can degenerate, causing Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease. 

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can degenerate, causing Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.

A) Ears;

B) Skin;

C) Nerves;

D) Blood.

... is a column of nervous tissue.

A) Brain;

B) Spinal cord;

C) Neuron;

D) Nerve fibres.

The lymph nodes swell because the lymphatic vessels drain the infection by carrying it to the nearest area where an … can be organized.

A) immunodeficiency disorder;

B) allergic reaction;

C) autoimmune reaction;

D) immune response.

… are a group of diverse conditions in which the immune system doesn’t function adequately, so infections are more common.

A) Immunodeficiency disorders;

B) Autoimmune reactions;

C) Respiratory symptoms;

D) Eye diseases.

The tonsils, two rounded masses of lymphatic tissue, are located in the ….

A) nasopharynx;

B) oropharynx;

C) hypopharynx;

D) lungs.

The healthy person breathes … during exercise and at high altitudes.

A) slower;

B) faster;

C) longer;

D) shorter.

In most cases, the diagnosis of pneumonia is confirmed with a ….

A) urinanalysis;

B) ophthalmoscopy;

C) tympanometry;

D) chest x-ray.

The cerebrum is divided into the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal ….

A) lobes;

B) quarters;

C) extremities;

D) hemispheres.

The inability to feel anything or almost anything is called ….

A) thermoception;

B) nociception;

C) equilibrioception;

D) paresthesia.

The immune system is composed of … and soluble substances.

A) nerves;

B) sense organs;

C) respiration;

D) cells.

… is an infection by one of two viruses that progressively destroys white blood cells, causing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and other diseases that result from the impaired immunity.

A) HIV infection;


C) Allergic reaction;

D) Lower respiratory tract infection.

The third division of the … is the hypopharynx.

A) larynx;

B) pharynx;

C) mouth;

D) hypophysis.

Dyspnea … the amount of exercise that can be performed.

A) expands;

B) enlarges;

C) limits;

D) increases.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the …, usually caused by a virus but also commonly caused by bacteria.

A) middle ear;

B) bronchi;

C) larynx;

D) throat.

The brain and its meninges are contained in a tough, bony protective structure, the ….

A) skull;

B) skin;

C) school;

D) vertebrae.

The inability … anything or almost anything is called paresthesia.

A) to smell;

B) to see;

C) to hear;

D) to feel.

The major cells of the immune system are the ….

A) nervous cells;

B) red blood cells;

C) erythrocytes;

D) white blood cells.

The transmission of HIV requires contact with contaminated … such as blood, semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, and breast milk.

A) body fluid;

B) human hair;

C) toenail;

D) body bone.

The entrance to the larynx is covered by a … called epiglottis.

A) mucous membrane;

B) fluid-containing sac;

C) small flap of muscular tissue;

D) clusters of air sacs.

Pleuritic pain, a sharp pain arising from an irritation in the lining of the lungs, is made … by deep breathing and coughing.

A) better;

B) more pleasant;

C) worse;

D) enjoyable.

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the palatine …, causing enlargement, occasionally to the extent that they nearly touch one another.

A) larynx;

B) pharynx;

C) bronchi;

D) tonsils.

The spinal cord is protected by the … that make up the spinal column.

A) vertebrae;

B) skull;

C) skin;

D) spleen.

The lacrimal nerve of the eye stimulates the tear glands to produce ….

A) blood;

B) mucous;

C) saliva;

D) tears.

Macrophages and neutrophils are large … that ingest microbes and antigens.

A) nervous cells;

B) red blood cells;

C) erythrocytes;

D) white blood cells.

Allergic reactions are reactions of the … in which normal body tissues is injured.

A) immune system;

B) respiratory system;

C) nervous system;

D) sense organs.

In the region of mediastinum, the … divides into two branches called bronchi.

A) nose;

B) pharynx;

C) trachea;

D) epiglottis.

Wheezing is a whistling, musical sound during breathing that results from partially … airways.

A) expanded;

B) increased;

C) obstructed;

D) enlarged.

… is an inflammation of the voice box.

A) Tonsillitis;

B) Pharyngitis;

C) Bronchitis;

D) Laryngitis.

... may include headaches, pain, weakness, poor coordination, diminished or abnormal sensations, fainting, and confusion.

A) Neurologic symptoms;

B) Respiratory symptoms;

C) Dermatologic disorders;

D) Gustation symptoms.

The … consists of the eardrum and a small air-filled chamber containing a chain of three ossicles.

A) outer ear;

B) middle ear;

C) inner ear;

D) labyrinth.

The accumulation of neutrophils and killing and digesting of microbes leads to the formation of ….

A) gas;

B) saliva;

C) blood;

D) pus.

An … can be almost anything – dust, plant pollen, a drug, or food – that acts as an antigen to stimulate an immune response.

A) allergen;

B) antihistamine;

C) antibody;

D) illness.

At the end of the bronchioles there are … called alveoli.

A) mucous membranes;

B) fluid-containing sacs;

C) small flaps of muscular tissue;

D) clusters of air sacs.

The most common cause of recurring wheezing is ….

A) leukemia;

B) cataract;

C) asthma;

D) otitis.

… is an inflammation of the membrane lining a sinus, especially a nasal sinus.

A) Tonsillitis;

B) Pharyngitis;

C) Laryngitis;

D) Sinusitis.

The lower leg jerks when the tendon below the kneecap is gently tapped with a small rubber ….

A) glove;

B) hammer;

C) bronchoscope;

D) injection.

The … consists of the pinna or auricle and the external auditory meatus.

