Admitting a Client to the Unit 

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Admitting a Client to the Unit

Lesson 1


Admitting a Client to the Unit

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

to position the bed – встановити ліжко

identification band – документи, що засвідчують особу

adjustable bed - функціональне ліжко

the signal device - система виклику

agency routine – розпорядок у закладі

do records – робити записи

nursing history – сестринська історія хвороби


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

greet the client одяг та цінні речі

agency routines зручне положення

visiting hours робити записи

assist the client привітати пацієнта

a comfortable position години відвідування

clothing and valuables допомогти пацієнту

do recording розпорядок у лікарні


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


1. Check the client's identification band. Greet the client and relatives. Introduce yourself to the client and the client to his roommate(s).

2. Explain use of the bathroom and agency equipment (обладнання лікарні), such as the call system (система виклику), adjustable bed (функціональне ліжко), television, telephone, and so on. Explain agency routines, such as meal times, visiting hours, and so on.

3. Obtain the client's temperature, pulse, respiratory rates and blood pressure.

4. Help the client to undress, if necessary, and assist the client into a comfortable position in bed.

5. Take care of the client's clothing and valuables (цінні речі).

6. Do necessary recording (записи) on client's card, following agency policy (як заведено в лікувальному закладі). Begin the nursing history and assessment (оцінювання).


2. Post-Text Assignment:

2.1 Suggest the Ukrainian for:

check the client's identification band; the client’s roommate(s); adjustable bed; explain agency routines; client's card; nursing history and assessment.

2.2 Suggest the English for:

привітати пацієнта та його родичів; обладнання лікарні; температура, пульс, частота дихання; допомогти пацієнту роздягнутися; подбати про одяг та цінні речи пацієнта; зробити необхідні записи.

2.3 Choose the proper words:

1. The nurse must explain use of the bathroom and … (valuables, agency equipment). 2. You should explain agency… (routines, policy) such as meal times, visiting hours, and so on. 3. The nurse must do necessary … (tests, recording)on client's card. 4. You should begin the nursing history and … (assessment, admission).

2.4 Answer the questions:

1. What must the nurse check? 2. What should you explain? 3. What is an important part of the client’s admission? 4. What history should the nurse begin filling in? 5. What should you take care of?

2.5 Say if it is true or false:

1. The nurse should explain agency routines to the client.

2. Relatives feel better when they know the client is admitted, settled, and comfortable.

3. The client should take care of his clothing and valuables.

4. The client does necessary recordingon his card.

5. After the family has left the nurse continues the history and assessment.

4.Read and translate the text:

Case History

As soon as the patient is admitted to the in-patient department the ward doctor fills in the patient's case history. It must include the information about the patient's parents — if they are living or not. If they died, the doctor must know at what age and of what causes they died. The doctor must know if any of the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has had any mental or emotional impairments. This information composes the family history.

The patient's medical history must include the information about the diseases which the patient had both being a child and an adult, about the operations which were performed, about any traumas he had. The patient's blood group and his sensitivity to antibiotics must be determined and the obtained information written down in the case history. These findings compose the past history.

The attending doctor (лікуючий лікар) must know what the patient's complaints and symptoms are. He must know how long and how often the patient has had these complaints.

The information on the physical examination of the patient on his admission to the hospital, the results of all the laboratory tests and X-ray examinations, the description of the course of the disease with any changes in the symptoms and the condition of the patient, the administered medicines in their exact doses and the produced effect of the treatment—all these findings which compose the history of the present illness must always be written down in the case history.

The case history must always be written very accurately and consist of exact and complete information.

4.1 Answer the questions to the text:

Who fills in the patient's case history? 2. What information must the case history include? 3. The patient's medical history must include the information about the diseases which the patient had, mustn’t it? 4. What must be determined? 5. What compose the history of the present illness? 6. How must the case history be written?


4.2 Say if it is true or false:

1. The doctor must know at what age and of what causes the patient’s parents died.

2. The doctor must know if any of the family has ever been ill with typhoid.

3. The attending doctor must know what the patient's complaints and symptoms are.

4. The information on the physical examination of the patient on his admission to the hospital composes the past history.

5. The case history must always be written very accurately.

6. The case history always consists of exact and complete information.


Present Continuous


Present I He (she) We am reading is reading are reading   now.

Exercise 1

Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

1. He is reading a newspaper now.

2. They are working at the hospital at present.

3. My friend is writing a letter now.

4. They are preparing their lessons at the moment.

5. She is speaking English with her friend.

6. He is reading and translating the text now.


Exercise 2 Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Simple або у Present Continuous.

1. Her baby always (to sleep) after breakfast.

2. He can’t talk to you now. He (to go) out.

3. The programme (to start) at nine o'clock every night.

4. I am sorry, but my friend (to wait) for me.

5. They (to go) to the beach now.

6. Your grandmother (to sit) in the garden now?

7. She (to cook) dinner now?

9. They (to go) to the cinema very often.


Exercise 3 Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Continuous.

1. Не (to read) a book now.

2. She (to do) her home work.

3. My friend (to sit) at the table now.

4. I still (to write) a test.

5. They (to play) football.

6. It (to snow) now.


Exercise 4 Поставте питання, починаючи їх словами, поданими в дужках.

