До практичних і самостійних занять 

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До практичних і самостійних занять

Пояснювальна записка

Змістовий модуль “Повсякденне спілкування” є невід’ємною складовою частиною курсу іноземної мови за двомодульною схемою (“Повсякденне спілкування” та “Професійно-орієнтоване читання”) або чотирьохмодульної (“Вступно-корективний курс”, “Повсякденне спілкування”, “Професійно-орієнтоване читання”, “Проектна діяльність”). Лінгвістичний апарат будь-яких професійних контактів (зокрема, мовлення міжнародних культурних заходів, зустрічей, спільних конференцій тощо) неодмінно містить граматичні й лексичні елементи повсякденного спілкування. Тому такий модуль є необхідною передумовою переходу довивчення іншомовних моделей професійного спілкування (усного та письмового),а також читання та перекладу фахових текстів.


Мета і завдання модуля


Мета модуля “Повсякденне спілкування” зумовлена специфікою курсу іноземної мови (зокрема, англійської) у вищих навчальних закладах. Такий курс, як відомо, передбачає наголос на самостійній роботі студентів, на здатності аналізувати лексико-граматичні явища, робити узагальнення і виводити правила. Відповідно, модуль “Повсякденне спілкування” покликаний допомогти студентам успішно адаптуватися до умов навчання у вищому навчальному закладі та підготуватися до подальшої самостійної роботи з іноземною мовою.

Завдання модуля – подальший розвиток і вдосконалення комунікативних компетенцій (читання, говоріння і письма англійською мовою), набутих під час проходження навчання у середній школі. Лінгвістичний аппарат модуля обмежений ситуаціями повсякденного спілкування.

Обсяг модуля: практичні заняття – 32 години, консультації – 4 години, прикінцевий тест – 2 години, самостійна робота – 32 години.

Тривалість: 4 місяці.


Тематичний план

Змістовий модуль “Повсякденне спілкування” складається з 15 тематичних блоків (Units), зв’язаних між собою змістовими складовими.


№№ п/п Теми занять Кількість годин
Практ. Самост.
  Мета й завдання курсу; принципи самостійного вивчення англійської мови у вищому навчальному закладі.  
  Блок 1. “Підготовка до подорожі”. Лексика подорожей. Категорії буття. Простий теперішній час. Моделі майбутнього часу.    
  Блок 2. “ Знайомство з англійською сім’єю”. Лексика сімейного життя і домашнього господарства. Моделі тривалого часу.    
  Блок 3. “Перші заняття на курсах англійської мови”. Лексика навчального процесу. Особливості вжитку прийменників.    
  Блок 4. “Перерва на курсах англійської мови”. Термінологія онлайнового навчання. Конструція “аккузатив + ґерундій”.    
  Блок 5. “У лікарні Вест-Енда”. Медична термінологія. Моделі ввічливих прохань.    
  Блок 6. “Екскурсія та покупки в Лондоні” (1). Найменування лондонських реалій. Лексика проведення екскурсій та шопінґу. Займенник one.    
  Блок 7. “Екскурсія та покупки в Лондоні” (2). Музична лексика. Модель “make + object + V”.    
  Блок 8. “У кабінеті директора”. Лексика самостійного вивчення іноземних мов. Інфінітивні конструкції.    
  Блок 9. “Перше заняття в новій групі”. Лексика мистецтва. Емоції. Простий минулий час. Узгодження часів.    
  Блок 10. “Заняття в лінгафонному кабінеті”. Термінологія обладнання кабінету. Дієслівні моделі переходу з одного стану в інший.    
  Блок 11. “Квартира в Лондоні”. Назви меблів, кухонного обладнання. Лондонські реалії. Назви транспортних засобів. Теперішній завершений час.    
  Блок 12. “Вихідні в Брайтоні”. Лексика: реалії, екскурсії, сувеніри, кав’ярні. Конструкції з дієсловом pretend.    
  Блок 13. “Робота на дому”. Комп’ютерна лексика. Дієслова типу come along, take up, let down.    
  Блок 14. “Прикінцеве тестування”. Лексика тестування з англійської мови. Багатозначність англійських слів.    
  Блок 15. “Поїздка до аеропорту Ґатвік”. Термінологія подорожей літаком. Фразеологічні звороти.    
  Захист модуля.    


