Урок тринадцатый (lesson thirteenth) 

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Урок тринадцатый (lesson thirteenth)




Before taking up the text read these words and word combinations:

· de'parture, de'lighted, a'fford, 'unemployed, dis'cover, 'otherwise, 'nowadays, 'social 'bureau, ounce, 'postage, weigh, 'urgent,,alto'gether

· for America, or eight years ago, after all these years.here on the plat-

form, never act, an hour on Tuesdays, here is my passport, at the next window, said the attendant, that these letters, to pass the time, he was then.

c) Euston, Hubert Le Ros, Max Beerbohm





On a cold November morning I duly turned up at Euston to see off an old friend of mine who was starting for America. I saw some of our common friends who had also come to say "good-bye" to him.

Stiff and ill at ease we stood near the carriage* looking at the face of our friend.

* Stiff and ill at ease we stood near the carriage. — Мы стояли около вагона и чувст­вовали себя скованно и неловко.

"Have you got everything?" asked one of us, breaking the silence.

"Yes, everything," said our friend with a smile.

There was a long silence. One of us with a smile at the traveller said:


The traveller returned the smile.

The silence was broken again by one of us with a fit of coughing. It seemed to me he did it intentionally but it helped to pass the time. There was no sign of the train's departure.

A middle-aged man who was talking to a young lady at the next window attracted my attention. His face seemed familiar to me. The young lady was evidently American, and he was evidently English, otherwise I could have taken him for her father.

Suddenly I remembered. The man was Rubert Le Ros, an actor. But how he had changed since I saw him last. That was seven or eight years ago. He was then unemployed and borrowed half-a-crown from me. It seemed a privilege to lend him anything. He was always magnetic.

It was strange to see him, after all these years here on the platform of Euston, looking so smart. I should be proud if I were seen off by him.

"Stand back, please," said the attendant. The train was about to start and we said "good-bye" to our friend. Le Ros did not stand back. He had the hands of the young American in his. "Stand back, sir, please!"

He stood back but then quickly came up to the window to say some final word. I think there were tears in her eyes. There certainly were in his when he turned round.

I came up to him. He looked delighted to see me. We walked slowly along the platform. I told him how much he was missed on the stage.

"Ah, yes," he said, "I never act on the stage nowadays." I asked him then where he did act.*

"On the platform," he said, striking the platform with his stick. "I sup­pose," he said, giving me a light for the cigar which he had offered me, "You have been seeing a friend off." He asked me what I supposed he had been doing. I said that I had watched him doing the same thing.

"No," he said. "That lady was not a friend of mine. I met her for the first time this morning, less than half an hour ago here."

I should never have believed it if he had not told me about it. When I said that he smiled.

"Have you heard of the Anglo-American Social Bureau?" I had not. He explained to me that of the thousands of Americans who pass through England there are hundreds who have no English friends.1 In the old days they used to bring letters of introduction.2 But the English are so inhospitable that these letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on. "The Anglo-American Social Bureau" supplies Americans with English friends. Fifty per cent is paid over to "the friends". The other fifty goes to the A.A.S.B.

"I'm sorry I'm not a director. If I were I should be a very rich man. I am only one of the seers-off. But even so I do very well," Le Ros added. "What do you mean by 'a seer-ofT?" I asked.

* I asked him where he did act. — Я спросил его, где же он все-таки играет.

"You see it's rather expensive to pay 'the friends' of the Bureau. Many Americans cannot afford it. But they can all afford to be seen off. The pay is only five pounds for a single traveller, and eight pounds for a party of two or more. So they send money to the A.A.S.B. and then — well, then they are seen off."

"But is it worth it?" I asked.

"Of course, it is worth it," said Le Ros. "Their fellow-passengers believe they have English friends and become friendly to them. The attendant is very attentive to them too. Besides, it is a great pleasure to be seen off. You saw me seeing that young lady off. Didn't you think I did it beautifully?"

