A dishwasher is a machine which/that you use to wash dishes. A flamingo is a bird which/that lives in a warm climate. 

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A dishwasher is a machine which/that you use to wash dishes. A flamingo is a bird which/that lives in a warm climate.

· dishwasher / wash dishes

· flamingo / live in a warm climate

· calculator / make calculations

· typewriter / type letters

· lion / live in the jungle

· photocopier / make photocopies


Завдання 7. Заповніть пропуски словами: some, any no.

1 I’m going to the baker’s. I need …. some …. bread.

2 I haven’t got ……… pets.

3 Have you got ……… biscuits left?

4 Don’t buy ……….. butter. We have ………. in the fridge.

5 I’m hungry. I’d like ……. sandwiches, please.

6 He’s got ……… money, so he can’t buy a hamburger.

7 I haven’t got …….. homework to do tonight.

8 I’m looking for ……….. paper, but I can’t find ……..

9 We can’t make a cake because we’ve got ………. sugar.

Завдання 8. Заповніть пропуски словами: something, somebody (someone), anything, anybody (anyone).

1 I’m looking for … something …. in this box, but I can’t find it.

2 Hello? Is there ……….. at home?

3 …………. is calling me. I don’t know who it is.

4 “Is there ……….. in your suitcase?” “No, it’s empty.”

5 My foot hurts. There’s ………. in my shoe.

6 The shop is closed. I can’t see ……….. inside.

7 I want to buy ………… for my sister.

8 “………… is talking to Jim.” “Yes, it’s my mum.”


Завдання 9. Дайте відповіді на запитання, використовуючи a lot, much, many.

1 Have you got any stamps?

Yes, … a lot ….

2 Is there any bread in the cupboard?

No, not ……….

3 Have you got any biscuits?

No, not ……….

4. Have you got any video tapes?

Yes, ……….

5 How many apples do we need for the cake?

Not ……….

6 How much money do you need for the weekend?

Not ……….


Завдання 10. Заповніть пропуски словами: few, a few, little, a little.

1 We’ve got … very few … eggs. We can’t make an omelet.

2 Sue’ got ……….. money. She can buy a new dress.

3 I’ve got ……..… apples. I can make an apple pie.

4 There are ………… people in the park today because it’s raining.

5 There’s ……….. milk in the fridge. Go to the supermarket and buy some, please.

6 There’s ……….. lemonade in the jug. Would you like some?


Завдання 1.

2 She 3 She 4 her 5 Their/her 6 His 7 her 8 They 9 Her 10 her

Завдання 2.

3 It is ours. 4 They are his. 5 It is yours. 6 They are theirs.

Завдання 3.

1 – e, 2 – j, 3 – a, 4 – g, 5 – c, 6 – b, 7 – d, 8 – f, 9 – h, 10 – i

Завдання 4.

2. myself, 3. herself, 4. ourselves, 5. themselves

Завдання 5.

- Who was Volta?

- He was the man who/that invented the electric battery.

- Who was Columbus?

- He was the man who/that discovered America.

- Who was Von Zeppelin?

- He was the man who/that built the first airship.

- Who were the Kelloggs?

- They were the men who/that made the first cornflakes.

- Who was Cleopatra?

- She was the woman who/that ruled Egypt.


Завдання 6.

· A calculator is a machine which/that you use to make calculations.

· A typewriter is a machine which/that you use to type letters.

· A lion is an animal which/that lives in the jungle.

· A photocopier is a machine which/that you use to make photocopies

Завдання 7.

2. any 3. any 4. any, some 5. some 6. no 7. any 8. some, any 9. no

Завдання 8.

2. anybody (anyone) 3. somebody (someone) 4. anything 5. something 6. anybody (anyone) 7. something 8. somebody (someone)

Завдання 9.

2. a little 3. a few 4. few 5. little 6. a little






Прикметник – частина мови, яка виражає ознаку предмета.

В англійській мові прикметники не змінюються за родами, числами, відмінками (a new house – new houses).


