Ex.8 Decide which statements are true. 

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Ex.8 Decide which statements are true.

1. Computers still function on the same fundamental computational principles that Charles Babbage and Alan Turing envisaged a lot of years ago.

2. Digital computing based on silicon and the conventional architecture will reach no limits owing to fundamental laws of physics.

3. Researchers and industry are thinking differently about computational principles and pursuing new paradigms.

4.Quantum computers, which represent a new generation of computing, are based on electronics.

5. Interest in quantum computing has just begun, but researchers have demonstrated a lot of its potential applications.

6. We might have a general-purpose quantum computer in 50 years.

7. Biologically inspired computing hasn’t produced any positive results yet.

8. According to some researchers, the entirety of human knowledge might soon be stored in a few kilograms of DNA.

9. Emerging nanotechnologies are squeezingmore transistors into silicon chips by reducing their physical dimensions to a few nanometers.

10. Nanotechnological devices can bring increase in computing power while consuming much more power per function.


Ex.9. Give synonyms to the underlined words in the following sentences. *

1. In the past half century driven by phenomenal advances in microelectronics, computers of different kinds have transformed almost everything we deal with.

2. Demands for computing, storage, and communication will continue to escalate.

3. We might soon need to embrace such approaches, particularly for some of the emerging applications.

4. Biomimicry or biomimetics has inspired many researchers and designers and resulted in different innovations.

5. Emerging nanotechnologies are squeezing more transistors into silicon chips.

6. To realize these benefits, researchers have to address dependability challenges.

Ex.10 Answer the questions.

1. Who was the first to envisage fundamental computational principles?

2. Why will demands for computing, storage, and communication continue to escalate?

3. Why is digital computing reaching its limits?

4. Which new paradigms are researchers and industry pursuing nowadays?

5. What do we need these paradigms for?

6. What are quantum computers based on?

7. What are the main advantages of quantum computers?

8. What results has biologically inspired computing produced?

9. What new digital storage medium is mentioned in the text?

10.Could nanocomputing technology revolutionize how we build and use computers? Why? Give your reasoning.


Ex.11 Work in pairs. Discuss the facts in the text you find the most interesting ones.

You may use the following word combinations: to my mind; from my point of view; I think; I consider; on the one hand… on the other hand.

Ex.12 Make up sentences using the following word combinations.*
Demands for computing, storage, and communication; reliability issues;phenomenal advances; fundamental computational principles; rely on computers;embrace a new approach;exhibit high-speed processing capabilities; potential applications;reduce computing time;result in innovations; a feasible digital storage medium; speed up machine-learning tasks; storedata; integrated-circuit processing; address/face challenges.

Ex.13 Comment on the following statement. *

Use the following phrases:

As far as I know…As far as I remember… I’m (not) sure… I suppose… It’s clear that… I’m convinced that…I think that…

People can’t live without computers nowadays.


Ex.14 Make up a dialogue.

I’m thinking of buying a computer and I need some advice………………….

Ex.15 Answer the following topical questions.

1. What is the concept of a new-generation computer? (E.g. high-speed processing capabilities, potential applications in different fields, reduced computing time, consuming less power per function, etc.)

2. What impact on peoples’ lives will new-generation computers have? (E.g. new breakthroughs in science and industry; demands for computing, storage, and communication; innovations in different fields; new challenges to face, etc.)

3. Why are a lot of people addicted to computers? (E.g. an increase in one’s loneliness, spending too much time online, playing offline games, being not interested in the outside world, not spending time with one’s friends, etc.)

4. What should be done to solve the problem mentioned above? (E.g. seeing a doctor, changing one’s behavior, understanding the causes of one’s addiction, regaining control of one’s life, etc.)

Ex.16 Speak on the topics. Take advantage of the words in brackets.

1. A new generation computer (pursue new paradigms in computing; storedata; exhibit high-speed processing capabilities; reduce computing time; speed up machine-learning tasks;consume far less power per function; have a lot of potential applications, etc.)

2. New challenges in modern computing (demands for computing, storage, and communication; reliability issues; consumption less power per function; high-speed processing capabilities; innovations in digital storage media, etc.)

Part 2 – Listening comprehension.

Ex.1 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

1. What are the main applications of supercomputers?

2. How do supercomputers differ from personal computers?

3. Is it possible for a human to surpass a supercomputer? Give your reasoning.


Ex.2 Read the vocabulary to the text.

pit (against) (v) выставлять в качестве противника
contest (n) соревнование
breakthrough (n) прорыв, открытие
contender (n) соперник

Ex.3 Listen to the text and say what you learnt about a supercomputer.

Ex.4 Decide which statements are true.

1) Jeopardy is one of America's oldest and most popular quiz shows.

2) The programme's producers pitted three of their most successful contestants against a computer.

3) The computer is a small piece of hardware.

4) In a minute, the computer is able to digest the question and match it against huge amounts of information.

5) But it isn’t able to notice nuances in language.

6) TV show with millions of viewers was great publicity for the company that developed the computer.

Ex.5 Listen to the text again and answer the following questions.

1) What is Watson?

2) What show does Watson take part in?

3) How does Watson act during the show?

4) What is Watson able to do?

5) What company developed the computer?

6) What does the company say about Watson?


Ex.6 Look through the following table. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of microcomputers.*

Desktop computers are larger and not meant to be portable, usually sit in one place on a desk or table and are plugged into a wall outlet for power. The case of the computer holds the motherboard, drives, power supply, and expansion cards. A separate keyboard and mouse allow the user to input data and commands.
Notebook or laptop computers are less powerful and more expensive than typical desktop machines, small and lightweight enough to be carried around with the user; run on battery power, but can also be plugged into a wall outlet; feature a built-in keyboard and some kind of built-in pointing device (such as a touch pad).
Workstations are powerful, high-end microcomputers; contain one or more microprocessor CPUs; may be used by a single-user for applications requiring more power than a typical PC (rendering complex graphics, or performing intensive scientific calculations); may be used as servercomputers that supply files to client computers over a network or the Internet.
Tablet Computers consist of a large LCD touchscreen used for both input and output; typically include a WiFi and/or cellular network data connection to access the Internet; run applications specifically designed for these touchscreen devices; also can do some activities such as word processing or spreadsheets, although the lack of a physical keyboard usually makes such activities less convenient on tablets than they are on desktop or notebook machines.



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