A) outer ear;

B) middle ear;

C) inner ear;

D) labyrinth.

… (also called immunoglobulins) are proteins that interact with the antigen that initially stimulated the B lymphocytes.

A) White blood cells;

B) Red blood cells;

C) Allergens;

D) Antibodies.

… an allergen is better than trying to treat an allergic reaction.

A) Avoiding;

B) Subjecting;

C) Exposing;

D) Eating.

The … of the bronchial branches are called bronchioles.

A) broadest;

B) largest;

C) smallest;

D) biggest.

A doctor usually is able to detect wheezing by listening with a … as the person breathes.

A) laryngoscope;

B) bronchoscope;

C) stethoscope;

D) sterile rubber glove.

Nerve cells collected into bundles called nerves carry … all over the body.

A) electrical messages;

B) external stimuli;

C) internal chemicals;

D) electronic calculations.

Parkinson’s disease is a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the ….

A) nervous system;

B) immune system;

C) respiratory system;

D) gastro-intestinal system.

The … is the outermost, totally cellular layer of the skin forming the waterproof, protective wrap of the body surface.

A) epidermis;

B) dermis;

C) corium layer;

D) subcutaneous adipose layer.

There are 5 classes of …: IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, and IgD.

A) white blood cells;

B) red blood cells;

C) allergens;

D) antibodies.

… are the drugs most commonly used for treating allergies.

A) Antihistamines;

B) Antibiotics;

C) Aspirin;

D) Analgesics.

Each lung is enveloped in a … called pleura.

A) small flap of muscular tissue;

B) cluster of air sacs;

C) double-folded membrane;

D) thin fluid.

Bronchitis is an … of the bronchi usually caused by an infection.

A) irritation;

B) inspection;

C) inflammation;

D) inoculation.

The nervous system can be classified into two major divisions: … and the peripheral nervous system.

A) the middle nervous system;

B) the spinal cord;

C) the autonomic nervous system;

D) the central nervous system.

A tumour is a pathologic new growth that can be either malignant or ….

A) benign;

B) cancerous;

C) neoplasm;

D) ligament.

The subcutaneous adipose layer of the skin is a connective tissue layer which specializes in the formation of ….

A) tears;

B) sweat;

C) hair;

D) fat.


Вставте присудок у правильному часі і стані:

The professor … just … the students about different nervous system tumours.

A) is … told;

B) has … told;

C) does … tell;

D) are … telling.

The patient … blood transfusion before the surgeon entered the operating room.

A) was performed;

B) was being performed;

C) had been performed;

D) had been performing.

The pulmonary abscess usually … via the bronchus.

A) was being drained;

B) had been drained;

C) is drained;

D) drain.

The patient … from constant pain in the ear for several weeks before he visited a doctor.

A) suffered;

B) was suffering;

C) had been suffering;

D) had suffered.

In some days, when the body temperature is normal, the patient … to walk a little.

A) will allow;

B) will be allowed;

C) will be allowing;

D) will have allowed.

… purulent discharge already … into the external auditory canal?

A) Has … poured;

B) Was … poured;

C) Had … poured;

D) Does … pour.

By 3 o’clock the professor … the lecture for half an hour already.

A) will deliver;

B) will have delivered;

C) will be delivering;

D) will have been delivering.

The newborn … HIV infection from his mother suffering from AIDS.

A) had acquired;

B) acquired;

C) was acquired;

D) had been acquired.

… an otolaryngologist easily … among other surgeons by the head mirror he wears attached to his forehead?

A) Does … recognize;

B) Is … recognized;

C) Is …recognizing;

D) Did …recognize.

The doctor … this case for three weeks by the end of the year.

A) is investigating;

B) will be investigating;

C) will have been investigated;

D) will have been investigating.

A week before the admission to the hospital the patient … bronchitis after which his condition did not improve.

A) has had;

B) had had;

C) was having;

D) had.

What … the patient … about when the students entered the doctor’s consulting room?

A) were … being asked;

B) are … asked;

C) was … being asked;

D) were … asked.

The patient … numerous foci of inflammation in the left lung before he underwent the streptomycin treatment.

A) had;

B) had had;

C) was having;

D) has.

Don’t worry. The doctor … here to give help if it ….

A) will be, is needed;

B) will be, will be needed;

C) will is, will needs;

D) shall, shall be needed.

I … the paragraph on types of immunity for half an hour already.

A) have read;

B) am reading;

C) have been reading;

D) have been read.

The nurse … busy this morning, hasn’t she?

A) have been;

B) was;

C) is;

D) has been.

The professor was tired as he … on the rate of AIDS spread in Ukraine for about an hour.

A) had reported;

B) had been reporting;

C) was reporting;

D) had been reported.

The patient with pharyngolaryngitis … antibiotics now.

A) is being injected;

B) is injecting;

C) was injected;

D) will be injecting.

Coughing episodes … recently … by chest pain.

A) did … accompany;

B) has … accompanied;

C) have … been accompanied;

D) was … accompanied.

The lecturer told us that a day later we … a test on the anatomy of the brain and spinal cord.

A) will write;

B) would write;

C) write;

D) are writing.

The patient … blood transfusion before the surgeon entered the operating room.

A) was performed;

B) was being performed;

C) had been performed;

D) had been performing.

The pulmonary abscess usually … via the bronchus.

A) was being drained;

B) had been drained;

C) is drained;

D) drain.

The patient … from constant pain in the ear for several weeks before he visited a doctor.

A) suffered;

B) was suffering;

C) had been suffering;

D) had suffered.

In some days, when the body temperature is normal, the patient … to walk a little.

