IX. Match names of the letters with their meanings. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


IX. Match names of the letters with their meanings.

1) The letter of invitation

2) The letter of apology

3) The letter of inquiry

4) The letter of complaint

5) The collection letter

6) The letter of condolence

a) This letter expresses the regret over death or tragedy.

b) This letter is used to investigate an open position for employment,

gather information regarding products or services.

c) The reply to the letter of complaint.

d) The letter is used to invite clients and / or customers to important


e) This letter is used when a customer, client or vendor has failed to

make payments as agreed.

f) This letter is used to express dissatisfaction about the product or

service to the retailer or manufacturer.


X. Translate the letter of invitation from Ukrainian into

Велике спасибі за запрошення приєднатися до заходу,
присвяченому річниці Вашої компанії. Для мене це велика
честь. На жаль, я змушений відмовитися від Вашого
запрошення, тому що в даний час я працюю над дуже важливим
проектом, який забирає багато часу.
Я дуже ціную Ваше запрошення, і для мене буде великою честю
стати членом Вашої групи. Сподіваюся на ваше розуміння.
З повагою, М.О. Кравчук


I семестр

Варіант №7


I. Read and translate the following text in the written form.

World Exhibition

The first world industrial exhibition was held in London in 1851. It was a great success. It displayed exhibits of 40 participating nations and the number of visitors reached over 6 million.

Since then world industrial exhibitions have had a colourful history. Many such events have been held, some of them on a large scale. They have changed not only in size and scale, but also in character and overall purpose. Such events provided opportunities for exchanging scientific, technological and cultural achievements of the people of Europe, America, Australia, Asia and Africa.Beginning with the early 60s, international expositions began to take new forms, trying to emphasize not only technological progress, but also other aspects of life. They became festivals of industry and culture.

In our country international specialized exhibitions are organized by different trade fair organizing firms. The companies organize international specialized exhibitions, presentations, seminars, training programmes, Industrial Trade Fairs, etc. The events cover all sectors influencing the national economy including agriculture, machine tool construction, metal working and woodworking, national construction and food industry. Such fairs and exhibitions provide an opportunity to establish profitable contacts and promote mutual understandind among different nations.


II. Match the words with their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. Fair а) національна економіка

2. Cover b) включати

3. Promote c) вигідні контакти

4. Establish d) загальний; всеосяжний

5. Profitable contacts e) охоплювати

6. Scale f) ярмарка

7. Exhibition g) сприяти просуванню

8. Overall h) масштаб

9. National economy i) виставка

10. Include j) встановлювати


III. Translate into English.

Проводити виставку; виставляти експонати; у великому масштабі; можливості для обміну науковими досягненнями; міжнародні торгові виставки та ярмарки; компанії, що займаються організацією виставок торговельних підприємств; встановлювати вигідні контакти


IV. Answer the following questions to the text.

1. Where was the first international exhibition held?

2. How did international expositions begin to change since the early 60s?

3. What opportunities do international fairs and exhibitions offer?

4. Who organizes any trade fair or exhibition?

5. Does our country take part in international fairs and exhibitions?

6. Can you name the most famous international specialized exhibitions?


V. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Emphasize the infinitive, defining its shape.

1. Supply of goods is not enough to meet the demand requirements.

2. They happened to be discussing something when I came in.

3. This financial capital could have been used elsewhere.

4. The aim of macroeconomics is to study the economy in general.

5. He wants to be asked a question.


VI. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian using infinitive constructions.

1. An increase in the wage rate is expected to reduce the quantity of labour demanded.

2.Unemployment benefits are believed to stop people from looking for a job.

3. My mother wants me to find a job with a good salary.

4. Everyone consider him to be a clever top manager.

5. All the capital equipment of the firm is believed to have been leased.


VII. Complete the dialogue using the sentences in the box.

A: Hello, this is the press office.


A: I’m sorry, you must have the wrong number. There’s no-one of that name here.


A: No, it’s 5558790.


A: No problem! Bye!

  -Oh. Can I check the number I’ve got….is that not 5568790? -Oh sorry about that. I must have dialed the wrong number. - Rachel Allsop please.  


VIII. Write the address in the right order putting the following information.

D.Clark who is the Sales Manager of Priston and CO Ltd. His office is in number 76 Kolas Court and postal code is TW9 1DW.


IX. Make a business card for yourself in English.


X. Choose one word in a sentence that is odd in the context.

1. What time would be convenient for/be convenient/suit you?

2. Are you free sometime/anytime/one time next week?

3. Could we meet on/--/at Thursday in/--/at the afternoon?

4. I suppose I will/should/would be able to make/do/ set next Friday


5. I’m sorry, but I’ve already got an arrangement / an appointment/a

promise on Thursday.

6. I’m afraid I’m busy/occupied/tied up all day next morning.

7. Pardon me, / Sorry, / I’m afraid I can’t make/control/manage it on

that day.

8. I am out of the office for/till/until 2 p.m. on that day.


I семестр

Варіант №8


I. Read and translate the following text in the written form.

Staying at a Hotel

As I’m the manager of the company I often go on business trips to visit our trade partner’s manufacturing plants in London. When the plane lands at Heathrow airport I go through passport control and check my luggage at the Customs house. A representative of our Trade Delegation meets me at the airport and takes me to the Embassy Hotel. It’s a comfortable Hotel in the centre of London. Prices for the rooms are reasonable and the hotel is usually full, so the rooms are reserved in advance. It takes us about half an hour to get to the hotel At the reception desk we address the receptionist and say that we have reserved accommodation for Mr.Petrov at the hotel. The receptionist checks the reservation and informs us that one single room with private bath is reserved for Mr.Petrov from this day. The room is on the third floor, number 301. We thank our receptionist and fill in the following form:

Surname___________________ First name _________________________-

Nationality__________________ Date of birth _______________________

Occupation _________________ Place of birth ______________________

Date of arrival in London_______ Address ________________

Length of stay______________

The receptionist thanks us and gives me the key to my room. He calls the porter and asks him to take me up to my room in the lift. The receptionist asks me not to miss breakfast serveв from 7.30 to 8.30. He also warns mе that the hotel charges include breakfast and maid-service and I don’t have to give any tips to the maids. The receptionist wishes me to enjoy my stay at the hotel.


II. Translate into English.

Замовити номер заздалегідь; комфортабельний готель; готель зазвичай переповнений; службовець готелю; номер з однією кімнатою; коридорний (портьє); провести в номер; плата за номер в готелі; включати сніданок і послуги покоївки; давати чайові.


III. Answer the following questions to the text. 1. Why do businessmen have to stay at hotels? 2. Who makes arrangements for a businessman’s stay at a hotel? 3. Why are visitors asked to fill in the form? 4. What do visitors write in the form? 5. Have you ever stayed at a hotel?


IV. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Emphasize the infinitive, defining its shape.

1.Too high prices of resources to be used in production is the problem of many enterprises.

2.The exchange rate is reported to have fallen. 3.He was one of the very few men to have seen everything with his own eyes.

4.He was sorry to have been arguing with them so long. 5.There is no need to hire a manager.



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