Countries from which they do not originate. 

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Countries from which they do not originate.


V. Choose the appropriate word or word combination:

1. The effect of modern … on the catering industry is two­fold.

a) tourism b) travel c) hotel

2. The tourist in his own country is exposed to a variety of … prepared and served in various ways.

a) drinks b) foods c) services

3. Tourism began to assume some … after the last war.

a) difficulty b) difference c) importance

4. The government supported the industry by … Britain abroad.

a) advertising b) promoting c) visiting

5. Countries traditionally spend a great deal of money on … their attractions.

a) s elling b) promoting c) advertising

VI. Choose the correct variant:

1. Resort hotels … in a place where tourists like to stay, often near the sea.

a) is situated b) are situated c) situates

2. Soft drinks and a selection of beverages can be obtained … the refrigerator in your room.

a) at; b) from; c) under.

3. They are booking the theatre tickets and … we.

a) so are; b) so do; c) so does.

4. Many conference complexes … to attract conventioneers and tourists.

a) is constructed; b) are constructed; c) is constructed

5. With the end of World War II, the hotel industry … a new era of prosperity.

a) entered; b) enters; c) enter.


VII. Choose the right answer.

1. Where do guests make reservations, check in and a. The guest does it.

check out? b. It is done with the help of central

2. What is global distribution system? reservation system.

3. What are chance visitors? c. A system which combines airline,car

4. In what way do the clients find out the highest rental and hotel central reservation

features of the hotel? system.

5. Who completes the registration form? d. It is done at the reception desk.

e. Those who arrive without previous



VIII. Read the text and decide if the statement is true or false.

London is one of the world's most exciting cities — but is it possible to find reasonably priced accommodation there? Once you start delving you soon find that there are all sorts of good-value Variants, including bed and breakfasts, budget hotels, apartments, hostels and university residences, often with a lot more character than their more expensive hotel counterparts.

What could be more elegant than the house, in fashionable Knightsbridge, where writer Virginia Woolf was born in 1882 and spent her childhood? Situated in a quiet close, once also home to statesman Sir Winston Churchill, a stay costs £.75 in a room for two, including a full breakfast served in the sitting room. It is one of dozens of bed and breakfast properties in London, several such agencies offer an en-suite room for two or more guests in private homes for less than £.95 per night with breakfast. Depending on location and type of accommodation, the agencies' prices start as low as £.19 per person.


1. London offers dozens of bed and breakfast properties. T. F.

2. London is one of the world's most exciting places for sightseeing. T. F.

3. A stay in Knightsbridge costs £.75 in a single room T. F.

4. It is possible to find reasonably priced accommodation in London. T. F.

5. There are all sorts of good-value Variants of reasonably priced accommodations. T. F.

6. Writer Virginia Woolf was born in Knightsbridge in 1882. T. F.

7. Reasonably priced accommodations include bed and breakfasts and university residences. T. F.

8. £.75 for two doesn’t include a full breakfast served in the sitting room. T. F.

9. An en-suite room for two in private homes costs less than £.95 per night with breakfast. T. F.

10. Depending on destination the prices start as low as £.19 per person. T. F.


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Протокол №12 від 20 червня 2012 р.

Завдання склав: ст. викладач Лучит Л. В.

В. о. зав.кафедри: доц. Мукан Н. В.


Міністерство освіти і науки України

НУ «Львівська політехніка»

Кафедра іноземних мов

Дисципліна: Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)

Ступінь освіти: 6 (Бакалавр) Напрям /спеціальність: 040103 «Туризм»


Контрольна робота №1

Variant 7

I. Give Ukrainian equivalents:

1. to attract visitors

2. overseas visitors

3. foreign currency

4. resort

5. catering


II. Give English equivalents:

1. розвиток

2. отримати задоволення

3. обслуговувати

4. за кордоном

5. проводити відпустку


III. Match the word with its definition:

1. accommodation a) the practice of travelling

2. tourism b) smth. supplied for convenience or to satisfy a need as lodging, food, services or seats

3. itinerary c) modern, up to date

4. contemporary d) something new or unusual

5. novelty e) the route of a journey or the proposed outline of one

IV. Complete the sentences:

1. Tourism for many countries is … a) by advertising Britain abroad.

2. Travel and tourism are... b) on advertising their attractions.

3. Tourism began to assume some importance … c) closely interlinked with the need for

4. Countries traditionally spent a great deal of money … refreshment.

5. The government supported the tourist industry … d) after the last war.

e) a major industry.


V. Choose the appropriate word or word combination:

1. At the end of the XVIII century the people who visited different lands … to have a nice time were called tourists.

a) in order; b) were ordered; c) of the order;


2. Wahab’s classification included recreational, cultural, health, sport and … tourism.

a) masculine b) historical youth c) conference


3. Cultural tourism informs tourists about other countries and peoples, their lifestyles, … and languages.

a) battlefields b) museums c) customs


4. Historical tourism includes visits to ancient monuments, …, and other places of historical interest.

a) cinemas b) archaeological digs c) theatres


5. Classifications based on … of trip have been established by Wahab and by Smith.

a) purpose b) destination c) form

VI. Choose the correct variant:

1. Every quest should … an opportunity to express any problems or complaints.

a) be permitted; b) permit; c) permitted.

2. Travelers cheques can be... in the cashier’s desk at any time.

a) cashed; b) cash; c) cashing.

3. The clerk is instructing the tourists and so … the receptionist.

a) do; b) is; c) does.

4. Before …, the housekeeper must closely check for the items which need repairing.

a) leaving; b) leave; c) have left.

5. Every quest should … an opportunity to express any problems or complaints.

a) be permitted; b) permit; c) permitted.


VII. Choose the right answer.

1. What does transport and tourism industry include? a. It has a great economic importance and

2. Why is international tourism considered more generates employment.

important than domestic one? b. Tourism will grow faster than any other

3. What is the tourist forecast? industry in the world.

4. Why has tourism become one of fastest- growing c. This form of holiday offers full board

world industries? and entertainment at a competitive price.

5. Why are holiday cams popular with Britons? d. International tourists spend more, stay longer at their destination and bring in foreign currency.

e. It includes lodging, transportation, feeding and entertainment facilities.

VIII. Read the text and decide if the statement is true or false.

Small Is Beautiful

The idea came from Japan: extremely small, extremely cheap hotel rooms. Now the so-called capsule hotels are spreading to other parts of the world. Some of these are run by the parent company of low-cost airline easyJet. The easyGroup opened easy Hotels in Hungary, Switzerland and Britain in 2005. The rooms are not as small as the Japanese models, but their prices are still very low. Rooms start at about $22 a night.

The British company Yotel opened its first hotel at Gatwick airport in July 2007. Its hotel rooms look like a combination of the Japanese model and a first-class cabin on a British Airways plane. Room rates start at £.55 a night. A second Yotel opened at Heathrow airport in December 2007, while a third one was planned for 2008 in Amsterdam.


1. The first capsule hotels were designed in Japan T. F.

2. The British company Yotel opened its hotels of the new design in the capital T. F.

3. The new trend in the hotel industry spread to Ukraine T. F.

4. The easyJet opened easy Hotels in Hungary, Switzerland and Britain. T. F.

5. Capsule hotels in Japan are run by the parent company easyGroup T. F.

6. The rooms in European easy Hotels are as small as the Japanese models. T. F.

7. The prices in European easy Hotels are very low. T. F.

8. Room rates at Gatwick airport start at £.55 a night. T. F.

9. A first hotel of the British company Yotel opened at airport Gatwick. T. F.

10. Hotel rooms at airport Gatwick look like a Japanese model. T. F.



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