Read the words paying attention to the sounds. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read the words paying attention to the sounds.

[dз] — encourage, arrangement, engage, percentage, region, generally;


[g] — government, give, length, regulation;


[k] — country, restrict, document, carry, particular, catering, case, actual, call, electricity, construction, accommoda­tion, careful;


[s] — license, service, electricity, percentage, entrance;


[t∫] — infrastructure, research;


[∫] — social, permission, financial, construction, accommo­dation, expansion, potential, regulation, location;

[kw] — requirement, quick, question, quiet.


Work, at the words

Read and translate the words and their derivatives.

to regulate — regulation — regulator — regularity

to environ — environs — environment — environmentalism — environmental

to involve — involved — involvement

to engage — engage — engagement — engaging

to govern — government — governmental — governor

to promote — promotion — promoter

to restrict — restriction — restrictive

to encourage — to discourage — encouragement — encouraging

to perform — performance — performer

to research — research — researcher

to grow — growth — grower

to expand — expansion — expansive


Match the synonyms.

to include, to be engaged in, to encourage, to try, to limit, to at­tract, to take on, to keep up, to involve, to promote, to engage, to be involved in, to restrict, to attempt, to maintain, to undertake.


4. Pick out the English equivalents from list A to the following Rus­sian expressions in list B.

A: direct investment in tourism development; entry formalities; to determine the social impact of tourism on an area; to promote a flow of tourism; to be involved in day-to-day regulation of tourism; economic benefits; unrestricted growth and expansion of tourism; financial arrangements; indirect investment; to determine the market potential; to perform the research.

В: правила въезда в страну; проводить исследования; финансо­вые условия; заниматься повседневным регулированием ту­ризма; способствовать развитию туризма; определять соци­альное воздействие туризма на регион; экономические выго­ды; определять потенциал рынка; прямое инвестирование развития туризма; неограниченное развитие туризма; опос­редованное инвестирование.


Make up word-combinations and translate them.

to be involved to be engaged to be in favor   in of regulation of tourism the development of tourism promoting a flow of tourism planning careful research



Make up sentences using the table and translate them.

Governments are involved   the development of tourism.
The interests of are engaged in the ministerial level of
tourism government.   government.
Countries are represented regulate of the tourist at the market potential, the different components of the tourist industry.
  perform the research and analysis.
  promote   a flow of tourism.
  encourage   visa and entrance
  requirements.   requirements.
  discourage   the location and density of new developments.
  determine   the policy towards
  ser   tourism.

Work at your Grammar

The Infinitive


Active Passive
Indefinite Continuous to to ask to be asking be asked – Действие, одновременное или последующее по отношению к действию глагола-сказуемого
Perfect to have asked to have been asked Действие, предшествую­щее действию глагола- сказуемого



Функции инфинитива в предложении и его перевод

Функции Способы перевода Примеры
Подлежащее Инфинитивом, существительным в именительном падеже То perform the research is our task. Провести исследование — наша задача. Проведение исследования — наша задача.
Часть составного именного сказуемого Инфинитивом Our task is to perform this research. Наша задача — провести это исследование.
Часть составного глагольного сказуемого Инфинитивом We are to perform this research in a week. Мы должны провести это исследование через неделю.
Дополнение Инфинитивом, существительным We want to perform this research in a week. Мы хотим провести это исследование через неделю. Нам нужно проведение этого исследования через неделю.
Определение Придаточным определительным The research to be performed is very important. Исследование, которое нужно провести, очень важное.
Обстоя-тельство Придаточным обстоятельства цели То perform this research we need special equipment. Для того, чтобы выполнить это исследование, нам нужно специальное оборудование.

State the functions of the Infinitive and translate the sentences.

1) To perform the research is one of the government's tasks.

2) To develop tourism, it is necessary to perform the research.

3) Deeper research makes it possible to find out why tourists visited a particular resort.

4) The facilities to be based on the infrastructure are often called the superstructure.

