Easy Steps to write articles 

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Easy Steps to write articles

There are a multitude of different types of articles, including news stories, features, profiles, instructional articles, and so on. While each has specific qualities that are unique to its type, all articles share some common characteristics. From forming and researching your idea to writing and editing your work, writing articles can give you a chance to share compelling and important information with readers.

1. Get familiar with the type of article you want to write. As you’re figuring out your topic and focus, think about the type of article that will best suit the points that you want to convey. Some article types are better suited to certain topics. Some of the most common types of articles are:

· News: This type of article presents facts about something that happened recently or that will happen in the near future. It usually covers the 5 Ws and H: who, what, where when, why and how.

· Feature: This type of article presents information in a more creative, descriptive way than a straight news article. It can be an article about a person, a phenomenon, a place, or other subject.

· Editorial: This article presents a writer’s opinions on a topic or debate. It is intended to persuade the reader to think a certain way about a topic.[1]

· How-to: This article gives clear instructions and information about how to accomplish some task.

· Profile: This article presents information about a person, using information that the writer typically gathers through interviews and background research.

2. Brainstorm your topic. Make a list of potential topics. You might want to write about immigration or organic food or your local animal shelter. In order to write a coherent yet concise article, you need to narrow the topic. This will give you something more specific to write about, which will make for a more forceful article. Ask yourself these questions:

· What interests you about this topic?

· What is a point that people usually overlook?

· What do you want people to know about this topic?

· For example, if you want to write about organic farming, you might say to yourself, “I think it’s important to know what organic labeling means on food packages. It can be very confusing to know what it all means.”

3. Choose something you’re passionate about. You should care about the topic you choose to write about. Your enthusiasm will show in your writing and will be much more engaging for your readers.

· Your goal is to convey enough passion that your readers think the issue in your article is worth caring about.


4. Conduct preliminary research. If you’re not at all familiar with your topic (if, for instance, you need to write on a specific topic for a class assignment), then you will need to start conducting some preliminary research.

· Enter some key words into an online search engine. This can lead you to sources that write about your topic. These sources can also give you an idea of different approaches to the topic.

· Read as much as you can on the topic. Visit your local library. Consult books, magazine articles, published interviews, and online features as well as news sources, blogs, and databases for information. A good place to start looking for data not readily apparent on the Internet is the Gale Directory of Databases, which exists in both book format (available in libraries) or online.

5. Find a unique angle. When you have decided on your topic and you’ve narrowed it down to something more specific, think about how you can make this article stand out. If you are writing an article about something that other people are also writing about, try to be unique in how you approach the material. You should add to the conversation, not exist alongside it.

· For example, for the organic food topic, you might focus on one grocery shopper who doesn’t understand organic food labeling. Use that opening anecdote to lead into your main argument, known as a "nut graph," which summarizes your unique idea or point of view.

6. Hone your argument. In most articles, the writer makes an argument. This is the main thrust of the article. Then the writer finds evidence to support this argument. In order to make a quality article, you need a quality argument. After you’ve settled on your unique angle, you can really zero in on the argument that you’re trying to make.

· For example, if you are writing about how one person learns how to read organic labels, your overall argument might be that the public needs to be aware that many companies misuse organic labeling. This leads to dishonest practices in product advertising. Another topic might be: it’s important to know who owns your local media outlets. If corporate media organizations own your local newspaper, you may get very little media coverage of your area and not know much about your own community.

· Write your argument in one sentence. Post it near your computer or writing area. This will help you stay focused as you start working on your article.


What do journalists do?

Within these different media, there are specialist tasks for journalists. In large organisations, the journalists may specialise in only one task. In small organisations, each journalist may have to do many different tasks. Here are some of the jobs journalists do:

Reporters gather information and present it in a written or spoken form in news stories, feature articles or documentaries. Reporters may work on the staff of news organisations, but may also work freelance, writing stories for whoever pays them.
General reporters cover all sorts of news stories, but some journalists specialise in certain areas such as reporting sport, politics or agriculture.