вимоги до студентів

(перелік комунікативних компетенцій)

Очікується, що по завершенні цього модуля студент набуде (за допомогою викладача) таких знань, умінь і навичок:

– знати принципи самостійного вивчення англійської мови у вищому навчальному закладі й успішно користуватися ними;

мати чітке уявлення проособливості граматичної будови англійської мови (словотвір, структура речення, конверсія, основні лексико-граматичні форманти, службові слова, утворення словосполучень за формулами N + N, A + N);

користуватися основними лексико-граматичними моделями (patterns) базової граматики англійської мови (категорії буття, приналежності, бажання, уміння й можливості, необхідності, поле теперішнього, минулого, майбутнього часу);

володіти базовою англомовною лексикою повсякденного спілкування;

– знати елементарні країнознавчі факти суспільного життя в англомовних країнах;

– реалізувати комунікативні наміри в типових ситуаціях повсякденного спілкування: установлення контактів, запит, з’ясування думки співрозмовника, згода/незгода, спонукання, завершення бесіди тощо;

– обмінюватися інформацією в типових ситуаціях повсякденного спілкування (характер і особистість, сімейні відносини й традиції, покупки й гроші, транспорт, міжособисті взаємини, проблеми здоров’я та екології тощо);

обмінюватися інформацією країнознавчого змісту;

– у міти розуміти без словника текст загальнокультурного й країнознавчого змісту середньої важкості (текст не містить суттєвих нових елементів) зі швидкістю 130-140 слів за хвилину);

читати зі словником текст за фахом середньої складності (містить не більше 10-12 незнайомих слів на сторінку); здобувати повну, в тому числі другорядну інформацію;

– робити вибірковий адекватний переклад англомовних текстів країнознавчого змісту невеликого обсягу;

– розуміти репліки (комунікативні наміри) співрозмовника;

– сприймати на слух в безпосередньому спілкуванні (повільний темп мовлення, до 5% незнайомих слів) повідомлення тривалістю 2 хв.;

– володіти елементарним мовленнєвим етикетом повсякденного спілкування;

– орієнтування в соціокультурних аспектах англомовних країн і ширше – у сучасному багатокультурному світі.

Навчальний матеріал модуля

Та методичні рекомендації

Unit 1


Text A. Preparing for the Journey

Rosa is from Spain. She lives in a small flat in Madrid with her mother. Rosa's mother is called Dolores.

Tomorrow is a big day for Rosa. She is going to the airport. She is flying to London. She will stay with an English family in Wembley, West London.

Dolores is a little sad. She likes her daughter, but tomorrow she will have to say goodbye.

Rosa is putting three books in her suitcase. Dolores is watching her. The suitcase looks very heavy.

"Do you need all those books?" Dolores asks.

"Yes, mummy! The yellow book is a Spanish English dictionary and the red one is a Tourist Guide to London."

"But do you need that big, black book?"

"Yes, of course, mummy! The black book's very important. It's about children. My English family has two young children and I'm going to look after them."

Rosa is very interested in children. Last year, she studied Psychology at university. Dolores likes children too, but she does not know about Psychology.

"But, Rosa... the black book's in Spanish! It's about Spanish children!"

"No, mummy! It's about European children. We're all Europeans! My psychology book's international!"

"I don't know about psychology, but I know about you. You're my child. You've got Spanish culture and habits."

"What do you mean, mummy?"

"I mean that you have a good Catholic education, you like good food, you have lunch at 3 p.m. and dinner at 10 p.m. You like sun and you don't like rain. British children are different!"


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) Dolores’ feelings; b) Rosa’s education; c) Spanish habits.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write a list of special things to take to England in your suitcase.

b) Write the names of three books to take with you.

c) Write about something big, small, medium size, black, white, green, red, for example: I’m afraid these shoes are too big for me.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

What do you need a dictionary for?

What do you know about Spanish culture?

What are you interested in?

Do you like good food?

Is it a good idea to have dinner at 10 p.m.?

Why doesn’t Rosa like rain?

What do you think a good education is?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

We are all Europeans.

Mothers don’t like to part with (розлучатися з) their children.


Basic Patterns

I’ m going to take a holiday. Я збираюся взяти відпустку.

We’ re going to Paris next summer. Ми поїдемо до Парижа наступного літа.

She is flying to London next Thursday. Вона відлітає до Лондона наступного четверга.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

Are Joe and Joan leaving tonight?

She’s going to have a baby in June.

Look at these clouds – it’s going to rain!

· Translate into English:

Я йду в театр сьогодні увечері.

Делегація з Амстердамського університету прибуває післязавтра.

Що ти збираєшся взяти з собою у подорож?

· Ask other students:

What are you going to do after classes today?

Text B. Traveling

Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays traveling. They travel to see other continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places, or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms. Those who live in the country (у сільській місцевості) like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains, with nothing to do but walk and bathe and laze in the sun.

Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them - the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests; different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds. Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they have had. People travel by train, by plane, by boat, by car, by bike and on foot. People travel to have a holiday or to have business. If people have business trips they choose the fastest transport. They often travel by plane or by train. It is very expensive but it is very fast. And if people want to have a rest they choose traveling by boat, by car, on horseback, etc.

