Согласитесь или опровергните утверждение. При ответе используйте модели. 

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Согласитесь или опровергните утверждение. При ответе используйте модели.

Models: a) It is true.

b) It is false.

1. A human language is a highly elaborate system of signs.

2. A language is used both for communication and to support and guide thought.

3. A language is a primary means of creative expression for individuals and groups.

4. A language is a closed system. It doesn’t vary across the community of speakers.

5. Individuals and communities can’t change and shape a language to their needs.

6. Communication depends on the signs of language follow conventions accepted by groups of people.

7. Language has conventions for, when and how to combine signs.

8. A rich system of communicative choices provides the signs and conventions.

9. Successful communication doesn’t require shared knowledge and assumptions.

10. A language shapes our view of the world.









Составьте утвердительные предложения из приведенных ниже слов и словосочетаний.

1. is made up of / socially shared rules / language.

2. the verbal means of communicating / s peech / is.

3. to describe new situations and objects / can create / every language/ new words.

4. change / all languages / through time.

5. different types of signs / this area of study / will include.

6. have been learning / for years / we / the language.

7. your ear and your mind / during the initial period of adaptation / are adjusting to / the sounds and

the rhythm of the language.

8. to make sense of the language / will be amazed at / your increasing ability / you.

Замените русские слова в скобках английскими эквивалентами из рамки.


1. to achieve 2. the register 3. audience 4. message 5. participants 6. different kinds 7. to influence 8. the distinctive language features 9. considering 10. context 11. content (2) 12. the relationship (2)


Language itself forms an important part of any (сообщения) being conveyed and is used in different ways in (различных типах) of texts. Approaching the study and analysis of (отличительных особенностей языка) of different kinds of texts involves (рассмотрение) how language is patterned and structured within texts and (взаимосвязь) between (контекстом), and form.

All speakers and writers make decisions about the kinds of language they use. The speaker or writer and the intended (читатели и слушатели) are (участники) and their roles, (отношения) between them, as well as the degree of shared knowledge of (контекста), all have bearing on what is communicated. (Содержание) will also determine the degree of formality and (стиль речи) in which the text is communicated.

By considering the stylistic features used in spoken and written varieties of English, students can gain insight into the effect the speaker or writer is trying (достигнуть), why the speaker or writer has chosen particular stylistic features, and how the speaker or writer uses language (чтобы оказать влияние на) their respective audiences.



Переведите текст на русский язык письменно.

Languages may be synthetic and analytical according to their structure. In synthetic languages, such as for instance Russian, the grammatical relations between words are expressed by means on inflections.

In analytical languages, such as English, the grammatical relations between words are expressed by means of form words and word order. Analytical forms are mostly proper to verbs. An analytical verb-form consists of one or more form words, which have no lexical meaning and only express one or more of the grammatical categories of person, number, tense, aspect, voice, mood: e.g. He has come; I am reading.

14. Работа в парах. Составьте диалог (Профессор – Студент). Студент отвечает на вопросы профессора о том, что представляет собой язык как система знаков и сообщений.


Переведите слова, образованные с помощью префиксов.

poly -

polygamy, polyglot, polygon, polygraph;

micro -

microbe, microbiology, microchip, microcomputer, microphone;

super -

superpower, superman, super-film, supernatural, super-ego, superior, supermarket;

multi -

multicultural, multifaith, multifunctional, multilingual, multinational, multimillionaire, multiplication;

cyber -

cybernetics, cyberspace, cybercafe, cybercrime, cyberforensics, cyberfraud, cyberkidnapper, cyberland, cyberterrorism.

2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Do people dream to have a common language for communication?

2. Can you name any language which was widely used by people from different countries for communication?

3. When and why does a language become a world language?

4. Is English a global language now? Why do you think so?


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