Sub-editors take the stories written by reporters and put them into a form which suits the special needs of their particular newspaper, magazine, bulletin or web page. Sub-editors do not usually gather information themselves. Their job is to concentrate on how the story can best be presented to their audience. They are often called subs. The person in charge of them is called the chief sub-editor, usually shortened to chief sub.

Photojournalists use photographs to tell the news..i.photojournalists;They either cover events with a reporter, taking photographs to illustrate the written story, or attend news events on their own, presenting both the pictures and a story or caption.

The editor is usually the person who makes the final decision about what is included in the newspaper, magazine or news bulletins. He or she is responsible for all the content and all the journalists. Editors may have deputies and assistants to help them.

The news editor is the person in charge of the news journalists. In small organisations, the news editor may make all the decisions about what stories to cover and who will do the work. In larger organisations, the news editor may have a deputy, often called the chief of staff, whose special job is to assign reporters to the stories selected.

Feature writers work for newspapers and magazines, writing longer stories which usually give background to the news. In small organisations the reporters themselves will write feature articles. The person in charge of features is usually called the features editor. Larger radio or television stations may have specialist staff producing current affairs programs - the broadcasting equivalent of the feature article. The person in charge of producing a particular current affairs program is usually called the producer and the person in charge of all the programs in that series is called the executive producer or EP.

Specialist writers may be employed to produce personal commentary columns or reviews of things such as books, films, art or performances. They are usually selected for their knowledge about certain subjects or their ability to write well. Again, small organisations may use general reporters for some or all of these tasks.

There are many other jobs which can be done by journalists. It is a career with many opportunities.


Zhambyl Zhabayev

Zhambyl Zhabayev was a Kazakh traditional folksinger According to a family legend, his mother, Uldan, gave birth to him near Mt. Jambyl, close to the headwaters of the Chu River while fleeing an attack on her village. His father, Dzhabay, then named his son after the mountain. As a boy, Jambyl learned how to play the dombura and at age 14, left his home to become an akyn. He learned the art of improvisation from the akyn Suyunbai Aronuly. Jambyl sang exclusively in the Kazakh language. Jambyl Jabayev died June 22, 1945, eight months before his 100th birthday. He was buried in Alma-Ata in a garden which he cultivated with his own hands. Many patriotic, pro-revolution and pro-Stalin poems and songs were attributed to Jambyl in the 1930s and were widely circulated in the Soviet Union. The Kazakh city of Taraz was named after Jambyl from 1938 to 1997. Jambyl Province, in which Taraz is located, still bears his name. It has been claimed that the actual authors of published poems of Jambyl were actually Russian poets, who were officially credited as "translators." Poet Andrey Ignatievich Aldan-Semenov claimed that he was the "creator" of Jambyl, when in 1934, he was given the task by the Party to find an akyn. Aldan-Semenov found Jambyl on the recommendation of the collective farm chairman, the only criterion of choice was that the akyn be poor and have many children and grandchildren. After Aldan-Semenov's arrest, other "translators" wrote Jambyl's poems. In a different account, according to the Kazakh journalist Erbol Kurnmanbaev, Jambyl was an akyn of his clan, but until 1936 was relatively unknown. In that year, a young talented poet Abilda Tazhibaev "discovered" Jambyl. He was directed to do this by the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, Levon Mirzoyan, who wanted to find an akyn similar to Suleiman Stalsky, the Dagestani poet. Tazhibaev then published the poem "My Country", under Jambyl's name. It was translated into Russian by the poet Pavel Kuznetsov, published in the newspaper "Pravda" and was a success. After that, a group of his "secretaries" - the young Kazakh poets worked under Jambyl's name. In 1941-1943, they were joined by the Russian poet Mark Tarlovsky. 1994 — «Жамбыл: Адамзатың ұлы жыршысы» Zhambyl: The Great singer of mankind film director Kalila Umarov.


