Read and translate the international words into Russian. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read and translate the international words into Russian.

Раздел 1. Моя специальность


Read and translate the international words into Russian.


Method, gravimeter, magnetometer, seismograph, complex, risky, platform, to inject, percentage, diameter, characteristic, vertical, horizontal, tendency, diagonal, to circulate, technology, thermal, mechanical, chemical, laser, plasma, ultrasonic, to optimize, to circulate, cement.


Learn the vocabulary.

1. annulus (n) – затрубное пространство; межтрубное пространство (между бурильными трубами и стенками скважины через которое происходит циркуляция бурового раствора)

2. apply (v) – применять

3. bit (n) – буровое долото

4. case (v) – обсаживать

5. complete (v) – завершать, заканчивать (скважину)

6. contaminate (v) – загрязнять, заражать

7. deposit (n) – залежь, месторождение

8. deviate (v) – отклонять (скважину)

9. extract (v) – извлекать, добывать

10. field (n) – месторождение, промысел

11. fluid (n) – флюид (жидкость, газ, смесь жидкостей и газов)

12. increase (v), syn. enhance (v) – увеличивать(ся), возрастать

13. layer (n) – слой, пласт

14. petroleum (n), syn. crude oil – сырая нефть

15. pressure (n) – давление

16. pump (v) – нагнетать насосом; прокачивать

17. reach (v) – достигать

18. reduce (v) – снижать, уменьшать

19. reservoir (n) – пласт-коллектор; пластовый резервуар (нефти, газа); нефтеносный слой; газоносный пласт; продуктивный пласт

20. rock formation – формация (горные породы, связанные общностью образования)

21. site (n) – 1. место; местоположение, местонахождение 2. место установки буровой; точка заложения скважины 3. площадка (для проведения работ)

22. string (n) – колонна (труб)

23. surface (n) – поверхность

24. target (n) – цель

25. well (n) – скважина


Remember the word combinations.

1. exploratory well – разведочно-эксплуатационная скважина

2. horizontal well – горизонтальная скважина

3. carbon dioxide – диоксид углерода, углекислый газ

4. well head – устье скважины

5. bottom hole – забой скважины

6. inclined layer – наклонный пласт

7. drilling rate – скорость бурения; механическая скорость проходки

8. drill collar – УБТ (утяжелённая бурильная труба)

9. packed-hole technique – применение утяжелённой бурильной трубы максимального наружного диаметра

10. rock failure – разрушение горной породы (под действием долота)

11. jet piercing – бурение гидравлическим / термическим способом

12. steel pipe – стальная труба


Read and translate the text.


Text A


Because of the subterranean origin of petroleum it must be extracted by means of drilling wells. Until an exploratory well, or wildcat, has been dug, nobody knows whether or not petroleum lies under a particular site. In order to reduce the number of exploratory wells drilled, scientific methods are used to discover the most promising sites. Sensitive instruments, such as the gravimeter, the magnetometer, and the seismograph, may be used to find subsurface rock formations that can hold crude oil. Drilling is a complex and often risky process. Some wells must be dug several miles deep before petroleum deposits are reached. Many are now drilled offshore from platforms standing in the ocean bed.

Usually the petroleum from a new well will come to the surface under its own pressure. Later the crude oil must be pumped out or forced to the surface by injecting water, air, natural gas, steam, carbon dioxide, or another substance into the deposits. Improved recovery techniques have increased the percentage of oil that can be extracted from a field.

The well bore length exceeds many times its diameter. The opening of the well bore at the surface is called the well head, and its lower part the bottom hole. The depth of an oil-well is controlled by the depth at which oil is found. Deep holes and high pressures are characteristics of petroleum drilling. In general, it becomes more difficult to control the direction of the drilled hole as the depth increases, and additionally, the cost per foot of hole drilled increases rapidly with the depth of the hole.