A) will allow;

B) will be allowed;

C) will be allowing;

D) will have allowed.

… purulent discharge already … into the external auditory canal?

A) Has … poured;

B) Was … poured;

C) Had … poured;

D) Does … pour.

By 3 o’clock the professor … the lecture for half an hour already.

A) will deliver;

B) will have delivered;

C) will be delivering;

D) will have been delivering.

A man … unconscious for a few minutes before an ambulance arrived.

A) were;

B) has been;

C) had been;

D) was.

The patient … for the doctor since seven o’clock.

A) waited;

B) had waited;

C) has been waiting;

D) is waiting.

She … for her stethoscope since she came to the hospital.

A) looks;

B) had looked;

C) is looking;

D) has been looking.

Usually I … coffee in the morning. I … from hypertension.

A) don’t have / suffer;

B) haven’t / am suffering;

C) am not having / suffer;

D) have / suffer.

I … as a doctor at this hospital for five years.

A) has worked;

B) have been working;

C) was worked;

D) am working.

John … for his examination in Anatomy for an hour and a half already.

A) was preparing;

B) has been preparing;

C) is preparing;

D) has prepared.

Why … she … tired? – She … all night.

A) is … look / didn’t sleep;

B) do … look / don’t slept;

C) will … look / isn’t sleeping;

D) does … look / hasn’t been sleeping.

The operation … for half an hour by the time the intern entered the operating room.

A) had been lasting;

B) was lasting;

C) had lasted;

D) lasted.

The patients with allergies … usually … with antihistamines.

A) do … treat;

B) is … treated;

C) are … treating;

D) are … treated.

The doctor was not sure so a chest x-ray … to be really sure the patient … pneumonia.

A) needed / develops;

B) needs / have developed;

C) was needing / was developing;

D) was needed / had developed.

The students … the problem of HIV and AIDS prevention for twenty minutes when I entered the class-room.

A) was discussing;

B) had been discussing;

C) will be discussing;

D) had discussed.

They … married for five years when Tom got to know that he suffered from congenital immunodeficiency disorder.

A) are;

B) had been;

C) has been;

D) was.

That patient suffering from cough … by 9 o’clock.

A) won’t have been examined;

B) will be examined;

C) will be examining;

D) won’t have examined.

People who … very sick … at home.

A) isn’t / treats;

B) aren’t / are treated;

C) wasn’t / treated;

D) hasn’t been / is treating.

The newborn … HIV infection from his mother suffering from AIDS.

A) had acquired;

B) acquired;

C) was acquired;

D) had been acquired.

Recently our medicine … great progress in different skin diseases treatment.

A) made;

B) has made;

C) is making;

D) had made.

The neurologist … electromyography and nerve conducting velocity tests from 9 till 10 tomorrow.

A) will perform;

B) will be performing;

C) will have performed;

D) will be performed.

He said that the professor … the students about different ear, nose and throat disorders for an hour and a half.

A) had been telling;

B) has told;

C) will have been telling;

D) has been telling.

Miotic drugs … in the eye by that time.

A) won’t be instilled;

B) won’t be instilling;

C) won’t have been instilled;

D) won’t instill.

John … in hospital since October.

A) is;

B) were;

C) are;

D) has been.

Prof. Shevchuk … Anatomy at our university since 1984.

A) is teaching;

B) was teaching;

C) had taught;

D) has been teaching.

The students … the effectiveness of vaccine usage in preventing of some types of influenza since eight o’clock.

A) discussed;

B) had discussed;

C) are discussing;

D) have been discussing.

Beth … already … some case histories and … four patients this morning.

A) was written / was received;

B) has written / received;

C) has written / receives;

D) have written / received.

… prof. Shevchuk … at this hospital for 20 years before retirement?

A) Has … worked;

B) Had... been working;

C) Did … work;

D) Is … working.

The patient with pharyngolaryngitis … antibiotics now.

A) is being injected;

B) is injecting;

C) is injected;

D) has injected.

The patient … by pulmonologist at the moment.

A) is being examined;

B) is examining;

C) has been examined;

D) is examined.

There … four nurses and an old doctor in the polyclinic.

A) was;

B) is;

C) were;

D) did.

How long … you … English?

A) has … learnt;

B) are … learning;

C) have … been learning;

D) is … learnt.

The outstanding physician Dick White … at his reference book in Immunology for two years already.

A) is working;

B) has been working;

C) was working;

D) had worked.

What … they … now? – They … a very important problem of autoimmune reactions and immunodeficiency disorders treatment.

A) do … do / have discussed;

B) did … do / discuss;

C) are … doing / are discussing;

D) is … done / is discussed.

The patients … for the doctor for a quarter of an hour before appeared at the polyclinic, had they?

A) weren’t waiting;

B) wasn’t waiting;

C) hadn’t been waiting;

D) hasn’t waited.

… the patient … antibiotics by the nurse when the doctor entered the ward?

A) Was … injecting;

B) Was … being injected;

C) Was …injected;

D) Were … being injected.

Antibiotics … for patients with preexisting lung disease.

A) is being used;

B) are used;

C) uses;

D) was using.

Some years ago cerebral studies … by means of electrodes.

A) were carried out;

B) was carried out;

C) carried out;

D) had been carried out.

This patient has developed severe complications that’s why he … from the hospital tomorrow.

A) won’t discharge;

B) won’t be discharged;

C) shan’t be discharged;

D) won’t be discharging.

I … for the findings of my blood analysis for an hour already.

A) have been waiting;

B) is waiting;

C) wait;

D) have waited.

Barbara … a nurse for 20 years in this clinic and she is still working here.

