Your hopes, dreams, ambitions 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Your hopes, dreams, ambitions

Kim, 15, is British and lives in Cambridge Noel, 16, is Canadian and lives in Vancouver

If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go to?

Kim: Noel:   I’d go to South Africa. It sounds a wonderful place. I’ve always wanted to see Table Mountain and go on a wildlife safari. That would be my first choice. My second choice would be somewhere really different like Iceland or Lapland.   I’d go to the Far East, to somewhere like Japan. I’d like to find out what it’s really like there. I’m also interested in new technology so it would   be really fascinating to see the latest gadgets. I’d like to travel around a bit not just stay in Tokyo.

If you could meet a famous person, who would you choose?

Kim: Noel: I’d choose the golfer, Tiger Woods. He’s a brilliant player and he seems really nice. He’s good – looking too.   I think I’d choose Madonna. She’s brilliant because she’s not afraid to try new things. She’s a great singer, she acts in films and also on stage. She’s hardworking and she’s glamorous.

If someone gave you £ 500, what would you buy?

Kim: Noel: I’d get a new mobile phone and a DVD player for my room.   I’d buy a new snowboard because I broke my last one. I live near the Rocky Mountains and go snowboarding a lot. I’d probably buy a new sound system too if I had some money left.

If you could, what would you change about your appearance?

Kim: Noel: I’d like to be taller and have wavy hair. I’d also like to have smaller ears. Mine are too large.   I wouldn’t change anything. I’m happy with the way I am. Sorry! Can I change that? I’d like to have stronger legs. Mine are a bit thin.

If you were prime minister or president, what would you change first?

Noel: Kim: I think I’d do something about the environment and pollution. I’d create more national parks and I would restrict cars from coming into the city every day.   I’d ban all experiments on animals.

Exercise 6. Make your choice.


1. What would you do... if you were in the middle of a river and suddenly saw a crocodile swimming quickly towards you?


a) I would try to swim to the bank as quickly as possible.

b) I wouldn’t move. I’d stay and wait for the crocodile to go away.

c) I would try to hit the crocodile in the face.


2. What would you do... if you were in a forest and a very large bear came towards you?


a) I would climb up the nearest tree.

b) I would lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

c) I would run away as fast as I could.


3. What would you do... if you were in the middle of a field and a bull started running towards you?


a) I would run.

b) I would throw something (e.g. my hat) in another direction.

c) I would shout and wave my arms.

Exercise 7. Ask these questions to your partner.


What would you do...

... if there was a mouse in your bedroom?


... if you were driving and a bee or a wasp came into your car?


... if you saw a spider in your bath?


... if you were on a beach that was famous for shark attacks?


... if someone offered to buy you a fur coat?


... if your neighbour’s dog barked all night?


... if your friends asked you to look after their cat or dog?



Speak about:

1. The possibility or impossibility of our life without wood.

2. The reasons of wood importance.

Unit 8

Subjunctive Mood




Measures to Avoid Deterioration of Lumber


Freshly cut wood often contains a lot of excess water and therefore is very heavy. It is necessary that this water should be removed. At the same time a lumber manufacturer should take some measures to reduce warp and to avoid other defects.

Logs should be taken from the forest and sawed into lumber as soon as possible, particularly during warm weather lest they should be attacked by fungi and insects.

At larger sawmills where a considerable supply of logs is often kept it is impossible to saw them into lumber at once. In such cases it is desirable to keep the logs in ponds so that splitting, staining and decay shouldn't occur.

Freshly sawed lumber may split too if exposed to direct sunshine. Dipping it in a solution of toxic chemicals can protect it against attack by fungi and insects. Care should also be taken of the lumber placed in the yard for storage. There are special rules of drying lumber in piles. If these rules are followed, the attack of fungi and insects will be less probable.