The hole direction must be controlled in order to reach a desired target at depths as great as 25,000 ft (7600 m). Inclined layers of rocks with different hardness make the direction of drilling deviate; consequently, deep holes are rarely truly straight and vertical. The drilling rate generally increases as additional drill collar weight is applied to the bit. A so-called packed-hole technique has been used to reduce the tendency to hole deviation. One version of this technique makes use of square drill collars that nearly fill the hole on the diagonals but permit fluid and cuttings to circulate around the sides. This procedure reduces the rate at which the hole direction can change.

Advances in technology and the need to accomplish special objectives have led to drilling horizontal wells in deep oil or gas reservoirs. New drilling methods include studies of rock failure by mechanical, thermal, hydraulic, fusion and vaporisation, and chemical means. Jet piercing is widely used for drilling very hard rocks, such as taconite. Other methods include the use of electric arc, laser, plasma, and ultrasonic drills.

After a well is drilled, it should be completed. Completion means the operations that prepare a well bore for producing oil or gas from the reservoir. The goal of these operations is to optimise the flow of the reservoir fluids into the well bore, up through the producing string, and into the surface collection system. The well bore is cased with steel pipe, and the annulus between well bore and casing is filled with cement. Properly designed and cemented casing prevents collapse of the well bore and protects fresh water beds above the oil and gas reservoirs from becoming contaminated with oil and gas.


Word building. Make up new words and translate them into Russian.


Model 1: Verb – Noun

To produce – production – производство

to reduce, to form, to direct, to deviate, to vaporise, to complete, to optimise, to contaminate.


Model 2: Adjective – Adverb

awful – awfully – ужасно

Rare, subsequent, true, general, proper.


Find more nouns with the following suffixes in the text:


-ness -ment -ure -ion -ing
weakness improvement Tenure television spelling



Match the synonyms. increase a.quickly reduce b.crude oil accomplish c.various

4.novel allow

5.petroleum e.bed discover f.correctly dig grow

8.rapidly realise find out

10.different excavate permit

12.properly l.objective

13.layer lower recover extract


Find the English equivalent in the text.


Подземное происхождение сырой нефти; посредством бурения скважин; обнаружить самые перспективные месторождения; подземные горные породы; улучшенные методы добычи; нефть, которая может быть извлечена из месторождения; длина буровой скважины; по мере того, как длина увеличивается; направление скважины; желаемая цель; наклонные пласты породы; скорость проходки; долото, усиленное весом УБТ; флюид и буровой шлам; достижения в технологии; оптимизировать поток пластовых флюидов; должным образом зацементированная колонна обсадных труб; предотвращать обрушение скважины; пресноводные пласты; нефтегазовые коллекторы.


Complete the sentences. Use the following words.


Borehole, hydrocarbons, to increase, deviated, exploratory, drill bit, field, pressure, well, reservoir, deposits.

1. Most of the … were trapped by nonporous rocks that would not allow them to migrate any further.

2. Technological innovation makes it easier to find new … of oil and gas.

3. Before a … can produce oil and gas the …must be stabilised with casing.

4. The … breaks up the earth and extends the well.

5. It is known that … wells are drilled for information gathering purposes in a new area.

6. Modern technologies allow strongly … wells which can actually become horizontal.

7. The oil derrick is used to control the … on the drilling bit.

8. Magnetic properties of certain types of rock, when they are too close to the surface, affect the Earth’s magnetic ….

9. Oil must be moved from the … to the well bore by a displacing agent.

10. The industry has developed technologies … the amount of oil and gas that can be recovered from existing reservoirs.

Text B

It’s my job


Text C


Text D

Раздел II

Выдающиеся личности.


1. Read and translate the international words into Russian.

to accumulate, material, mechanism, to vary, typical, globe, naturally, demarcation.


Learn the vocabulary.