A) have been;

B) were;

C) has been;

D) was.

Only two fat-soluble vitamins … in the body to any extent.

A) are storing;

B) was stored;

C) stores;

D) are stored.

I … for the doctor since 8 o’clock. I can’t wait any more as I have fever and pain in the chest.

A) have waited;

B) have been waiting;

C) am waiting;

D) waited.

John … for the results of ELISA test for two days when the laboratory assistant said it was negative.

A) waited;

B) has waited;

C) is waiting;

D) had been waiting.

The doctors were almost sure that infectious bronchitis in this patient … by Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

A) caused;

B) had been caused;

C) causes;

D) were being caused.

Last year antibiotics … me as the infection … by a virus.

A) didn’t help / was caused;

B) don’t help / is caused;

C) hasn’t helped / has been caused;

D) was helping / was causing.

The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis … usually … after several visits to the dermatologist.

A) is … established;

B) is … establishing;

C) were … established;

D) had … been established.

At this time yesterday the nerve conducting velocity test …by the doctor to recognize chronic polyneuropathy.

A) was performed;

B) had been performing;

C) was being performed;

D) had been performed.

… you ever … any injury of the ear?

A) Did … have;

B) Have … had;

C) Had …had;

D) Do … have.

By the time you come back the apparatus for blood transfusion … by the nurse.

A) will be preparing;

B) will be prepared;

C) will have been prepared;

D) will have been preparing.

Two years ago a slowly progressing degenerative disorder of the nervous system … in this patient.

A) was diagnosed;

B) diagnosed;

C) had been diagnosed;

D) has been diagnosed.

While the patient …, the nurse was filling in the case history.

A) was being examined;

B) was examined;

C) examined;

D) are being examined.

The patient with encephalomyelitis … severe complications because he was timely diagnosed and adequately treated.

A) wasn’t developed;

B) didn’t develop;

C) didn’t developed;

D) haven’t developed.

A variety of symptoms and complications … before the doctor made a correct diagnosis.

A) analyzed;

B) had analyzed;

C) had been analyzed;

D) were analyzed.

The dentist … the tooth by the time we come.

A) will fill;

B) had filled;

C) will have filled;

D) was filling.

I … the paragraph on types of immunity for half an hour.

A) have been reading;

B) read;

C) am reading;

D) am read.

She … the lecture on autoimmune reactions for twenty minutes already.

A) is studying;

B) was studying;

C) had studied;

D) has been studying.

The scientists … the problem of autoimmune reactions and immunodeficiency disorders treatment for several hours; but they … the agreement yet.

A) are discussing / don’t reach;

B) was discussing / didn’t reach;

C) has discussed / hasn’t reached;

D) have been discussing / haven’t reached.

I … an interesting article on strategies for an AIDS vaccine for half an hour when the librarian said they were going to close.

A) read;

B) was reading;

C) had read;

D) had been reading.

The patient suffering from dyspnea … just ….

A) has … examined;

B) have … been examined;

C) has … been examined;

D) was examined.

Deep-breathing exercises … by my granny the whole evening yesterday in order to prevent pneumonia.

A) was performed;

B) we performing;

C) were being performed;

D) has been performed.

At this time on Tuesday the patient … by the doctor to obtain the medical history.

A) was interviewing;

B) was being interviewed;

C) had been interviewed;

D) had interviewed.

The patient with pneumonia … 1 gr of norsulphasol every six hours for the following 10 days already when he began to feel better.

A) was receiving;

B) received;

C) had been received;

D) had been receiving.

Tomorrow an ophthalmologist … the conjunctival sac with disinfectant solution.

A) will be washing out;

B) will wash out;

C) will be washed out;

D) will have washed out.

All tomorrow morning the doctor … diagnostic tests and procedures to confirm neurologic disorder suggested by the medical history.

A) will perform;

B) will be performed;

C) will be performing;

D) will have been performed.

… a blockage in the blood supply to the brain … a stroke yesterday or the day before yesterday?

A) Had …caused;

B) Did … cause;

C) Was… causing;

D) Did … caused.

The current symptoms … by the patient now.

A) are described;

B) are being described;

C) are describing;

D) have been described.

My sister’s state of health … since she was discharged from the hospital.

A) didn’t change;

B) isn’t changed;

C) hasn’t changed;

D) wasn’t changed.

The patient has lost a considerable amount of blood, that’s why he … a blood transfusion now.

A) gives;

B) is giving;

C) is being given;

D) had been given.

All our nurses … rather reliable, … they?

A) is / are;

B) aren’t / aren’t;

C) are / aren’t;

D) will be / aren’t.

How long … you … in the hospital?

A) have … been staying;

B) had … stayed;

C) are … staying;

D) does … stay.

This little boy … special immunostimulator drugs since he injured his eye.

A) took;

B) takes;

C) have been taking;

D) has been taking.

Samantha dared to tell Derek about her HIV contamination, as she … him for many years.

A) had known;

B) had been knowing;

C) was known;

D) were known.

My friend … chest surgery this week so it’s not a surprise he … pneumonia some minutes ago.

A) had / diagnosed;

B) had / has been diagnosed;

C) has had / was diagnosed;

D) was having / was being diagnosed.

Enlarged adenoids in this child repeatedly … recurring infections last year.

A) provokes;

B) provoked;

C) will provoke;

D) was provoked.

Don’t phone Tom from 5 to 7. He … English.

A) will have had;

B) will have;

C) has;

D) will be having.

She … the test in Histology for ten minutes.

A) is written;

B) has been writing;

C) is writing;

D) writes.