Another of the most common defects is splitting. This defect leads to the loss of valuable lumber of 6 to 20 per cent. Different coatings may be divided into two classes. Cold coatings are liquid at ordinary temperatures and can be applied without being heated. Hot coatings are solid at ordinary temperatures and must be applied hot.

Cold coatings can be applied to logs and lumber. They are applied by brush or can be sprayed with a special device. Hot coatings such as pitch and paraffin are well suited for small stocks of lumber. They are low in cost and have high water resistance. Hot coatings are generally applied by dipping the lumber into the pitch or paraffin.


General understanding


Read the text attentively and answer the following questions:

1. What problem does this text deal with?

2. Are there any measures to avoid deterioration of lumber?

3. Is the freshly cut wood heavy or light?

4. Why is it necessary to remove the excess water?

5. Where is it better to store the logs before sawing: in the piles or in the pond?


6. What can protect the freshly sawed lumber against the attack by fungi and insects?

7. What is another of the most common defect?

8. What can protect lumber from splitting?

9. How are the cold coatings applied to lumber?

10. How is lumber treated with hot coatings?



Exercise 1. Match the English words in A with their Russian equivalents in B.


A. B.

1. contain 1. расщепляться

2.heavy 2. коробиться

3. remove 3. содержать

4. reduce 4. бассейн

5. warp 5. удалять

6. saw 6. хранить

7. supply 7. уменьшать

8. store 8. запас

9. pond 9. пилить

10. split 10. тяжелый



Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian.


принять меры; значительный; опрыскивание; обесцвечивание; погружение; раствор; осторожность; биржа; штабель; потеря; покрытие; наносить; твердый; запас; смола (вар).


Exercise 3. Choose the words from the text which have the similar meaning.


degradation; freshly felled; producer; drawback; decrease; deformation; increase; lumber mill; stock; crack; immediately; seasoning; coverage; cheap; sawn timber.


Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.



1. Forests ______ surface waters against pollution with harmful substances. 2.

The natural resistance of timber is not a fixed ______. 3. High temperatures affect timber properties if timber is ______ to them for a long enough time. 4. The influence of aggressive gases have no negative effects on either ______ timber or glued timber. 5. Paint______ provide good protection against rainfall. 6. Timber ______ to UV-radiation suffers from ______. 7. ______ and ______ are the two main biological agents responsible for timber ______ in service. 8. Different ______ are normally ______ to timber before use. 9. Once trees are felled they are prone to biological ______.



Exercise 1. Find 3 sentences with the subjunctive mood in the text and translate them into Russian.

Exercise 2. Use the verb in brackets in the subjunctive form.


1. He suggested that some birches (to plant) in our park. 2. I wish I (to be) a woodworking engineer. 3. It is necessary that timber resources (to utilize) rationally. 4. If our sawn goods didn't have such high quality, they (not to be) in such a great demand abroad. 5. It (to be) impossible to imagine our economy without forest products. 6. Were the growing conditions unfavourable, the annual rings (not be) wide. 7. It is important that the variety of tree species in our locality (to increase). 8. The professor wished that the students (to study) the influence of weather conditions on the growth of pine. 9. It is necessary that the damage from forest fires in our region (to minimize).


Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.


1. A: I wish Paul would tell (tell) me what is wrong with him.

B: Yes, he seems very upset, doesn't he?


2. A: I wish I (not shout) at the children like that.

B: Why? They were being very naughty.


3. A: I wish you (tidy) your room more often.

B: Sorry, I'll try to.


4. A: I wish I (study) harder before the exams.

B: I thought you did.



5. A: I wish I (be) back at school again.

B: Those were great days, weren't they?


6. A: I wish I (buy) those shoes we saw today.

B: Why not go back and buy them tomorrow?


7. A: I wish you (try) harder with your Maths homework.

B: Sorry. I find it very difficult.


8. A: I wish we (go) to England last summer.

B: We could do this year if you like.

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate auxiliary verb.


