Specificity of thinking in children with hearing impairment of primary school age and hearing impairment 

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Specificity of thinking in children with hearing impairment of primary school age and hearing impairment

Mental retardation (CRA) - disruption of the normal rate of mental development, with the result that the child has reached school age, continues to remain in the range of pre-gaming interests. KS Lebedinsky etiopathogenetic classification of mental retardation was offered.

The main clinical types differentiated by its Etiopatogenetichesky principle:

a) constitutional origin;

b) somatogenic origin;

c) psychogenic origin;

g) cerebro-organic origin.

In all cases there is a feature of the CRA and the nature of the relations of the two main components of this anomaly: the structure of infantilism; the nature of neural disorders.

There are the typical features inherent in all children with mental retardation:

a child with mental retardation is already at first glance do not fit into the atmosphere of the class ordinary school naivety, lack of independence, spontaneity, he was often in conflict with peers, does not see and does not comply with school requirements, but at the same time, it feels great in the game, resorting to it in cases where there is a need to get away from training hard for his activities, although the higher forms of play with strict rules (eg, plot-role-playing games) for children with mental retardation are unavailable and cause fear or refusal to play;

not realizing himself as a student and did not understand the motives of educational activity and its objectives, a child is more difficult to organize their own purposeful activity;

information coming from the teacher, the student perceives slowly and as it processes, and to better play, he needs to clearly and practical support and limit deployed instructions. Verbal and logical thinking is underdeveloped, so long a child can not learn the constricted mental operations;

in children with mental retardation low level of performance, fatigue, volume and pace of work is lower than that of the normal child;

for their training program is not available in regular school, learning that does not match the pace of their individual development;

in mass school for the first time a child becomes aware of his lack of independence as a student, he has a sense of self-doubt, fear of punishment and care more affordable activities.

Long-term observation of children with a delay to show that the ability to use aid and meaningful to take lessons in the further training of knowledge leads to the fact that after a while, these children can be trained successfully in mainstream schools.

The first generalization of clinical data of children with mental retardation and general health of correctional work with them to help teachers were given TA Vlasova and MS Pevzner. Intense and multifaceted study of mental retardation problems in subsequent years contributed to the production of valuable scientific data.

The results of these studies led to the conclusion that staunchly underachieving pupils of elementary, middle, high school different causes of school failure, various psychological features of its manifestations, as well as the possibility of compensation of negative mental development trends.

As a result, the study of mental processes and capacities in teaching children with mental retardation reveals a number of specific features in their cognitive, emotional and volitional activity, behavior and personality in general.

Admission to the school for children with mental retardation is characteristic of a number of specific features. They are not quite ready for school. They have not established abilities, skills, knowledge is lacking for the assimilation of the program material. They are not able to master without special assistance account, reading and writing. It is difficult to observe the norms of behavior in the school. They have difficulties in any organization. These difficulties are compounded by the weakened state of their nervous system.

All-round and in-depth knowledge of reality is possible only with the participation of thought, which is a higher cognitive process. Thinking develops in two ways: first - from perception to visual-active thinking, and then to the visual-figurative and logical; the second - from perception to visual-figurative and logical thinking. Both the development and exist simultaneously, although at some point come together, have their own specifics, play a special role in human cognitive activity. Thinking is a process of cognition common and essential properties of objects and phenomena, the knowledge of connections and relationships that exist between them.

It is important to remember that the achievements of each period of development do not disappear, replaced by later stages of the development of thinking, and play a role throughout his life. Therefore, unformed thought processes coming both from perception to visual-active, and from the perception of a spatial visualization ability, may be irreplaceable at a later age.

The first mental processes occur in a child as a result of the knowledge of the properties and relations of the surrounding objects in the process of perception and experience in the course of their actions with objects, as a result of acquaintance with a number of events taking place in the surrounding reality. Consequently, the development of perception and thinking are closely linked, and the first glimpses of the child's thinking are practical (effective) in nature, ie, they are inseparable from the substantive work of the child. This form of thinking called "visual-effective", and is the earliest.

Visual-active thinking occurs where a person is found with the new conditions and a new way to solve the problem of practical tasks. With problems of this type of child occurs throughout childhood - at home and game situations.

Development of object-related activity going on in a child with the active participation of the people around him. Adults give it to the child or another problem, show how to address them, is called action. The inclusion of the word for the action to perform, a qualitative change in the thought process of the child, not even owning conversational speech. Designated word action acquires the character of a generalized method of solving a group of similar practical problems and can be easily transferred to other similar situations. By engaging in practical activities of the child, it even initially only audible, as it rebuilds from within the process of thinking. Changing the content of thinking requires improved its forms, and in the process of visual-motor thinking formed the preconditions for spatial visualization ability.

In the preschool age is undergoing profound changes in both the content and the forms of visual-active thinking. Changing the content of visual-thinking children leads to a change in its structure. Using its integrated experience, a child can mentally prepare, anticipate the character of subsequent events.

