You have recently received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Joan who writes 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


You have recently received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Joan who writes

…As you are going to stay with us during your winter holidays, I would like to know if you celebrate Christmas and the New Year in your country. What was the best Christmas or New Year Day that you still remember? What presents do you usually get and give?
…I am afraid I have to finish now. My mother expects me to baby-sit for my baby-brother while she is doing shopping.

Write a letter to Joan. In your letter
-answer her questions
-ask 3 questions about her baby-brother.
Write 100-140 words.



Как оценивается работа - НАПИСАНИЕ ЛИЧНОГО ПИСЬМА
Дополнительная шкала оценивания задания С1 (максимальный балл 6)

1. Содержание / полнота выполнения задания

Ссылка на предыдущие контакты, благодарность за получение письма
Сообщение о том, празднуют ли Рождество или Новый Год в стране
Мнение о том, какое Рождество или Новый Год были лучшими
О том, какие подарки дарит и получает (обычно)
Три вопроса о брате
Объём высказывания соответствует поставленной задаче (100-140 / 90-154)
Обращение в соответствии с неформальным стилем
Завершающая фраза в соответствии с неформальным стилем
Подпись (только имя)



2. Организация

Деление на абзацы
Средства логической связи
Обращение на отдельной строке
Завершающая фраза на отдельной строке
Подпись на отдельной строке
Адрес автора в правом верхнем углу
Дата под адресом

За что снимают баллы
1. Сначала считают объём высказывания: 100-140 слов; (10%- 90-154 слова), если менее 90 слов -не проверяют, если более 154 слов, то делают черту, и всё, что за чертой -не проверяют.
Таким образом, если слишком длинное сочинение (более 154 слов), то можно отсечь Заключение и концовку.
2. Смотрят на наличие адреса, даты, обращение и завершение письма
3. Смотрят на формат письма (Заглавная буква, новая строка, знаки препинания)
4. Оценивают содержание (тема и логика изложения, все ли задания выполнены)
5. Оценивают организацию текста (деление на абзацы, логические переходы внутри абзаца)



You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mary who writes

… I would like to know more about sports in your country. Could you tell me what sports are popular among the teenagers in your country? What sports do you like and why? I have recently started to attend a new school…

Write a letter to Mary.

In your letter

- answer her questions

- ask three questions about Mary’s new school

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.





You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Alice who writes:

… In your last letter you wrote you were going to visit a fashion show. Who did you go with? What did you see at the show? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? As for my news we are moving to a new house…


Write a letter to Alice.

In your letter

- answer her questions;

- ask three questions about her new house.


Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Allen who writes


I am also keen on going to the cinema. Do you like going to the cinema? What kind of films are you fond of and why? What film or films influenced you most? Next summer I am going to visit Moscow with a group of my classmates


Write a letter to Allen.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask three questions about Allen’s plans for the summer

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.


You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Steve who writes

… At school we are doing projects on reading habits of people in different countries. Could you tell me what kind of books you and the members of your family like reading? As for the family news my sister got married last week…  



Write a letter to Steve.

In your letter

- tell him about the kind of books you and your relatives like to read

- ask 3 questions about his sister’s husband

Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.



How to write an essay

При написании сочинения применим тот же принцип C-L-O-S-E. По содержанию сочинение в англоязычной традиции - это текст, выражающий мнение пишущего (обычно за или против чего-то). Организация (т.е. структура, композиция) текста предполагает наличие в нем нескольких абзацев, выполняющих определенные функции. Она обязательно выделена зрительно с помощью отступа или пропущенной строки и подчинена строгим правилам: за введением следуют основные части, содержащие мнение и аргументацию, затем формулируется заключение. Сочинения без абзацного деления, без вступления и заключения, нередко наблюдаемые у учащихся из России, оцениваются очень низко, т.к. считается, что эти внешние факторы свидетельствуют о недостаточном владении письменной речью, неумении делить тему на составляющие элементы, ясно и убедительно выражать свои мысли.