1. She is explaining a grammar rule. (What?)

2. He is having dinner now. (Who?)

3. My sister is writing a SMS. (What … doing?)

4. It is still raining. (Is?)

5. We are drinking coffee in the kitchen. (Where?)


Lesson 2

Symptoms. Complaints

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

Headache – головний біль;

to have a headache – мати головний біль;

to take a tablet for a headache – прийняти таблетку від …

Toothache – зубний біль;

to have a toothache – мати зубний біль;

Stomachache – біль у шлунку;

to have a stomachache – мати 6iль y шлункy;

Earache - біль y вyci;

to have an earache - мати біль у вусі;

to put a warm compress on the ear - накласти теплий

компрес на вухо;

Heartache - серцевий біль;

to have a heartache - мати біль у серці;

to have a bad (weak) heart - мати хворе (слабке) серце;

to have a healthy heart - мати здорове серце;

Sore throat - запалене горло;

to have a sore throat - мати запалене горло;

to gargle the throat - полоскати горло;

Bleeding - кровотеча;

to stop the bleeding - зупинити кровотечу;

the bleeding is from an arm (leg, nose...) - кровотеча з...;

Cough - кашель;

to have a dry cough - мати сухий кашель;

to have a bad cough - мати сильний кашель;

Cold in the head - нежить;

to have a bad cold in the head - мати нежить;

to have a running nose - мати нежить;

Fracture - перелом;

to have an open (closed) fracture - мати відкритий (закритий) перелом;

Sunstroke - сонячний удар;

to get a sunstroke - отримати сонячний удар;

to cool the body - охолоджувати тіло;

Fever - лихоманка;

to be ill - хворіти;

to keep (stay) in bed -залишатися в ліжку;

to catch a cold - застудитися.


1. Read the text. Get ready to describe different kinds of pain.


Pain is divided into two types: acute pain and chronic pain.

Acute pain is pain of sudden onset, lasting for hours to days. Acute pain has a clear cause. It could result from any illness, trauma, surgery or any painful medical procedures.

Acute pain signals that there is something wrong and motivates the person to get help.

Examples of acute pain include:

the pain of heart attack

acute appendicitis

bone fracture

muscle sprain and others.

Chronic pain is the pain that starts as an acute pain and continues beyond the normal time expected for resolution of the problem. It can last for a long time (for 6 months or longer). About 9% of the US population and 18% of the European population suffer from chronic pain.


Severe or excruciating (болісний, нестерпний)


Continuous pain that does not stop.

Intermittent pain that stops and starts again.

Brief or transient pain that passes quickly.


Sharp pain that is intense.

Dull pain that is not as intense or acute as sharp pain, possibly more annoying than painful. It is usually more diffuse than sharp pain.

Diffuse pain that covers a large area.

Shifting pain that moves from one area to another, such as from the lower abdomen to the area over the stomach.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

acute pain; chronic pain; covers a large area; moves from one area to another; severe pain; pain that stops and starts again; a clear cause; motivates the person to get help.


3.2 Give the English equivalents:

триває протягом 6 місяців або довше; біль, що починається раптово; страждати від хронічного болю; біль, що швидко проходить; не такий інтенсивний як гострий біль.


3.3 Answer the questions to the text:

1. How many types is pain divided into? 2. What is acute pain? 3. What is chronic pain? 4. What does acute pain motivates the person to do? 5. How long can chronic pain last? 6. What is shifting pain?


3.4 Say if it is true or false:

1. Chronic pain is pain of sudden onset.

2. Acute pain could result from any illness, trauma, surgery or any painful medical procedures.

3. Acute pain has a clear cause.

4. Continuous pain stops and starts again.

5. Shifting pain covers a large area.

6. Dull pain s not as intense or acute as sharp pain.


Past Continuous

Past Continuous утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be в Past Simple та дієприкметника теперішнього часу основного дієслова:

I was working We were working

He was working You were working

She was working They were working

It was working

Обставини часу, характерні для Past Continuous:

at …o’clock yesterday

when mother came home

from 5 till 6 yesterday

the whole evening


Exercise 1 Make the following interrogative and negative:


1. She was standing alone before the fire. 2. They were crossing the street at the wrong place. 3. I was listening to their conversa-tion."4. They were talking about our party. 5. George was prepar­ing for his examination the whole day. 6. She was playing the piano when you came in. 7. The children were doing their homework at six. 8. Their son was going to be a painter.

Exercise 2 Change the following into the Past Continuous.

1. The man is standing near the door. 2. Tom told a story. 3. The children swam in the river. 4. Is Mary wearing a white dress? 5. She went to the cinema. 6. They did not work in the garden. 7. We are not sitting by the window. 8. The workers built a bridge. 9. The girl tried on a dress. 10. The old man spoke in a low voice.


Exercise 3 Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Continuous або у Past Continuous.

1. Не (to write) а letter now.

2. He (to write) a letter at two o’clock yesterday.

3. She (to do) her lessons now.

4. She (to do) her lessons at this time yesterday.

5. My friend (not to sleep) now. He (to watch) television.

6. My friend (not to sleep) at eight o'clock yesterday. He (to

watch) television.