"Yes, beautifully," I said, "And there was I..."

"Yes, I can imagine. You stood looking at your friend, trying to make conversation. I know. That's how I used to be myself before I studied how to do it. It's not an easy job. If I had not studied I should not have been able to do it the way I did it. A railway-station is the most difficult of all places to act, as you discovered for yourself."

"So you've been taught to have those tears in your eyes," I said in great surprise.

"Yes, and I can teach you too. I have a lot of students already. I could give you an hour on Tuesdays and Fridays," he said consulting his black note-book.

(After "Seeing People Off" by Max Beerbohm)



Mr. Brown: Here is my passport. Are there any letters for me?

Clerk: There are two, one is registered. Sign your name here, please.

Here are the letters.
Mr. Brown: Thanks. And where can I get envelopes and stamps?,
Clerk: Next window, please.

Mr. Brown: (at another window) What is the postage for a letter to Dublin?
Clerk: Ten pence if it doesn't weigh over four ounces.

Mr. Brown: Can I have three envelopes, five postcards and a book of ten

pence stamps, please.
Clerk: Here you are. It will make... altogether.

Mr. Brown: (pays the money). Could I have a foreign telegram form here?
Clerk: Window 15, please.

Mr. Brown: Thank you. (At window 15) Please a telegram form to Moscow

and what are the rates?3
Clerk: What kind of telegram: ordinary, urgent or express?

Mr. Brown: I'd like to send an E.L.T. When will it be delivered?
Clerk: Within 24 hours. It will cost...

Mr. Brown: Thank you.



1.... of the thousands of Americans who pass through England there are hundreds who have no English friends.

В этом предложении thousand и hundred являются существитель­ными и поэтому употреблены в форме множественного числа. В том случае, когда thousand, hundred и million выступают как числительные, они употребляются только в форме единственного числа. Сравните:

Millies of people all over the Of the five thousand tourists who

world stand for peace. visited the museum that month

there were nine hundred people who came from Africa.

2. they used to bring letters of — они, бывало» привозили (имели
introduction. обыкновение привозить) с со­
бой рекомендательные письма.

used to do smth. [ju?st] иметь обыкновение делать что-


Эта конструкция употребляется для выражения повторяюще­гося действия, которое имело место в прошлом.

Не used to call on us every day last — Он, бывало, навещал нас каж-
уеаг. дый день в прошлом году.