Сабақтың тақырыбы: Korqyt Ata

Сабақтың мақсаты: Практикалық сабақтарда алған білімдерін тексеру

Өткізілу формасы: мәтінді айтып беру

Тапсырмалар: мәтінді оқу, аудару, түсінгенін айту

Korqyt Ata

The great thinker of the Turkic peoples, the famous bard, storyteller, kobyzshy. Known as a historical figure, who left a rich literary and musical heritage. Korkut or crust - the legendary Turkic-songwriter and composer of the IX century, a native of the steppes along the Syr Darya. Creator kobyz bard, storyteller, patron of poets and musicians. Legends about Korkyt found in Kipchak Turkic peoples (Kazakhs, Karakalpaks), and especially the southern Oguz branch: Turkmen, Azeris and Turks. They almost all common folk epic "Oguzname." Legend of Korkyt Legend has it that the crust from the youth could not come to terms with the transience of human life, so I decided to fight against the inevitable death. Tormented by his thoughts and driven by the dream of immortality, the crust moves away from the people, but everywhere he sees death: in the forest - rotten and fallen down tree tells him about her death and the inevitable end for the most Korkyt, in the desert - feather grass, the sun burning out tells him the same thing, even high mountains have told him about their pending destruction, consistently adding that the same end awaits Korkyt.

Seeing and hearing all this, the crust in his solitary anguish hollowed out tree shirgay - the first kobyz pulled the strings and began to play it, pouring out his painful thoughts and feelings. He put his whole soul into these tunes, and the wonderful sound of his strings sounded for all the world came to the people captured and captivated them. Since then, the music he created and Korkyt kobyz go walk the earth, and the name Korkyt remain immortal in the strings kobyz and in the hearts of people. "The Legend of Korkyt deeply optimistic sense of it is that the crust is found immortality in the service of humanity art created by him" (Valikhanov Ch Ch Collected Works. - Alma-Ata, 1961, Vol I).

Tribute to The monument in the Memorial Korkyt ata Karmakshy near Kyzyl-Orda region of Kazakhstan, 1980 According to legend, at the request of the Korkyt, his grave was laid kobyz the soft sounds in the wind at all times. A landmark in the form of kobyz after Korkyt-ata was built in 1980 in Kyzyl-Orda region Karmakchinskom region of Kazakhstan. Authors - B. Ybyraev architect and acoustician physicist S. Issatayev. When the wind blows it starts to sound much and passing all can hear the melody of wind. The monument can be seen from the windows of passing and immediately trains running from Moscow to Tashkent and Almaty. In place of burial Korkyt on the banks of the river Syr about the X-XI centuries. mausoleum was erected "Korkyt-Tube", which means in common - Singin 'in the pipe. Over the centuries, it has come to destruction. In 1997 he carried out the restoration of the monument Korkyt. Created a whole architectural ensemble - a complex with amphitheater, hotel and other objects. And in 2000, when it was a museum. In 2001, Kazakhstan established the Public Fund "skin" for the purpose of dissemination of knowledge in the community about the impact of culture of the nomadic Turks in world music. Since 2006, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Akimat KyzylordaHotels hosts the International Festival "Music of Cork and the Great Steppe". In 2008, in Astana, Kazakhstan broken Square and the monument is the composition "Korkyt kobyz." Korkyt name called Kyzylorda State University, the airport "Korkyt-ata" in Kyzyl-Orda, the streets in the cities of Kazakhstan.