7. She (to listen) to the music at the moment?

8. She (to listen) to the music at this time yesterday?

Самостійна робота №1

1. Read and translate the text:


If you are having surgery, your doctor will give you a drug called an anesthetic. Anesthetics reduce or prevent pain. There are four main types.

Local: numbs one small area of the body. You stay awake and alert.

Conscious or intravenous sedation: uses a mild sedative to relax you and pain medicine to relieve pain. You stay awake but may not remember the procedure afterwards.

Regional anesthesia: blocks pain in an area of the body, such an arm or leg. Epidural anesthesia, which is sometimes used during childbirth, is a type of regional anesthesia.

General anesthesia: affects your whole body. You go to sleep and feel nothing. You have no memory of the procedure afterwards.

The type of anesthesia your doctor chooses depends on many factors. These include the procedure you are having and your current health.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is the role of anesthetics? 2. What is the difference between local and intravenous sedation? 3. What does regional anesthesia do? 4. What doesgeneral anesthesia affect? 5. What does the type of anesthesia your doctor chooses depend on?


3. Say if it true or false:

1. Anesthetics reduce or prevent pain.

2. You fall asleep whenlocal anesthesia is used.

3. Epidural anesthesia is a type of regional anesthesia.

4. General anesthesia affects only one part of your body.

5. The type of anesthesia your doctor chooses depends on many factors.


Lesson 3


1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Memorize the words. This is necessary for nursing:

bed-pan - судно; stretcher - ноші;

enema - клізма; compress - компрес;

feeding-cup - cups - банки;

напувальник; hot-water bag - грілка;

syringe - шприц; thermometer -термометр;

to drop- закапати; mustard plasters -гірчичники;

sponge - губка; ice-bag - міхур з льодом;

to give a bed-pan (enema, feeding-cup, air-ring) to a bed-patient;

to put a compress (cups, hot-water bag, ice-bag, thermometer, mustered plasters, sticking plaster) on...

to carry a patient on a stretcher

1.2 Say it in English:

1. Поставте термометр лежачому хворому. 2. Дайте хворому напувальник з чаєм. 3. Поставте клізму цьому хворому. 4. Сестра повинна дати судно лежачому хворому. 5. Покладіть холодний компрес на голову. 5. Поставте банки на спину. 6. Поставте гірчичники на область серця. 7. Закапайте дві краплі в ніс.


1.3 Match the words-combinations:

important role підтримка здоров’я

to maintain and restore мистецтво лікування

the art of healing лікування захворювання

public life важлива роль

maintenance of health підтримати та відновити

treatment of illness суспільне життя

2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:



Medicine plays a very important role in our life. Its main task is to maintain and restore health of people by the prevention and treatment of illness.

Medicine is derived from the Latin words ars medicina meaning "the art of healing". It is a branch of the health sciences and is the sector of public life. It is both an area of knowledge, a science of body system and their diseases and treatment.

Traditional medicine is the sum of the knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs and experiences, used in the maintenance of health as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and mental illness.

3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents

plays a very important role; to maintain and restore health of people; the prevention and treatment of illness; the sector of public life; the sum of the knowledge; used in the maintenance of health; physical and mental illness.


3.2 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents

головне завдання; попередження та лікування захворювань; мистецтво лікування; галузь науки; лікування; традиційна медицина; заснована на теоріях, віруваннях та досвіді; фізичні та психічні захворювання.


3.3 Answer the questions to the text

1. What role does medicine play in our life? 2. What is its main task? 3. What language is the word “medicine” derived from? 4. Traditional medicine is the sum of the knowledge, skills, and practices, isn’t it? 5. What is the sum of the knowledge, skills, and practices used in?


3.4 Say if it true or false

1. Medicine is derived from the Greek words.

2. Medicine means "the art of healing".

3. It is only a branch of the health sciences.

4. Traditional medicine is the sum of the knowledge, skills, and practices.

5. The main task of medicine is to take care of people’s.


Future Continuous

Future Continuous утворюється з допоміжного дієслова to be в Future Simple та дієприкметника теперішнього часу основного дієслова:

I will be working We will be working

He will be working You will be working

She will be working They will be working

It will be working

Обставини часу, характерні для Future Continuous:

at …o’clock tomorrow

when mother comes home

from 5 till 6 tomorrow

the whole day tomorrow


Exercise 1 Make the following interrogative and negative:

1.She will be waiting for me. 2. They will be crossing the street. 3. I will be listening to their conversation. 4. They will be talking about our party. 5. George will be prepar­ing for his examination the whole day. 6. The children will be doing their homework at six.


Exercise 2 Change the following into the Future Continuous.

1. The man is standing near the door. 2. The children were swimming in the river. 4. Is Mary wearing a white dress? 5. She is going to the cinema. 6. They were not working in the garden. 7. We are not sitting by the window. 8. The old man is speaking in a low voice.


Exercise 3 Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Future Continuous або у Future Indefinite.

1.Не (to write) а letter tomorrow.

2.He (to write) a letter at two o’clock tomorrow.

3.She (to do) her lessons tomorrow.

4.She (to do) her lessons at this time tomorrow.

5.My friend (not to sleep) tomorrow. He (to watch) television.

