Lecture 5. Model 12-year secondary education. 

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Lecture 5. Model 12-year secondary education.

The concept of a 12-year secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter - the Concept) is the basic document that reflects the purpose, objectives, principles of organization and direction of the system of secondary education in the country.

This concept is developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education"; "Strategic Plan of Development of Kazakhstan till 2010", the State Programme for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2010, Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan on the way of accelerated economic, social and political modernization", the Conference of European Ministers of Education countries in Bologna, UNESCO recommendations on continuing education.

In an era of high dynamism, globalization, rapid development of means of communication that are changing the way of life, thinking and communication, as well as methods for achieving well-being, human intelligence, his capacity for transformative, creative activity becomes the main capital of the Company.

In these circumstances, one of the urgent problems of Kazakhstan's society is the formation of a competitive personality, ready not only to live in a changing social and economic conditions, but also to actively influence the existing reality, changing it for the better. In this regard, to the fore certain requirements for such personality - creative, active, social responsibility, possession of a developed intellect, high professional level of literacy, sustainable motivation of cognitive activity.

Content Kazakhstani secondary education is characterized by the regulation of getting students the knowledge and skills on areas of individual subjects, it is not enough for competent participation in their life. Information overload the content of education leads to a decrease in motivation training and deterioration of health of pupils.

International experience also shows the need of leading the pace of development of secondary education, providing training of graduates for successful participation in the economic and social life in view of constant changes in the world. It is important to strengthen the role of school education in the implementation of the tasks of personal development of the student, his socialization, mental and physical health preservation.

The purpose of the Concept - to define the strategy and ways to upgrade the system of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a 12-year school.

Concept Objectives:

-reveal the goals, objectives, structure, content of education, and especially the organization of educational process in the 12-year-old school;

-to prepare a feasibility study of the transition to 12-year education;

-define the expected results of this Concept.

The concept consists of the following sections:

Justification of the transition to 12-year secondary education, taking into account global trends and domestic experience.

Objective and expected results of 12 years of his secondary education.

The structure of secondary education.

The main directions of updating the content of education.

Features of the organization of educational process.

The teaching staff.

The system of evaluation of the expected results of education.

Management of system of secondary education.

Terms of realization of the Concept of the 12-year secondary education.

The main trends of world development, associated with significant changes in the education system are:

-accelerating the pace of development of the society;

-transition to a postindustrial, information society, the expansion of the scope of cross-cultural interaction;

-the emergence and growth of global problems that can be solved through international cooperation;

-democratization of society;

-the dynamic development of the economy, increased competition;

-the growing importance of human capital.

Accordingly, in the system of education in developed countries there are tendencies update the philosophy and methodology of education, changes in the methods of designing the content of education, development of more sophisticated models of educational content, search for effective ways of education management, and so on. D.

Overcoming the traditional reproductive learning style and the transition to a new developmental, constructive education model that provides cognitive activity and independent thinking students, is one of the strategic areas of the world of education.

Kazakhstan secondary school in recent years significantly changed his appearance. Made major steps in support of the renewal of education systems, including development and implementation of state mandatory standards of education, the introduction of a three-stage model of higher education on the basis of credit technology, the introduction of variable education, work has begun on the development of criteria for quality assessment of education, etc.

But the results have not fully ensure sustainable economic growth and human capital development. Factors affecting the level of development of Kazakhstan education system are:

The lack of school education diagnosticity goal setting.

Exposure to formal results, not on personality development.

Saving the outdated system of evaluation of educational achievements, which is not of a promotional nature, it does not ensure objectivity and leads to stressful situations.

Lack of development at the senior teenagers of personal, civic and moral qualities, the lack of mature self-motivation, low level of awareness of their own interests and perspectives.

The current geopolitical, economic and social state of Kazakhstan's society, integration into the world educational space requires a modernization of the system of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which leads to the need to review the objectives, structure and content of school education and increase the period of study.

At this time formed a certain international standard of secondary education, which is designed for 12-year-old school.

According to the Declaration of the Council of Europe (1992) in the world educational space, a 12-year secondary education is implemented in 136 countries, including the developed countries: the United States, Japan, Germany, France, etc. Among the CIS countries have chosen a 12-year period of study of Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and the Baltic countries.

Kazakhstan's transition to 12-year education will allow to successfully solve the strategic task of designing a new national model of education.

The main purpose of the 12-year general secondary education:

Formation and development of an educated, creative, competent and competitive personality, capable of living in a dynamic environment, ready for self-actualization in their own interest and in the public interest.

In accordance with the specified purpose of the expected learning outcomes defined in terms of the following key competencies of graduates:

Value-oriented competence - the ability of the student to perceive the world around us, the ability to find their role in the creative life of society on the basis of the highest ethical values, citizenship and patriotism. This expertise provides the ability to make decisions in various situations. And most importantly - be a patriot of his homeland - Kazakhstan exercised civic activity, to understand the political system, to be able to assess the ongoing social events.

The cultural competence - possession of the knowledge and experience of activities on the basis of the achievements of human culture and national characteristics that allow to master the ethno-cultural events and traditions in society, cultural foundations of personal, family and social life. Understand the role of science in human and social development. Possession of effective ways of organizing cultural and leisure activities, which will understand and appreciate the culture of the people and the cultural diversity of the world; It is committed to the ideas of spiritual harmony and tolerance.

