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1 No.10 Downing Street and Buckingham Palace


A: Why, its No. 10 Downing Street I often come across this address while reading newspaper.

B: That’s right. This is where the Prime Minister of Britain lives.

C: I see. And where’s the residence of the Queen.

D: The London residence of the British monarch is Buckingham Palace. When the Queen is in residence the Royal Standard is flown at the mast-head.


2 Trafalgar Square


A: Trafalgar Square... A familiar place-name, it is often mentioned in newspapers.

B: That’s right. Trafalgar Square, as well as Hyde Park, by the way, are often the scenes of peace rallies and other political meeting of working-class people and the left.



A: Whitehall... Also a familiar place name. Is it in the City?

B: Oh no. It lies to the west of the City. It’s the street in which many governmental departments and offices are situated. Figuratively, “Whitehall means “ the British Government””.


2 Piccadilly Circus


A: I think we’ll get off the bus near the Circus.

B: Do you mean to invite me to a circus show? I’d love to see one in London.

C: Oh no. I mean Piccadilly Circus it’s just a square.

D: I see. Why is it called that? Is it round, or what?

E: Well, it isn’t exactly round. As a matter of fact any open space where a number of streets meet can be called a circus.

F: You can come across them all over England. But when a Londoner speaks of the Circus he means Piccadilly Circus.


Прослушайте и письменно переведите текст 5

Text 5. “The largest city of the world”


London, situated at the head of ocean navigation on the Thames estuary, is Britain’s capital and main communication centre. It is one of the world’s important financial centres, one of the world’s five largest cities (with Mexico City, Tokyo, Shanghai and New York) and one of the world’s three largest ports (with New York and Rotterdam).

Greater London has a working population of over seven million, of whom over a third are in manufacturing industry. London is the main centre in Britain of the clothing and food industries, of printing, of cinema production, and of the manufacture of furniture, materials for the arts, different instruments and many other specialized products. Small firms predominate in many of these industries. London is also, especially its outer ring, an important area for light engineering, chemicals and consumer goods and has some heavy engineering plants and a number of reading research establishments. It is a city of great contrasts and old traditions, of richness and poverty, of numerous museums, art galleries, theatres, beautiful squares and slums, the poor and unemployed hardly manage to make both ends meet. This is London.


Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний


monarchy; commonwealth; the political, economic and social system of Britain; its customs and traditions; authority; residence; the House of Lords; the House of Commons; member of Parliament; rally to separate from; to export; separate; to rule; to reign; it is washed by; country; state; capital; twin-town.


Дайте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний


достопримечательности Лондона; королева – глава правительства; Соединенное Королевство; законодательный орган; густо населённый город; население Англии; промышленные центры Великобритании; избирать; формировать; резиденция Британского премьер - министра; современные английские писатели и поэты (авторы); основные политические партии Великобритании.


Подберите английские эквиваленты и соответствующим русским словам


1 власть 1 voter

2 обычай 2 reign

3 наследственный 3 hold

4 занимать (пост) 4 peer

5 пэр, лорд 5 city

6 населять 6 custom

7 править 7 town

8 избиратель 8 state

9 отделять/разделять 9 authority

10 состоять 10 navigable

11 богатый 11 hereditary

12 дорогой 12 to populate

13 устье 13 expensive

14 плотность 14 to separate

15 гористый 15 density

16 долина 16 valley

17 графство 17 to conquer

18 промышленные товары 18 mountainous

19 покорять/завоевывать 19 country

20 шедевр 20 masterpiece

21 торговать 21 development

22 судоходный 22 cremmecial

23 commercial

24 estuary



Translate the following) Переведите


I ask – I am asked I asked – I was asked

He asks – he is asked He asked – he was asked

We ask – we are asked We asked – we were asked


I shall ask – I shall be asked

He will ask – he will be asked

We shall – we shall be asked


Образуйте формы инфинитива в пассивном залоге в соответствии с моделью


Model: to ask – to be asked

to take – to be taken


to invite; to use; to write; to see; to situate; to bring; to make; to reach; to visit; to build; to wash; to separate; to develop; to occupy; to elect.

Используя следующие слова и сочетания слов, подготовьте краткое сообщение по одной из тем


a) Great Britain


situated on two islands; in the west of the European continent; washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea; consists of four parts; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (Ulster); capital – London; many industrial towns; Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Sheffield, Bristol, Coventry, Leeds, Glasgow, etc; of historical importance: Edinburgh [ ], Windsor, Stratford – upon – Avon, Eton, etc; produces and exports machines, ships; a capitalist country.


b) London


the capital of Great Britain; on the river Thames; more than 8 million people; two main parts: the West End and the East End; the rich – in the West End, workers – in the East End; a large industrial, financial, commercial and cultural centre; a port.


1.26 Прочтите текст 6. “A Parliamentary Monarchy” и передайте содержание на русском языке

Text 6. A parliamentary Monarchy

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary monarchy. In law, the Queen of Great Britain is the head of the executive, the head of the judiciary and the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces of the Crown.

Nobody but the Queen can summon Parliament, or dissolve it. In practice, the Queen acts only on the advice of her Ministers She reigns but she does not rule.

The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the party that has a majority in the House of Commons. The party, which obtains the majority of seats in the House, is called the Government and the others the Opposition. The English Parliament consists of two chambers - the House of Lords and the House of Commons. People outside of Great Britain believe that if a man is elected to sit in Parliament, he ought to have a seat. But the House of Commons has seat for only about two-thirds of its 630 members. Thus of great occasions, when the House is full, members have to sit in the gangways or Chester round the Speakers Chair. Only four members of the House of Commons have reserved seats: the Speaker, the Prime Minister, and the Leader of the Opposition and the member who has sat in the longest unbroken period.

Parliamentary procedure is based on forms and rules, many of which date back to the beginning of the sixteenth century. Thus, before every sitting of the House begins, the Speaker walks in procession to the chamber from his residence within the Royal Palace. Wearing wig and gown, he is accompanied by his Chaplain, his Secretary and the Sergeant-at-Arms carrying the Mace. On arrival in the Chamber, the Mace is set on the Table, prayers are read and, provided a quorum of forty members is present, the Speaker takes the Chair.

Any M.P. may introduce a bill to the Parliament. Every bill have three reading the bill goes before the House of Lords. If the Lords agree to the bill, it will be placed before the Queen for signature.

The House of Lords has 850 members: peers, lords, bishops and archbishops. One third of the Lords today are company directors. They include bankers, steel magnets, newspaper proprietors and industrialists of all kinds. The Leader is the Lord Chancellor who sits upon the Woolsack, a large bag of wool covered with read-cloth. The Woolsack is a reminder of the times when England’s commercial prosperity was founded on her wool exports.



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