Спеціальність: Образотвочре мистецтво 

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Спеціальність: Образотвочре мистецтво


How to Give Your Own Artwork an Art Critique

If your painting seems a little lack-luster you can learn how to do an art critique on your paintings and fix the problem before anyone else is the wiser. Art critiquing may seem difficult when it's your own work, but you can simplify the job by breaking it down into steps.

What Draws Your Attention?

The first thing you should do during a personal art critique is to try to figure out where your viewer's eye will go. Successful paintings lead the eye from the main subject, around the painting and back to the main subject.

Generally, this is done by having items point toward one another instead of off the canvas. Check to make sure that your objects aren't leading your viewer's eyes off the painting and on to something else and then make sure that your subject has enough impact to draw the viewer in. The main subject should either be the darkest or lightest area in the painting.

Check Your Painting's Composition

The unity, balance, proportion and scale will all be in harmony in a good painting composition. Often an easy way to check a painting's composition during an art critique is to turn the painting upside down. The mistakes will become more obvious to you with this new perspective. Here are some things to look for:

Does a cluster of small objects will balance a large object, or is the painting's composition too heavy on one side?

Is the color palette harmonious? Do all of the colors come from a warm color pallet or a cool color palette?

Is the composition cluttered with too many items?

Are all of the objects in your painting in proper proportion?

Do you need to scale the main object up or down to make more of an impact?

Граматичний матеріал: Майбутній перфектно-тривалий час (Future Perfect Continuous)

will/shall have been + V-ing (Present Participle)

Стверджувальна форма Affirmative Питальна форма Interrogative Заперечна форма Negative
I will(I'll)/shall have been doing Shall I have been doing? I shall not/shan't have been doing
you will have been doing Will you have been doing? you will not/won't have been doing
he will have been doing Will he have been doing? he will not have been doing
she will have been doing Will she have been doing? she will not have been doing
it will have been doing Will it have been doing? it will not have been doing
we will shall have been doing Shall we have been doing? we will not/shall not have been doing
they will have been doing Will they have been doing? they will not have been doing

Випадки вживання

Дія, яка розпочалася в минулому чи розпочнеться до якогось моменту в майбутньому і все ще буде знаходитися в процесі розвитку до самого моменту By the end of the year she will have been teaching music for thirty years.
We will have been playing tennis for half an hour by then.



Ex. 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.

1. By 3 o'clock, she ... will have been studying... (study) for six hours.

2. By the end of next month, Sam..................................................................................(finish) the project.

3. He............................................................(not/start) painting the kitchen before Tuesday.

4. By the time she arrives in Paris, she...........................................................(travel) for four hours.

5. I hope I............................................................(buy) my own house by the time I'm thirty-five.

6. By Saturday, Lisa................................................................................. (diet) for two weeks.

7. Hopefully, they..............................................(learn) everything by the time they sit the exam.

8. By 4 o'clock, I...................................................(sit) in the hairdresser's for three hours.

9. By Christmas, I..............................................(work) for this company for eighteen months.

10. By next weekend, Brian.............................................................................(move) house.

11. Hopefully, the builders.............................................(finish) building the house by next month.

12. By Tuesday, Alan..................................................................................(sail) for twelve days.

13. By tomorrow morning, she...........................................................(sleep) for twelve hours.


Ex. 2. Underline the correct tense.

1. Next Monday, Amanda 1) will have been starting/ is starting work. She 2) is going to work/will work for a large company in the city centre. By the end of next week, she 3) will be finishing/will have finished her training.

2. My parents have been married for almost thirty years. In fact, this time next month, they 1 ) will be cele­brating/will have been celebrating their 30th wed­ding anniversary. They 2) will have been living/will be living in the same house for twenty-five years by next Thursday, and, by the time my father is sixty, he 3) will work/will have been working for the same company for forty years.


Практичне заняття № 4

ТЕМА: Кухня світу (східна кухня)

Граматичний матеріал: Узгодження часів (Sequence of Tenses)

Читання та обговорення тексту за вказаною темою:

What makes Japanese Dishes Japanese?

We think of Japan as a single island, but it actually is four large islands and thousands of smaller ones.

In the third century BC, Korea's already developed rice growing techniques were passed to the Japanese by a migrating tribe that settled in Japan. Rice came to be used for more than eating, including paper, fuel, wine, building materials and animal feed.

During the development of Japan, the Chinese contributed soy sauce, tea, chopsticks and imperial rule. Other influences arrived in Japan via Korea, including Buddhism, which, despite the pre-existing Shinto and Confucian religions, became the official religion in the sixth century. For the next 1200 years, meat was officially forbidden to the Japanese people,

Then in the sixteenth century the Portuguese, followed by the Dutch, came looking to corner the trade market with Japan. The westerners introduced fried foods; while the Japanese enjoyed this type of cooking, it was not something that evolved naturally. Tobacco, sugar and corn were also brought by the traders.

Around 1600 (and lasting until 1868), Japan's shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu feared the Europeans would spark great wars; so he closed the ports and expunged the foreigners. During this period of isolationism, Japan's culture became even more deeply rooted. The main religions of Buddhism and Shinto emphasize the seasons and this came to be reflected in the foods served. In fact, it is because of Buddhism that meals feature five flavors and colors, respectively being: sweet, spicy, salty, bitter and sour; and yellow, black, white, green, and red.

US Commodore Perry forced the Japanese to renew trade with the West in 1854, and soon a new Japanese ruling order took power. Interestingly, New Year's feast in 1872 designed to embrace the Western world; it was completely European in detail and for the first time in over a thousand years, the people publicly ate meat.

If we asked you to think of one Japanese food, what comes to your mind? Sushi, raw fish, tempura, tofu? Good.

With Japanese restaurants and Sushi bars popping all over the world these days, Japanese food is no longer considered as one of the world's unsolved mysteries it once was.

In fact, more number of people are recognizing Japanese food as one of the world's healthiest cuisines. With rice and abundant marine products, the traditional Japanese diet is impressingly low in cholestrol, fat, and calories, and high in fiber. No wonder Japanese people have the highest longetivity rate.



migrating tribe – мігруюче плем’я

fuel – паливо

contribute – внести вклад

soy sauce – соус із сої

chopstick - паличка для їжі

via – через

Buddhism – буддизм

Shinto - синтоизм

Confucian – конфуціанство

forbid – забороняти

Portuguese – португальці

Dutch - голландці

to corner – організувати (продаж)

trade market – торгівельний зв'язок, ринок продажу та збуту

evolve – еволюціонувати, зявлятися, розвиватися

naturally – природно

corn – зерно, кукурудза

shogun – сегун

Tokugawa Ieyasu – Токугава Іея́су

spark – іскритися, запалювати іскру, розрочитнатися

expunge – виключати

isolationism – ізоляціонізм

rooted – впроваджено

sweet – солодкий

spicy – пряний

salty – солоний

bitter – гіркий

sour - кислий

Commodore – комодор

to embrace – прийняти, приймати

sushi – cуші

raw fish – сира риба

tempura – темпура (страва класичної японської кухні, що готується з морепродуктів, риби та овочів в клярі)

tofu – японський сир (соєвий сир)

popping all over the world – той, що просувається по всьому світу

unsolved – невирішений

abundant – щедрий, розповсюджений, різноманітний

marine – морський

impressingly – вражаючий, той, що справляє враження

cholesterol – холестерин

fiber – волокно

longetivity rate – термін життя, довголіття, довговічність



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