I … to understand your report on the immune response for half an hour.

A) tried;

B) try;

C) have been trying;

D) has tried.

The professor was tired as he … on the rate of AIDS spread in Ukraine for about an hour.

A) has been reporting;

B) reported;

C) is reporting;

D) reports.

Olga … in hospital for a week already when her boyfriend called on.

A) were;

B) will be;

C) had been;

D) have been.

… the patient with chest pain … before the nurse entered the ward?

A) Was … examined;

B) Was … examining;

C) Have … been examined;

D) Had … been examined.

That newborn with pneumonia … mechanical respiratory support yesterday but it … now.

A) needed / doesn’t need;

B) has needed / don’t need;

C) was needed / isn’t needing;

D) needs / didn’t need.

The dermatologist … that red crusted rash on my face … by atopic dermatitis.

A) had said / had been causing;

B) said / is caused;

C) said / was caused;

D) say / is causing.

When … you … your last asthma attack?

A) will … have;

B) did … have;

C) are … having;

D) had … had.

The cranial nerves, motor nerves, sensory nerves, and reflexes of this patient … now.

A) are being examined;

B) examined;

C) will be examined;

D) have examined.

To improve the patient’s sleep and the condition of his nervous system he … bromide during the whole course of the disease until he was discharged from the hospital.

A) had been taken;

B) had been taking;

C) was taken;

D) took.

This patient … fully because he suffers from AIDS.

A) won’t cure;

B) won’t be curing;

C) won’t be cured;

D) won’t have been cured.

While the patient … by the physician he said that a dry cough had developed two days before.

A) was asking;

B) asked;

C) was being asked;

D) has been asked.

When all the received stimuli … the brain sends orders through the nerve fibers in the spinal cord to different parts of the human body.

A) has been analyzed;

B) have been analyzed;

C) is analyzed;

D) is analyzing.

By 3 o’clock on Monday the professor … the lecture on the immunity for half an hour already.

A) was delivering;

B) will deliver;

C) will be delivering;

D) will have been delivering.

Before the lesson was over all the students … the final test on the last modulus.

A) had written;

B) had been written;

C) has been written;

D) was writing.

All morning the doctor … diagnostic tests and procedures to confirm nuerologic disorder suggested by the medical history.

A) will perform;

B) will be performed;

C) will be performing;

D) will performing.

Diseases of the inner ear … often … with deafness.

A) are … associated;

B) is … associated;

C) are … associating;

D) are … being associated.

Henry usually wears glasses and now he … sunglasses.

A) wears;

B) has worn;

C) wore;

D) is wearing.

They … the operation since nine o’clock.

A) perform;

B) have been performing;

C) had performed;

D) will be performing.

This patient … by the ophthalmologist five days ago.

A) were treated;

B) was treating;

C) is treated;

D) was treated.

Doctor Kovalenko was tired and angry, as nurses on duty … him all night to report on his patients’ state of health.

A) had rang;

B) were ringing;

C) had been ringing;

D) rang.

An old man suffering from pneumonia … by 8 a.m. tomorrow. He … intravenous antibiotics.

A) had been hospitalized / was given;

B) have been hospitalized / are giving;

C) is hospitalizing / has given;

D) will have been hospitalized / will be given.

Infectious bronchitis often … with symptoms of a common cold.

A) are started;

B) is starting;

C) has been started;

D) starts.

My grandmother … by the dermatologist now. The doctor … thorough examination of her skin for a quarter of an hour.

A) is examining / has performed;

B) was examining / had performed;

C) is examined / has performed;

D) is being examined / has been performing.

Before admission to the hospital the patient aged 48 … lobular pneumonia gradually for weeks.

A) developed;

B) were developing;

C) had been developing;

D) had developed.

When … HIV infection first … in this patient with pneumonia?

A) was … detected;

B) did … detect;

C) was … being detected;

D) had … detected.

The students … lectures on eye diseases since the professor went to Kyiv.

A) didn’t attend;

B) wasn’t attended;

C) haven’t attended;

D) hadn’t attended.

At that moment a needle … in the spinal canal to obtain a sample of cerebro-spinal fluid.

A) was inserted;

B) inserted;

C) had been inserted;

D) was being inserted.

The patient … difficulty in breathing yesterday.

A) didn’t have;

B) wasn’t having;

C) hadn’t had;

D) doesn’t have.

When the nurse entered the doctor’s consulting room, the patient … by the neurologist.

A) is being examined;

B) was being examined;

C) is examining;

D) was examining.

When … the vaccine … subcutaneously to produce a more active resistance of the protective mechanisms of the body?

A) will … inject;

B) will … be injected;

C) will … be injecting;

D) will … have been injecting.

The doctor … the patient closely for serious complications for half an hour already.

A) examines;

B) have examined;

C) is examining;

D) has been examining.

In Parkinson’s disease nerve cells in basal ganglia usually …, resulting in lower production of dopamine.

A) degenerates;

B) are degenerating;

C) degenerate;

D) have degenerated.

The scientist … immunologic measurements in people with AIDS with those of healthy people all morning on Monday.

A) will compare;

B) will be compared;

C) will be comparing;

D) will have been compared.

X-ray image of the spinal cord … by the doctor now to detect abnormalities within the spinal column.

A) is taking;

B) has taken;

C) is being taken;

D) has been taken.

What … this laboratory assistant … here since morning?

A) are … doing;

B) was … doing;

C) has been … doing;

D) will be … doing.

The teacher … a lecture on different types of immunity by 9 a.m.

A) had started;

B) was starting;

C) has started;

D) started.