3. What are the rates? — Какой тариф?




curious adj   удивительный, возбуждающий любопытство
profession л   профессия
duly adv   в положенное время
turn ар v   появляться, появиться
Boris promised to come in time, it's nine o'clock already but he hasn't turned up yet    
turn round v   обернуться
When the man turned round I recognized my old school friend in him.    
start v   трогаться, отправляться
What time does the train start?    
start for a place   отправиться куда-л.  
They are starting for the Caucasus tomorrow.    
common adj   общий
сommon interests ideas language friends, etc.    
have something (nothing, much, little)    
иметь что-л. (ничего, много, Ma- ло) общего с кем-л.      
te common with smb    
I think they have very little in common, they are so different.    
break (broke, broken) v   1. ломать, разбивать
When playing football the boys broke a window.    
    2. нарушать, не сдержать
break one's promise one's word an appointment Do you mean to say he broke his promise again?    
break down v   сломаться, разбиться
As the car broke down they had to spend the night in the field.    
break n   перерыв
Let's have a ten minutes' break.    
syn. interval      
silence n   молчание
break silence   нарушить молчание
We were at a loss what to say and no one broke the silence.    
ant. keep silence   хранить молчание
return v   возвращаться, идти обратно
He returned to ask me something. When did you return home last night? -    
return smth. to smb.   возвращать что-л. кому-л.
He said he would return the money to her the next week. syn. give back    
return to the matter (the point)   вернуться к вопросу
I think we'll have to return to the matter tomorrow.    
return л   возвращение
on one's return   по возвращении
She promised to ring me up on her return from Minsk.    
by return (of) mail = by return   обратной почтой
We hope to receive your reply by return (of) mail (by return),    
a fit of coughing   приступ кашля  
intentionally adv   намеренно, умышленно
pass v   проходить, пройти мимо  
When I was passing the school-building a lot of children ran out of it.      
pass the time   провести время
sign n   знак, признак
departure n   отъезд, отправление
Peter's departure was quite unexpected,    
middle-aged adj   средних лет
familiar to smb   хорошо знакомый, известный
familiar name face song place, etc    
The name is familiar to me but I cannot remem­ ber the man.    
evidently adv   очевидно
otherwise adv   или же, иначе, в противном случае
You should call on him otherwise he will be angry with you.    
take smb. for smb.   принять кого-л. за...
unemployed adj   безработный
He had been unemployed for about a year before he found a job.    
borrow v   занимать, брать взаймы
borrow smth. from smb.   занимать, брать взаймы у кого- либо
How much money did he borrow from you?    
borrow books from the library   брать книги в библиотеке
Не borrowed these books from the library.    
lend (lent, lent) v   давать взаймы, одалживать
lend smb. smth.   давать взаймы кому-л. что-л
Can you lend me this book till tomorrow morning?      
ant. borrow    
Magnetic adj   притягивающий, привлекатель- ный
smart adj   модный, щеголеватый
be proud   гордиться
I am proud that I live in Russia.    
be proud of smb., smth   гордиться кем-л., чём-л.
The old woman was proud of her son.    
tear [tie] n   слеза
be delighted   быть восхищенным
I am delighted to see you.    
be deHghted Ay smth., wirA smb.   восхищаться чём-л., кем-л.  
The audience were delighted by the perform­ance.    
They were delighted with Smoktunovsky.    
slowly adv   медленно
miss (smb., smth.) v   скучать, чувствовать отсутст- вие кого-л., чего-л.
Her son is away and the old woman misses him very much.    
nowadays ['nauedeiz] adv   в настоящее время  
A lot of people are learning foreign languages nowadays.    
syn. at the present time, now      
stick n   палка, трость
a letter of introduction   рекомендательное письмо  
hospitable adj   гостеприимный  
Most of the foreigners say that Russian people are very hospitable.    
ant. inhospitable    
hardly adv   едва ли, не совсем
be worth   стоить, заслуживать
The picture is not worth the money you paid. for it.    
be worth doing smth   стоит сделать что-л.
Is the film worth seeing?      
The book is not worth reading,    
afford v   позволять себе, иметь средства
afford smth.   позволять себе что-л.
afford to do smth   позволять себе, иметь средства сделать что-л.
Note: This verb is usually used with can, could, be able to. Can you afford a trip round Europe this year?He could not afford to go away for a holiday.    
even adv   даже
friendly adj   дружеский; дружественный
Russia has friendly relations with a    
lot of countries.      
in a friendly way   по-дружески, дружелюбно
The matter can be settled in a friendly way.      
attentive adj   внимательный, заботливый
be attentive to smb.   быть внимательным по отноше- нию к кому-л
. Не is very attentive to his younger sister.    
attention n   внимание
draw smb.'s attention to smth. (drew, drawn)   обратить чье-л. внимание на что-л. (намеренно, целенаправ- ленно)
I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that these two points are to be settled right away.    
Сравните: The young painter's picture attracted my attention.I'd like to draw your attention to these facts,    
imagine v   вообразить, представить себе
I cannot imagine her in the part of Anna Karenina.    
discover v   1. обнаружить
When I came home I discovered I had lost my key    
    2. открыть
Columbus discovered America in 1492.    
consult v   справляться (по книгам, сло- варям...)
consult a doctor   консультироваться
one's friends a dictionary a notebook, etc.    
If you do not know how to spell a word consult the dictionary.    
post-office n   почтовое отделение, почта
post v   отравлять по почте
post I a letter    
j a parcel    
I am afraid she hasn't posted the letter yet.    
postman л   почтальон
postage л   почтовая оплата, почтовые расходы
postage for (on) smth.    
What is the postage for a letter to London?    
registered letter   заказное письмо
envelope ['enviloup] n   конверт
stamp n   марка (почтовая)  
weign v   весить
How much does the parcel weigh?    
Have you had your luggage weighed?    
ounce n   унция
postcard n   почтовая открытка
altogether adv   всего
There were ten of us altogether,    
telegram л   телеграмма
ordinary < telegram   простая телеграмма
urgent   срочная телеграмма
express   телеграмма-молния
I advise you to send an urgent telegram. P.L.T. (European Letter Telegram)   письмо-телеграмма




