Write a composition about your friend. 

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Write a composition about your friend.

Memory work.

Proverbs and saying.

A friend in need is a friend indeed - Друг пізнається в біді.

False friends are worse than open enemies - He щирі друзі гірші за відкритих ворогів.

Additional Listening Practice.

Listen to the text and do the exercises below.

" A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed "


Mike and Nick were schoolboys. They lived in the country. The boys went to school together and they liked to play and spend their leisure time together.

One day Mike сamе to Nick's house and said, "Nick, you have so many good books. I see this is an interesting book in your library which I haven't read.

Can you lend me this book to read? I'll bring it back next week".

Nick did not want to lend books to other people, and he said, "Why do you want to take my book home? You can read it here, in my house. I want you to come again and read here".

Mike saw what kind of a friend he had, but he did not say anything. He wanted to teach him a lesson.

The next week Nick came to Mike and said, "Mike, you have a good garden knife.

I want to work in my garden tomorrow. Can you give it to me for two days?"

Mike answered, "Why do you want to take my garden knife home? You can work with it in my garden".

Answer the questions:

1) Who were Mike and Nick?

2) Where did they live?.

3) What did they do together?

4) Who came to Nick's house one day?

5) What did Mike see there?

6) What did he ask?

7) What was the answer?

8) What.did Mike understand?

9) What did he decide to do?

10) What did Nick ask Mike to give him?

11) What did Mike answer?


Work in groups.

1) Make up a plan of a story.

2) Fill in the chart about the boys.


  Mike Nick
Place to come Nick’s house  
He asked (what?)    
The result didn’t give  
Decision to teach him a lesson not to do such things


If you have a friend you would help him.

3) Retell the story in a written form.

4) Make up 5 questions to the text.

5) Retell the story orally.


Word List:

former school-mates колишні однокласники
bosom friend найщиріший друг, нерозлийвода
pretty симпатична, вродлива
curly hair курчаве волосся
turned-up nose кирпатий ніс
plump пухкий
to cut the long story short коротше кажучи
inner beauty внутрішня краса
well bred добре вихована
jolly веселий
to cope справлятися
to go in for sports займатися спортом
coach тренер
gifted обдарований
soul душа
to be in a habit of helping мати звичку допомагати
duty обов'язок
to do the shopping робити
to keep тримати
sunny soul by nature веселий за вдачею
imagination уява
to quarrel сваритися, лаятися
to make up замиритися
composition твір
wise мудрий
quarrel сварка


Lesson 5

1. Intercommunication. Language Etiquette.

• Reading and speaking.


Pre-reading task.

Check the meaning of these words in your dictionary.



I. Read and memorize the following words and expres­sions:

How do you do? [hau du: ju: du:] 3apacTyitTe. e.g. How do you do is a. kind of greetings and not a ques­tion.

Good morning, [gud 'mD:nig] flo6poro pamcy.

e-g. We say "Good morning" up till 12 o'clock.

Good afternoon, [gud' a:fte'nu:n] flo6poro ahh.

eg> We say "Good afternoon" after 12 o'clock.

Good evening, [gud 'i:vmrj] £o6pirit Benip.

Hello, [ha'lou] npmiT, anno.

Hi. [hai] IlpHBiT.

How are you? [hau a: ju:] flic 3/jopoB'*?

fine [fain]ao6pe

e.g. I am fine.

Good bye. [gud bai] flo no6aneHHa.

Goodnight. [gudnait]Haao6paHiH.

See you later, [si: ju: 'leita] flo sycrpini.

Tnankyou. [Gaegk ju:]/frKyio.

e.g. Thank you for your help.

«lad [glaedlpa^Hft

e*9* I ani glad to see you. I

introduce [,mtra'dju:s] npeacTaBJiHra!

e.g. Let me introduce my husband to you.

II. Learn the following phrases: Notatall.

It's all right. HeMa3amo.

Don't mention it.

You're welcome. By^b jiacica.

It's very kind of you. flyace ^k)6'k3ho 3 Bauioro 6oKy.

HI. Make up sentences:

Let me introduce my friend

my husband to you.

my wife


His name is....


I am

we are

they grateful to you.

he is obliged


Give the regards to

Remember me to your mother!