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Akhmet Baitursynov

Сабақтың мақсаты: Практикалық сабақтарда алған білімдерін тексеру

Өткізілу формасы: мәтінді айтып беру

Тапсырмалар: мәтінді оқу, аудару, түсінгенін айту

Akhmet Baitursynov

In 1895-1909 he was teaching in aul volost colleges in Aktubinsky, Kostanaisky and Karkaralinsky uezds. In 1905 he starts taking part in the political activity. He was one of the authors of “Karkaralinsky petition”. For the critics of tsar administration in 1909 Baitursynov was imprisoned. In 1913 Baitursynov opened the newspaper “Kazakh”. After the establishment of Soviet authority Baitursynov deals with the enlightenment activity. Since 1919 he was the member of Kirrevkom, he became the national enlightenment commissar, the member of Soviet Central Executive Committee and Kazakh Central Executive Committee. In those years, study materials on Kazakh language, textbooks in order to increase literacy, ABC book written by Akmet Baitusynov. The ABC book had several editions in the twenties. However as a former member of Alash-Orda in 1920 he was arrested and exiled to Arkhangelsk and his wife with his daughter Sholpan were exiled to Tomsk oblast. But in 1934 thanks to the intercession of Peshkova (wife of Maxim Gorky) who worked in the Red Cross Commission, Akmet Baitursynov was freed. However, in October 1937 he was again arrested and shot.

He was a poet, the founder of the first national newspaper, translator, teacher and one of the organizers of the autonomous republic Alash-Orda. He had the positions of the deputy chairman of Kazakh revolutionary committee, the first national enlightenment commissar; he was also a member of Kazakh Central Executive Committee. Together with hundred thousands of innocent Soviet citizens Baitursynov was declared the enemy of the nation.

For the first time he was repressed in 1929. He was in the exile in Arkhangelsk oblast till 1934. He came back to Almaty. In 1937 he was repressed for the second time. On 25 November 1937 he was executed by shooting. He was rehabilitated only in 1988.


Сабақтың тақырыбы: Chokan Valikhanov

Сабақтың мақсаты: Практикалық сабақтарда алған білімдерін тексеру

Өткізілу формасы: мәтінді айтып беру

Тапсырмалар: мәтінді оқу, аудару, түсінгенін айту

Chokan Valikhanov

Chokan Chingisovich Valikhanov (his full name is Mohamed-Khanafiya and Chokan is his nickname given by his mother) was born in November 1835. His childhood passed in the steppes, amongst the people. He received his primary education in his native village of Kushmurun in a Kazakh private school where he learnt Arabic, got the idea about the oriental poetry and studied painting. The latter was his real passion and Chokan’s sketches show that he was a very talented artist. His father was attracting Chokan to collect the materials regarding legends and introduced him to the highly-educated Russian scientists, engineers and officers.

Chokan’s further career was predetermined by the family tradition and by the education he had received: he was a Russian officer, intelligence officer, diplomat and a functionary fulfilling various orders from the tsar administration. In the cadet corps he started to love travelling and he had the dream “to open unknown Asia to the world”. The global science received his notes about the brilliant extract from “Manas” – “Death of Kukotai Khan and His Commemoration”.

The most ancient and stable roots of Kazakh mentality were reflected in his several studies, in particular, in the articles “Shamanism Traces of Kyrgyz (Kazakhs)”, “On Islam in Steppe”. In the study of Zoroastrian shamanism nature Chokan is the undisputable leader.

He devoted his articles “Ancient Legends of Great Kyrgyz-Kaisats Horde”, “Zhungar Essays” and others to Kazakh oral folklore. Emphasizing the poetical and musical soul of people, Valikhanov tells us the legend according to which there is a magic bird that, when flying over the earth, provides people in the shade of its wings with the small part of its ingenuity. The legend is like that: the bird flew over the Kazakhs so low that they received the musical talent. Valikhanov underlines also that the poetical folk creating work of Kazakh people gives the “full picture” of its “historical and spiritual life”. His comments about features of the akyn-improvisers, about the types of songs, about the rhythm of Kazakh poems are very interesting. He wrote down the folk epic poem “Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-Sulu”.

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov

Сабақтың мақсаты: Практикалық сабақтарда алған білімдерін тексеру

Өткізілу формасы: мәтінді айтып беру

Тапсырмалар: мәтінді оқу, аудару, түсінгенін айту

Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov

Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov is a great Kazakh poet-democrat. He was born on 29 October 1893 in Kzyl-Tau rayon of Kokshetau oblast; he died on 21 May 1920.