1. Say from what verbs these nouns are:

passer-by, seer-off, traveller, imagination, congratulation, consultation, return, turn, break, start, change, smile, surprise, study

П. What are the English equivalents for (see the text):

1. В положенное время я появился на вокзале Юстон...

2. Наши общие друзья, которые тоже пришли попрощаться...

3. Отъезжающий улыбнулся в ответ... 4. Последовало долгое мол­
чание... 5. Ничто не говорило о том, что поезд скоро отправляется,
б. Молчание нарушил один из нас. 7. Я сказал, что на сцене чув­
ствуется его отсутствие. 8. Эти письма не стоят и бумаги, на кото­
рой они написаны. 9. Но несмотря на это, я зарабатываю хорошо.
10. Их попутчики относятся к ним более дружелюбно. 11. Когда-то
я был тоже таким.

Ш. Paraphrase or explain (see the text):

a) paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. On a cold November morning I duly turned up at Euston to see off an old friend of mine who was starting for America. 2. His face seemed familiar to me. Э. It was strange to see him looking so smart. 4. He looked delighted to see me. 5. Many Americans cannot afford to have English friends. 6. He said consulting his black note-book. 7. What's the postage for the letter?

b) explain the meaning of the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1.1 saw some of our common friends. 2. There was no sign of the train's departure. 3. It seemed a privilege to lend him anything. 4. He was missed on the stage. 5. These letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on. 6. But even so I do тегу well.

IV. Add tail-questions to these sentences and answer them:

1. The actor's face seemed familiar to you. 2. He. lent you the book you need. 3. Your friend was delighted to see you. 4. Your sister found them very hospitable. 5. You could not afford to stay there for another week. 6. He is friendly and attentive to everyone. 7. Your brother is not starting for London tomorrow. 8. The machine-tool broke down yesterday.

V. Make up sentences using the given table:

The problem is (are) worth discussing.
The matter returning to.

The palace visiting.

The stamps buying.

The offer; accepting.

These postcards

VI. Change these sentences according to the given models:

Model 1: This book is interesting (to read). This book is worth reading.

1. The film is excellent (to see). 2. The article is very interesting (to translate). 3. The performance is marvellous (to see). 4. The dialogue is good (to learn by heart). 5. The singer is wonderful (to hear). 6. His advice is very good (to follow).

Model 2: When I lived in the country I usually got up very early. When I lived in the country I used to get up very early.

1. She often consulted the dictionary. 2.1 often borrowed books from my teacher when I was at school. 3. My Tather often took me to the ship he was captain of. 4. Our grandfather often told us about his life before the revolu­tion. 5. When I was a student I went to the theatre twice a month. 6. When he lived in the country he usually went to the post-offce for the mail in the after­noon. 7. When we worked on the farm we usually had a break at eleven in the morning.

Model 3: This suit is expensive. I cannot buy it.

As the suit is very expensive / cannot afford to buy it.

1.1 have a lot of work to do. I cannot go to the cinema tonight. 2.1 have little money. I cannot lend him any money. 3. I'm very busy. I cannot go skiing today. 4. I cannot go on a trip to the Crimea this year.

Model 4: I think I've seen the film. I remember the name. The name of the film seems familiar to me.