1. I don't know many people, but I wish I did.

2. He can't drive, but he wishes he ____.

3. I'm not very wealthy, but I wish I ____.

4. She probably won't help me; but I wish she____.

5. He hasn't got any pets, but he wishes he ____.


Exercise 5. Translate into English.


1. Без леса наша жизнь была бы невозможной. 2. Мы хотим, чтобы наше деревообрабатывающее оборудование было усовершенствовано. 3. Желательно, чтобы древесину обработали антисептиками. 4. Древесину надо хорошо высушить иначе она начнет гнить (чтобы она не загнила). 5. Уничтожение многих пород деревьев привело бы к изменению климата. 6. Ситуация требует, чтобы были приняты должные меры по сохранению некоторых пород деревьев. 7. Жаль, что многие наши леса уничтожаются пожарами. 8. Без клеев фанера, древесно-стружечные плиты и многие другие древесные продукты были бы невозможны. 9. Важно, чтобы циркуляция воздуха была одинаковой по всему штабелю. 10. Необходимо, чтобы вода из древесины была удалена.


Speak about:

1. The necessity of taking logs from the forest as soon as possible.

2. The ways of lumber protection against the agents of deterioration.

Unit 9

should, would


Preservation of Wood


Timber is gradually destroyed if used under the ordinary atmospheric conditions for a long period of time. It should be noted that serviceable life of wood also depends on the species and the situation in which wood is used.

For example, sound wood was found in the Egyptian tombs. The archaeologists stated that the preservation of wood could be explained easily: the wood had been very well protected from the surrounding atmosphere. Even nondurable species would last for many years under such conditions.

The sound stumps of western red cedar stay in the forest for several centuries. But this fact is explained by the high natural durability of this species. On the other hand, scientists discovered that even the most durable timbers would last only a few years if placed in a warm, damp and badly-ventilated space.

Every engineer should know the principal causes of deterioration of wood in service. These are fingi, termites and other insects, mechanical failure and fire. Ancient Romans suggested that some chemicals should be applied to increase the resistance of timber to such agents of destruction. Such chemicals were called preservatives. One or two substances were used for this purpose in Roman times. But the wide use of wood preservatives is a development of the last hundred years.

In practice, preservatives are usually applied to nondurable timbers. The treated wood is sufficiently resistant to the agents of deterioration. Thus, there is a possibility of using a less durable and not so expensive timber instead of durable but more expensive one.

The selection of the most suitable chemical and the method of treatment are of great importance. It is necessary to understand the advantages and disadvantages of using preservatives. No preservative guarantees complete immunity. A preservative suitable in one case may be useless in many others.


General understanding


Read the text attentively and answer the following questions:

1. Is timber an everlasting material?

2. What does the serviceable life of wood depend on?

3. Why did wood in the Egyptian tombs preserve so well?

4. What influences the preservation of wood?

5. What should every engineer know?

6. What did ancient Romans suggest to increase the resistance of timber?

7. Were wood preservatives widely used in Roman times?

8. What is the purpose of preservative application?

9. What do preservatives make possible?

10. Do all preservatives guarantee complete immunity?




Exercise 1. Match the English words in A with their Russian equivalents in B.


A 1. destroy 2. ordinary 3. sound 4. preservation 5. last 6. durable 7. apply 8. destruction 9. failure 10. preservative B 1. сохранение 2. антисептик 3. применять 4. разрушать 5. обычный 6. повреждение 7. здоровый, крепкий 8. сохраняться 9. разрушение 10. прочный


Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian.


постепенно; срок годности; окружающая атмосфера; непрочный; предлагать; химикаты; антисептики; обрабатывать; дорогой (о цене); вместо; подходящий; выбор; полный; случай.

Exercise 3. Choose the words from the text which have the similar meaning.


destruct; working life; solid; strength; resistant; conserve; wet; badly-conditioned; reasons; taint; to use; to raise; fungicidal treatment; non-resistant; merits and demerits.


Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

resistance, durability, preservation, species (2), causing, destruction, deterioration, environment, increased, treatment, preservative


1. Foresters are the key man in ________ of forested lands. 2. Acid rains contribute to the _______ of forests. 3. Wood-destroying fungi affect the mechanical _______ of timber. 4. The two main types of insects ________ the ________ of timber are beetles and termites. 5. Natural timber varies significantly from ________ to _______. 6. The effectiveness of the preservative ________ depends mainly on the amount of preservative that is absorbed by timber and the depth to which it penetrates. 7. The natural durability of wood-based panels can also be ________ by a preservative treatment. 8. The preservatives should be non-toxic to humans and ________. 9. No ________ can guarantee complete protection.




Exercise 1. Define the functions of the verb "should" and translate the sentences into Russian.


1. It is necessary that drying should be confined to timber of one size and species. 2. Finishes should be highly durable. 3. It should be noted that drying involves the greatest expenditure of time in all the woodworking processes. 4. Wood should be coated with a transparent varnish or seal to retain the original appearance. 5. It is obviously important that the air circulation should be fairly uniform over the face of the timber pile. 6. Every engineer should know the principal causes of deterioration of wood in service. 7. Wood must be treated with preservatives lest it should deteriorate. 8. It should be remembered that natural wood resources of the world are not inexhaustible. 9. A kiln should be provided with means of controlling temperature and humidity of the circulating air. 10. It should be noted that acoustic properties of wood are of great importance in musical instruments. 11. Specialists suggested that the new method of growing trees should be used in the region. 12. Wood in the foundation of the stack should be treated with creosote or other wood preservatives.


Exercise 2. Define the functions of the verb "would" and translate the sentences into Russian.


1. It would be impossible to imagine our life without wood and wood products. 2. If there were good weather conditions, trees would grow more rapidly. 3. It would be naïve to think that current levels of air pollution will not produce a negative effect on forest ecosystems. 4. The annual rings would not be wide, if the growth conditions were not favourable. 5. A rich crop of seeds would have been gathered but for rain. 6. They hoped that the demand for their lumber would increase. 7. We were informed that lumber would be packed in accordance with



the instruction. 8. Without adhesives plywood, particle boards, furniture and

thousands of other wood products would not be possible. 9. The newspaper reported that the sawmill would be reconstructed at the end of this year. 10. If the lumber were dried carefully, it wouldn’t check and split.


Exercise 3. Read the text below and write the word which best fits each space.

Use only one word in each space.


Can you imagine what the world (1) ____ be like if there (2) ____no electricity? In fact, most of what we take for granted (3) ____ not exist. There would be no computers, TV, cinemas or stereos for our entertainment, and we (4) ____ not be able to cook and eat in the same way (5) ____ cookers and fridges. If Thomas Edison (6) ____ not invented the electric light bulb, we would now still (7) ____ using candles to see at night. The problem with this energy source (8) ____ that it uses fossil fuels – we burn coal and oil to generate electricity. Our everyday lives (9) ____ a huge amount of power, and industry even more. The damage to the environment (10) ____ increase if we continue to burn coal for energy, which

(11) ____ cause serious air pollution and increase the size of the hole in the ozone layer. Because of this danger, people (12) ____ now using other sources of fuel, such as solar, wind, and water power. It is clear that we must do all we can to save energy, because if we (13) ____ not fossil fuels (14) ____ soon run out, and our environment (15) ____ become too polluted for animal and human life to survive.




Speak about:

1. The dependence of serviceable life of wood on different conditions.

2. The principal causes of wood deterioration.

3. The preservation of wood.


Unit 10

Revision. to be, to have



Mastering Timber


From the earliest times man has used wood for tools and weapons, for buildings and furniture. Man quickly learnt, that the wood of one species served his needs better than that of another. Tough and elastic ash, for example, has been

used for making axe handles for thousands of years.