Visual-active thinking contains all the basic components of mental activity: the definition of objectives, analysis of the conditions, the choice of means to achieve. In solving the problem of practical problems appear indicative actions not only on external characteristics and quality items, but on the internal relationships of objects in a certain situation. At preschool age child is guided freely in the conditions faced by them practical

Following the visual-effective arises spatial visualization ability, which becomes the main type of child thinking in the preschool age. He decides "in the mind" only those tasks that used to solve practical.

The simplest spatial visualization ability (an internal plan of action) is seen as the ability to operate sonkretnymi images of objects in the solution of certain problems. The ability to operate the image of "the mind" is not a direct result of the development of knowledge and skills of the child. It arises and develops in the process of interaction of certain lines of mental development: the development of substantive action, action substitution, speech, imitation, game activity, etc. In turn, the images may vary according to the degree of generality, the methods of formation and functioning. The very thought activity acts as a manipulation of images.

In the future, the children begin to operate "in mind" complex representations of objects, their properties, connections and relationships. Thus, they can advance to imagine an integer which can be constructed from available parts (these parts combine representation to an integer) structure which can be constructed from this constructor, which image images cut from folded parts of which are glued at various dice; they can imagine moving objects or parts thereof in the space, etc. For primary school age spatial visualization ability is becoming more generalized. Children understand complex schematics are based on their actual situation, and even their own produce such images.

The development of spatial visualization ability is closely linked to speech, which fixes (fixes) images - representations.

On the basis of creative thinking begins to form verbal and logical thinking, which makes it possible to solve a wide range of tasks, mastering scientific knowledge.

But the development of verbal and logical reasoning depends on the development of visual forms of thinking, otherwise it is formed slowly and with great difficulty, and the result is defective. It should be remembered that the visual forms of thinking in the preschool years are the main.

In the visual-efficient, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking there is a deep two-way communication. On the one hand, the actions of the experience with the objects to solve practical problems preparing the necessary ground for the emergence of verbal and logical thinking. On the other - the development of verbal and logical thinking changes the nature of the substantive action and creates the possibility of transition from elementary solutions to solve complex practical problems.

The transition from visual-motor to the visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking is dependent on the degree of formation of higher types of orienting-research activities. This transition occurs when you change the character tentatively - research activities on the basis of a higher type of orientation in the conditions of the problem and activation of speech problems in verbal terms.

Thus, working closely three main forms of thinking: visual-active, visual-figurative and verbal-logical. These forms of thinking form the single process of cognition of the real world, in which different conditions prevail is the one or the other form of thinking, and, therefore, the cognitive process as a whole takes on a specific character. In the early cognitive activity switched speech, serving as the mode of action of the carrier therein. This mode of operation is fixed, and is transmitted via speech. At different stages of the development of thinking speech function vary considerably.

At primary school age children with mental retardation visual-active thinking is characterized by a lag in the pace of development. Children on their own do not generalize their experience of everyday actions with objects, instruments that have a fixed appointment. Therefore, they do not stage the situation thinking that requires the use of a fixed (conventional) weapons. In cases where children with an adult employed aids they are not generalize their own experience the action and can not use it for solving new problems, ie they do not transfer mode of action.

Deaf children with mental retardation, in contrast to the normally developing peers, do not know how to navigate in a troubled practical problem, they do not analyze these conditions. Therefore, when trying to achieve a goal, they do not cast the wrong options, and repeating the same unproductive activities. In fact, they do not have the original sample.

Moreover, deaf children with mental retardation characterized by including the speech in the process of solving intellectual problems. In normally developing children there is a continuing need to help yourself understand the situation by analyzing their actions in the foreign language. This enables them to awareness of their actions, in which it begins to perform organizing and regulating functions, ie It allows the child to plan their actions.

Children with mental retardation such need hardly occurs. So they drew the attention of the lack of connection between the practical actions and verbal designation, there is a clear gap between action and word. Therefore, their actions lack of awareness, action experience is not recorded in the word, and is therefore not summarized, and images - representations are formed slowly and in fragments.

Until the end of pre-school and early primary school age deaf children with mental retardation is virtually no possibility of solving the problems of visual-shaped. In attempts to solve such problems have revealed no association between word and image. Deaf children with mental retardation observed a weak relationship between the main components of mental activity: action, word and image.

In addition, they suffer and the formation of the elements of logical thinking, it develops slowed, and in a different way than normal, they formed the ratio of visual and verbal-logical thinking.

Timely formation of visual forms of thinking qualitatively alters the development of cognitive activity of children with mental retardation and is an essential link in the preparation for their schooling and socialization.

Finally, we note that the CRA lack of thinking manifests itself primarily in the weakness of the analytic-synthetic activity in a low capacity for abstraction and generalization, at a loss of understanding of the meaningful aspect of any phenomenon. The pace slowed thinking, hardly prone to suffer being switched from one type of mental activity to another. Underdevelopment of thinking is in direct connection with the common speech impairments, so the verbal definition, is not associated with a particular situation, children are established with great difficulty. Even with sufficient vocabulary and grammatical structure stored in the outwardly correct speech expressed little communication function.

Thinking is an activity that relies on a system of concepts aimed at solving problems, subordinate objectives, taking into account the conditions in which the task is carried out.




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