When you travel by car or by bike you can stop where you want. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations. If we are fond of traveling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers, and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel, and the best way to get to know and understand people is to meet them in their own homes.

Unit 2


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) the weather in London on Rosa’s first day in England; b) Rosa’s room in her new home; c) Rosa’s doubts (сумніви) about the British.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write the names of things you need to make a cup of tea (coffee).

b) Write the names of rooms in a typical English home.

c) Write a list of things you need to study at home.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

How can Rosa make friends with two shy English children?

What do you know about English people and English homes?

What does a London taxi look like?

What is your favourite drink? Do you like instant coffee?

What do you know about Victorian houses?

Are you shy?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

The British are not normal people.

English homes are beautiful.


Basic Patterns

The taxi driver is carrying a very heavy suitcase. Водій таксі несе важку валізу.

Grace is listening to a play on the radio. She’ s enjoying it. Грейс слухає п’єсу по радіо. П’єса їй подобається.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

They are discussing politics again.

Who are you waiting for?

I am not waiting for anyone.

· Translate into English:

Марго читає свій улюблений журнал мод.

Містер Джоунз сидить за своїм комп’ютером.

Що ти робиш з цим пістолетом?

· Ask other students:

What are you looking at?

Unit 3


Text A. First Morning at aLanguage School

---- It is 9 o’ clock on Monday morning and the sun is shining through the windows of a tall building in Central London. Inside, a line of students is walking slowly up the stairs to a large room on the first floor.

Two middle-aged women are sitting at a table at the front of the room. They are looking at a list of students’ names. A tall man is standing just inside the door. He is telling the students where to sit.

"Please fill the chairs at the back of the room!" he says in a loud voice.

The tall man is a teacher, but this is a big school. There are many teachers. The other teachers are waiting in a room on the second floor.

One of the middle-aged ladies stands up. Most of the chairs are now occupied. She can see faces from many different countries. She looks at the students to get their attention.

"Good morning!" she says in a lively voice.

Some of the students say "Good morning!" but many are silent. She is not happy with their silence.

"You’re all here to speak English!... Let’s try again!... Good morning!" she repeats in a louder voice.

All the students say "Good morning!" in very loud voices. Then she smiles at them.

"My name’s Mary Palmer (вимовляється [‘pa:m∂]) and I’m your Course Director. This is my assistant, Angela Leach. She’s going to check your passports. We’re both very happy to welcome you to the English Language College. We’ve got the best teachers in London and we’re sure that your English will get better. You’ll also make a lot of new friends. There are people in this school from all over the world! Stand up all the students who come from Japan!... Thank you!... Now stand up if you come from Spain!"

There are eleven students from Japan - eight young ladies and three young men. But there are only two students from Spain. One of them is a waiter from Gijon (вимовляється Хіхóн). His name is Arturo. The other is a psychology graduate from Madrid. She is called Rosa.


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) the language school before the first lesson; b) the beginning of the lesson; c) the teachers at the English Language College.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write a list of all the countries and nationalities you know.

b) Write the names of your Academy, Faculty, Department.

c) Write a list of principal courses taught at your Academy.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

What does the language school look like?

Why is the Course Director not happy with the students’ silence?

Is it easy to be a teacher?

Where are Japan, Spain, and Ukraine in the world?

What do you know about Japan and Spain?

What is Ukraine famous for?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

The Japanese are hard-working people, and the Spanish are not.

It is easy to learn a foreign language.

Basic Patterns

Please fill the chairs at the front of the room. Прошу займати місця в передніх рядах.

Most of the students were sitting at the back of the room.Більшість студентів сиділи позаду в аудиторії.

She was standing helplessly in front of the class. Вона безпорадно стояла перед класом.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

There was a garden at the back of the house.

There was a woman at the wheel (за кермом) and four children in the back.

A car drew up in front of the house.

Text B. Learning Languages

The problem of learning languages is very important today. Foreign languages are socially demanded (соціально затребувані) especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge and has contributed to an overflow (надмір) of information. The total knowledge of mankind doubles every seven years. Foreign languages are needed as the main and most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet.

Today English is the language of the world. Over 350 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South African Republic. As a second language it is used in the former British and US colonies. It is the major international language for communication in such areas as science, technology, business and mass entertainment. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organization. It is the language of the literature, education, modern music, international tourism.

Ukraine is integrating into the world community, and the problem of learning English for communication is especially important today. Learning a foreign language is not as easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know English is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. It is well known that reading books in the original, listening to the BBC news, communicating with the English-speaking people will help a lot. When learning a foreign language you learn the culture and history of the native speakers. One must work hard to learn any foreign language.



Unit 4

Text A. Coffee-Time at the Language School--------

It is coffee time on Tuesday morning at The English Language College. Arturo is standing near Angela Leach's desk in reception. He sees Rosa coming down the stairs.

