Trip, nomad, package holidays, scheduled, crossing, resorts, aircraft, ferry. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Trip, nomad, package holidays, scheduled, crossing, resorts, aircraft, ferry.

1. These South African … live principally in the deserts.

2. The ship calls at several ports to pick up passengers before … the ocean.

3. The … was flight-tested in 1995.

4. We calculated that the … would take two days.

5. The travel agent advised us to take advantage of off-peak reductions for ….

6. Originally, both Riviera and Switzerland were tourist destinations as health ….

7. A … airline operates on fixed routes at fixed times according to a timetable.

8. He offered to … us across the river in his boat.


C. Answer the following questions in written form:

1. When did people start traveling?

2. Who were the first travelers?

3. What means of transport did they use?

4. What famous travelers do you know? Where did they travel?

5. What transport means appeared in the 19th century?

6. What kind of tourists were at that time? Where did they go?

7. When did Thomas Cook arrange the first trip? What kind of trip

was it?

8. What events followed that trip?

9. What kind of tourism did Cook develop?

10. What things in modern tourism date back to Thomas Cook?

11. When did a tourist industry begin to develop?

12. Who was the pioneer of modern passenger air travel?

13. What did Laker do in 1948? What did he use in his business activity?

14. What kind of business did he have?

15. What was Laker’s main achievement in the development of tourism?


D. Translate into English.

Поняття «тур» було введено до вжитку в 1750 р., а термін «турист» використовувався як найменування учасника розважальних або освітніх подорожей (турів).

Великого англійського реформатора Томаса Кука (1808 – 1892) справедливо називають «батьком» міжнародного туризму як сфери економічної діяльності, оскільки він уперше відзначив комерційні перспективи його розвитку. Т. Кук поклав початок організації туризму, створивши перше бюро подорожей, увів резервування місць у засобах пересування й розміщення, видавав якісні путівники з вичерпною інформацією.

На межі XIX і XX ст. туризм перестав бути тільки об’єктом наукових досліджень філософії та соціальних наук, а став складною економічно структурою, в розвитку якої виділяється період після Першої світової війни і десятиліття після Другої світової війни. Особливу роль у популяризації усіх видів туризму зіграв розвиток авіа подорожей. Усе це сприяло виникненню економіко-філософського підходу до розуміння туризму в системі розвитку суспільства.

World Tourism Organization

The World Tourism Organization (WTO), since 2003 a specialized agency of the United Nations, is the leading international organization in the field of tourism. It serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues and practical source of tourism know-how.

With its headquarters in Madrid, Spain, the WTO plays a central and decisive role in promoting the development of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism, with the aim of contributing to economic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity and universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms.

In 2004, the WTO’s membership comprised of 144 countries, seven territories and more than 300 affiliate members representing the private sector, educational institutions, tourism associations and local tourism authorities.

The history of the WTO dates back to 1925 when the International Congress of Official Tourist Traffic Associations (ICOTTA) was set up in the Hague. It was renamed the International Union of Official Travel Organizations (IUTO) after World War II and became a technical, non-governmental organization. As tourism grew and became an integral part of modern life, it started to be clear that there was a need for more effective tools to keep developments under review and to provide tourism intergovernmental machinery especially equipped to deal with the movement of persons, tourism policies and tourism impacts. In 1969 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution recognizing the central role of the IUTO in the field of world tourism and in cooperation with the existing machinery within the UN. In 1975 the IUTO was renamed to the World Tourism Organization and its headquarters moved to Madrid.

The General Assembly as its principal gathering meets every two years to approve the budget and programme of work as well as to debate topics of vital importance to tourism sector. The Executive Council, Regional Commissions, Committees and the Secretariat deal with more day-to-day issues. There are six Regional Commissions corresponding with the division of the world into six regions for the purposes of the WTO. These regions are as follows: Africa, the Americas, East Asia and the Pasific, Europe, the Middle East and South Asia.

The WTO provides all stakeholders in tourism with methodological materials and manuals to all important issues of the tourism industry. The WTO also plays an important role in collecting tourism statistical data.