1. artificial lift – механизированная добыча, насосно-компрессорная добыча;

2. asphaltite – 1) асфальтит (асфальтоподобный природный материал);

3. bailer – 1) желонка (для чистки скважин) 2) черпак;

4. barrel – баррель (мера вместимости: в Великобритании - 163,3 л; в США - 119 л; для нефти - 159 л; для цемента - 170,5 кг)

5. cap rock – покрывающая порода; покрывающий пласт;

6. complete – завершать, заканчивать (скважину);

7. drilling rig – буровая вышка;

8. fluid – флюид (жидкость, газ, смесь жидкостей и газов);

9. hydrocarbon – углеводород;

10. jet pump – струйный насос; эжектор;

11. layer – слой, пласт;

12. liquid – жидкость;

13. natural flow – фонтанирование, естественный поток;

14. occur – встречаться, попадаться;

15. permeable – проницаемый;

16. porous – пористый;

17. pump – насос, подавать насосом, нагнетать;

18. pump jack – промысловый насос (для перекачки нефти из промысловых резервуаров в нефтехранилище)

19. reservoir rock – пластовая порода;

20. scatter – разбрасывать, размещать;

21. source rock – нефтематеринская порода;

22. string – колонна (труб, штанг);

23. sucker rod – насосная штанга;

24. swab – 1) сваб (поршень для вызова притока в скважину) 2) поршень для откачивания скважины 3) проходной поршень (спускаемый на тросе) 4) песочный насос 5) штанга с плунжером (для чистки труб) 6) откачивать; поднимать жидкость проходным поршнем 7) чистить скважину

25. tubing string – колонна насосно-компрессорных труб.


Read the text.


Text A



In the petroleum industry, a field is a large area of land where coal, oil, or gas is found. Three conditions must be present for oil reservoirs to form: a source rock rich in hydrocarbon material buried deep enough for subterranean heat to cook it into oil; a porous and permeable reservoir rock for it to accumulate in; and a cap rock (seal) or other mechanism that prevents it from escaping to the surface. Within these reservoirs, fluids will typically organize themselves like a three-layer cake with a layer of water below the oil layer and a layer of gas above it, although the different layers vary in size between reservoirs.

The typical oil field resembles a small self-contained city in the midst of a landscape with many drilling rigs and/or the pump jacks known as "nodding donkeys" because of their bobbing arm. More than 40,000 oil fields are scattered around the globe – on land and offshore. The largest are the Ghawar Field in Saudi Arabia and the Burgan Field in Kuwait, with more than 60 billion barrels estimated in each.

Development of a field includes the location, drilling, completion, and equipment of wells necessary to produce the commercially recoverable oil and gas in the field.

Oil and gas production necessarily are intimately related. However, the naturally occurring hydrocarbons of petroleum are not only liquid and gaseous but may even be found in a solid state, such as asphaltite.

Where gas is produced without oil, the production problems are simplified because the product flows naturally throughout the life of the well and does not have to be lifted to the surface. However, there are sometimes problems of water accumulations in gas wells, and it is necessary to pump the water from the wells to maintain maximum, or economical, gas production. The line of demarcation between oil wells and gas wells is not definitely established. Most gas wells produce quantities of condensable vapours, such as propane and butane that may be liquefied and marketed for fuel. The more stable liquids produced with gas can be utilized as natural gasoline.

The common methods of producing oil wells are (1) natural flow; (2) pumping with sucker rods; (3) gas lift; (4) hydraulic subsurface pumps; (5) electrically driven centrifugal well pumps; and (6) swabbing.

However, most wells are not self-flowing and various lifting methods must be employed. Approximately 90% of the wells made to produce by some artificial lift method in the United States are equipped with sucker-rod-type pumps. In these the pump is installed at the lower end of the tubing string and is actuated by a string of sucker rods extending from the surface to the subsurface pump. The two common variations are mechanical and hydraulic long-stroke pumping units. Other lifting mechanisms are the gas lift, hydraulic subsurface pumps, swabs, bailers and jet pumps.