1.1 think I've read this book. I remember the title. 2.1 believe I've seen this street. I think I've passed it once. 3.1 believe I've seen the man. I remem­ber his face. 4.1 believe I saw the play once. I remember some of the char­acters.

Model 5: I'd like you to know the latest achievements in this field of science.

I'd like to draw your attention to the latest achievements in this field of science.

1. I'd like you to know the changes introduced into the model. 2. I'd like him to know the defects discovered during the tests. 3. I want him to see that advertisement in the latest issue of the "Industry". 4. I'd like you to know those particulars. 5. I'd like him to have a look at items two and three in the guarantee letter. 6. I'd like you to see those stamps.

VII. Turn conditional sentences of type П into sentences of type III:

1. We should come and see him off if we knew of his departure. 2. If our car did not break down on our way we could get there in time. 3. If the post-office was not closed he would post the letter tonight. 4. If you sent an urgent telegram it would get there before the office was closed. 5. If he turned up one of these days I'd phone you.

VIII. Choose the right word:

1. Plushkin never (to borrow, to lend) anyone money. 2. Tony Bicket had been unemployed for about three months and his wife was ill. He had nobody (to borrow, to lend) money from. 3. The teacher (to attract the attention, to draw the attention) of the students to the fact that there was a difference in the meanings of the verbs "realize" and "understand". 4.1 am sure his new book will (to attract the attention, to draw the attention) of the readers. It describes the life of our young scientists. 5. I am sure the teacher will (to attract the attention, to draw the attention) of the pupils to the fact that the definite article is used before the names of ships. 6. "You needn't worry. He'll turn up at the right moment," she said (friendly, in a friendly way). 7. Do you think the relations between them are (friendly, in a friendly way)?

IX. Change these questions according to the given model:

Model: 1. Why did the author lend Le Ros half-a-crown?

Why do you think the author lent Le Ros half-arcrown? 2. Is the exhibition worth visiting?

Do you think the exhibition is worth visiting?

1. Will it take six shillings altogether? 2. Why did he break his promise? 3. Have the brothers anything in common? 4. Does Ann know about his departure? 5. How much time has passed since his return from Kiev? 6. Has he posted the letters? 7. Have they had a break already? 8. He misses his parents very much. 9. He has consulted the doctor.

X. FJIJ in prepositions or adverbs:

1. We shall return... the price problem after we have seen the equip­ment... operation. 2. The music teacher was delighted... her pupil. She was making good progress. 3. No wonder she is proud... her boy, he is really talented. 4. I think Ann has much... common... her elder sister. 5. I heard them speak... the performance, they were delighted... it. 6. Who have you borrowed this book...? When are your friends starting... the North? 8.1 wonder if Peter will ever turn...? We have been wait­ing... him... an hour. 9. When the man turned... I recognized an old friend of mine. 10. When did the machine-tool break...? Have you found... what the matter is? 11. What's the postage... a parcel (an express telegram, ordinary telegram)... London? 12. You should be more attentive... your mother.

XI. Fill in articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:

"I say, I'm delighted to see you," said... little man standing by... pillar-box.

"Hallo," I answered.... man's face seemed familiar to me but I could not remember... name. And then I recognized him.

"Oh, Mr. Simpson, isn't it?".. Simpsons were... newcomers to... town and my wife and I had only met them once or twice.

"Yes, that's right," returned Simpson.

"I wonder if you could lend me three pennies. You see... wife gave me... letter to post and I've just discovered it has no stamp. I don't think I could find... post-office open at this time of night."

As it was about eleven o'clock I agreed it seemed impossible.

"So I thought, I'd get... stamp out of... automatic stamp machine," explained Simpson, "only I discovered I hadn't got any coppers on me."

I put... hand in... pocket. "I'm awfully sorry but I'm afraid I haven't got any coppers," I said. "May be you would be able to borrow them from somebody else," I added.

