What questions can you ask a British teenager about good manners in their country? 

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What questions can you ask a British teenager about good manners in their country?

How often do you say “Please” and “Thank you”? Do you stand in line in Britain? Do you shake hands when introduced? Do you open doors for other people?

What national souvenirs will you recommend a tourist to buy in Britain?9. If I were you, I would buy something connected with the Royal family.

Nowadays more and more people are getting interested in customs and traditions of different countries. What do you think about it?

It’s very important to know traditions and customs of different countries. It will help you to understand different people and learn their language.


Билет №17. Means of Communication

Let’s talk about modern means of communication: TV, newspapers, radio, the Internet. Which of these does your family like?

To tell you the truth, I’m not really interested in any traditional media.

To my mind, television, radio and newspapers are becoming less and less popular.

As for my family, my mum likes watching TV, but she says there is too much crime on it.

My dad is a computer-user, he watches the news summarized on the Internet.

Sometimes he reads newspapers.

I neither watch TV nor read newspapers, as I have no free time getting ready for my entrance exams.

Is there any means of communication you can’t live without? Why (not)? 7. Yes, there is. I can’t live without my mobile phone. I use it every day to come in touch with my friends or to get information.

What questions will you ask the participants of “What? Where? When?” a famous TV programme?

How much time do you spend preparing for a game? Where do you get information from? Do you think the Internet is a reliable source of information? Do you read in other languages?

My cousin spends a lot of time chatting in “Contact” and it makes all the family angry. What can you advise him and the family to do in this situation?

I would advise him to spend more time with his friends outdoors. His parents should demonstrate to him that there are things in life which are more important than the Internet.

Can the Internet replace all the other means of mass media? What is your point of view?

Maybe yes, maybe no. The Internet is a great source of information and entertainment for many people. But there are always those who prefer going to the theatre or reading a good book. We’ll live and we’ll see.


Билет №18. Healthy Way of Life

Let’s talk about a healthy way of life. What influences a person’s health?

1 The advantages of a healthy way of life are obvious.

2. If your body and your mind suffer from any disorder you can’t be good either at work or at studies.

3. So nowadays people are conscious about their health more than ever.

4. They understand that a lot depends on their behaviour – their decisions to smoke, to drink, to over-eat and so on.

5. Income, housing, environment and healthy food are also among factors that influence a person’s health.

6. Living a healthy lifestyle is a matter of choice and like most good choices it takes effort.

Is home-made food better than junk food? Why?

7. Yes, it is. Home-made food is healthy while junk food is harmful being high in fat, sugar, salt and calories.

What questions will you ask a fitness coach?

8. How long have you been a trainer? What are you qualifications? Can you advise me some exercises for weight loss? Do I have to change my diet?

What activities can you advise a person who wants to have a healthy way of life?

9. Take regular exercises. Eat healthy food. Keep a balance between your work and rest. Be positive in your attitude towards people.

Why is a balanced diet important for your health?

10. A balanced diet is important because it helps you to keep healthy by bringing your body exactly what it needs.


Билет №19. Sport

Let’s talk about sport. What do you do to keep fit?

1. Sport is very important in our life.

2. It is popular with both young and old people.

3. Sport helps people to keep fit and stay healthy.

4. A lot of people do morning exercises and go in for jogging.

5. Some do sports professionally.

6. As for me, I play basketball, volleyball and from time to time I do my morning exercises.

Do you agree that bad habits, like smoking, can be dangerous? Why (not)?

7. I agree. Smoking, drinking or overeating are dangerous as they cause lung cancer, obesity, heart disease and other health problems.

What questions will you ask a professional sportsman?

8. Why did you choose a sport career? Is it difficult to do sports professionally? What competitions did you take part in? What are your plans for the future?

What can you advise a person who doesn’t know what kind of sport to take up?

9. If you ask me, I would recommend you to take up swimming. It helps to be fit and at the same time strengthens your heart, lungs and muscles.

Sport develops character and team spirit. Can you add any other points in favour of sport?

10. Sport keeps you healthy and optimistic.

Билет № 20 Fashion

Let’s talk about fashion. What style in clothes do you prefer and why?


Fashion, as I see it, is the prevailing style in clothes and behavior. The way to fashion is led by fashion designers, media, celebrities and musicians. Of course, the clothes presented at the fashion shows are usually inappropriate in a day-to-day life. That’s why I don’t pay too much attention to fashion. I believe that it is more important to create your own style. I prefer to wear classic pieces that are comfortable and complement my personality, while at home my outfit is definitely more casual.

Do you follow the latest fashion trends? Why (not)?


I can’t say that I do, but I think that if you follow fashion trends you have more chances to make a good impression on others.

What questions would you ask a fashion designer?


What is the difference between fashion and style? What is your favourite trend? What colour is in fashion this season? Is it really important to look stylish?

What can you advise a person who wants to change something about his/her style but doesn’t know how to do it?


Be confident in your new style. Move forward to colors that appeal to you. Buy only those clothes that you really like. Change your hairstyle if you are sick of your hair.

They say that young people pay a lot of attention to their style and want to be fashionable. What do you think about it?


It is not surprising that young people pay a lot of attention to their style. I think looking stylish and attractive helps young people to stand out of the crowd and feel more confident.

Билет 21. Travelling and Tourism

Let’s talk about travelling and tourism. What role do they play in your life?

I must admit that nowadays tourism has become very popular and turned into a prosperous business.

More and more people travel every year though the motivation for this is different.

If you want to experience a whole new environment, to see new places and meet new people, travelling is the right way.

Travelling on business allows people to get more information about achievements of other companies and helps them to make their own business more successful.

Some people travel for educational purposes, or they visit their distant relatives and friends.

As for me, I don’t travel much, but I hope to travel a lot in future.

How do you like to travel?

I prefer travelling by car. Travelling by car is convenient. You don’t depend on the timetable. You are free to stop and change the direction whenever you want.

What questions should you ask a travel agent to learn more about a tour?

What documents do I need to carry with me when I travel? Do I need a passport or visa? What excursions do you suggest? What is the best time of year to travel to this destination?

What can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to spend his/her holiday?

If I were you, I would travel around my own country first and then travel abroad. There are a lot of places to visit in Belarus, such as Mir and Nesvizh castles, Belavezhskaya pushcha, Brest fortress and others.

What difficulties can you have when visiting a foreign country? Is it possible to avoid them?

Visiting a foreign country, people usually come in touch with culture, traditions and ways different from their own. To avoid possible difficulties one should get acquainted with this or that country beforehand and then follow the proverb “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.

Билет № 22 Environment


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