5. Match the synonyms:


1. field a. steam

2. subterranean b. extract

3. prevent from c. rise

4. fluid d. deposit

5. different e. use

6. scatter f. stretch

7. include g. happen

8. recover h. liquid

9. occur i. comprise

10. lift j. underground

11. vapour k. protect

12. employ l. various

13. extend m. diffuse


6. Find the English equivalents:


Нефтематеринская порода, богатая углеводородами; глубоко залегать; пористая и проницаемая пластовая порода; покрывающая порода; предотвращать выход нефти на поверхность; изменяться по размеру; быть разбросанным по земному шару – на суше и на море; коммерчески добываемые нефть и газ; быть тесно связанным; углеводороды, встречающиеся в природе; жидкий; газообразный; твердый; период эксплуатации скважины; быть поднятым на поверхность; скопления воды в газовой скважине; демаркационная линия; конденсируемый газ; центробежный насос с электроприводом; насосно-компрессорная добыча; насосная штанга; на нижнем конце насосно-компрессорной колонны; механические и гидравлические длинноходовые станки-качалки.


7. Fill in the gaps:

occurs, barrels, variable, porous, recoverable, involves, layers, cap rock, rig, natural flow, locations, offshore.


1. Petroleum is an oily flammable liquid that … naturally in deposits, usually beneath the surface of the earth.

2. Nearly 250,000 … of crude oil were spilt off the coast of Alaska in 1989.

3. The proportion of hydrocarbons in the mixture is highly... and ranges from as much as 97% by weight in the lighter oils to as little as 50% in the heavier oils.

4. Petroleum is found in... rock formations in the upper layers of some areas of the Earth's crust.

5. Because the energy return over energy invested ratio of oil is constantly falling,... oil reserves are significantly less than total oil-in-place.

6. One of the alternative methods... converting high ash coal into synthetic oil in a multi-stage process.

7. Waters and pressure of overlying … pushed oil upward until it reached an impermeable layer of rock called a cap rock.

8. A … stops further migration of oil and oil is thus trapped in a reservoir.

9. The … is known to consist of surface equipment and a derrick which houses drilling tools.

10. Under natural pressure oil flows freely and it is called the ….

11. The production of oil and gas reserves is increasingly moving to remote, challenging …, such as Russia’s Sakhalin Island, offshore West Africa etc.

12. China is building a semi-submersible unit capable of deep and ultra-deep drilling for their … fields.


Text B

Text C

Read the text.


“Rock oil originates as tiny bodies of animals buried in the sediments which, under the influence of increased temperature and pressure acting during an unimaginably long period of time, transform into rock oil”

Academician Mikhailo V. Lomonosov


Petroleum, or crude oil, in one form or another, is not a recent discovery. The earliest known oil wells were drilled in China in 347 CE1 or earlier. They had depths of up to about and were drilled using bits attached to bamboo poles. The first streets of Baghdad were paved with tar, derived from petroleum that became accessible from natural fields in the region. In the 9th century, oil fields were exploited in the area around modern Baku, Azerbaijan, to produce naphtha. The modern history of petroleum began in 1846 with the discovery of the process of refining kerosene from coal by Abraham Gesner. In 1854, Benjamin Silliman, a science professor at Yale University in New Haven, was the first to fractionate petroleum by distillation. These discoveries rapidly spread around the world, and the first Russian refinery was built in the mature oil fields at Baku in 1861. At that time Baku produced about 90% of the world's oil.

When retired railroad conductor Edwin Drake struck oil in 1859 in Titusville, Pennsylvania, he touched off the modern oil industry. For the next 40 years the primary interest in oil was as a source of kerosene, used for lighting lamps. Then came the automobile and the realization that the internal combustion engine ran best on gasoline, a byproduct of the process of extracting kerosene from crude oil. As the demand grew for gasoline to power not only cars but also internal combustion engines of all kinds, chemical engineers discovered a lot of useful byproducts of crude – and the petrochemical industry was born. Oil had truly become black gold.

There are some important landmarks in the history of the petrochemical industry:

1901 is the year when North America’s first oil gusher blows at the Spindletop field near Beaumont in southeastern Texas, spraying more than 800,000 barrels of crude into the air before it can be brought under control.

In 1913 a new method of oil refining was developed. Chemical engineers William Burton and Robert Humphreys of Standard Oil patent a method of oil refining that significantly increases gasoline yields. The chemists discover that by applying both heat and pressure during distillation, heavier petroleum molecules can be broken down, or cracked, into gasoline’s lighter molecules. This process is known as thermal cracking.

