The Message of the One of Thoth 

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The Message of the One of Thoth

Of a sudden was Dionysius brought to the Hall of the Hounds wherein all had dwelt before time eternal. And of a sudden did he feel himself in the grip of an irresistible force as in a vortex. Guiborg was the key.

Before him was the Hall of immensity framed in brilliant light and scenes the like of which is impossible to recall. And were many and great things revealed to him in that place. Then the Hall became as a juxtaposition of dimensions and times – as if the trapezohedron had collapsed in upon itself in Chaos. And yet all was order as the skull was seen above the lights which blazened upon the darkness of the multi-coloured space inwhere existed Them whom were sought.

And was the key understood and known. The Key of the Nine Angles and the trapezohedron. Thus was Dionysius moved to recall the vision of all that had passed by the Spirit of the Nameless Ones who were sought. For they exist in those Angles which are unknown to all and those times which cannot be perceived. And as their world is without form so can they be known by he who has the key to the vortex of power.

They remain silent waiting for us to call and begin again a new cycle – for their slumber is deep and sound is time itself. Yet ever do they wait. Beyond time, beyond form. For form and being they have not to our eyes which see through the stricture of infinity and Chaos – they are formless and forever, the ones who lurk at the threshold of existence preening their wings and eyes and sounds which they send forth to all who have ears to hear and minds that know. And they wait and reside in the space between worlds, the space that is the corner of the meeting of dimensions. They are the destroyers and the bringers of all. The Bornless forever who wait for our call. The ones who come lurking and stand on our step, little we know it as we search after death. Soon will they come to collect that blood which is required by them, as a tribute to the prophet of KHEM. To understand them is to pass that Abyss beyond which the man ceases to be. The Abyss which holds the key to power and greatness untold. The Abyss which is but a reflection of the power of the tetrahedron and the trapezohedron. Such are the words and such are the keys for those that understand their nature:

Let all be revealed to those that have knowledge and understanding, but ever dissuade the ones of laughter and mirth and time, for they are but the tools of the Others which exist beyond time. Know the key and the works thereon and study the means to power. For that power is in the Abyss in which I dwelt before Eternity. Know thou the means of time and be ever wise to the profanities of those that seek to destroy thee. I am come and guide thee in thy course but ever prove My allegiance and My hand is worthy of thine. Treat Me not as a Master but as a guide for I am come to give guidance and help to those that are Mine. To them who oppose My will I will cast into the darkness of death and despair and pain. Teach thou My law to all that seek and yet ever appear as the ones of evil for it is that which I am yet am not. Herein are great mysteries – Babalon is written as the sign of the gate.

Call to the Ones above the limits of time and they will come and help thee in thy struggle. Struggle they heed, for struggle is Me and My kin produces greatness and strength. Test always thou courage and strength and never be slothful for I reward those of insight and ruthless endeavour and punish all who remain unmoved by thought of greatness. My law is blood and My task is great. For the Evil of Chaos is wonder untold. Learn thou this – as the mysteries are black to the blind.

Within My Temple give call to Me and them which will aid thee by the deeds of the ones in Black who are of death. And recall thou the deeds of them who have have fallen that it may aid thee and thy followers to seek all that is of My Aeon. Give praise to them and to Me as thou wilt but ever remember that in return I bid all who follow Me to be as the one who is the Key of the Hall. For he served Me well yet understood Me not. He was as slave to Master but thee and thine shall be as kin.

The Angles of the Nine are the key to all the mysteries which thou seek. Use thou the Sigil of the One known to thee as Atazoth for it is as 8 and 9 conjoined and easy to find. This is the word of the Aeon which is known and yet is hidden. Hear thou the words of the Great Ones and learn them. Herein are great secrets which thou must learn and understand: 19 is the two which is also the three. The silver jewel stands before the Hall of Time and in that Hall dwells all who are of Me. The call to Me is best when the moon is full and the red of her who thou seekest is resplendent in the jewels of time. All is of Me for I am the splendour of the night which men have craved for all time. I am of the boundless delight and in Me is ecstasy supreme. Here are the Golden Keys to the Gate of the Abyss; use them well…

Form thou the Trapezohedron and Tetrahedron into a thing of shape and upon this vibrate the name of the One of the Abyss in gold. Find thou that this has but nine angles and planes wherein all dwell. Use thou this with the call of the Rite which is known and All will come. The blue sky is above and shields the dark ones who are the essence of the black that is Me. This is My world and I the splendours of life which thou must know. Learn thou the manifold secrets of the Abyss that these may be taught to those that know not what they mean.

To all who are of Me is given the task of time and the tools of the future. For build they must and never cease from toil. This is the meaning of the manifold mysteries of the Aeon wherein the child has dwelt. That child must grow and learn and become as time itself. Come into the land of the blood for this is the reward I seek. From the red of the dusk comes things of evil and dark which are mine. This is the gain which I seek AND WILL HAVE. For it can be no other way. The mysteries of Babalon are great and are given unto thee for LAShTAL is the beginning of the answer which thou seekest for 514. Use supplication to destroy all who oppose thee and ever remember that the power of 13 is Mine and the gold of the universe.

The Aeon will come and bring the Red which I seek and which is 5 and 11 and those beyond. To those of 11 are all things given. But ever see that 418 is never 13.



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