We waited for... quarter of... hour but no one turned up. Simpson looked unhappy. "... letter must go.tonight, it really must. It is... invita­tion to tomorrow's dinner.... wife would get angry with me if I did not post it."

"You should come to... place, it's only... few blocks away. I hope I've got some pennies," I said.

Simpson kept silence while we were walking. It took me some minutes to find... three pennies he needed.

He thanked me and went out. Five minutes later he turned up at... door again. He said he was at... loss where to go. I returned with him to... post-office. He put... pennies in... automatic stamp machine but it did not produce... stamp.

"I'm afraid it's broken down," he said.

"You'll have to post... letter unstamped, that's all.... addressee will have to pay... double postage for it in... morning." "I wouldn't like to do that," said Simpson.

"Now hurry or you'll miss... last collection," I said. When he was putting... letter in... pillar-box he looked at... address and suddenly smiled.... next day when I had to pay... postman... double postage for... letter I understood what his smile meant.

(After Colin Howard)

'newcomer — вновь прибывший; improbable— невероятный; automatic stamp-ma­chine — автомат по продаже марок; copper—медная или бронзовая монета; block — квартал; addressee — адресат

XII. Say in what situations these words and word combinations are used in the text:

common, to pass the time, otherwise, unemployed, proud, to turn round, delighted, to miss, nowadays, pass, friendly, imagine, discover, registered, envelope, weigh, altogether, E.L.T.

XIII. Paraphrase these sentences using the active vocabulary:

1. How much shall I pay for an E.L.T.? 2. He appeared when he was least expected. 3. I'm afraid I'll never make friends with her. We are too different. 4. They are fond of guests. They'll be delighted to see you. 5. If I were you I'd find more time for your little brother. 6. The date of his leaving for London isn't yet known. 7. "Could you give me thirty pounds?" "I'm

sorry I haven't got this sum on me." 8. On the way to the Ministry I found I had left some papers at home. 9.1 can't buy this dress. It's too expensive. 10. The boy was most happy to receive that present. 11.1 have no idea who that man is.

XIV. Complete the sentences using the words and word combinations given in brackets:'

1. If Le Ros had not been unemployed for a long time... (to borrow).

2. They would not have invited the Smiths to stay with them if... (to be
hospitable). 3. She would have bought that collection of stamps if... (to
afford). 4. He would have come to the station to sec her off if... (to break
down). 5. If he had not broken his word... (to get angry). 6. He would
have done well at school if... (to miss). 7. If they had not got an answer
by return... (to send an express telegram).

XV. Translate these sentences into English paying attention to the words given in bold type:

1. У братьев много общего, не правда ли? 2. «Вы можете гор­диться своей дочерью. Она хорошая ученица и внимательна к своим товарищам», — сказал учитель матери. 3. Если бы он сдер­жал слово, нам не пришлось бы возвращаться к этому вопросу. 4. Если бы вы могли одолжить мне эту книгу на пару дней, я был бы благодарен вам. 5. Лицо Пугачёва показалось знакомым Савельи-чу. б. Давайте сделаем перерыв и выпьем кофе. 7. Если бы она не проконсультировалась у наших специалистов, она не закончила бы проект вовремя. 8. Когда он учился в институте, он обычно брал книги в библиотеке. 9. Вам следует остановиться у ее родителей. Они очень гостеприимные люди. 10. Если бы машина не сломалась, мы бы вернулись домой вчера. 11. Я не могла представить себе, какая трудная это работа. 12. Я не уверен, что эту книгу стоит прочитать. 13. Вы уже взвесили посылку? 14. Вы не знаете, сколь­ко стоит отправить срочную телеграмму в Лондон? 15. «Сколько все это стоит?» — спросила она у продавца.

XVI. Make up conditional sentences (types П and III) using these words and word combina­

to afford, to break down, to discover, friendly, to miss nowadays, otherwise, to pass, on one's return, by return, to break the silence, to turn up, to be worth.