6.My friend (not to sleep) at eight o'clock tomorrow. He (to

watch) television.


Самостійна робота №2

1. Read and translate the text:

complementary – додатковий

psychiatry – психіатрія

safe – безпечний


Lesson 4

Surgical Diseases

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

appendicitis - апендицит

tumour - пухлина

hernia - грижа

ulcer – виразка

peritonitis - перитоніт fracture – перелом

phlegmon - флегмона

carbuncle - карбункул

fracture - перелом

1.2 Match the words-combinations:

large intestine запалення

increased pressure видалити апендикс

blood flow нудота та блювання

inflammation збільшений тиск

a medical emergency кровотік

removing the appendix невідкладний стан

nausea and vomiting товста кишка


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


Appendicitis is an infection and inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is a small, tube-like organ attached to the first part of the large intestine, also called the colon. It is located in the lower right area of the abdomen. It has no known function. A blockage inside of the appendix causes appendicitis. The blockage leads to increased pressure, problems with blood flow and inflammation. If the blockage is not treated, the appendix can break open and leak infection into the body.

Symptoms may include pain, swelling in the abdomen, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea and low fever. Not everyone with appendicitis has all these symptoms.

Appendicitis is a medical emergency. Treatment almost always involves removing the appendix. Anyone can get appendicitis. It happens most often to people between the ages of 10 and 30.

3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents:

a small, tube-like organ; in the lower right area of the abdomen; increased pressure; swelling in the abdomen; low fever; a medical emergency; removing the appendix.


3.1 Suggest the English equivalents:

товста кишка; може розірватися; втрата апетиту; закреп або пронос; найчастіше траплятися; витік інфікованого вмісту; нудота та блювання.


3.3 Answer the questions to the text:

1. Where is appendix located? 2. What causes appendicitis? 3. What does the blockage lead to? 4. When can the appendix break open? 5. What are the symptoms of appendicitis? 6. Appendicitis is a medical emergency, isn’t it?


3.4 Say if it is true or false:

1. Appendicitis is an infection and inflammation of the appendix.

2. The appendix is located in the upper right area of the abdomen.

3. If the blockage is not treated, the appendix can break open and leak infection into the blood.

4. Appendicitis is a medical emergency.

5. Treatment almost always involves removing the colon.

6. It happens most often to people between the ages of 10 and 50.


Continuous Tenses

Present He (she) We is reading are reading now.
Past He (she) We was reading were reading when you came
Future He (she) We will be reading shall be reading at 5 o’clock.


Exercise 1

Поставте дієслова, які стоять у дужках, у правильній формі.

1. The student (to read) a newspaper now. 2.The young men (to discuss) their plan of work yesterday from 5 till 6. 3. This doctor (to examine) some patients now. 4. Our students (to carry) out the experimental work tomorrow at 9 o’clock. 5. The surgeon (to operate) the patient now.


Exercise 2

Поставте запитання до речень, починаючи їх словами, які стоять у дужках.

1. He was working in the library from three to five. (When?) 2. It was raining the whole evening. (How long?) 3. This author is writing a historical novel now. (What?) 4. They will be working at 6 o’clock. (When?) 5. They were helping the doctor when we returned. (What … doing?)

Lesson 5

At the Surgical Department

1. Pre-reading activities

1. 1Read and memorize the words

Surgical instruments

wound сlip - скріпка (для з'єднання рани)

scalpel – скальпель forceps – пінцет

syringe – шприц needle - голка

scissors – ножиці gauze - марля

overall – халат blood circulation – кровообіг

to dress wound - перев'язувати рану

gauze drain - марлевий тампон

to perform an operation проводити операцію, оперувати

cabinet for dressings шафа для перев'язувального матеріалу

suture material - шовний матеріал

dressing - перев'язувальний матеріал

rules of aseptic - правила асептики

special device - спеціальний прилад

artificial respiration – штучне дихання


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

surgical department стерильні халати

operating-table давати наркоз

prepare instruments приділяти значну увагу

suture material хірургічне відділення

sterilized overalls призначати дієту

to give narcosis операційний стіл

prescribe diet готувати інструментарій

pay much attention шовний матеріал

2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


A surgical department is on the firsl floor of this hospital. This department houses 50 staffed beds. One can see patients with surgical diseases, such as appendicitis, ulcer of abdomen, tumour, carbuncle, phlegmon and others. Operations are performed in a special operating room.

There is a large operating room in this department. Here one can see two operating-tables, instrument tables, a few small cabinets for suture material, dressings and instruments.

Before the operation the nurses prepare surgical instruments fol­lowing the rules of aseptic. After sterilizing them they put the instru­ments on a special table covering them with sterile material.

There are different instruments here. They are scalpels, syringes, surgical needles, scissors, wound clips, pincettes and sterilizing drum.

Before the operation the surgeon and his assistants wash their hands according to the rules of surgery and put on the sterilized overalls, caps and special face masks.

The patient is put on an operating-table and is covered with a steri­lized cloth. Then a doctor or an assistant begins to give the patient narcosis. When the patient has fallen asleep the surgeon disinfects the skin of the region to be operated on and begins to perform the operation. One assistant helps the surgeon during the operation. Other assistants listen to the heart, feel the pulse and look at the pupils. They use dif­ferent ways of controlling the patient's condition.