Educational and cognitive competence - comprehensive competence, ensuring the process of independent teaching and learning and research activities of the student. This competence involves the ability to effectively plan, organize their educational activities, own methods of analysis and reflection of its activities on the development of knowledge based on the requirements of the relevant functional literacy that will allow to understand the scientific picture of the world, have the skills of search and research activities.

Communicative competence involves knowledge of the mother tongue and other languages, providing ownership of means of interaction and communication with people in different social groups, the performance of various social roles in society, the ability to use a variety of communication objects to solve real-life situations, communication skills in Kazakh as the state language, in the language of interethnic communication in foreign languages.

Information-technological competence involves the ability to focus, to search for, analyze, make a selection, convert, preserve, interpret and implement the transfer of information and knowledge with the help of real technical facilities and information technology.

Social and labor competence means possession of the knowledge and experiences of active civil social activities in the field of family, labor, economic and political public relations. Competence includes the ability to analyze specific social and social situation, make a decision and act in accordance with the personal and social benefits in a variety of situations.

The competence of personal self-development. This competence involves the mastery of methods of activity in their own interests and abilities, providing physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, self-regulation and emotional self-support. Competence involves the formation of the psychological literacy, domestic environmental culture, the care of their own health and the possession of the basics of life safety, that, as a whole, will allow to master such qualities as the ability to match its capabilities with a real prospect of planning and organization, with dignity, to be responsible for their actions and their lives.

Updating the structure of secondary education is the ability to more fully take into account the interests, needs and capacities of participants in the educational process, rationally reallocate teaching material teaching the steps to create conditions for individualization of learning.

Structurally-substantial model of 12-year secondary education is organized on the basis of a number of principles, including.:

-taking into account the age of periodization of the development of personality;

-focus on the achievement of expected results;

-continuity of training;

-autonomy of each level of schooling.

Of particular importance is the under 12-year-old level of education preschool education. Preschool preparation of 5-year-olds should be carried out taking into account the psychological, educational, physical, physiological requirements as the main children's fitness as a condition of primary school.

1 stage of secondary education (grades 1-4).

The age of onset of training - 6 years.

Duration of training - 4 years,

The main purpose of Stage 1 - the disclosure of the individual learner, and to acquire them with opportunities for self-realization, understanding the knowledge of reality, the formation of the desire and ability to learn, that is, the creation of a genuine cognitive motivation needed at the subsequent stages of training, formation at younger schoolboys of holistic learning activities.

Ensuring the child's personality formation, the integral development of his abilities. Organization of educational activity in primary school, promoting the acquisition of the necessary skills, imparting reading, writing, numeracy, learning the elements of creative thinking, the basics of personal hygiene and health preservation.

2nd stage of secondary education (5-10 grades).

Duration of training - 6 years.

The main purpose of the 2nd stage - the creation of conditions for basic education, the formation of a holistic worldview and culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication, self-identity. Organization of educational activities that promote mastery of mechanisms of self-identity, methods of scientific knowledge, theoretical thinking ways, the emergence of professional and educational purposes.

Primary school is mandatory base, allowing to continue education in professional school or organization of primary and secondary professional education.

A feature of this stage is the introduction of pre training, which involves the orientation of students in the Profile informed choice of school of the third stage.

3rd stage of secondary education (11-12 grades).

Duration of training - 2 years.

The main purpose of the third stage - the creation of conditions for the implementation of school education, which is the final stage of secondary education, based on the individualisation and differentiation of learning, socialization of students in accordance with the needs, interests and intentions of senior pupils for continuing education and promoting personal and vital self-determination of students.

Profile training is carried out in the following areas: natural sciences and mathematics, social, humanitarian, technical.

Forms of profiling should be determined taking into account the educational potential of schools, educational infrastructure capabilities, query area, city, region.

The implementation of school education is carried out in a secondary school, gymnasium, lyceum, specialized school for gifted children, a special school for children with disabilities.

Given the logistical conditions, human resources and training and methodological support provided for the following organizational forms of school education at the third level:

Monoprofile school - realization of a profile of training.

Poliprofilnaya school - realization of several training profiles.

Specialized classes in secondary school, gymnasium, lyceum, specialized school for gifted children.

Regional Resource Center - the organization of education, having sufficient material and human resources, the resources of which are used by other schools for specialized education. Resource centers can be organized at universities, colleges and training centers. (In the conditions of rural school rural resource center - an association of around a larger organization of education, which integrates personnel, logistical and educational potential of all of its member schools and providing a full basic and specialized education in rural areas).

Evening, correspondence schools largely opened on the basis of special school and resource center, with the country's universities, ISHS, having the right to conduct such activities.

In the context of rural accommodation of students from remote villages are:

-boarding school, where there will be all kinds of school education for rural students;

-boarding house boarding - training students from rural schools will be carried out in secondary schools in the district center, depending on the selected profile or in the Resource Center.

The main areas of updating the content of education are:

-bring educational content into line with modern demands of socio-economic development of society;

-ensuring humanization of educational content, its variability;

-provision of educational content that promotes the formation of key competencies, aimed at education needs and ability to independently produce and apply knowledge in practice;

-selection of educational content aimed at the formation of informative motivation;

-orientation of educational content on the deliberate and systematic familiarizing the students to scientific methods of cognition and independent research;

-the orientation of the content of education to foster respect for national culture and openness to other cultural roots.



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