XVTJ. Retell tbe text: a) as it is, b) in the person of Le Ros. ХУШ. Reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech. ХГХ. Give extensive answers to these questions:

1. Why do you think the author was surprised to see Le Ros look so smart? 2. Why did Le Ros advise the author to learn to see people off?

3. Do you think the author would take lessons from Le Ros? Why? 4. Would
you have agreed to take such lessons if you had been in the author's place?
Why? 5. What do you think of the story?

1. Are you fond of seeing people off? 2. What is more pleasant to see people off or to meet them? 3. What do people come to the post-office for? 4. What would you do if the postman put a stranger's letter in your letter­box? 5. What would you do if you received an express telegram wrongly delivered to you? 6. What would you do if you had no stamp for a letter you were to send immediately?

XX. Read and reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech:



Customer: How much is it to send this parcel to Moscow, please?

Clerk: Do you want it to go by air mail or by surface? Let us see how much it weighs — 1 lb. 3*ozs.

Customer: How long would it take by post?

Clerk: About four days.

Customer: That's all right, it'll be in time for my brother's birthday on December 6th. Oh, by the way, should I register it?

Clerk: Well, it's advisable if there's anything valuable in it.

Customer: It's an old cigarette-box and a few books. It would be very unpleasant if the parcel got lost. The cigarette-box belonged to our grandfather. I think I'd register the parcel.

Clerk: It's 8s. for the registered parcel.

Customer: Here you are. And I also want three postcards and two envel­opes for registered letters.

Clerk: That'll be 2s. more.

parcel — посылка; by surface ['ss.fis]—по почте; oz=ounce [auns]— унция; 1Ь.(£л/. libra) — сокр. от pound — фунт (мера веса = 453 г.); to register ['redsisto] — объяв­лять ценность; s.— сокр. от shilling

XXI. Read and retell this story. Answer the questions given below:


Ainsley, a post-office sorter, turned the envelope over and over in his hands. The letter was addressed to his wife and had an Australian stamp.

Ainsley knew that the sender was Dicky Soames, his wife's cousin. It was the second letter Ainsley received after Dicky's departure. The first letter had come six months before, he did not read it and threw it into the fire. No man ever had less reason for jealousy than Ainsley. His wife was frank as the day, a splendid housekeeper, a very good mother to their two children. He knew that Dicky Soames had been fond of Adela and the fact that Dicky Soames had years back gone away to join his and Adela's uncle made no difference to him.

He was afraid that some day Dicky would return and take Adela from him.

Ainsley did not take the letter when he was at work as his fellow-workers could see him do it So when the working hours were over he went out of the post-office together with his fellow-workers, then he returned to take the letter addressed to his wife. As the door of the post-office was locked, he

had to get in through a window. When he was getting out of the window the postmaster saw him. He got angry and dismissed Ainsley. So another man was hired and Ainsley became unemployed. Their life became hard, they had to borrow money from their friends.

Several months had passed. One afternoon when Ainsley came home he saw the familiar face of Dicky Soames. "So he had turned up," Ainsley thought to himself.

Dicky Soames said he was delighted to see Ainsley. "I have missed all of you so much," he added with a friendly smile.

Ainsley looked at his wife. "Uncle Tom has died," she explained "and Dicky has come into his money." "Congratulations," said Ainsley, "you're lucky."

Adela turned to Dicky. "Tell Arthur the rest," she said quietly. "Well, you see," said Dicky, "Uncle Tom had something over sixty thousand and he wished Adela to have half. But he got angry with you because Adela never answered the two letters I wrote to her for him. Then he changed his will and left her money to hospitals. I asked him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen to me!" Ainsley turned pale. "So those two letters were worth reading," he thought to himself. For some time everybody kept silence. Then Dicky Soames broke the silence, "It's strange about those two letters. I've often wondered why you didn't answer them?" Adela got up, came up to her husband and took him by the hand. "The letters were evidently lost," said she. At that moment Ainsley realized that she knew everything.