Прикметники бувають:

Прості (Simple Adjectives) (не мають суфікса або префікса) cold– холодний red – червоний new – новий
Похідні (Derived Adjectives) (є суфікс та/або префікс) useful – корисний unreal – нереальний international – інтернаціональний
Складні (Compound Adjectives) (складаються з двох чи більше основ) good-looking – красивий blue-eyed – блакитноокий dark-haired– темноволосий


Ступені порівняння прикметників (Degrees of Comparison)


Positive Degree Вищий ступінь Comparative Degree Найвищий ступінь Superlative Degree  
прикметник прикметник + er the +прикметник+ est
  Односкладові прикметники
long big small longer bigger smaller the longest the biggest the smallest
  Двоскладові прикметники, що закінчуються на –у, –w, –le, –er
easy narrow clever simple easier narrower cleverer simpler the easiest the narrowest the cleverest the simplest    
прикметник more +прикметник the most +прикметник
  Решта двоскладових та багатоскладові прикметники
beautiful handsome morebeautiful morehandsome the most beautiful the most handsome
  Нестандартна форма утворення ступенів порівняння прикметників та прислівників
good – гарний well – добре better (than) – кращий, краще the best – найкращий, найкраще
Bad- поганий badly – погано worse (than) the worst
much– багато many more (than) the most
little – маленький less (than) the least  
  Прикметники, які мають два ряди ступенів порівняння
old – старий older – старший за віком the oldest  
  elder – старший у родині the eldest  
far – далекий   farther – дальший за відстанню the farthest  
  further – дальший за чергою, порядком the furthest  
near – близький   nearer – ближчий     the nearest – найближчий за відстанню
    the next – наступний за чергою
late – пізній later – пізніший за часом the latest – найпізніший  
  latter – останній з двох перерахованих the last – останній


- прикметники, що закінчуються на наголошену голосну + приголосну, подвоюють приголосну: fat – fa tter (than) – the fa ttest (of/in)

- прикметники, що закінчуються на приголосну + y, замінюють – y на – i: nois y – nois ier (than) – the nois iest (of/in) (шумний – більш шумний, ніж – айсумніший з.

- прикметники, що закінчуються на –e, додають – r у вищому ступені та – st у найвищому ступені: nice – nic er – the nicest


Ми можемо використовувати (not) as + прикметник + as для того, щоб сказати, що двоє людей, місць або речей є (не є) подібними. Наприклад:

My brother is as tall as my father (Мій брат такий же високий, як тато).

My brother is not as tall as my father (Мій брат не такий високий, як тато).

Перевірте себе:

Завдання 1. Виберіть правильну форму прикметника. У деяких випадках можуть вживатися обидві форми.

1. Who is the eldest/oldest in Mary’s class?

2. Is your school much further/farther?

3. My driving is worse/worst than his.

4. Do you think it’s the less/least of two evils?

5. This is our city’s eldest/oldest house, isn’t it?

6. She’s got the least/less and her friend has got the more/most!

7. Let me introduce my elder/older brother.

8. Have you heard the latest/last news? Who was elected President?

9. Her latest/last words were: “Let me live on my own!”

10. Is this village the furthest/farthest point north of the country?

11. Do you consider his English better/best than mine? I don’t think so.


Завдання 2. Утворіть відповідний ступінь порівняння прикметника.

1. Could you give me a (big) piece of chalk? This one is too small.

2. My father will have to get up earlier as his office is situated (far) of all of us.

3. The (much) you read, the (good) your English is.

4. Can you tell me which is (easy) way of learning a foreign language?

5. It’s (silly) thing to do in this situation. You’d better wait for a while.

6. Say (little) in his presence. He can’t keep secrets.

7. She is (pretty) of the three of them.

8. By the way, do you know which ocean is (deep): the Pacific or the Atlantic?

9. My report turned out to be (bad) in the group.

10. Her charming smile seemed to me (beautiful) in the world.

11. Nick doesn’t work properly, he is (lazy) than the other students.

12. Today’s weather is much (good) than yesterday’s though it’s (cold).

13. The new secretary is (experienced) than the previous one.

14. He couldn’t say which of the films was (interesting) and which he liked (much).


Завдання 3. Доповніть речення одним із наступних прикметників, які закінчуються на ly: cowardly, beastly, deadly, lovely, lonely, friendly, weekly, monthly, yearly, lively.


1. Their … conference always takes place in early September.

2. No one likes … conduct.

3. What … weather we are having after such a … day!

4. It’s nice when one has … relations with one’s neighbours.

5. One should be careful when eating mushrooms: some of them are … poisonous.

6. Sam felt very … when he was sent to school.

7. Young people like stuffs of … colours.

8. “Nature” is a … magazine. “The New Time” is a … magazine.



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