Statistics provided by the WTO emphasizes the economic significance of tourism at a global level. The complexity of tourism as an industry makes it difficult to distinguish tourism activity from other economic activities and to measure its contribution to the overall economy. This leads to understanding the role of tourism. The WTO has played a key role in improving the way in which tourism activity is statistically identified and measured.

The European Union is involved in tourism through its directorates. One of the activities strongly supported by the EU is cross border tourism cooperation. Its Programme serves to encourage tourism product and service providers on both sides of the country border to cooperate in marketing their respective facilities. It is clear that there is a big potential to further development of a wide range of tourism products on a cross-border basis. Examples include walking and cycling routes, equestrian trails, waterways development, touring and heritage routes, cultural programmes, education and trasining. The EU also provides financial assistance to different projects.



Answer the following questions. Do it in writing.

1. What is the leading international organization in the field of tourism?

2. What role does the World Tourism Organization (WTO) play in tourism?

3. How many countries did WTO’s membership comprise in 2004?

4. What is the history of this organization?

5. How often does the General Assembly meet and what questions are discussed during these meetings?

6. What are six Regional Commissions?

7. In what way is the European Union involved in tourism?

8. What does the EU Programme serve to?

9. Is there any potential to develop a wide range of tourism products on a cross-border basis? (Give some examples).


The main enterprises in a tourist sphere

Tourism industry is considered one of the toughest of all service industries. It comprises a wide range of services provided by a number of enterprises. The main enterprises of a tourist sphere are: travel firms, which are divided into tour operators and tour agents; hotels of all types and kinds – from 1 to 5 star hotels, motels, country inns, rest houses, youth hostels, family hotels, camp-sites, etc; catering establishments – restaurants, cafes, bars, cafeterias, coffee-shops; car rental agencies, ferry and cruise companies, airlines.

Putting a package together

Package holidays, which are also known as package tours, include all of the components necessary for a complete vacation:

· transport to and from the destination

· transfers between the airport / station / port and hotel

· food and accommodation at the destination

· other services such as a guide or holiday ‘rep’.

The professionals who bring these elements together to create a holiday are called tour operators. They buy in advance and in bulk from the principles: airlines, shipping lines, hoteliers, and so on. Because they buy hundreds of seats or rooms from the principle, they pay a much lower price for them than an ordinary member of the public. The tour operator then converts this bulk into individual packages known technically as inclusive tours (ITs). These are marketed to the consumer through travel agents or by other systems.

In the past tour operators sold almost entirely through travel agents, but today they also use direct selling. This strategy eliminates the travel agents from the chain of distribution, and this reduces the final cost of the holiday package because direct sell operators do not have to pay commission to a travel agent. Many smaller tour operators, for example, prefer to deal directly with their clients.

Not all tour operators sell the same type of holiday. The really big operators, the mass market operators, produce low-cost holidays to traditional sea, sun, and sand destinations like Spain, Greece, or Turkey. Other operators limit their product to customers who want a very specific type of holiday. These specialist operators sell adventure holidays, holidays for single people, holidays for motor-racing fans, and so on. Domestic operators specialize in tours for people who want to holiday in their own country, whilst incoming tour operators are specialists in providing holiday packages to visitors coming from abroad. For example, ‘Vastravel’, an Italian incoming tour operator, sells tours of Italy to people from the rest of the world.


Answer the questions.

1. Package holidays are created by tour operators and then sold through the chain of distribution.

a. What are the components of a typical package holiday?

b. Who else forms part of the chain of distribution?

c. How many different types of tour operators are there?

2. There are two other terms that mean the same as package holiday.

What are they?

3. To buy in bulk means to buy something

a. on the Internet

b. in large quantities

c. in secret

d. a long time before you need to use it

4. Why is it important to buy in bulk in tour operation?

5. Why do you think specialist tour operators prefer to sell direct to

their clients?

6. If you could work for one of the four types of tour operator, which

would you choose?



Act out the dialogue.


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