In 1920s – 1940s, a range of new compounds made from byproducts of the oil-refining process enters the market. They were synthetic fibers and resins including nylon, acrylics, and polyester, and were used to make everything from clothing and sports gear to industrial equipment, parachutes, and plexiglass.

Among the technical breakthroughs in the world oil industry in the 1920s, a special place is held by the invention in 1922 of the downhole turbodrill motor by the Russian engineer Matvey Kapelyushnikov, which opened the way for the mass introduction of turbodrilling in the industry.

By mounting a derrick and drilling rig onto a submersible barge, Texas oilman Louis Giliasso creates in 1928 an efficient portable method of offshore drilling. The transportable barge allows erecting a rig in a day, which makes exploration easier.

In 1930s, U.S. refineries introduce a new process of alkalinization that increases the octane rating of aviation gasoline to 100. In 1936 a French scientist Eugene Houdry introduces catalytic cracking. By using silica and alumina-based catalysts, he demonstrates that gasoline has a higher octane rating and burns more efficiently.

In 1947 the world’s first commercial oil well is drilled in the Gulf of Mexico, 45 miles south of Morgan City, Louisiana. Eleven oil fields are mapped in the gulf by 1949, with 44 exploratory wells in operation.

In 1955 the first jack-up oil-drilling rig is designed for offshore exploration. The rig features long legs that can be lowered into the seabed to a depth of 500 feet, allowing the platform to be raised to various heights above the level of the water.

The introduction of digital seismology in oil exploration in 1970s increases accuracy in locating underground pools of oil. The technique of using seismic waves to look for oil is based on determining the time interval between the sending of a sound wave and the arrival of reflected waves at one or more seismic detectors.

Over the next decade, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) are developed for subsea oil work. Controlled from the surface, ROVs vary from beach ball-size cameras to truck-size maintenance robots.

1990s – the introduction of several new tools and techniques designed to reduce the costs and risks of drilling, including reducing potential damage to the geological formation and improving environmental protection.

In 2000 The Hoover-Diana, a 63,000-ton deep-draft caisson vessel, goes into operation in the Gulf of Mexico. A joint venture by Exxon Mobil and BP, it is a production platform mounted atop a floating cylindrical concrete tube anchored in 4,800 feet of water. The entire structure is 83 stories high, with 90 per cent of it below the surface. Within half a year it is producing 20,000 barrels of oil and 220 million cubic feet of gas a day. Two pipelines carry the oil and gas to shore.


1 Christian Era or Common Era = C.E. - н.э.


Choose the best answer.

1. Where did oil production begin?

a. in the Caspian region;

b. in Saudi Arabia;

c. in Syberia.

2. The biggest oil producer in the mid 19th century was

a. America;

b. Azerbaijan;

c. China.

3. Crude oil production increased by the end of the 20th century due to

a. manufacturing of lightning lamps;

b. automobile era;

c. extracting kerosene.

4. Digital seismology enabled to

a. locate underground pools of oil more carefully;

b. locate underground pools of oil with less cost;

c. locate underground pools of oil more exactly.

5. ROVs were introduced in

a. 80s;

b. 90s;

c. 2000s.

Inventions and Discoveries


Dates Oil production Oil refining



Text D


Раздел III

Pre-reading task. Read the following sentences. Study the italicized words in their context and guess their meaning. Write your guess on the first line. Then look up the words in your dictionary and write the definitions on the second line.

1. While this is certainly true for crude oils they are easily and inexpensively processed into high quality fuels, there are vast deposits of heavy crude oils in many parts of the world.

a. (guess) _________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.


2. Heavy crude oils have a density (compactness of a substance) similar to that of water or even exceeding it.

a. (guess) ________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.


3. They usually are extremely viscous, with a consistency ranging from that of heavy soft sediments to a solid at a room temperature.

a. (guess) ________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.


4. These properties also present serious environmental challenges to the growth of heavy oil production and use.

a. (guess) _________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.