Don’t disturb him. He … at his report on immunoglobulins.

A) is working;

B) was working;

C) works;

D) have worked.

The nurse … the leg of the patient with dermatitis for some minutes when the doctor … the ward.

A) was dressing / was entered;

B) had been dressing / entered;

C) has been dressed / had entered;

D) was dressed / was entered.

I am out of breath. I … for almost thirty minutes.

A) run;

B) am running;

C) have been running;

D) has run.

Irritative bronchitis … usually … by various kinds of dust.

A) is … causing;

B) were … caused;

C) is … caused;

D) was … being caused.

The airways … obstructed by the time you take some expectorant.

A) shall be;

B) will have been;

C) is;

D) was.

He … nightmares before he saw that horror-film.

A) hasn’t;

B) hadn’t had;

C) haven’t had;

D) hasn’t had.

I can’t answer your question now, I … everything about lymphocytes.

A) remember not;

B) am not remembering;

C) don’t remember;

D) hasn’t remembered.

How many months … they … this polyclinic?

A) has … built;

B) is … building;

C) will … have built;

D) have … been building.

The mother … since the pediatrician said that her daughter had congenital immunodeficiency.

A) is crying;

B) has been crying;

C) has cried;

D) cries.

Small amount of white sputum … just … by the patient suffering from bronchitis.

A) has been … coughed out;

B) were … coughed out;

C) is … coughing out;

D) will … cough out.

This patient usually … from dermatitis of the hands and feet in autumn.

A) is suffering;

B) was suffering;

C) have suffered;

D) suffers.

By that time the doctor … already … the patient treatment for seborrheic dermatitis.

A) was … administered;

B) had … administered;

C) were … administering;

D) has … been administered.

Tom … well recently.

A) doesn’t feel;

B) hasn’t felt;

C) isn’t feeling;

D) haven’t felt.

The student knew the paragraph on lymphatic vessels by heart when she … it several times.

A) had read;

B) will read;

C) was reading;

D) has read.

I … this patient suffering from beriberi two years ago.

A) have seen;

B) saw;

C) will see;

D) am seeing.

Her sister … at district polyclinic № 4 since 1995.

A) is working;

B) has been working;

C) had worked;

D) will have worked.

My granny … from the hospital the day before yesterday.

A) discharges;

B) will be discharged;

C) is being discharged;

D) was discharged.

Tomorrow the diagnosis of bronchitis … by the doctor even on the basis of your symptoms only.

A) will make;

B) will be making;

C) will be made;

D) is being made.

Dry skin … common in people after 40 past middle age.

A) were;

B) have been;

C) is;

D) will have been.

The patient … blood transfusion before the surgeon entered the operating room.

A) were performing;

B) being performed;

C) had been performed;

D) have been performing.

The pulmonary abscess usually … via the bronchus.

A) was being drained;

B) had been drained;

C) is drained;

D) drain.

The patient … from constant pain in the ear for several weeks before he visited a doctor.

A) suffered;

B) were suffering;

C) had been suffering;

D) have suffered.

In some days, when the body temperature is normal, the patient … to walk a little.

A) will allow;

B) will be allowed;

C) will be allowing;

D) will have allowed.

… purulent discharge already … into the external auditory canal?

A) Has … poured;

B) Was … poured;

C) Had … poured;

D) Does … pours.

By 3 o’clock the professor … the lecture for half an hour already.

A) deliver;

B) shall have delivered;

C) will be delivered;

D) will have been delivering.

The newborn … HIV infection from his mother suffering from AIDS.

A) have acquired;

B) acquired;

C) was acquired;

D) had been acquired.

The patient … for the doctor since seven o’clock.

A) waited;

B) had waited;

C) has been waiting;

D) is waiting.

They … married for five years when Tom got to know that he suffered from congenital immunodeficiency disorder.

A) are;

B) had been;

C) has been;

D) was.

A man … unconscious for a few minutes before an ambulance arrived.

A) were;

B) has been;

C) had been;

D) was.

The students … the problem of HIV and AIDS prevention for twenty minutes when I entered the class-room.

A) was discussing;

B) had been discussing;

C) will be discussing;

D) had discussed.

That patient suffering from cough … by 9 o’clock.

A) won’t have been examined;

B) will be examined;

C) will be examining;

D) won’t have examined.

People who … very sick … at home.

A) isn’t / treats;

B) aren’t / are treated;

C) wasn’t / treated;

D) hasn’t been / is treating.

She … for her stethoscope since she came to the hospital.

A) looks;

B) had looked;

C) is looking;

D) has been looking.

I … for the doctor since 8 o’clock. I can’t wait any more as I have fever and pain in the chest.

A) have waited;

B) have been waiting;

C) am waiting;

D) waited.

The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis … usually … after several visits to the dermatologist.

A) is … established;

B) is … establishing;

C) were … established;

D) had … been established.

John … for the results of ELISA test for two days when the laboratory assistant said it was negative.

A) waited;

B) has waited;

C) is waiting;

D) had been waiting.

Barbara … a nurse for 20 years in this clinic and she is still working here.

A) have been;

B) were;

C) has been;

D) was.

The doctors were almost sure that infectious bronchitis in this patient … by Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

A) caused;

B) had been caused;

C) causes;

D) were being caused.

Last year antibiotics … me as the infection … by a virus.

A) didn’t help / was caused;

B) don’t help / is caused;

C) hasn’t helped / has been caused;

D) was helping / was causing.

Only two fat-soluble vitamins … in the body to any extent.

A) are storing;

B) was stored;

C) stores;

D) are stored.

How long … you … in the hospital?