(After "Lost in the Post" by A. Philips)

Ainsley, Adela; sorter — сортировщик; fire —огонь; jealousy — ревность; uncle — дядя; postmaster — почтмейстер; to dismiss —уволить; will— завещание; frank as the day — как ясный день


1. Why do you think Ainsley did not want his wife to receive letters from Dicky Soames? 2. Do you think he had reasons for jealousy? 3. Why did Ainsley think that his wife knew everything? 4. Would anything change in their life? Why? 5. Did Dicky guess what had happened? 6. What would you have done if you had been in Adela's place?

XXII. Speak on the topics:

1. Meeting a friend returning from a journey. 2. Seeing off a friend starting on a journey. 3. My last trip.

ХХШ. Make up dialogues based on these topics:

1. At the post-office. 2. At the railway-station.

XXIV. Read these letters and do the assignment given below:

Dear Sirs,

We think you will be interested in the new brands of coffee and cocoa we have just introduced to the trade. Samples of both have been dispatched to you by separate mail.

We hope that the high quality of our products will meet your customers' requirements and you will place at least a trial order with us.

You will see that the prices quoted are low, and as they are likely to go up very soon we would advise you in your own interests to place an order as early as possible.

Yours truly, Brown & Co.

brand — сорт; cocoa ['koukou] — какао; they are likely to go up — они, вероят­но, поднимутся

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter dated the 5th July and for the samples of your goods which you have so kindly sent us. Both types of goods are of superior quality though your prices seem somewhat high. We should be obliged if you would consider some reduction on large order.

■ Yours faithfully, Sojuzimport


Make up a dialogue between a representative of Sojuzimport and a representative of Brown & Co. Discuss the price-problem.

XXV. Translate these letters and do the assignment given below:

"Уважаемые господа!

Мы получили Ваше письмо от 20 марта сего года, из которого мы были рады узнать, что Вы желаете установить с нами деловые отношения.

Согласно Вашей просьбе, высылаем Вам образцы наших тка­ней отдельной посылкой. Мы надеемся, что образцы Вам понра­вятся и Вы разместите у нас свой заказ.

Цены на ткани указаны в прейскуранте, который прилагается к данному письму.

Условия платежа следующие:

Покупатель открывает безотзывный аккредитив в пользу про­
давца в... банке в Москве на полную стоимость
партии, предназначенной к отгрузке. Аккредитив должен быть
открыт в течение 5 дней от даты уведомления о готовности товара
к отгрузке. Платеж производится против отгрузочных документов.

Мы хотели бы добавить, что мы предоставляем 5% скидку поку­пателям, заказывающим товар на сумму свыше... рублей.

С уважением, pattern — образец

Уважаемые господа!

Благодарим Вас за Ваше письмо от 28 марта, а также за вашу


Мы ознакомились с образцами и имеем удовольствие сооб­щить Вам, что качество образцов удовлетворяет нашим требова­ниям. Особенно благоприятное впечатление произвели на нас об­разцы №№ 38, 42 и 47. Однако Ваши цены на вышеупомянутые об­разцы слишком высоки, они выше цен, предлагаемых другими фир­мами, и мы вынуждены отклонить Ваше предложение.

Мы, однако, согласились бы начать переговоры о закупке значи­тельных количеств тканей по вышеупомянутым образцам, если бы Вы снизили свои цены на 5,4 и 10% соответственно.

С уважением,

to decline— отклонить; quantity— количество Assignment

Make up a dialogue between the representatives of the two firms. Discuss the price and terms of payment and delivery.

XXVI. Make up dialogues based on the following assignments:

· You have received the first lot of the goods from Green & Co. and found that the quality of the goods is inferior to that of the samples on the basis of which the contract was made. Phone Mr. Green and discuss the matter with him.

· Phone Mr. Brown and arrange about an appointment. Have an appointment with him and discuss packing.




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