5. Environmental concerns about heavy crude oils are of two types.

a. (guess) ________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.


6. Chemical wastes and byproducts of heavy crude oil production and refining may cause a serious ecological harm if given off to the environment.

a. (guess) _________________________________________________________.

b. (dictionary) _____________________________________________________.


Learn the vocabulary.

1. challenge (n) – трудная задача, вызов;

2. run out (v) – заканчиваться;

3. remain (v) – оставаться, (n, pl) – остатки, останки;

4. conventional (adj) – обычный, традиционный;

5. density (n) – плотность;

6. approach (v) – приближаться, подходить, (n) – подход, метод;

7. exceed (v) – превышать;

8. viscous (adj) – вязкий;

9. molasse [mǝ’læs] (n) – мягкая осадочная порода;

10. sulphur (n) – сера;

11. concern (n) – забота, задача;

12. deplete (v) – истощать, исчерпывать;

13. upgrade (v) – улучшать, модернизировать;

14. injury (n) – повреждение, ущерб, рана;

15. release (v) – (зд.) отпускать, выпускать, освобождать;

16. spill (v) – проливать;

17. affect (v) – влиять;

18. persistent (adj) – настойчивый, устойчивый, постоянный;

19. yield (n) – прибыль, добыча, количество произведенного ресурса;

20. in situ [in’sitju:] – на месте естественного залегания, на месте проведения работ.

Text A

Match the synonyms.

1. to affect a. method

2. to upgrade b. harm

3. approach c. to influence

4. to spill d. to run out

5. persistent e. to surpass

6. to deplete f. to scatter

7. conventional g. usual

8. injury h. to increase

9. to exceed i. continual


Text B


Answer the questions.

1. What sort of work does the development department at the LUKOIL-VolgogradNIPImorneft Institute perform?

2. What does the uniqueness of the Caspian Sea waters consist of?

3. What can prevent the well from operating properly?

4. Which is the best way of treating the drilling equipment on offshore wells?

5. Why is offshore production a costly and complicated process?

6. What are the perspectives of the Caspian oil fields development?


After having taken an interview with Igor Fedotov you are to report to your immediate supervisor on oil production on the Caspian Sea shelf. Draw a plan of your report, and then make an oral presentation. Here are some expressions to be used in presentations.

Opening presentation

Welcome everyone. Я рад всех видеть.

Let’s start, shall we? Начнем, пожалуй.

I’d like to outline… Я бы хотел обрисовать в общих чертах…


Introducing information

First of all I’d like to tell you… Прежде всего, я хотел бы сказать…

As you know… Ка вы знаете…

If we take a look at… Если мы посмотрим на…

Let’s turn to… Давайте обратимся к…


Closing the presentation

I would like to finish by saying … В заключении я хотел бы сказать…

Let me sum up Подведем итоги

Thank you all for listening Благодарю за внимание


Text C



Text D




access – доступ

account for – давать отчет; объяснять; нести ответственность

accuracy – точность

add – добавлять

affect – влиять;

ambient – окружающий, внешний

annulus – затрубное пространство

application – применение, заявка

apply to – обращаться с просьбой

apply for a job – подавать заявление о приеме на работу

apply – применять

approach – приближаться, подходить, подход, метод;

approve – одобрять

artificial lift – механизированная добыча, насосно-компрессорная добыча;

asphaltite –асфальтит (асфальтоподобный природный материал);

assessment – оценивание

assistant driller – помощник бурильщика

attract – привлекать

availability – пригодность, наличие, присутствие

bailer –желонка (для чистки скважин)

barrel – баррель (мера вместимости: в Великобритании - 163,3 л)

bit (n) – буровое долото

blur – неясные очертания

boost – поддержка, рекламирование, повышение, подъём

breakthrough – прорыв

cap rock – покрывающая порода; покрывающий пласт;

capture – захват, задержание

case – обсаживать

casing pipe – обсадная труба

cavity – полость, пещера

challenge – трудная задача, вызов;