When he was four Sultanmakhmut lived in Bayan-Aul rayon of Pavlodar oblast. When he was thirteen he started writing poems. He wanted to study in the cultural centres; he read a lot striving to obtain modern complete education. However he had to start working. First he worked as a school teacher, and then since the autumn of 1913 he was a secretary in the editorial staff of the first Kazakh magazine “Aikap”. In the magazine he published his poems, publication and essays. Since 1914 he worked as a teacher again in Bayan-Aul and Katonkaragai, in the autumn of 1916 he managed to take courses in Tomsk. Those years he formed his writing credo.

“Having entered the way of the search for truth I will not recede, I will bear all the difficulties, I will overcome the fatigue and I will go through all the misunderstanding. And I will be faithful to my ideas”, says the poet. After the February revolution in 1917, trying to be closer to the people he came to Semipalatinsk. He had joyful feelings like all the other intellectual people of the Kazakh society during that period. “I want to be the sun, which would shine through the darkness for my people”. Sultanmakhmut supposes that the era of freedom has come and it is the time for each nation to live independently and to create its own country. Toraigyrov starts contacting the people from Alash-Orda Party, publishes their articles in “Sary-Arka” newspaper. Supporting the ideas of the “Alash” leaders he admires them in his poems.

Sultanmakhmut wrote about the destiny of Kazakh women and promoted their emancipation. His lyrics are rich with the philosophical thoughts but his poetry quality was revealed especially in poems “Life of Wandring” (“Adaskan Omir”) and “Poor Man” (“Kedei”, 1922). It is the first poem, in which each chapter is related to a certain life period of a man and which criticizes social injustice and violence together with general philosophical and didactic thoughts. But more clearly the critique of social injustice and violence is expressed in the second poem, in which he showed the specific life of a poor Kazakh man. Toraigyrov is the author of one of the first Kazakh novels “Beautiful Kamar” (1933), one of the founders of this genre in Kazakh literature.

Thinking about what Kazakh people need, Sultanmakhmut gives the priority to education, culture, science and engineering. In his opinion, education and training must pay great attention not only to body care but also to conscience, soul and spirituality. Without this, none of the technical achievements will make people happy. Can Kazakh people adopt the level of European civilization? With great optimism Sultanmakhmut forecasts that at most in 30-40 years Kazakh people will reach the European level of education, science and engineering. Level of Toraigyrov’s philosophical thoughts during that period can be judged by the titles of his articles and poems: “Socialism”, “Is This Justice?”, “Why do I Live?”, “Lost Life”, “During the storm”, “Belief”, “Who Is God?”. In these articles the philosopher leans on the works of Russo, Tolstoy and Marxists.

The last unfinished poem of Sultanmakhmut was poem “Aitys” with the subtitle “Competition of Urban and Steppe Akyns”. In the form of a dialogue the poet wanted to show the change of the old mode of life.


Сабақтың тақырыбы: Ilyas Zhansugurov

Сабақтың мақсаты: Практикалық сабақтарда алған білімдерін тексеру

Өткізілу формасы: мәтінді айтып беру

Тапсырмалар: мәтінді оқу, аудару, түсінгенін айту

Ilyas Zhansugurov

Ilyas Zhansugurov Ilyas Zhansugurov was a Kazakh poet and writer. The town of Zhansugirov in Almaty Province is named after him and he is commemorated in Taldykorgan and Almaty. A friend of another classic writer Mukhtar Auezov, Zhansugurov was the First President of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan from 1934 to 1936. He wrote the novel "Comrades" (1933), targeted against the Soviet power, but wrote loving poems such as "The Steppe" (1930) and "Kulager" (1936). He was repressed in 1937 as his writing was seen as a threat and fuel for Kazakh nationalism and he was shot on February 26, 1938.


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