"Hello! Rosa!" he says. He does not want to speak Spanish because Angela is listening to him. She tells the Course Director everything!

"Rosa! Do you like your new class?" he asks.

"I'm not sure," she answers. "The teacher is good, but the course book is very easy."

"Don't worry!" says Arturo. "The first lessons in course books are always very easy. I'm sure your book will get more difficult."

"Well, how about your class?" asks Rosa.

"I like it when the teacher's speaking," says Arturo, "but there's too much pairwork."

"What's pairwork?" asks Rosa.

"It's when you practise your English by speaking to the person next to you," Arturo explains.

"But that's good!" says Rosa. "All the students have more speaking time!"

"It isn't good for me!" Arturo answers. The student next to me reads his dictionary all the time. He looks for words to say, but he says nothing. When I speak to him, he doesn't understand me!"

"Don't worry!" says Rosa. "Pairwork is very difficult the first time. Tomorrow it will be very easy!"

"Don't make fun of me!" says Arturo. "You're a very bad person, so I'm only going to ask you one more question."

"What?" asks Rosa.

"I'm alone here in England. Would you like to go shopping and sightseeing with me on Saturday?"

"I'm a very bad person," says Rosa, "so the answer to your question is yes!"


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) the course books at the Language School; b) pairwork in a language class; c) the student sitting next to Arturo.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write the titles of the course books you use at your Academy.

b) Write a list of the countries where English is used as the native language.

c) Write a list of the countries where English is used as a second language.

Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

Is it better to speak English all the time at school or to speak your own language some of the time?

Do you prefer pairwork (listening and speaking to another student) or listening to the teacher's English?

Is it good or bad to use dictionaries in class?

Why are Arturo and Rosa afraid of Angela Leach?

Why did Arturo invite Rosa to go shopping and sightseeing with him on Saturday?

Which is the best way of learning English?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

The teacher's rolein class is not so important.

You cannot make (примусити) a student study.


Basic Patterns

He sees Rosa coming down the stairs. Він бачить, як Роза спускається сходами.

I heard them talking in the next room. Я чула, як вони розмовляють у сусідній кімнаті.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

Have you ever seen the police arresting a criminal?

We saw him throwing a television through the window.

I heard her practising her English pronunciation.

· Translate into English:

Я бачив, як ця жінка переходила вулицю.

Ви коли-небудь чули, як вона грає Шопена (Chopin)?

Студенти ніколи не бачили, як професор N користується комп’ютером.

· Ask other students:

Did you ever see me drinking beer directly from the bottle?

Unit 5


Text A. In a West London Hospital--------

It is Thursday afternoon in West London and Diana is starting work in the hospital. Rebecca, another nurse is talking to her.

"Today you've got three patients. Mr Miles is no problem. He is very independent. The two problems are Mr Knight and Mr Blythe. Mr Blythe likes to read quietly, but Mr Knight has a lot of visitors. One of the visitors is his wife. She likes to talk. She talks all the time and Mr Blythe is becoming very angry!"

"Is the doctor coming round today?" asks Diana.

"Yes," says Rebecca. "She's coming at about five o'clock. Could you ask her to look at Mr Blythe's left foot? It's giving him a lot of pain. Here's a list of jobs for this evening. I'm going home now. I'm very tired. Good luck!"

"Goodbye, Rebecca! See you on Monday!" Diana says.

Diana is also tired, but she is happy. Thursday is the end of her week. But Mr Blythe is not happy. Mrs Knight is still talking to her husband.

"You have three pairs of socks and two clean shirts in this bag. Tomorrow, I'm going to wash your green pullover. Do you want your red pyjamas and your small alarm clock?" She asks him.

Mr Knight does not answer his wife. She talks all the time, but he sleeps nearly all the time. He is sleeping now.

Diana feels sorry for Mr Blythe and plans to help him.

"Mr Blythe," she says. "There's an empty bed near the window and the view from the window is very nice. Would you like to move there?"

"That's very kind of you, nurse!" Mr Blythe answers.

Diana asks Fiona (вимовляється [‘fi∂n∂]), another nurse, to help her. Together, they move Mr Blythe's bed. He can now read in peace.


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) the patients’ problems; b) the reason Diana is happy; c) the reason Mr Blythe is not happy.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write the names of things you can see in the doctor’s office.

b) Make a list of things you need in a hospital.

c) Write the names of things you need to look after a child.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

Are you quiet or talkative?

Do you prefer to read a book or watch TV?

Do you prefer to live alone or with other people?

Are you independent or do you need other people to look after you?

Would you like to be a nurse?

What do you do when you don’t feel well?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

It is not easy to look after sick people.

Talkative people are boring.


