Find out what the structure of the book is 

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Find out what the structure of the book is

Model: 1 The book consists of … (5) chapters (parts, sections), doesn't it?

2 Exactly. The subject matter of the book appears under … headings.

1 What are they?

2 They are …


Find out to whom reference is made

Model: 1 As far as I understand reference is made to researchers working in

many countries. Are (Japanese, British, American) workers also mentioned?

2 They are. (No, they aren't)

1 And what about (Austrian) researchers?

2 As far as I know they contributed little to this field of knowledge, therefore no reference is made to them.


Find out in what country and field of knowledge, what subject and which educational establishment or research centre the author works at

Model: 1 You said the author of the book works in … (Great Britain).

2 Yes. He is a … (Ph.D., Doctor of …, at Cambridge University)

1 I wonder in what field of … (economics, law) he is involved (engaged)?

2 In … (statistics, regional law)

1 And what is the subject of his research?

2 He works at … (regional economics)


Find out on what subject and by whom the book, chapter, article is written

Model: 1 The book is written by … (one, two…) author(s). Right?

2 Right.

1 Who is (are) he (they)?

2 This is a book written by …, … and ….

1 And what is the subject?

2 The article is on … (see its title).

Use also: contributors, experts, workers.


Find out what scientific interests of the author are

Model: 1 As far as I understand the author in interested in a wide (narrow) field of … (economics, jurisprudence).

2 Right. And he takes particular (special) interest in … (the structure of …)


Find out whether or not the book is of value; where, when and by whom it was written, published, edited

Model: 1 What is your opinion of the book?

can be congratulated on producing it (on completing it) congratulated on producing it.


Press) in … (London) in 200 ….

can (can't) be congratulated on producing it.

2 I think this is an excellent book. The author (s) (editor(s), contributors) or: I don't think it's a good book. I can't say that the author is to be

1 Which book you are talking about? By whom is it written and

2 "……" by (H. Conrod). It was published by … (Cambridge University

1 And Pete (Ann) thinks that this is a … book. He says that the author


Find out whether or not the book is illustrated and how if it is

Model: 1 If I am not mistaken, the book acquaints the reader with the latest developments in the field of … (economics).

2 Right.

1 Are there any illustrations?

2 Yes, the book is profusely illustrated with tables (figures, photos, diagrams). or: No, there are no illustrations. I think with illustrations the book would be much better.


Answer the following questions using the prompts given in brackets

Model: What does the book begin with? (a short introductory chapter) It begins with a short introductory chapter.

1 What does the article begin with? (an introductory part; a few general remarks; a short introduction) 2 What is each subsection preceded by? (a brief theoretical introduction; some introductory notes; an introductory discussion) 3 What does the book introduce to? (the work done in …; the new data in the field of …; the up-to-date techniques in …) 4 What does the book acquaint us with? (recent discoveries in …; applications of new methods; the work done in the field of; experimental technique).


Ask your fellow student the following questions. Work in pairs

1 Is there an introductory part in your thesis (article, the book you are reading)?

2 What subjects are dealt with in the introduction of your thesis (article, book)? 3 What problems does the book acquaint us with? 4 When and how were you first introduced to this subject?

Translate into English

- Вы знакомы с этой статьей?

- Да. Я прочитал ее вчера.

- Интересная статья?

- Очень.

- Меня тоже интересует эта проблема. Надо прочитать эту статью.

- Прочитайте. В вводной части автор знакомит читателя с историей

вопроса, а в последующих разделах мы знакомимся с методом исследования,

полученными данными и выводами автора.


Use the word-combination given below in sentences of your own

Model: Have you read the last article by Academician Chelinzarov? Have you read the latest article by your scientific adviser?

1 The latest book, the last book. 2 The latest journal, the last journal. 3 The latest publication, the last publication. 4 The latest edition, the last edition. 5 The latest issue of the newspaper, the last issue of the newspaper.


Insert the right word: last or latest

1 My aim is to acquaint the reader with the … discoveries in this field of research. 2 The last chapter of my thesis is devoted to the experimental technique. 3 The introductory is concerned with the discussion chapter of the … approach to the problem. 4 The summary is given at the … two pages. 5 The second chapter deals with the … models of the device. 6 This is the … model produced.


Translate into English

1 - Вы читали последнюю статью доктора С. в последнем номере журнала?

- Да. - Чему она посвящена? - Самым последним методам исследования.

2 - Чему посвящен последний журнал этого года?

3 - О чем идет речь в последней статье, которую вы прочитали? – О последних достижениях в моей области исследования.

4 - О чем последие страницы работы? - О новейших результатах исследования.


Translate into Russian

1 A list of references. 2 Key references. 3 A complete set of references. 4 To

make reference to somebody (or something). 5 A reference book. 6 A work of



Ask your fellow-student the following questions. Work in pairs

1 Did you (the author) provide your (his) paper with a list of references? 2 Whom did you (the author) make reference to? 3 Is your (the author's) list of references complete (extensive, numerous, adequate, inadequate)? 4 What kind of book do you consult if you need some information? 5 What reference work do you usually consult? 6 Who is the author or editor of this work of reference?



Complete the following sentences

1 The title of the book I am reading is …. 2 The title of my professor's work for Doctor's Degree is …. 3 The title of my friend's thesis is …. 4 The heading of the chapter I am interested in is …. 5 The headline of the article we discussed last time is ….


Answer the following questions

1 What is the headline of the article you are going to tell us about? 2 What is the heading of the last section? 3 Does the title describe the subject? 4 Under what headings does the subject matter appear? 5 What is the title of your paper?


Use subject or object instead of their synonyms in the following sentences

1 The aim of my paper is to present the basic ideas of the theory in question. 2 The author treats a great variety of problems. 3 The purpose of this volume is to analyze the character of market economy. 4 This is an excellent collection of articles on diverse topics. 5 Other topics dealt with in this book are regularly reviewed in scientific journals.


Insert the right word: subject, object or subject matter

1 The … of the textbook falls into two sections. 2 The … of my work is to investigate this particular problem. 3 I'm engaged in one of the aspects of the broad … of law. 4 The … of my thesis is arranged in the following way. 5 The … of the book is of major importance. 6 The … of the paper is to give some idea about family law.


Translate into English

Я хотел бы задать Вам несколько вопросов: во-первых, какова тема статьи; во-вторых, какова ее цель; затем - каков предмет исследования, и, наконец, о чем она (содержание)?


Answer the following questions

1 What subjects are dealt with in your thesis (paper, article, the book you are reading)? 2 What is the subject of your research? 3 What is the object of your research (investigation)? 4 The subject of your research is of practical importance, isn't it? 5 How is the subject matter of your thesis (paper, the book you are reading) arranged?


Ask your fellow-student the following questions, work in pairs

1 How many chapters does the book you are reading consist of? 2 Do the chapters contain any summary? 3 Does the book contain any original data? 4 Does it contain any errors?

Translate into English

1 - Из скольких частей состоит ваша диссертация?

- Из двух. В первой части содержится описание истории вопроса и метода исследования, а во второй - само исследование и его результаты.

2 - Из скольких глав состоит книга?

- Из десяти.

- И в каждой главе есть (содержатся) новые данные?

- Да. В каждой главе много новых данных.


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