Valuable qualities were discovered in other timbers as well. Elm was hard to split. It made good chair-seats. The heartwood of oak would endure even in contact with damp ground. Therefore it was chosen for fence posts.

The first settlers in new England were quick to make comparisons between the native American trees and those of Europe. Many species proved to be similar, but others were new and strange. While exploring the tropics, Europeans found that there too grew many woods with exceptional qualities. Teak and mahogany were soon exported to Europe. No species could match them for strength, attractive appearance and workability.

Until recent times man had to use hand tools to fell trees and work up the wood. Machines that can work up the wood are nearly all twentieth-century inventions. If the machinery had come into general use earlier, the large amounts of timber would have been utilized more effectively and a great number of valuable species would have been saved for future generation of people.

It should be noted that properties of different species of timber are thoroughly studied. Hardwood species, for example, have a tendency to shrink more

than softwoods. Therefore softwoods are used primarily in house construction, whereas hardwoods are more popular for furniture.

The principal hardwood species, for example, are birch, alder, walnut and mahogany. Alder is without doubt one of the most important and generally used hardwoods. Its wood is known everywhere for its strength, durability and good appearance. It has always been regarded as a shipbuilding wood and is highly valued by railroads for ties and car construction.

Mahogany is one of the most popular cabinet woods because of its easy cutting quality, durability, colour and a wide range of its artistic figure.


General understanding

Read the text attentively and answer the following questions:

1. Has man used wood from the earliest times? What for?

2. What did man learn using different kinds of wood?

3. What have different species been used for and why?

4. What did the first settlers in England discover?

5. What species did they begin to export to Europe?

6. What restricted the use of wood in the 16-18 centuries?

7. Do people study the properties of wood now?

8. Do the properties of hardwoods and softwoods differ?

9. What are the principal hardwoods?

10. What properties do they possess?




Exercise 1. Match the English words in A with their Russian equivalents in B.


A. B.

1. usage 1. сравнение

2. tough 2. сравниться

3. handle 3. применение

4. split 4. жесткий

5. endure 5. расщеплять

6. comparison 6. внешний вид

7. match 7. ручка

8. shrink 8. выстоять, выдержать

9. appearance 9. использовать

10. utilize 10. усыхать



Exercise 2. Find the English equivalents to the following Russian.


инструменты; нужды; трудно; сердцевина; влажный; служить; выдерживать; столб; годность к обработке; валить деревья; обрабатывать; количества (объем); целый ряд; сохранять; в первую очередь; без сомнения; ценить


Exercise 3. Choose the words from the text which have the similar meaning.


requirements; to utilize; properties; to withstand; wet; pole; to compare; to cut; to machine; volumes; broadleaved species; coniferous; to consider.


Exercise 4. Study the definitions of the following tree species.


ash - forest tree with silver-grey bark and hard, tough wood; growsin Eurasia, Northern America

elm - common deciduous tree that grows to a great size and height with hard and heavy wood; grows in the temperate zone of Northern hemisphere

oak - sorts of large tree with tough, hard wood, common in many parts of the world

teak - evergreen tree of India, Malaysia; its hard wood is used in shipbuilding

mahogany - tropical tree with dark-brown wood much used for furniture

alder - tree of the birch family, usually growing in marshy places


walnut - tree producing a nut with an edible kernel in a hard shell; the

wood of this tree is used as a veneer for making furniture


Exercise 5. Read a short text and do some exercises to it.


What is a Sequoia?


Sequoias, or redwood trees, grow in the western United States, mostly in California and Oregon. Sequoias are some of the oldest living things on earth. They are also among the biggest. They often grow more than 30 meters high.

To tell the age of a tree it is necessary to cut it down. The trunk of the tree has rings. There is a ring for each year of life of the tree. By counting the rings, people can learn the age of a tree. One sequoia had 3000 rings! Some sequoias are even older.