5) Governments are to regulate different components of the tourist industry.

6) Most countries want to regulate the location and density of new developments.

7) The main aim is to promote tourism.


Translate the following sentences including Participle II and the Infinitive as an attribute.

1) The research and analysis to be performed result in statistics on the tourist industry.

2) The research and analysis performed by the government re­sult in statistics on the tourist industry.

3) The location of new developments to be regulated greatly af­fects spreading the economic benefits.

4) The location of new developments regulated by the govern­ment greatly affects spreading the economic benefits.


3) Find in text 1 the sentences including the Infinitive, state its func­tions and translate the sentences.

Translate the sentences paying attention to the Gerund.

1) The analysis means interpreting trends from the statistical figures.

2) Governments are engaged in promoting a flow of tourism.

3) Any country can discourage incoming tourism simply by not providing accommodations and catering services or by re­stricting the length of time a traveller can stay in that country.

4) Another kind of research in tourism involves trying to deter­mine the social impact of tourism on an area.

5) Governments invest in tourism in the form of building and improving the infrastructure.


The Prepositional Infinitive Construction

(Предложный инфинитивный оборот)

For + существительное + инфинитив me, you, him, her, it, us, them  


It was important for our government to invest in tourism.

Для нашего правительства было важно, чтобы инвестирова­ли туризм.

Для нашего правительства было важно инвестировать туризм.

Для нашего правительства было важно инвестирование ту­ризма.


Read and translate the sentences.

1) For tourist promotion to be a success, much work must be done.

2) There was no reason for him to go abroad.

3) Foreign visitors waited for the entry formalities to be simplified.

4) It is convenient for us to finish this research as soon as possible.

5) There is only one thing for you to do.


Find in text 1 the sentences including the Prepositional Infinitive Construction and translate them.

Read text 1 and make up a plan of it.

Translate the text.

Text 1



The roles of government are very important for tourism. They set the policy of their country towards tourism. To regulate the dif­ferent components of the tourist industry is one of their tasks.

Travel is made easier when there are no visa requirements and when the entry formalities are simple. Visa is a travel document that gives permission for a foreigner to enter, or in some cases to leave another country. It is important for tourist promotion to relax the kind of regulation that is usually called "'red tape''.

National policy can also discourage tourism. Any country can­not provide accommodations and catering services or is able to re­strict the length of time a traveller can stay in that country. To re­strict entry some countries have set visa and entrance requirements.

Governments are also involved in day-to-day regulation of tour­ism including various kinds of licensing.

A license to be taken is a document giving permission to carry on a particular kind of activity after paying a fee.

Governments perform the research and analysis that result in sta­tistics on the tourist industry. Research generally means collecting data that can be put into statistical form and the analysis means inter­preting trends from the statistical figures. Research involves travel sta­tistics, tourist expenditures, the purpose of the trip or the tourist's re­actions to his holiday. Deeper research makes it possible to find out why tourists visited a particular resort and what their reactions were. The main aim of another kind of research is to determine the social impact of tourism on an area. It is necessary for governments to be engaged in promoting a flow of tourism. In many countries, tourism is so important that its interests are represented at the ministerial level of government. To promote tourism counties or regions, relax some regulations. The location and density of new developments to be reg­ulated affects spreading the economic benefits more widely.

Where government investment in tourism is not direct, there must be an indirect investment in the form of building or improving the infrastructure. The infrastructure consists of those things that are necessary before development can take place — roads, electrici­ty, telephone service, airports, and water supply. The facilities to be based on the infrastructure are often called the superstructure.

Before a government undertakes tourist development, it usually attempts to determine the market potential — the number or per­centage of travellers it can hope to attract. This is followed by stud­ies of the social impact and very often of the environmental impact.

The research is followed by the actual planning and development that include improvement of the infrastructure, financial arrange­ments and construction of the superstructure. The tendency at the present time is in favour of careful research and planning instead of unrestricted growth and expansion.



red tape — бюрократические процедуры



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