Basic Patterns

Could I use your phone? Yes, of course you can. Чи можна скористатися вашим телефоном? Звичайно, можна.

Could you help me with this letter? Чи не допоможете ви мені написати цього листа?


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

Could you give me a few examples?

Could I ask you for something, if you’re not too busy?

Could you switch the projector on behind you?

· Translate into English:

Чи можна скористатися (borrow) вашою автомашиною?

Чи не могли б ви зробити мені послугу?

Ви не скажете, котра година?

· Ask other students:

Could you lend (позичити) me two hundred dollars till tomorrow?

Text B. At the Doctor's Office With a Child

The doctor’s office can look like an unfriendly place to a child. Talk with your child about the people who work there and the things you see there. That will make the doctor’s office seem more familiar. Many doctors’ offices also have children’s books and magazines in the waiting room. Reading to your child is a great way to help him relax.

Sitting and waiting in the doctor’s waiting room can be difficult. Luckily, there are lots of things to talk about. Explain to your child what is going to happen when he goes into the exam room. If your child is sick, you might say “First the nurse will come in to ask you what hurts. She will want to know if you feel hot. She will take your temperature to see if you have a fever.” If your child feels well enough, play a pretend game. Say to your child “Good morning sir! Oh, you look like you don’t feel well today. Do you have a fever?”

Inside the exam room, there is interesting equipment to see and talk about. Play a game with your child. Look at each piece of equipment and try to guess what it is used for. When the doctor comes in, invite her to join in: “Doctor, we want to know about that piece of equipment “What is it used for and what is it called?”

As you leave the doctor’s office, talk with your child about the exam and each of the things that happened in order (по черзі). “First the nurse weighed you on the scale and measured you. Then the doctor came in and listened to your heart. After that, the doctor examined your eyes and ears.” This is also a good time to practice any new words that your child learned today: “Every time you visit the doctor, the nurse measures your height and weight. What did the doctor use to listen to your heart? Oh yes, a stethoscope!”

Talk with your child about the people who work at the doctor’s office, and what they are doing. “That lady is answering the phone. I wonder (цікаво) if she is the receptionist? Do you think someone is calling her to make an appointment with the doctor?” You can encourage him to politely ask people about their jobs. If they aren’t too busy, they will be happy to talk with your child about what they do.

Unit 6


Text A. Sightseeing & Shopping in London (1)

A young lady is waiting on the steps of the British Museum. She is looking at her watch. It’s twenty to three in the afternoon. A young man arrives. He is ten minutes late.

"Do your girl-friends in Spain always wait for you?" Rosa asks him.

"Only the old and ugly ones!" answers Arturo.

Rosa is not happy with him.

"Well, this is my afternoon and I’m going to do what I want. First, I want to look at the Egyptian mummies in the museum. They’re very old and ugly and they’re waiting for you!"

The two young students spend an hour in the museum and then buy picture postcards to send to their friends.

"We needat least a week to visit such a big museum. One hour isn’t enough!" says Arturo.

"You can stay here a week," answers Rosa, "but I’m going to two bookshops. One is near London University just north of the museum and the other is a little way south in Charing Cross Road. Are you coming with me?"

"Yes," says Arturo, "but later I’d like to go to the big music stores in Oxford Street to look for CDs."

"If you are patient for the next hour, we can go there later."

Arturo is not very patient. He also wants to look at the computer shops in Tottenham Court Road. He arranges to meet Rosa in the Psychology Department of the first bookshop at five o’clock.

Rosa likes the bookshop near the university, but she is looking for a particular book about Piaget (Пьяжé), the Swiss psychologist. She cannot find it in the first shop. Arturo returns ten minutes early. The new super-computers are interesting, but much too expensive.

Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) the two students’ visit to the British Museum; b) Rosa’s and Arturo’s preferences in shopping; c) the location of the two bookshops Rosa wants to visit.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write the names of things you would like to buy in London.

b) Write a list of things you would like to buy at a big music store.

c) Write the names of things you need to go sightseeing in a big unfamiliar (незнайомий) city.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

Are you very angry when your friend is 10 minutes late?

Do Rosa and Arturo have a sense of humour?

What do people do in Oxford Street?

What do you know about the British Museum? Would you like to visit it?

Which other places would you like to visit in London?

Would you like to buy a new super-computer?

What’s time now?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

Books are not so popular nowadays as music CDs.

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.


Basic Patterns

Do your girl-friends in Spain always wait for you? – Only the old and ugly ones! Твої подружки в Іспанії завжди чекають на тебе? – Тільки старі та страшні (подружки).

After scanning the list of questions, choose the ones you know most about. Переглянувши список запитань, виберіть ті, з якими ви краще обізнані.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

I haven’t got a pen. Can you lend (позичити) me one?

