Speak on your future profession and the history of Education. 

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Speak on your future profession and the history of Education.

Speak on your future profession and the history of Education.

There are many interesting and useful professions in our country. As for me I made my choice long ago. I want to became teachers of mathematics or informatics. During all school years mathematics and informatics was my favourite subjects. I think that mathematics is one of the best subjects, because mathematics is the science of all sciences.

Also I think that the professions of programmer can give me many opportunities.

As a perspective teacher, you may seriously question the need to study the history of education. The ideas of John Dewey suggest a rationale for studying and using history. Knowledge of the past is the key to understanding the present. The history of education is valuable for the following reasons: I) to understand and solve today's problems. 2) by using our past, we can shape the future. The study of education's past provides a perspective the explains and illuminates our present activities as teachers.


Imagine as if you were a guide and you are to tell foreign visitors about history, economy and culture of your native town.


For some people the Kryvyj Rih area is the most beautiful place in Ukraine. Now Kryvyj Rih is a big industrial, economic, scientific and cultural centre in the centre in the central part of Ukraine.

In 1734 the Kryvyj Rih territory was joined to Russia. As for the name of the town are two different versions.

Nowadays, ore-mining and metallurgical industries are developed here. There are 21 mines and five ore-dressing combines in the town.

Kryvyj Rih is not only a well-known industrial giant, but a green modern town, an important cultural centre in the central part of Ukraine. As for traffic facilities in Kryvyj Rih we can see many bases, trolley-buses, trams and cars running along the streets. There is also high speed tram in our town.


Get ready to speak on the principle points on Geography of Ukraine.


I live in Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign state, it was proclaimed on August country has its own territory, government national emblem, state flag and anthem. There are 24 administrative regions and the Crimean autonomous republic in Ukraine.

It borders on Russia, Byelorussia, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania.

It covers an area of more than six hundred thousand square kilometers. Its population totals 55 million people.

9f>% of the Ukrainian area is flat and the rest of it is mountainous. The Ukrainian Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains make up those 5% of its area. Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The major rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets. The Dnieper is one of the longest

Ukraine has many industrial raw materials, it has rich deposits of iron, color metals, coal, oil, gas, mineral salts. Ukraine is the agricultural country.

Ukraine has an ancient history. It has its own original culture and arts.


Reveal the major periods of Ukrainian History. What points would ou emphasize?

At the end on the tenth century, the city of Kyiv, the date of whose foundation is uncertain, became the capital of a powerful state, Kyivan Rus.

In 988, Ukraine-Rus was converted to Christianity, and the Christian culture was conducive to the rapid development of towns. On January 22 1918, the Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed a sovereign state, and its first president was Mykhayio Hrushevsky. The period of time from 1917to 1921 proved to be the years of great trials and tribulations for the Ukrainian people.

In the 1940s, Ukraine was the hardest hit in the war of Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union.

On July 1990, Verkhovna Rada, Ukrainian Parliament, adopted "The Act on State Sovereignty" which was a first step to regaining full independence.

On August, 24th, 1991 Ukraine has been proclaimed by the independent country.

In 2004 all world the message has flown about about Pomarancheva revolutions in Ukraine. Coming to power of a new order became its result.


Speak on the major branches of Economy in Ukraine. Try to analyze today's, economical situations in Ukraine (weak and strong points)


Ukraine possesses a considerable economic, industrial and agricultural potential; it has gained a wide and positive experience in such industries as metallurgical, mining, energy production, chemical and metal-working

Ukraine has inherited from the Soviet Union a malformed and inefficient economic complex and outdated material basis. At present, Ukraine is going through a difficult transitory period.

Positive changes in Ukraine's economy began in 2000 thanks to the agrarian and administrative reforms, and to the continuing denationalization and privatization.

The past two years have amply demonstrated that Ukraine still has a considerable potential for further economic growth.

Now Ukraine, it is captured by a world economic crisis. As in Ukraine now the heavy political situation, about the further national economics to judge difficultly.


Speak on the Political System of Ukraine. Prove the fact that Ukraine is a presidential-parliamentary republic.


Ukraine has a democratic political system. The government features an executive branch headed by a president with strong powers and a legislative branch represented by a national parliament.

The president is assisted by a Cabinet Ministers. A council called the Verchovnay Rada advises the President, regarding science and technology, law and the economy.

Ukraine's parliament, called the Supreme Council is the nation's lawmaking body. It has 450 members.

The most important political organization in the Ukraine in a broad movement known as Rukh. It includes the Green Party; the Ukrainian Republican Party; the Democratic Party; the Christian Democratic Party and the Socialist Party consists of former members of the Communist Party.


You are to prove the contention that Ukraine is a country of rich culture and old traditions. Give some information about public holidays in Ukraine.


The word “Holidav" comes from the words "holy day". Holidays were first religious festivals

Every years starts with New Year. It's a very great holiday; make the new hopes for the future. March the 8th is a Women’s Day. This date was introduced in 1910 by the

On March 9th we celebrate the birthday of great Ukrainian poet, writer, artist Taras Shevchenko.

Easter Day comes to the lunar calendar. The holidays comes on Sunday. Easter can never be earlier than March 22 and later than April 25.

On May the 9th we celebrate the anniversary of victory over Nazi Germany.

On August, the 24th, Ukrainian independence was proclaimed and new era in Ukrainian history began.


Speak on the prior ways of the development of science and education in Ukraine.


Education is rooted in very old traditions reaching back to the pagan times.

Present-day independent Ukraine has inherited a rather developed system of education from the previous regime, which answers the standards of the developed countries.

General secondary education in Ukraine is used to be free but compulsory.

A great number of various private schools have appeared recently.

Post-secondary education is provided by over 750 institutions of what is known as the lsl and 2nd level of Accreditation, for example, technical schools and. colleges training young specialists, and by over 160 institutions of higher learning.

Among the well-known Universities in Ukraine are Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Dragomanov Pedagogical Kyiv National University, Kyiv Polytechnic University etc.

International scientific exchanges also remain on an upward curve.


Speak on your future profession and the history of Education.

There are many interesting and useful professions in our country. As for me I made my choice long ago. I want to became teachers of mathematics or informatics. During all school years mathematics and informatics was my favourite subjects. I think that mathematics is one of the best subjects, because mathematics is the science of all sciences.

Also I think that the professions of programmer can give me many opportunities.

As a perspective teacher, you may seriously question the need to study the history of education. The ideas of John Dewey suggest a rationale for studying and using history. Knowledge of the past is the key to understanding the present. The history of education is valuable for the following reasons: I) to understand and solve today's problems. 2) by using our past, we can shape the future. The study of education's past provides a perspective the explains and illuminates our present activities as teachers.



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