumers about the product and company and direct implementation of marketing operations when contact with the user completes the sale of goods. It is the most effective means of communication among all. Our company uses direct marketing in supermarkets "Auchan " in the form of tasting where consumers can try our chocolate, get all the information you need and if you want, buy it.

Sales Promotion - short-term incentive measures to encourage consumers and intermediaries to purchase goods. Ways of sales promotion are discounts, sales, sweepstakes, promotions and more.

Among the varieties of my marketing communications company prefers to use the rules of the shares of the supermarket chain. We use such actions as:

"3 for the price of 2-story " that is because, when you buy 2 units sold, 3 is given as a gift, which is good news because getting something for free is always nice;

Given that our honey company will be different from the other, it requires sufficient advertising, so you should use the strategy of " pull ", because you need to familiarize consumers with the benefits of our products interest them, and then has been actively promoting the product by channels.

It is therefore important to use and combine all 4 tools of marketing communications because it is to lead to an increase in demand and the objectives of the company "Medochok ".



During the writing of course project were identified needs of the population in high-quality and relatively inexpensive honey of domestic production. There was conducted collecting of secondary information, which showed that dissatisfied need really existed. To meet this need, was created the enterprise "Medochok", which mission is to meet consumer demand for honey.

In the second chapter, whuch based on the research of tastes and preferences of consumers, was made a segmentation of the market. The company aims are to reach a target market, distributing it to targeted segments of consumers by gender, age, favourite type of honey for each segment of consumers. We also apply a differentiated marketing strategy.

In the third chapter we discussed the range of enterprise operations and characteristics of the goods by the three-level model of F.Kotler. BAlso we worked out the chart of positioning and defined basic advantages above competitors: high quality and average price.

In the fourth chapter, it was determined that the demand for honey is flexible, ie when prices change in demand also change dramatically. We calculated the optimal price for a product company, which is 122,99UAH.The optimal amount of sales -168 units. also defined the maximum profit of the company in the amount of 9382,32 UAH. And built a graph of cost of sales.

The next step was the formation of an extensive network of goods movement and collaboration of agents. There was a graph of the demand for Honey, we also found the break-even point (47 units).

The last chapter was defined communication policy of the created firm, namely select facilities of distribution of advertisement, described facilities sales promotions that an enterprise will use. It describes two types of advertising: television and magazine. Sales promotion is certain for every level.





1. Balabanov LV Marketing: Tutorial. - 2nd edition, revised. and add. - K.: Knowledge Press, 2004. - 645s.

2. Garkavenko SS Marketing: Textbook. - 4th edition enlarged - K.: Libra, 2010 - 720 p.

3. Krykavskyy EV, Deynega I. Patora R.Navch. Guide. Marketing product policy - Lviv: 2nd Edition. Publisher of "Lviv Polytechnic ", 2008. - 276s.

4. Guidance for the course of the project " Formation of the marketing mix of the enterprise" of course " Marketing" for students of all learning disciplines 0305 "Economics and entrepreneurship " and the 0306 "Management and Administration" / Sost.: Frost L., E. Krykavskyy V. mowers NS, NE Kuzio, Leonov S., Rykovanova IS, Savchenko YT - Lviv: "Lviv Polytechnic " 2009. - 26 p.

5. Frost LA, Chukhray NI Marketing / for science. eds. Moroz LA: Tutorial - Lviv: "Lviv Polytechnic " (Information and Publishing Center "Intelligence +" Institute training and retraining), 2009. - 244 p.



Hello! The company "Medochok" conducts a survey to determine the demands of consumers in choosing a product as honey. Please answer a few questions. Select the option that is most appropriate for you, or write your own answer.

Do you like honey?

a. Yes

b. No


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