Sequoias are evergreen trees and their bark is tough. It is about 15 centimeters thick and is almost fireproof. The fireproof bark has helped sequoias live through many forest fires.



Find the information in the text and mark it with a


grow in California.

are found in the East.

Sequoias are very old.

grow 80 metres high.

are evergreen plants.

have thin bark.

are almost fireproof.


I. Insert the adverbs using the text.

1. _______ in California and Oregon

2. are ______ among the biggest

3. They ______ grow more than

4. are _______ older

5. bark is ______ tough

6. is _______ fireproof


II. Which sentence corresponds to the content of the first paragraph?

1. A sequoia has rings in its trunk.

2. A sequoia is one of the oldest living things.

3. A sequoia has fireproof bark.



IV. Which sentence corresponds to the content of the second paragraph?

1. The age of a tree is told by rings.

2. The age of a tree is told by its height.

3. The age of a tree is told by its bark.


Finish the sentences.

1. A sequoia is a ______.

a) tree ring b) redwood c) tree house

2. The age of a tree is seen in its ______.

a) colour b) bark c) rings

3. Sequoia bark is very ______.

a) thin and soft b) thick and tough c) big and tall

4. Sequoias have tough ______.

a) trunks b) rings c) bark


Exercise 6. Here is the list of physical properties of wood. Why are they very important? Match their definitions.


1 strength a) the capability to last for a long time

2 durability b) the ability not to burn or crack or break when heated

3 appearance c) the quality of being strong

4 workability d) the capability to be worked up

5 toughness e) the ability not to be easily cut, broken or worn out

6 fireproofing f) that which shows or can be seen


Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.


a cabinet - maker; hardwoods; durability; suitable; appearance; fireproof; valuable; handles; worked up; construction


1. Broad - leaved trees or ______ such as oak and beech produce hard and heavy wood. 2. Different wood species have different natural _______. 3. A _______ is a skilled workman who makes fine furniture. 4. Beech and mahogany are mostly used for decorative purposes due to their attractive ________. 5. Over the thousands of years man has learnt to choose those timbers most ________ for their purposes. 6. Different _______ chemicals or paints are usually used to prevent wood from fire. 7. Wood is the best thermal insulator so it is widely used in housing ______. 8. Wood is one of the poorest conductors of heat. This characteristic feature makes it especially suitable for the ________ of cooking utensils. 9. The facing parts of many wood products are covered with veneer of ________ species. 10. Wood is easily ________ with tools and machine - tools.

Exercise 8. Remember all the phrasal verbs used in the previous texts and insert the necessary prepositions.

1. The form that the mature tree develops depends very much _______ its surroundings. 2. This conversion process results ________ the release of oxygen and purification of the atmosphere. 3. Timber was referred ________ as the best structural materials by Greeks and Romans. 4. The enlargement of the trunk in girth is brought _______ entirely by the activity of the cambium. 5. Wood is composed _______ carbon compounds. 6. Take a tree stump and look ________ it attentively. 7. All of those who deal _______ wood must have a good knowledge of this material.



Exercise 1. Define the functions of "to be" and translate the following sentences.

1. Kiln-dried boards are light in weight and resistant to decay. 2. The logs are to be saturated with preservatives. 3. In Scandinavia, modern progressive kilns are

being used extensively for drying softwoods. 4. Cold coatings are liquid at ordinary temperatures and can be applied without being heated. 5. Our aim is to protect forests from their enemies. 6. Timber is usually graded and classified into

different qualities. 7. The drying rate of lumber was affected by the way the boards were stacked. 8. The most common method of seasoning wood is to place timber in the open air in piles. 9. The old traditional methods of producing lumber are still being used in many countries. 10. Great damage was caused by the last fire.


Exercise 2. Define the functions of "to have" and translate the following sentences.