coiled – намотанный, свёрнутый в спираль

commissioning – ввод в эксплуатацию

complete a well – завершать, заканчивать (скважину);

comprehensive – всесторонний, полный, всеобъемлющий

concern – забота, задача;

concrete – бетон

confirm – подтверждать

consequence – последствие

considerable – значительный

consumption – потребление

contaminate – загрязнять, заражать

contribute – делать вклад

conventional – обычный, традиционный;

decade – десятилетие

demand – спрос

density – плотность;

deplete – истощать, исчерпывать;

deposit – залежь, месторождение

description – описание

deviate – отклонять (скважину)

disposal – размещение, расположение, руководство

domestic – домашний, внутренний; отечественный

driller – бурильщик

drilling rig – буровая вышка;

drilling superintendent – буровой мастер

emission – выброс

enclose – прилагать, вкладывать (в письмо)

enhance – увеличивать, возрастать

enquiry – вопрос; запрос

ensure – гарантировать, обеспечивать

envisage – обдумывать, представлять себе

escape – избежать, улетучиться, ускользнуть

eventually – в конце концов

exceed – превышать;

excessively – чрезмерно

exhaust – исчерпать, израсходовать полностью

expand – расширять(ся)

expenditures – расходы, издержки

exploratory well – разведочно-эксплуатационная скважина

extract – извлекать, добывать

feature – черта, особенность

field – месторождение, промысел

find out – обнаруживать

flexibility – гибкость

fluid – флюид (жидкость, газ, смесь жидкостей и газов)

force – заставлять

forecast – прогноз

foreseeable – предсказуемый, предвидимый

fossil fuel – ископаемое топливо

frame of mind – образ мышления

friction – трение

go on stream – входить в строй, в эксплуатацию

handle – управлять, обращаться

helicopter – вертолет

highlight – выделить, подчеркнуть

high-performance – высокоэффективный

hollow – пустой, полый

hydrocarbon – углеводород;

hydrodewaxing – гидродепарафинизация (выплавление восковой модели из оболочковой формы)

implement – осуществлять

in advance – заранее

in situ [in’sitju:] – на месте естественного залегания, на месте проведения работ.

increase – увеличивать(ся), возрастать

injury – повреждение, ущерб, рана;

internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания

jack-up drilling offshore unit – буровое самоподъёмное морское основание

jet pump – струйный насос; эжектор;

joint-venture – совместное предприятие

labourer – неквалифицированный рабочий

last resort – последнее средство; in the last resort – в крайнем случае

layer – слой, пласт

liquid – жидкость;

maintenance – поддержание, содержание и техническое обслуживание

manual – ручной, руководство, справочник

mature – зрелый, ставший выгодным, прибыльным

merger – слияние, объединение

molasse [mǝ’læs] – мягкая осадочная порода;

natural flow – фонтанирование, естественный поток;

obvious – очевидный

occur – встречаться, попадаться;

octane rating – октановое число

oil gusher – нефтяной фонтан

oil shale – нефтеносный сланец

overhaul – тщательно исследовать, капитально ремонтировать

percussion – ударный

permeable – проницаемый;

persistent – настойчивый, устойчивый, постоянный;

petroleum, syn. crude oil – сырая нефть

pollutant – загрязняющее вещество

porous – пористый;

pressure – давление

production capacity – производственная мощность

profuse – обильный, щедрый, чрезмерный

prolific – продуктивный

promote – выдвигать; продвигать; повышать в чине

proposal – предложение; план

pump – насос, подавать насосом, нагнетать;

pump – нагнетать насосом; прокачивать

pump jack – промысловый насос

quantity – количество

quotation – цитирование; цена; расценка

reach – достигать

recent – недавний

recoverable – восстанавливаемый; многократного использования

reduce – снижать, уменьшать

reduction-gear – редуктор; понижающая передача

refinery – нефтеперерабатывающий завод

reinforce – укреплять, усиливать

release – (зд.) отпускать, выпускать, освобождать;

reliable – надежный

remain – оставаться, остатки, останки;