The students who do best in examinations are not always the ones with the best brains.

Your plan is a good one on paper.

The new design is much better than the old one.

· Ask other students:

Is your room a comfortable one?

Text B. Sightseeing in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is perfect for sightseeing as it is compact, and easy to walk around. The best way for visitors to get a real feel for the city is a canal tour.

Most of the main attractions are located within the historical centre, usually within walking distance of each other, although there are efficient tram and busnetworks.

Amsterdam is a city like Venice (вимовляється [‘venis]) focused around water and waterways. However, unlike Venice, Holland's largest city is not just a museum piece. Amsterdam is a real, living metropolis (столиця, велике місто).

Amsterdam has a lot of recreational and cultural sights like the Oude Kerk [‘aud∂ ‘kerk] (Old Church).

Museums are the main tourist attraction in Amsterdam. Everyone knows the Rijksmuseum ([‘reiks…]) and Van Gogh Museum, but there is much, much more. Amsterdam has over fifty museums which attract many millions of visitors every year.

The Dam square is the centre and heart of Amsterdam, although there are prettier sights in the city. As an historical site however, it is fascinating and worth visiting. The impressive history of the square is well documented in the Amsterdam Historical Museum. The Royal Palace dominates the square. In contrast to its turbulent history, the square is now a peaceful place and is home to hundreds of tourists.

Rembrandt square has a lot of pubs, restaurants, cafes and hotels. A popular centre for nightlife, it also includes traditional Dutch pubs which play real Dutch music. In summer, it is packed with people enjoying a drink and watching the world go by. In the centre of the square is a small but pleasant park where you can relax in front of the statue of Rembrandt. On warm summer evenings, tourists and locals use the pubs’ outdoor seating for a long, lazy drinks with friends.

Amsterdam has a number of beautiful, quiet parks where you can relax during the busy day in town. The largest of them – Vondelpark is located in the centre of the city. With 10 million visitors a year, the Vondelpark is the most famous park in the Netherlands.

A trip to Holland isn’t complete without a visit to a windmill. Believe it or not, there are 8 windmills in the heart of the city! Don’t forget to take your camera.


Unit 7

Text A. -Sightseeing & Shopping in London (2)-

------ "Can we go to Oxford Street now?" he asks her.

"You’re ten minutes early," she answers, "and I need to go to the second bookshop in Charing Cross Road. It’s just for one book. It won’t take long!"

"O.K., but please hurry!" says Arturo. "British shops close very early! Many of them close at half past five!"

They go to the second bookshop. Rosa is very lucky. The shop assistant is Spanish and studies Psychology. He finds the book very quickly. But Arturo isn’t so lucky. Rosa has to wait in a long queue to pay for the book.

It is nearly half past five and Arturo is becoming very impatient.

"Don’t worry!" says Rosa. "London is an international city. I’m sure the big music stores close later than other shops!"

Rosa is right. When they arrive in Oxford Street, the large music stores are still open. Arturo finds what he wants and pays for it very quickly. He is happy now and tells Rosa about his new CD.

"It’s a collection of songs by the American folk-singer Peggy Seeger ([‘si:g∂])!" he explains. "The CD is an American import. I can’t find it in Spain."

"What does she sing about?" Rosa asks.

"That’s a good question," answers Arturo, "because the words of her songs make you think. Some of them are about the social situation of women. Others are about green politics (політика, спрямована на збереження довкілля) and the world we live in. I’m sure you’ll like them!"

"When can I hear them?"

"Not now," answers Arturo, "because now we’re going to visit a very interesting London pub in Holborn. The pub was the home of Britain’s oldest folk club. Peggy Seeger was one of the resident singers. Her husband and singing partner was Ewan MacColl ([ju∂n m∂k’koul]). He’s dead now, but he was the father of British folk music and writer of many great songs."

"When can I hear these songs?" Rosa asks again.

"Well, my CD player is at home in my flat. I don’t want to take my CDs to school, so perhaps I could invite you home one day next week. Now, I’m going to invite you to drink the best beer in London!"

"That’s very kind of you, but I think I’ll have an orange juice!" Rosa answers with a smile on her face.


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

b) Rosa’s luck in shopping; b) the two friends’ favourite drinks; c) Arturo’s tastes in music.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write a list of special things to do in a pub.

b) Write the names of three great pop singers.

c) Write the names of things you need to do shopping in London.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

How many CDs do you have?

What is your favourite type of music?

Who is your favourite singer? Why do you like him (her)?

Are you going to look for any new compact disks in British music stores?

Which do you prefer - British music, American music or music from your own country?

Do you enjoy waiting in a long queue?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

London is an international city.

Tastes differ.

Basic Patterns

The words of her songs make you think. Слова її пісень змушують вас замислитися.