During the operation special devices are used for artificial respi­ration and blood circulation. The operation having been over, the patient is moved to the ward.

After the operation special care and attention is paid to the patient. The surgeon prescribes him definite medicine and diet.

Every day the surgeon examines the patients, dresses their wounds and introduces fresh gauze drains into them. He listens to the patients' lungs and hearts, tests their abdomens and others.

The surgeon prescribes the patients proper treatment. Many patients are doing well. Soon they will leave the clinic and return home. Some patients are in their bad condition. The doctors and nurses pay much attention to them.

3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Answer the following questions to the text:

I. Where is the surgical department? 2. How many staffed beds does this department house? 3. What is there in the operating room? 4. What do the nurses do before the operation? 5. What instruments do they put on a special table? 6. What does the surgeon do before the operation? 7. When does the surgeon begin to perform the operation? 8. What do the assistants do during the operation? 9. What kind of devices are used during the operation. 10. Where is the patient moved after the operation?

3.2 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents

this department houses; a special operating room; prepare surgical instruments; fol­lowing the rules of aseptic; put on the sterilized overalls; is moved to the ward; prescribes the patients proper treatment; in their bad condition.

3.3 Find the English equivalents to the Ukrainian word-combinations:

операційна сестра, операційний стіл, дивитися на зіниці, дезинфікувати шкіру, призначати лікування, операційна, операційне поле, вислуховувати легені, робити операцію, досліджувати шлунок, післяопераційний стан, операційна рана;

an operating-room, to test an abdomen, an operative wound, an operating-table, to listen to lungs, an operating field (area), to pres­cribe a treatment, to look at pupils, an operative nurse, post-operative condition, to disinfect skin, to perform an operation.

3.4 Say if it is true or false

1. Operations are performed in a special operating room.

2. Before the operation the surgeons prepare surgical instruments fol­lowing the rules of aseptic.

3. After the operation the surgeon and his assistants wash their hands according to the rules of surgery.

4. During the operation special devices are used for artificial respi­ration and blood circulation.

5. The nurse prescribes the patients definite medicine and diet.

6. Every day the surgeon examines the patients and dresses their wounds.


Perfect Tenses

(Перфектні часи)

(to have + Past Participle)

Present (теперішній) He (she) We haswritten it have written it today.


Зверніть увагу, Present Perfect може вживатись з такими обставинами часу


ever– будь коли already- вже never- ніколи
lately - нещодавно just– тільки що yet - ще
this year– цього року  


та з прийменниками: for - протягом, since – з


Exercise 1 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. They have written the control work today. 2. We have already seen this film. 3. He has been to London this year. 4. This student has worked hard. 5. I have done my homework. 6. She has passed her final exam.


Exercise 2 Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Present Perfect або Past Simple.

1. You ever (to live) in a foreign country?

2. My friend knows a lot because he (to read) a lot.

3. She (to go) home two days ago.

4. She is free now. She (to pass) her final exam.

5. Look! Somebody (to break) my window.

6. I (to leave) home early last night.

7. His family (to build) a new house this year.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect

Exercise 3 Look through the Grammar Reference and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

1. He (to visit)a very interesting lecture on a healthy lifestyle this week.

2. Physical exercise (to help)her to feel and look better?

3. Teenagers' smoking (to create)problems for their health.

4. He is busy. He (to write)an essay about smoking.

5. She (not to join)a school Tennis Club yet.

6. Who (to surf)the Internet the whole day?


Самостійна робота №3

1. Read and translate the text:


Laparoscopy is an operation performed in the abdomen or pelvis through small incisions (usually 0.5–1.5 cm) with the aid of a camera. It can either be used to inspect and diagnose a condition or to perform surgery. There are two types of laparoscope: (1) a telescopic rod lens system, that is usually connected to a video camera or (2) a digital laparoscope.

The laparoscope allows doctors to perform both minor and complex surgeries with a few small cuts in the abdomen. There are a number of advantages to the patient with laparoscopic surgery. These include reduced pain due to smaller incisions and hemorrhaging, and shorter recovery time.

3. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is laparoscopy? 2. How many types of laparoscope are there? 3. What does laparoscopy allow doctors to perform? 4. What are the advantages to the patient with laparoscopic surgery?

Lesson 5


Past Perfect

Past Perfect He She We   had read the text   by that time.

Exercise 1 Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Past Perfect.


1.I (to translate) the text before the bell.

2.She (to do) her lessons by the evening.

3.He (to clean) his room by five o’clock.

4.We (to speak) to him before the meeting.

5.Mother (to cook) dinner by seven o’clock.


Exercise 2 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. She had made a dress before party.

2. They had done the work by three o’clock.

3. She has written the exercise before the bell.

4. The students had done a test by twelve o’clock.


Exercise 3 Поставте дієслова, які стоять у дужках, у Past Indefinite або Past Perfect.

1. They (to write) the control work last Friday. b) These students (to write) the control work by that time. 2. a) We already (to see) that film. b) I (to see) that film by 5 o’clock yesterday. 3. a) I (to be) in London by the end of the year. b) They never (to be) abroad. 4. a) This student (to work) hard last term. b) These students (to work) hard by that time. 5. а) I (to do) my homework. Here it is. b) We (to do) our task by Monday.