1. The annual area of afforestation in Ireland has declined in recent years. 2. Timber constructions when properly designed have good durability. 3. Many buildings have been erected using glued laminated timber. 4. The experience of many decades has shown the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of glues. 5. The young spruce will have reached the maturity by the beginning of the next year. 6. After we had counted the annual rings we learned the age of the tree. 7. A tree has to grow a long time before we can get timber and lumber. 8. Some long - term trade agreements with France has enabled our enterprise to get substantial profit. 9. The boards have to be inspected before shipping. 10. Alder wood has always been regarded as a shipbuilding wood.



Speak about:

1. The necessity of mastering timber.

Literature used


1. Air Drying of Lumber, USDA, Forest Products Laboratory. General Technical Report.

2. Forestry – an International Journal of Forest Research. Volume 76. Number 1,2,3, 2003, Oxford, University press.

3. Journal of Forestry. – Washington D.C., 2001, №1-12.

4. Nordic Business and Industry Review 1995.

5. Swedish sawmill industry. Technical Review 2000, Tord Segerdable.

6. Timber Engineering. Step I. Step II. First Edition, Centrum Hout, The Netherlands, 1995.

7. Wood and wood products. Vans Publishing Corp. Lincolnshire. IL, 1997.






Unit 1. The Material for The Future.

Unit 2. Nature and Origin of Wood.

Unit 3. Timber.

Unit 4. Wood Formation.

Unit 5. Wood as a Raw Material.

Unit 6. Trees – The Rings of Our Life.

Unit 7. On Forests and Wood.

Unit 8. Measures to Avoid Deterioration of Lumber.

Unit 9. Preservation of Wood.

Unit 10. Mastering Timber.




Literature used.




A a

absorb additives adhesive advantage afforestation afforested air-drying alder allow allowable amount apply artificial ash axe - поглощать - добавки - клей - преимущество, выгода - облесение - засаженный лесом - воздушная сушка - ольха - позволять - допустимый - количество, величина, достигать, соcтавлять - применять, наносить - искусственный - ясень, зола, пепел - топор

B b

bark balsa bay beech be prone to biodegradable birch downy birch silver birch board branchwood broadleaved buck butt - кора, окорять - бальза - склад, водоем - бук - быть склонным к (иметь склонность) - биорасщепляемый - береза - опущенная береза - серебристая береза - доска - ветви, сучья, древесина ветвей сучьев - широколиственный - раскряжевывать - комель (дерева), комлевый конец бревна

C c

cabinet making cambium cant   casein cavity cause cedar cell chamber charcoal check coating common composite conduct coniferous contain contract cooling cross-section cut cuttings - мебельное производство - камбий - брус, горбыль - казеин - полость - причина, причинять, заставлять - кедр - клетка - камера - древесный уголь - растрескиваться - защитное покрытие - распространенный - композит, сложный, составной - проводить - хвойный - содержать - сжиматься - охлаждение - поперечное сечение - рубить, резать - обрезки

D d

damage decay decline defect density deterioration differ dioxide dipping direct directly dry durability - ущерб - гниль - спад, упадок, снижение - порок - плотность - ухудшение качества, порча - отличаться - двуокись - погружение - прямой, направлять - прямо - сухой, сушить - прочность


E e


ebony edge edgings elm   evaporate - черное дерево - кромка, ребро, грань, край - обрезки - вяз, ильм - испарять

F f

fashion fencing fibre fibreboard figure finishing fire fire-proofing fire-resistant fire-retardant flake float flooring foliage frame frame-saw fungi furnish furniture - отделывать - ограждение, обнесение забором - волокно - древесно-волокнистая плита - рисунок - отделка - огонь, пожар - огнестойкость - огнестойкий - замедляющий распространение огня - стружка - сплавлять - настил полов - листва - каркас, рама - лесопильная рама, рамная пила - грибки - меблировать, обставлять мебелью - мебель