Say "Hello" to

Pleased to make your acquaintance. Happy

IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in

1. I'm very much.. to you. (glad, delighted, obliged)

2. Let me... my brother to you. (see, appreciate, intro­
duce) 3. Please give your wife my... for the present, (greet­
ings, welcome, thanks) 4. You are very... (thankful,
kind, indebted) 5. We say... in the evening. (Good morn­
ing, Good evening, Good afternoon)

V. Complete the following sentences:

1. Thank you for.... 2. Why is it advisable to...?

3. It's such a great pleasure to.... 4. How's your sister... '.
5. Give your mother my....

VI. Translate into English:

1. Hk noacHBaioTb Bauri 6aTbKH? 2. riepe/iaftTe im bi-TaHHH. 3. b 3aflOBo,/ieHHHM. 4. ^aicyio, HenoraHO. 5. ripH-

BiT, CKOpO no6aHHMOCb.

VII. Give synonyms to the words in bold type:

1. I always say "Hello" when speaking on the phone. 2. I am grateful to you. 3. See you soon. 4. It's very sweet of you. 5. I am glad to meet your friend.

VIII. Read and dramatize the following dialogues.

Mary: Hi, Jane!

Jane: Hello, Mary! How are you?

Mary: Oh, not bad - a little tired. Jane, I'd like you to

meet my brother.

John: Nice to meet you. My name is John. \.

Jane: Well, it is nice to meet you, John.

* * ♦ j

Peter: Hi, Maggie!

Maggie: Oh, Peter, hello, how are you? Look, I'm in a terrible hurry. The bank closes in fifteen minutes. Peter: Is your bank near here? Maggie: Yes, it's only three blocks away. Peter: Get in my car, I '11 give you a lift. Maggie: This is so nice of you, Peter, thank you. Peter: Don't mention it.

Ann: Good morning, Maggie!

Maggie: Ann! Nice to see you. Have a seat.

Ann: Thanks.

Maggie: How are you?

Ann: Fine. What about you?

Maggie: Oh, I'm fine, thanks.

Ann: Oh, I'm sorry, I must be going. See you later

tonight! Maggie: Bye-bye.

IX. Complete the following dialogues:

A: Hello, how are you?

B:... and what about you?

A:... and how's your sister?

B:... could you give my regards to your husband?

A:... Thank you in advance.

B:... Bye-bye.

A: Good afternoon.

B:... Let me introduce my friend to you.

A:... It's very kind of you.

B:... You are welcome.

X. Make up your own dialogues using the following
word combinations:

1. Hello, hi, how are you, thanks, nice to meet you, I'm afraid, give him my regards, remember me to, see you soon.

2. Good morning, glad to meet you, how are things, not too bad, you are very kind, what can I do for you?

XI. Ask questions to the text and retell it:


There are some main rules of introduction which are useful to remember: men are introduced to women, young people to older ones, old friends to newcomers, and young girls to married. Usually women are not presented to a man unless he is the Head of State or a member of the Royal family. When introducing one says something like: "Mrs. Johnson, may I introduce Mr. Blake?" and then turning to Mrs. Johnson simply says "Mrs. Johnson". That is all that's necessary, but one can say a bit of infor­mation which will help the introduced people to start the conversation.

The usual response to the introduction is "How do you do?" which is a kind of greetings and not a question, and the best answer to it is "How do you do?". Sometimes one may say less formally "I am glad to meet you", "Happy to have met you" or just "Hello".

It is very good to add the name of the person intro­duced — "I am very glad to meet you, Mr. Sparks". If you do not remember the name it is enough simply to ask "What was your name, please?" or "Could you repeat your name?" Men may stand when introduced, ladies may remain seated.

British and American people usually shake hands especially when formally introduced but they do not al­ways shake hands with people they see often. When an

Englishman passes a friend in the street he only touches his hat.

Usually they smile and say: "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "Hello", or "Hi".

When two businessmen meet, they usually shake hands.

XII. Make up questions and let your fellow-stu­dents answer them:

What is the main rules of introduction? A are the simpliest way of introduction? a the usual response to introduction?

expected as an answer to "How do you do?"


Read the text


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