Самостійна робота №4

1. Read and translate the text:

Heart Failure

Heart failure is the inability of the heart to supply sufficient blood flow to meet the needs of the body. Heart failure can cause a number of symptoms including shortness of breath, leg swelling, and exercise intolerance. The condition is diagnosed with echocardiography and blood tests. Treatment commonly consists of lifestyle measures (such as smoking cessation, light exercise, decreased salt intake and other dietary changes) and medications, and sometimes devices or even surgery.

Common causes of heart failure include myocardial infarction and other forms of ischemic heart disease, hypertension, valvular heart disease, and cardiomyopathy.

Heart failure is a common, costly, disabling, and potentially deadly condition. In developed countries, around 2% of adults suffer from heart failure, but in those over the age of 65, this increases to 6–10%.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is heart failure? 2. What is the condition is diagnosed with? 3. What do common causes of heart failure include? 4. How many adults suffer from heart failure? 5. What does treatment commonly consists of?


3. Find the English equivalents in the text:

серцева недостатність; задишка; зміни в харчуванні; типові причини серцевого нападу; захворювання серцевих клапанів; зменшення вживання солі.

Lesson 7


Gastroscopy is an examination of the inside of the gullet, stomach and duodenum. It is performed by using a thin, flexible fibre-optic instrument that is passed through the mouth and allows the doctor to see whether there is any damage to the lining of the oesophagus (gullet) or stomach, and whether there are any ulcers in the stomach or duodenum. Gastroscopy is effective, and has now replaced the use of X-rays in many cases. It helps the doctor see any abnormalities in the gullet, the stomach and the duodenum. It is precise and safe.

Through the gastroscope, the doctor can take samples or photographs of the mucous membrane. The most modern gastroscopes can also show the areas in the stomach on a TV screen, so that the mucous membrane can be studied thoroughly. This can be recorded on a videotape, and used for later comparison.


4. 1 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is gastroscopy? 2. How is it performed? 3. What does gastroscopy help the doctor see? 4. What can the doctor take through the gastroscope? 5. Gastroscopy is precise and safe, isn’t it?

4.2Fill in:

1. Gastroscopy allows the doctor to see whether there is any … to the lining of the oesophagus (gullet) or stomach. 2. Gastroscopy has now replaced the use of … in many cases. 3. Through the…, the doctor can take samples or photographs of the mucous membrane. 4. The most modern gastroscopes can show the areas in the stomach on a ….


Future Perfect


Future Perfect   He (she) We will shall have finished it by 5 o’clock.


Exercise 1 Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у Future Perfect.


1.I (to translate) the text by this time tomorrow.

2.She (to do) her lessons by the evening.

3.He (to clean) his room by five o’clock.

4.We (to speak) to him before the meeting.

5.Mother (to cook) dinner by seven o’clock tomorrow.


Exercise 2 Make the following sentences interrogative and negative:

1. She will have made a dress before party.

2. They will have done the work by three o’clock tomorrow.

3. She will have written the exercise before the bell.

4. The students will have done a test by twelve o’clock.


Exercise 3 Поставте дієслова, які стоять у дужках, у Future Indefinite або Future Perfect.

1. They (to write) the control work next Friday. 2. These students (to write) the control work by this time tomorrow. 3. I (to see) that film by 5 o’clock tomorrow. 4. I (to be) in London by the end of the next year. 5. I (to do) my homework tomorrow. 6. We (to do) our task by Monday.

Lesson 8

Diet. Healthy Lifestyle

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

to be careful дбати

protein білок

carbohydrate вуглевод

fat жир

to prescribe прописувати

fluid рідкий

semi-solid напівтвердий

to chew жувати


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

to be in good health грати важливу роль

prescribe the type of diet добре пережовувати їжу

poor appetite покращити кровообіг

chew the food well бути здоровим

play a very important role призначити дієту

increase the resistance захистити зір

improve blood circulation підвищити опір

protect eyesight поганий апетит

2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:


The Diet

If a person wants to be in good health he must be careful about his diet. It is very important to know that a diet must consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins.

You can treat many diseases by diet. People must chew the food well and never eat anything too hot or too cold.

Vitamins play a very important role in human health. About 20 vitamins are known today. They are marked by letters A, B, C, D, K, P, etc. Vitamins increase the resistance of the organism to infection, help to improve poor blood circulation, strengthen the nervous system, protect eyesight, help the body in formation of bones and strong teeth.

Water is very important for all living things. It carries foodstuffs from one part of the body to another. More than 70% of our body is composed of water.


3. Post-reading activities

3.1 Give the Ukrainian equivalents for:

to be in good health; a diet must consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins; treat many diseases by diet; play a very important role; increase the resistance of the organism to infection; carries foodstuffs; is composed of water.


3.2 Give the English equivalents for:

дбати про дієту; рідка або напівтверда; добре пережовувати їжу; покращити поганий кровообіг; підвищити опір інфекції; переносити споживні речовини; складається з води.