remote – удаленный

remove – удалять, убирать

require – требовать

reservoir – пласт-коллектор; пластовый резервуар (нефти, газа)

reservoir rock – пластовая порода;

restrict – ограничивать

revolution – вращение, оборот

rig – буровая установка (включая вышку)

rock formation – формация (горные породы, связанные общностью образования)

rod-tool drilling – ударно-штанговое бурение

rotate – вращаться

roughneck – рабочий буровой бригады (обслуживающий двигатели, насосы, ключи)

roustabout – разнорабочий на нефтепромысле

run out – заканчиваться;

scatter – разбрасывать, размещать;

semisubmersible – полупогружной

share – доля, часть, акция; разделять, использовать совместно

sheltered – укрытый; защищённый

silica – кварц, кремнезём

single-stage – одностадийный, одноступенчатый

site – место установки буровой; площадка (для проведения работ)

source rock – нефтематеринская порода;

spar – шпат, штанга, перекладина

specification – подробное описание, технические условия

spill – проливать;

string – колонна (труб, штанг);

string – колонна (труб)

substantial – крепкий, прочный

sucker rod – насосная штанга;

suitable – подходящий, пригодный

sulphur – сера;

sunk, sink – погружаться, тонуть

supplant – вытеснить

supply – снабжать, поставлять

surface – поверхность

swab – сваб (поршень для вызова притока в скважину)

tap – вскрывать пласт, принимать нефтепродукты, ловильный колокол

tar sand – битуминозный песок

target – цель

thoroughly – тщательно

tow – буксировать

trestle – эстакада, козлы, подмости, леса

truss – ферма; рама, раскос

tubing string – колонна насосно-компрессорных труб.

underbalanced drilling –бурение с отрицательным дифференциальным давлением

upgrade – улучшать, модернизировать;

upstream – вверх (против) по течению

vehicle – транспортное средство

vessel – судно

visbreaking – лёгкий крекинг (понижающий вязкость нефтепродукта)

viscous – вязкий;

waste – тратить впустую, трата, отходы производства

wear out – изнашиваться, истираться

well (n) – скважина

win-win – беспроигрышный

workability – применимость; обрабатываемость, работоспособность

yield – прибыль, добыча, количество произведенного ресурса;

Раздел 1. Моя специальность


Read and translate the international words into Russian.


Method, gravimeter, magnetometer, seismograph, complex, risky, platform, to inject, percentage, diameter, characteristic, vertical, horizontal, tendency, diagonal, to circulate, technology, thermal, mechanical, chemical, laser, plasma, ultrasonic, to optimize, to circulate, cement.


Learn the vocabulary.

1. annulus (n) – затрубное пространство; межтрубное пространство (между бурильными трубами и стенками скважины через которое происходит циркуляция бурового раствора)

2. apply (v) – применять

3. bit (n) – буровое долото

4. case (v) – обсаживать

5. complete (v) – завершать, заканчивать (скважину)

6. contaminate (v) – загрязнять, заражать

7. deposit (n) – залежь, месторождение

8. deviate (v) – отклонять (скважину)

9. extract (v) – извлекать, добывать

10. field (n) – месторождение, промысел

11. fluid (n) – флюид (жидкость, газ, смесь жидкостей и газов)

12. increase (v), syn. enhance (v) – увеличивать(ся), возрастать

13. layer (n) – слой, пласт

14. petroleum (n), syn. crude oil – сырая нефть

15. pressure (n) – давление

16. pump (v) – нагнетать насосом; прокачивать

17. reach (v) – достигать

18. reduce (v) – снижать, уменьшать

19. reservoir (n) – пласт-коллектор; пластовый резервуар (нефти, газа); нефтеносный слой; газоносный пласт; продуктивный пласт

20. rock formation – формация (горные породы, связанные общностью образования)

21. site (n) – 1. место; местоположение, местонахождение 2. место установки буровой; точка заложения скважины 3. площадка (для проведения работ)

22. string (n) – колонна (труб)

23. surface (n) – поверхность

24. target (n) – цель

25. well (n) – скважина



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