G g

girth glue grade grain - обхват, диаметр (дерева) - клей - сорт - текстура


H h


handle hard hardness hardwood heartwood heavy heterogeneous homogeneous humid   hydrofobic - рукоятка, сортировка, погрузка, транспортировка - твердый - прочность, твердость - лиственные породы - сердцевина - тяжелый - неоднородный - однородный - влажный - гидрофобный

I i

impregnate inch indispensable influence injury - пропитывать - дюйм - необходимый - влиять, влияние - повреждение, порча, вред


J j

joinery - столярные работы, деревянные детали


K k

kernel kiln compartment kiln progressive kiln knot pin knot - косточка (плода), ядро(ореха) - камера - камера периодического действия - камера непрерывного действия - сучок, свилеватость - игольчатый (булавочный) сучок


L l

laminated last layer length lignin log longitudinal lose loss lumber - клееный - сохраняться, хватать - слой - длина - лигнин - бревно - продольный - терять - потеря - пиломатериал

M m

mahogany manufacture marshy mature   maturity mix moisture moisture content - красное дерево - производство, производить - болотистый - спелый, зрелый, созревать - спелость, зрелость - смешивать - влага, влажность - содержание влаги, влагосодержание


O o


oak offcuts outer - дуб - обрезки - внешний


P p

particle board pattern piece pile pine pitch plain-sawed plank planks plywood pond preservative processing property provide pulp pull apart - древесностружечная плита - рисунок, узор, вид, образец, схема - кусочек - штабель, пакет, штабелевать - сосна - наклон, шаг (резьбы, зубьев пилы), смола - тангентально-распиленный - обшивная доска - обшивка из досок, настил из досок - фанера - бассейн - антисептик - обработка, переработка - свойство - снабжать, обеспечивать - древесная масса - раздвигать  

Q q

quality quantity quarter-sawed - качество - количество - радиально-распиленный


R r

ray reconstituted reduce   remain remove require residue resin resinous resist resistant retain rot - луч - реконструированный - уменьшать - оставаться - удалять - требовать - отходы - смола - смоляной, смолистый - сопротивляться - устойчивый - сохранять, удерживать - гниль, гнить

S s


sandalwood sapwood saw sawdust sawlog sawing plain-sawing quarter-sawing sawmill seasoning seal shape shaping shavings shell size slab softwood solid solution sort sound species splitting spray spruce sitka spruce stack staining   steam stem sticker stiff stock stout strong structure stump substance sustainability swell - сандаловое дерево - заболонь - пилить - опилки - пиловочник - пиление - тангентальная распиловка - радиальная распиловка - лесозавод - сушка - уплотнитель, наружный слой, склеивание, заклеивать - форма, придавать форму, формовать - формование - стружка - оболочка, обшивка, пузырь, раковина (в шпоне) - размер - горбыль - хвойная древесина - цельный, плотный, твердый - раствор - сортировать - крепкий, здоровый, неповрежденный - порода - раскалывание - разбрызгивать - ель - ель ситхинская - штабель, укладывать в штабель - обесцвечивание (местное), окраска - пар - ствол - прокладка - жесткий - запас - толстый, крепкий, плотный - прочный, крепкий - структура, строение, сооружение - пень - вещество - постоянство, непрерывность - разбухать  

T t


take into account tangential taper teak temperate terminal shoot thick timber tissue tough treat trimmings trunk - учитывать, принимать во внимание - тангентальный - сужение, конусность, сбег, переход - тик - умеренный - верхушечный побег - толстый - строевой лес, лесоматериалы - ткань - плотный, прочный - обрабатывать - обрезки - ствол, пень, штамб


U u

uniform - однородный


V v

value vanish veneer volume   - ценность, величина - исчезать - шпон - объем  

W w

walnut waste wet wide width wide-ringed workability - орех - отходы - мокрый, влажный - широкий - ширина - широкослойный - способность к обработке


Y y

yard yield - склад, биржа - выход (продукции), размер выработки



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