3.3 Fill in:

1. If a person wants to be in good health he must ….

2. A diet must consist of ….

3. You can treat many diseases by ….

4. Vitamins increase the resistance of the organism ….

5. Vitamins play a very important role in ….

6. More than 70% of our body is composed of ….


3.4 Say if it is true or false:

1. A diet must consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins.

2. You can treat many diseases by diet.

3. About 30 vitamins are known today.

4. Water is very important for all living things.

5. More than 50% of our body is composed of water.


3.5 Read and try to memorize:


1. Remember: we are what we eat. Try to choose healthy food. Fruits and vegetables are ideal.

2. Remember: bad habits are extremely dangerous for your health.

3. Give up bad habits!

4. Go in for sports. It will make you strong and energetic. 5. To be fit is very trendy today.

6. Have a regular lifestyle. Remember a proverb: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

7. Never use transport, if it is possible to walk.

8. Don’t forget to do morning exercises and air your room before sleeping.

9. Remember: it is easier to prevent diseases than to treat them.

Perfect Tenses


Present (теперішній) He (she) We haswritten have written it today.
Past (минулий) He (she) We had done it when you came.
Future (майбутній) He (she) We will shall have finished it by 5 o’clock.


Exercise 1 Поставте дієслова, які стоять у дужках, у Present Perfect, Past Perfect або Future Perfect.

1. I already (to come) from college. Now I am having dinner.

2. He (to write) a letter to his friend by Monday. 3. You (to send) him a SMS by 10 o’clock tomorrow? 4. She never (to give) an injection before. 5. He (to read) the text by that time yesterday. 6. Jane (not to be) at the cinema this week. 7. He (lock) the door by that time tomorrow.

Самостійна робота №5

1. Read and translate the text:

obesity – ожиріння

overweight – надмірна вага

height – ріст

tip the balance – порушити баланс


Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat and/or body water. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what's considered healthy for his or her height.

Obesity occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. The balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person. Factors that might tip the balance include your genetic makeup, overeating, eating high-fat foods and not being physically active.

Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers. If you are obese, losing even 5 to 10 percent of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What does obesity mean? 2. When does obesity occur? 3. The balance between calories-in and calories-out differs for each person, doesn’t it? 4. What factors might tip the balance between calories-in and calories-out? 5. What risk does being obese increase?

Lesson 9

Самостійна робота №6

1. Read the text and translate it:

preventive-cure measures – лікувально- профілактичні заходи;

disorder – розлад, хвороба;

progeny – потомство;

appropriate care – належне піклування;

availability – наявність;

pregnancy – вагітність;

delivery – пологи;

ailment – хвороба;


Specialized medical establishments provide appropriate care for future mothers and newborns through diagnostic and preventive-cure measures to help women overcome different disorders and prevent them affecting the progeny.

Women who suffer, for instance, from heart defects are placed at the time of pregnancy and during delivery under the observation of obstetricians, therapeutists, biochemists, immunologists, hematologists.

Thanks to timely medical care and the availability of specific instrumentation and equipment at our hospitals, the women who suffer from such ailments go through pregnancy and delivery successfully. All mother and child health advisory centres conduct disease prevention and cure work.

Our medical science devotes much attention to the health of mother and child.

At present there are some research institutes for pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and mother and child care in Ukraine. Their research and methods of treatment help controlling infantile infectious diseases and others.


2. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Who provides appropriate care for future mothers and newborns? 2. Where are women who suffer from heart defects placed? 3. Thanks to what do the women who suffer from ailments go through pregnancy and delivery successfully? 4. What work do all mother and child health advisory centres conduct? 5. What do our medical science devotes much attention to?


3. Say if it is true or false:

1. Specialized medical establishments provide appropriate care for future mothers and newborns.

2. All mother and child health advisory centres conduct disease prevention and cure work.

3. Our medical science devotes much attention to the health of mother and child.

4. There are no research institutes for pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology and mother and child care in Ukraine.

5. Their research and methods of treatment help controlling infantile infectious diseases and others.

Lesson 10

A Visit of a Doctor

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

fall ill – захворіти;

a check-up - обстеження;

to examine the patient - оглянути хворого;

to listen to heart and lungs - слухати серце, легені;

to X-ray - робити рентген;

to make tests - робити аналізи;

blood test - аналіз крові;

urine test - аналіз сечі;

to check the blood pressure - виміряти тиск;

to take the pulse - виміряти пульс;


1.2 Match the words-combinations:

to have a sore throat полоскати рот

to stop the bleeding нежить

to have a bad cough запалене горло

to rinse the mouth зупинити кровотечу

to gargle the throat накласти шину

cold in the head сильно кашляти

to put splints полоскати горло


1.3 Fill in:

1. This patient has a... heart. 2.... the throat. 3. Put the... on the broken arm. 4. Put a warm... on the ear. 5.... the mouth after meal. 6. Take a... when you have a headache.