A) have … been staying;

B) had … stayed;

C) are … staying;

D) does … stay.

Enlarged adenoids in this child repeatedly … recurring infections last year.

A) provokes;

B) provoked;

C) will provoke;

D) was provoked.

Ann dared to tell John about her HIV contamination, as she … him for many years.

A) had known;

B) had been knowing;

C) was known;

D) were known.

All our nurses … rather reliable, … they?

A) is / are;

B) aren’t / aren’t;

C) are / aren’t;

D) will be / aren’t.

My friend … chest surgery this week so it’s not a surprise he … pneumonia some minutes ago.

A) had / diagnosed;

B) had / has been diagnosed;

C) has had / was diagnosed;

D) was having / was being diagnosed.

The dermatologist … that red crusted rash on my face … by atopic dermatitis.

A) had said / had been causing;

B) said / is caused;

C) said / was caused;

D) say / is causing.

This little boy … special immunostimulator drugs since he injured his eye.

A) took;

B) takes;

C) have been taking;

D) has been taking.

They … the operation since nine o’clock.

A) perform;

B) have been performing;

C) had performed;

D) will be performing.

Infectious bronchitis often … with symptoms of a common cold.

A) are started;

B) is starting;

C) has been started;

D) starts.

Doctor Kovalenko was tired and angry, as nurses on duty … him all night to report on his patients’ state of health.

A) had rang;

B) were ringing;

C) had been ringing;

D) rang.

An old man suffering from pneumonia … by 8 a.m. tomorrow. He … intravenous antibiotics.

A) had been hospitalized / was given;

B) have been hospitalized / are giving;

C) is hospitalizing / has given;

D) will have been hospitalized / will be given.

Henry usually wears glasses and now he … sunglasses.

A) wears;

B) has worn;

C) wore;

D) is wearing.

My grandmother … by the dermatologist now. The doctor … thorough examination of her skin for a quarter of an hour.

A) is examining / has performed;

B) was examining / had performed;

C) is examined / has performed;

D) is being examined / has been performing.

This patient … by the ophthalmologist five days ago.

A) were treated;

B) was treating;

C) is treated;

D) was treated.

The teacher … a lecture on different types of immunity by 9 a.m.

A) had started;

B) was starting;

C) has started;

D) started.

The nurse … the leg of the patient with dermatitis for some minutes when the doctor … the ward.

A) was dressing / was entered;

B) had been dressing / entered;

C) has been dressed / had entered;

D) was dressed / was entered.

What … this laboratory assistant … here since morning?

A) are … doing;

B) was … doing;

C) has been … doing;

D) will be … doing.

Irritative bronchitis … usually … by various kinds of dust.

A) is … causing;

B) were … caused;

C) is … caused;

D) was … being caused.

I am out of breath. I … for almost thirty minutes.

A) run;

B) am running;

C) have been running;

D) has run.

Don’t disturb him. He … at his report on immunoglobulins.

A) is working;

B) was working;

C) works;

D) have worked.

The airways … obstructed by the time you take some expectorant.

A) shall be;

B) will have been;

C) is;

D) was.

I can’t answer your question now, I … everything about lymphocytes.

A) remember not;

B) am not remembering;

C) don’t remember;

D) hasn’t remembered.

This patient usually … from dermatitis of the hands and feet in autumn.

A) is suffering;

B) was suffering;

C) have suffered;

D) suffers.

How many months … they … this polyclinic?

A) has … built;

B) is … building;

C) will … have build;

D) have … been building.

The mother … since the pediatrician said that her daughter had congenital immunodeficiency.

A) is crying;

B) has been crying;

C) has cried;

D) cries.

By that time the doctor … already … the patient treatment for seborrheic dermatitis.

A) was … administered;

B) had … administered;

C) were … administering;

D) has … been administered.

He … nightmares before he saw that horror-film.

A) hasn’t;

B) hadn’t had;

C) haven’t had;

D) hasn’t had.

Small amount of white sputum … just … by the patient suffering from bronchitis.

A) has been … coughed out;

B) were … coughed out;

C) is … coughing out;

D) will … cough out.

He knew the paragraph on lymphatic vessels by heart when she … it several times.

A) had read;

B) will read;

C) was reading;

D) has read.

I am sure that tomorrow the diagnosis of bronchitis … by the doctor even on the basis of your symptoms only.

A) will make;

B) will be making;

C) will be made;

D) is being made.

Her sister … at district polyclinic № 4 since 1995.

A) is working;

B) has been working;

C) had worked;

D) will have worked.

Tom … well recently.

A) doesn’t feel;

B) hasn’t felt;

C) isn’t feeling;

D) haven’t felt.

My granny … from the hospital the day before yesterday.

A) discharges;

B) will be discharged;

C) is being discharged;

D) was discharged.

I … this patient suffering from beriberi two years ago.

A) have seen;

B) saw;

C) will see;

D) am seeing.

Dry skin … common in people after 40 past middle age.

A) were;

B) have been;

C) is;

D) will have been.


The pulmonary abscess usually … via the bronchus.

A) was being drained;

B) had been drained;

C) is drained;

D) drain.

The newborn … HIV infection from his mother suffering from AIDS.

A) have acquired;

B) acquired;

C) was acquired;

D) had been acquired.

In some days, when the body temperature is normal, the patient … to walk a little.

A) will allow;

B) will be allowed;

C) will be allowing;

D) will have allowed.

… purulent discharge already … into the external auditory canal?

A) Has … poured;

B) Was … poured;

C) Had … poured;

D) Does … pours.

The patient … from constant pain in the ear for several weeks before he visited a doctor.