He made her cry. Він довів її до сліз.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

I can’t make the TV work.

The police made her repeat the whole story.

Can you make this old engine (двигун) start?

· Ask other students:

What can make you laugh?

Text B. Music in Our Life

Can you think of a day without music? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.

But what is music? Music is beauty in sounds. There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago, but it is still alive. Folk songs are very pleasant to listen to. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. However, we can also speak of modern classical music. Great Britain has produced more popular music stars than any other country. The Beatles, with their unique style of singing is still one of the most popular groups. My favourite style of music is pop music, because it is full of energy. When I listen to pop music it makes me forget the problems of everyday life. It helps me to relax when I'm tired, and entertains me 11 when I'd like to have fun. My favourite group is Abba. Abba's cheerful tunes made them international pop stars and one of the most successful groups. Their most famous songs often topped European charts. Though the group doesn't exist any more, it is still popular with people of all ages. I find their style of singing fascinating. When I have free time I listen to their records.

It's a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I also enjoy listening to classical music. Classical music is always a complex of emotions. It gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. Some pieces of classical music are really wonderful.

The music I hate is heavy metal. I find it noisy and aggressive. When I listen to this style of music it presents to my mind pictures of dark days. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone's taste.

I like listening to jazz. Improvisation is an important part of this style, that's why a jazz song may sound a little different each time it is played. But I think that jazz is a little complicated.

Tastes differ, and we can agree that each generation has its own tastes.

Unit 8


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

c) The reason Rosa wants to change her class; b) Mrs Palmer’s reaction to Rosa’s request (прохання); c) Mrs Palmer’s decision.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write a list of special rooms a good Study Centre should contain.

b) Write the names of three things that make you bored.

c) Write the names of things you need to practise your pronunciation.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

Would you prefer to study in a class of 5 or 12 students?

Which is the most important – the teacher, or the course book, or the other students in the class? Give your reasons.

Would you prefer a class which is a little too easy, or a little too difficult? Explain your choice.

Are you a quick or slow learner?

Is it always useful to learn a foreign language from a native speaker?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

When learning a foreign language first learn the pronunciation.

A good computer course will replace (замінить) a teacher.


Basic Patterns

Rosa is very happy to change class. Роза радіє, що може перейти в іншу групу.

You are free to do anything you like. Ви можете робити все, що вам заманеться.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

She was happy to be in the company of that famous movie star.

He was surprised to learn how much his wife had spent on clothes.

It will be bad manners to leave the party now.

She is pleasant to look at, but she isn’t easy to get on with.

· Ask other students:

Is it good manners to drink coke in class?

Unit 9


Text A. -First Lesson in a New Class-----

--- There are now two Spanish students in Anne Evan’s class – Arturo from the north of Spain and Rosa from Madrid. Anne is happy to have twelve students because they can all do pairwork! Rosa is happy because the level is more difficult. On the board, there is a list of irregular verbs in the Past Simple:

1. lost 8. came 15. became
2. felt 9. went 16. hid
3. saw 10. were 17. lay
4. said 11. ate 18. stood
5. led 12. heard 19. woke up
6. was 13. got out 20. told
7. rang 14. had  

Anne gives her students very clear instructions:

"I’d like Rosa to sit next to Yukiko so that we’ve got six pairs. You all have a copy of the list of words on the board. I’m going to tell you a short story. Listen carefully and tick (відзначайте) the words you hear."

Rosa does not have a copy of the word list, but Yukiko is very kind. The two students share one photocopy (ксерокопія). They do not disturb their teacher.

Anne starts her story:

"Yesterday, on my way home from school, I lost all my money. Suddenly, I felt very hungry, but at the same moment I saw an interesting sign. It said: FREE FOOD, THIS WAY! The sign led to a nice restaurant, but it was closed. I rang the door bell. Nobody came so I went inside. On the first table, there were three plates of sushi. I ate two of them. Then I heard the noise of a taxi. A large man got out. He had two glasses of sake in his hands. I became afraid and hid under the table.

I lay there for nearly an hour while the large man stood by the door. Then I woke up. The man by the door was my husband. He told me that it was morning and that I was in my own bedroom. In his hands, he had two cups of strong, black coffee."

Anne is a good teacher and her lessons have a lot of variety. The students have to tell the same story again to their pairwork partners, but first they have to ask questions in the Past Simple. Anne is listening carefully to her new student. She tells Rosa that there are two types of questions with the words WHO, WHAT, HOW MUCH and HOW MANY. Then she writes some examples on the board for all the class to see:

Who lost all her money? Anne did.

Who got out of the taxi? A large man did.

How many glasses of sake did he have? Two.

What did Anne lose? All her money.

How much sushi did Anne eat? A lot.


Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

d) Rosa’s feeling about the new class; b) Anne Evan’s teaching skill; c) food and drinks.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write a list of 10 Past Tense verb forms.

b) Then use the verb forms to write a short story.

c) Give the base form of these Past Tense verb forms: lost, felt, saw, said, led, was, rang, came, became, went, were, ate, heard, got, had, hid, lay, stood, woke, told.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing. Give short answers:

Who gives her students very clear instructions?

What doesn’t Rosa have?

How many students are there in Anne’s class?

Who is listening carefully to her new student?

Who has to tell the same story again?

How long did Anne stay under the table?

How many examples did the teacher write on the board?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

English grammar is difficult.

Japanese food is awful.

Basic Patterns

He told me that I was in my own flat. Він сказав мені, що я перебуваю у своїй власній квартирі.

He said he loved me. Він сказав, що кохає мене.


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

Alan said that he was looking for Helen.

She told me she was getting married next June.

She thought she could swim well.

She explained she was tired.

· Translate into English:

Усі вважали, що Мері кохає Джона.

Він сказав, що збирається йти додому.

Секретарка пояснила, що директор у відпустці.

Unit 10


Text A. -Practising English in a Study Centre----------

Kevin Foster is responsible for the Study Centre where students come after their lessons. It's now Friday. Rosa and Arturo are coming to practise their English.

"Welcome to self-study!" Kevin says. He knows it's their first time.

"What can we do in the language laboratory?" Arturo asks.

"Some students like to listen and fill in information, but I think it's better to use the lab for speaking practice," Kevin replies.

"Yes, I need to practise my pronunciation!" Rosa says.

"Then try this cassette. It has all the English sounds which are difficult for Spanish speakers and some exercises on rhythm and stress. There's also a worksheet (роздрукований текст навчального звукозапису) which you can take home," Kevin explains.

"Can I take the cassette home?" Rosa asks.

Kevin hates this question, but answers politely.

"No, I'm sorry! We like all the cassettes to stay in the language laboratory. The machines here are special. They play the teacher's voice on Side A and record the student's voice on Side B at the same time. You can't do that on a normal cassette recorder."

"What other types of speaking practice can we do?" Arturo asks.

"Well, the grammar practice drills are very useful at your level. Some students write all their grammar in their workbooks (робочий зошит) very slowly. They never learn to speak correctly at normal speed. Some grammar drills are very boring, but this cassette presents the language in interesting situations."

"Is there a book?" Arturo wants to know. "Yes, here it is," answers Kevin. "Use the book to find the place on the cassette, but then shut it. Use your ears and your memory. Then speak! Don't read the answers from the book."

"How many exercises should I do?" Arturo asks.

"It's best to repeat just one or two exercises every day. Record and play back your answers several times. Try to do better each time. When you get tired, do something different. Practise your conversation or test your vocabulary on one of the computers!"

Exercise 1.

· Read the text and find sentences describing:

a) the things you can do in a language laboratory; b) the equipment used in the language laboratory; c) the grammar drills practised in the laboratory.

Exercise 2.

· Do the following:

a) Write the names of the authors of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, “The Hobbit”, and “Treasure Island”.

b) Make a list of the English sounds which are difficult for Ukrainian/Russian speakers.

c) Write a list of some boring and several exciting lectures at your institution.


Exercise 3.

· Answer the following questions in writing:

Why doesn’t Kevin let students take the cassette home?

Do you practise your English after school?

What do you need to practise most?

Is it better to practise in a Study Centre or i n an English family?

Do libraries in your home town have: video tapes for learning English; computers (with Internet access); software for language learning?

Are you a polite person?

· Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your choice.

Practice makes perfection.

It doesn’t pay (не варто) to be polite to others.


Basic Patterns

When you get tired, do something different. Коли втомлюєшся, зроби щось інше.

You’ll soon get used to the climate here. Скоро ви звикнете до тутешнього клімату.

(But: turn red, grow rich, fall ill, become expensive, etc.)


Exercise 4.

· Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Explain why you think your translation is correct:

He went out and got drunk.

She’ll soon get better again.

She was getting quite angry.

When you get old your memory gets worse 10.

· Ask other students:

When are you going to get married?

Text B. Practicing English

Juan went to Britain to speak English with real English people. His sister’s husband was an English doctor and when Juan wrote to her, his sister, whose name was Amanda, invited him to stay with her.

She met him at the airport in her English car and naturally spoke Spanish all the time.

“Never mind,” he thought, “the husband speaks English…” But this Englishman spoke Spanish and he liked Spanish food and a Spanish atmosphere when he came home in the evening.

Juan’s sister had only Spanish friends and Juan did not speak a word of English.

One morning about nine o’clock he attacked the milkman who was putting two bottles of milk on the doorstep (сходи ґ


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