(rinse, gargle, splints, weak, tablet, compress)


2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the text:

A Visit of a Doctor

One day mother fell ill. She had a running nose, a cough, a bad headache and a sore throat. Her temperature was very high. Father called in a doctor. In some hours the doctor came. He examined mother. The doctor felt her pulse, checked her blood pressure. It was 140 over 8O. That was normal for her. Then he listened to her heart and lungs, examined her throat. The doctor told mother that she had flu. So she had to stay in bed for some days. The doctor prescribed mother some medicine. She had to take them regularly. He gave mother a sick-list. In some days mother felt better.


flu - грип; a sick-list - лікарняний;


3. Post-reading activities

Task 1. Give the English equivalents:

захворіла; нежить; запалене горло; викликав лікаря; оглянув; виміряв тиск;вислухав серце та легені; оглянув горло; залишатися в ліжку декілька днів; прописав ліки; приймати регулярно; видав лікарняний; почувалася краще.


Task 2. Make up sentences:

Mother, did, my, feel, not, well

decided, a doctor, mother, call in, to, my

keep, he, bed, must, in, days, for, some

the, three, a day, times, doctor, him, to take, told, medicine


Task 3. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What happened to mother one day? 2. What was her temperature? 3. How did the doctor examine mother? 4. What was her pulse? 5. What diagnoses did the doctor make? 6. How often did mother have to take medicine?


Task 4 Fill in:

Pete had... and his mother put... on his back.

He... and became very weak.

The doctor... some medicine.

She... her throat 3 times a day.

(Gargled, lost appetite, prescribed, a cough, mustard plasters)


Task 5 Fill in:

He had to stay... bed. (in, on)

She put mustard plasters... his back, (at, on)

I was sitting... her bed for two hours, (in, at)

He was sick... hot milk, (of, on)


Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous утворюється з допоміжного дієсловаto be в Past Perfect та дієприкметника теперішнього часу основного дієслова. Дієслово в Past Perfect Continuous не змінюється за особами:

I (he, she, it, we, you, they) had been working.

Цей час виражає тривалу дію, яка почалася до якогосьмоменту в минулому і або продовжувалася в цей момент, або закінчилася безпосередньо перед ним.

Питальна форма: Had you been working?

Заперечна форма: I had not been working.

Exercise 1 Read the situation and then write a sentence:

Example: The two boys came into the house. One had a black eye and the other had a cut lip. (they/fight) They had been fighting.

1. Tom was watching TV. He was feeling very tired. (he/study/hard all day) He …………..

2. When I walked into the room it was empty. But it smelled of cigarettes. (somebody/smoke/in the room) Somebody …….

3. When Mary came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. (she/lie/in the sun too long) She ………….

4. The two boys came into the house. They had a football, and were both very tired. (they/play football) They ……………..

5. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened, and she didn’t know where she was. (she/dream) She ………….

Exercise 2 Read the situation and then write a sentence:

Example: We began playing football. After half an hour there was a terrible storm. We had been playing football for half an hour when there was a terrible storm.

1. The orchestra began playing at the concert. After about 10 minutes a man in the audience began shouting. The orchestra …….. for about 10 minutes when ……..

2. I had arranged to meet Sue in a café. I arrived and began waiting. After 20 minutes I realized that I had come to the wrong café. I …… for 20 minutes when I ……...

3. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins went to live in the south of France. Six months later Mr. Jenkins died. They ….. when …….


Exercise 3 Make up five sentences from each table

I   had been   sleeping waiting for him working here looking for it living there   for an hour for 20 minutes for 5 years for 3 months   when he came before she left by that time by 8 o’clock


Самостійна робота №7

1. Read and translate the text:

At the Doctor's

For a week I felt pain in the stomach and I decided to consult a doctor. Here is the conversation between me and the doctor.

Volkov: Good morning.

Doctor: Good morning. What is your name?

V.: My name is Volkov.

D.: What's the matter with you?

V.: I have a stomachache for a week and I want to find out

what's wrong with me.

D.: Show me the place where it hurts you.

V.: Here, doctor.

D.: Does this pain go to another place?

V.: It goes to my back sometimes.

D.: Does it bother you at night?

V.: Most of the time.

D.: We’ll take X-rays of your stomach and make some more

tests: blood test, urine test. I’ll tell you the diagnosis after I

have all your tests.


2. Post-reading reading activities


2.1 Fill in:

1. What is the... with you? 2. I want to find out what's... with me. 3.... me the place where it hurts you. 4. This pain... me at night. 5. Take... of your stomach.

(X-rays, show, bothers, matter, wrong)


2.2 Give the English equivalents:

Що з вами? турбувати; аналіз; аналіз крові; сеча; аналіз сечі; діагноз.

Lesson 11

First Aid

1. Pre-reading activities

1.1 Read and memorize the words:

first aid - перша допомога;

to save - рятувати;

injured - потерпілий;

accident - нещасний випадок;

calm - спокійний;

act - діяти;

2. Reading activities

2.1 Read and translate the texts:

First Aid

Everybody must know how to give the first aid. The first aid saves many lives. The first aid is the help which you give to an injured person. You must know different methods of helping in accidents. When you give the first aid you must be calm and act without panic.


Exercise 1 Say it in English:

перша допомога; надати першу допомогу; рятувати життя; бути спокійним; діяти спокійно.


Exercise 2 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What saves many lives? 2. What is the first aid? 3. What must you know? 4. How must you act?


When you fall on your knee you get a bruise on it. The bruised place looks red and swollen at first. If there is scratch on your knee put iodine on it. If yo


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