Пример реального сочинения, задание к которому –

Write an essay, giving your opinion on the following statement:

'Newspapers used to carry news, but their main role today is to shock and entertain us '

Учительские пометы на сочинении показывают, на что нужно обратить внимание пишущих



Тип сочинения и примерный план

"For" and "Against" Essays


§1 - present the topic and state the problem, make a general remark about it without giving your opinion

A lot of people think that... We all know that... Can you imagine...? Have you ever thought of...? There are both advantages and disadvantages...Let's begin with...

Main Body


- Arguments "for" (3 points)

To introduce points

The main / most important /greatest advantage of... is that...

Another advantage/disadvantage of... A further advantage / disadvantage of...

One point of view in favour of / against... The best /worst thing

To list points

In the first place...First of all...To start with...To begin with...



Finally...Last but not least...

To add more points to the same topic

- What is more... Furthermore... Moreover...

- In addition to this... Besides...

Apart from this...

- Arguments "against" (3 points) (support your arguments with examples)

To make contrasting points

- on the other hand... however... in spite of the fact that... despite the fact that...

-while... nevertheless... even though... although... it can be argued that...

To introduce examples

-for example...for instance... such as... in particular...




- your opinion based on the given arguments

To conclude

- to sum up... all in all...on the whole... in conclusion...

- taking everything into account.../as was previously stated

- All things considered,

- Although there are some dis­advantages..., I believe it is...

- All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages...

Opinion essays



- introduce the subject and state your opinion

- Nowadays, we are often told... Every day...

There is no doubt that...

- Over the past few years,...

Are you among those who...? Why has...become...?

- The British poet... once said that "... "

- There are various facts that support this opinion.

To express opinion

-In my opinion...

I believe...

It seems to me...

The way I see it...

Main Body

Or more paragraphs

- first viewpoint supported by reasons/examples

- second viewpoint supported by reasons/examples

- the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/exam­ples

To list points

-In the first place... First of all... To start with... To begin with...

— Secondly... Thirdly...

Finally...Last but not least..


To add more points to the same topic

What is more... Furthermore...Moreover...

In addition to this... Besides...Apart from this...


To introduce contrasting viewpoints

It is argued that... People argue that... Opponents of this view say...

— There are people who oppose... Contrary to what most believe...

To introduce examples

-for example...for instance.

such particular...




- summarise what you've said

- restate your opinion using different words

To conclude

— to sum up... all in all...all things considered... on the whole... on the whole...taking everything into account.../as was previously stated

All in all, I still feel that the benefits of..outweigh the disadvantages.

Тип сочинения и примерный план Introduction Main Body Conclusion
1 ‘For’ and ‘Against’ essays (formal style) § 1 -present the topic and state the problem -make a general remark about it without giving your opinion § 2,3 -Arguments “for”(3 points) -Arguments “against”(3 points) (support your arguments with examples) § 4 - your opinion based on the given arguments
  2. Opinion essays (formal style)   § 1 - introduce the subject and state your opinion   § 2-4 – or more paragraphs - first viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples -second viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples - the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples § 5 - summarise what you’ve said -restate your opinion using different words    


To list and add points:
Firstly/In the first place/To start/begin with...;

Secondly/ In addition /Furthermore/ Moreover/ Besides...;

Thirdly/ Finally/ Last; Last but not least; etc

To introduce or list advantages:
The first/ main/ most important advantage of...;
One/Another/An additional advantage of...;
One point of view in favour of...;

It is often suggested/believed/argued that...;
Some/Many people suggest/feel/argue that...; etc

To introduce or list disadvantages:
The main/most important disadvantage/drawback of...;

One/Another/An additional disadvantage/negative effect of...;

One point/argument against; etc

To introduce examples/reasons/results:
For example/instance; such as; like;

in particular; therefore;

for this reason; because; as; since; as a result; etc

To show contrast:
On the other hand;

However; still; but;

Nonetheless; Nevertheless;

Although; Even though;

Despite/ In spite of (the fact that); etc

To introduce a conclusion:
In conclusion; To conclude/sum up;

All in all; Finally; Last; All things considered;

Taking everything into account/ consideration; etс



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