A) suffered;

B) were suffering;

C) had been suffering;

D) have suffered.

The patient … blood transfusion before the surgeon entered the operating room.

A) were performing;

B) being performed;

C) had been performed;

D) have been performing.

By 3 o’clock the professor … the lecture for half an hour already.

A) deliver;

B) shall have delivered;

C) will be delivered;

D) will have been delivering.

A man … unconscious for a few minutes before an ambulance arrived.

A) were;

B) has been;

C) had been;

D) was.

The patient … for the doctor since seven o’clock.

A) waited;

B) had waited;

C) has been waiting;

D) is waiting.

She … for her stethoscope since she came to the hospital.

A) looks;

B) had looked;

C) is looking;

D) has been looking.

The students … the problem of HIV and AIDS prevention for twenty minutes when I entered the class-room.

A) was discussing;

B) had been discussing;

C) will be discussing;

D) had discussed.

They … married for five years when Tom got to know that he suffered from congenital immunodeficiency disorder.

A) are;

B) had been;

C) has been;

D) was.

That patient suffering from cough … by 9 o’clock.

A) won’t have been examined;

B) will be examined;

C) will be examining;

D) won’t have examined.

People who … very sick … at home.

A) isn’t / treats;

B) aren’t / are treated;

C) wasn’t / treated;

D) hasn’t been / is treating.

Barbara … a nurse for 20 years in this clinic and she is still working here.

A) have been;

B) were;

C) has been;

D) was.

He … English since 1991.

A) have taught;

B) was taught;

C) is teaching;

D) has been teaching.

I … for the doctor since 8 o’clock. I can’t wait any more as I have fever and pain in the chest.

A) have waited;

B) have been waiting;

C) am waiting;

D) waited.

John … for the results of ELISA test for two days when the laboratory assistant said it was negative.

A) waited;

B) has waited;

C) is waiting;

D) had been waiting.

The doctors were almost sure that infectious bronchitis in this patient … by Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

A) caused;

B) had been caused;

C) causes;

D) were being caused.

Last year antibiotics … me as the infection … by a virus.

A) didn’t help / was caused;

B) don’t help / is caused;

C) hasn’t helped / has been caused;

D) was helping / was causing.

The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis … usually … after several visits to the dermatologist.

A) is … established;

B) is … establishing;

C) were … established;

D) had … been established.

All our nurses … rather reliable, … they?

A) is / are;

B) aren’t / aren’t;

C) are / aren’t;

D) will be / aren’t.

How long … you … in hospital?

A) have … been staying;

B) had … stayed;

C) are … staying;

D) does … stay.

This little boy … special immunostimulator drugs since he injured his eye.

A) took;

B) takes;

C) have been taking;

D) has been taking.

Samantha dared to tell Derek about her HIV contamination, as she … him for many years.

A) had known;

B) had been knowing;

C) was known;

D) were known.

My friend … chest surgery this week so it’s not a surprise he … pneumonia some minutes ago.

A) had / diagnosed;

B) had / has been diagnosed;

C) has had / was diagnosed;

D) was having / was being diagnosed.

Enlarged adenoids in this child repeatedly … recurring infections last year.

A) provokes;

B) provoked;

C) will provoke;

D) was provoked.

The dermatologist … that red crusted rash on my face … by atopic dermatitis.

A) had said / had been causing;

B) said / is caused;

C) said / was caused;

D) say / is causing.

Henry usually wears glasses and now he … sunglasses.

A) wears;

B) has worn;

C) wore;

D) is wearing.

They … the operation since nine o’clock.

A) perform;

B) have been performing;

C) had performed;

D) will be performing.

The student … through the medical journals since early morning. He wants to find something concerning autoimmune reactions.

A) looks;

B) is looking;

C) have been looking;

D) has been looking.

Doctor Kovalenko was tired and angry, as nurses on duty … him all night to report on his patients’ state of health.

A) had rang;

B) were ringing;

C) had been ringing;

D) rang.

An old man suffering from pneumonia … by 8 a.m. tomorrow. He … intravenous antibiotics.

A) had been hospitalized / was given;

B) have been hospitalized / are giving;

C) is hospitalizing / has given;

D) will have been hospitalized / will be given.

Infectious bronchitis often … with symptoms of a common cold.

A) is started;

B) is starting;

C) has been started;

D) starts.

My grandmother … by the dermatologist now. The doctor … thorough examination of her skin for a quarter of an hour.

A) is examining / has performed;

B) was examining / had performed;

C) is examined / has performed;

D) is being examined / has been performing.

Don’t disturb him. He … at his report on immunoglobulins.

A) is working;

B) was working;

C) works;

D) have worked.

The teacher … a lecture on different types of immunity by 9 a.m.

A) had started;

B) was starting;

C) has started;

D) started.

What … this laboratory assistant … here since morning?

A) is … doing;

B) was … doing;

C) has been … doing;

D) will be … doing.

I am out of breath. I … for almost thirty minutes.

A) run;

B) am running;

C) have been running;

D) has run.

Irritative bronchitis … usually … by various kinds of dust.

A) is … causing;

B) will … be caused;

C) is … caused;

D) was … being caused.

The airways … obstructed by the time you take some expectorant.

A) shall be;

B) will have been;

C) is;

D) was.

The nurse … the leg of the patient with dermatitis for some minutes when the doctor … the ward.

A) was dressing / was entered;

B) had been dressing / entered;

C) has been dressing / had entered;

D) was dressed / was entered.

He … nightmares before he saw that horror-film.

A) hasn’t;

B) hadn’t had;


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