CP: Final class on the methods examination of the patients with digestive system diseases. 

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CP: Final class on the methods examination of the patients with digestive system diseases.

1. Name the main complaints of the patient about, typical for digestive system diseases.

2. Inspect the abdomen and show how it is divided into topographical area. Give clinical evaluation

3. Name symptoms which are characteristic for liver diseases.

4. Carry out of the superficial palpation of the abdomen and give conclusion..

5. Carry out of the deep palpation of the abdomen (greater curvature of the stomach, different parts of large intestine, pancreas, gallbladder and liver), give conclusion.

Theme № 15

Inquiry, inspection, palpation and percussion of the patients with diseases of the urinary system.

1. Name the main functions of the kidneys.

2. What are the main complaints and their diagnostic value in diseases of the kidney.

3. What is special about pain in renal pathology.

4. Clinical manifestations dysuretic syndrome.

5. Characteristics of edema syndrome in renal disease.

6. Features of examination of patients with kidney disease.

7. What are the pain points in the pathology of the urinary system.

8. Diagnostic value of symptoms Pasternatsky.

9. Which diseases do the kidney palpable?

Theme № 16

Principles of laboratory diagnostics kidney diseases: urine analysis; Zimnitcky's, Nechiporenko's and Reberg’s tests.

1. Features of the collection of urine for urinalysis, Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky, Rehberg tests.

2. The diagnostic value of the main indicators of the urinalysis.

3. Laboratory signs pyelo- and glomerulonephritis.

4. Laboratory symptoms of renal colic.

5. Change the urinalysis in patients with diabetes, liver disease.

6. Diagnostic value Nechiporenko test.

7. The diagnostic value of the Zimnitsky test.

8. What are the indicators of the excretory and the concentration functions of the kidneys by Zimnitsky test?

9. The diagnostic value of the s Rehberg test.       

Theme № 17

The basic symptoms and syndromes of the patients with kidney diseases: inflammation, urinary, nephrotic, oedematic, hypertensive, acute and chronic renal failure, renal colic, renal eclampsia. Clinical features of the glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. Chronic kidney disease.

CP: Principles of syndromic diagnosis of the urinary system diseases.

1. What are the main renal syndromes.

2. What clinical and laboratory manifestations of the syndrome of inflammation. In what diseases it is found?

3. Clinical manifestations of renal colic and laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

4. Pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome.

5. How can be distinguished edematous and nephrotic syndromes with clinical and laboratory signs?

6. The clinical course of hypertensive syndrome in renal disease.

7. Diagnosis of the renal eclampsia syndrome.

8. The characteristic of acute renal failure and chronic renal failure.

9. What is the CKD.

10. Name the clinical manifestations of glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.

11. CP: Give the clinical and laboratory characteristics of the proposed renal syndrome (inflammation, nephrotic, renal colic, acute and chronic renal failure).

Theme № 18

Laboratory diagnostics of the respiratory system diseases: sputum and pleural fluid analysis. Diagnostics of the respiratory failure syndrome. Principles of the spirogram recording and interpretation.

1. What are the main laboratory and instrumental methods of diagnosis used in the diagnosis of respiratory diseases and their diagnostic value?

2. What are the rules for collection of sputum for laboratory testing?

3. What indicators are defined in the sputum analysis?

4. What changes in the sputum analysis are characteristic of inflammatory diseases?

5. What is the difference between mucus in bronchitis and lobar pneumonia?

6. What changes in the analysis of sputum are typical for destructive diseases of the lungs?

7. What are the changes in the analysis of sputum are typical for pulmonary tuberculosis?

8. What changes in the analysis of sputum are typical for lung cancer?

9. What are the changes in the analysis of sputum are typical for bronchial asthma?

10. Technique of taking pleural fluid for laboratory examination

11. What are typical indicators of analysis of transudate pleural fluid?

12. What are typical indicators of analysis of exudate pleural fluid?

13. What are the clinical signs of respiratory failure.

14. Principle of classification of chronic respiratory failure.

15. The method of detecting spirogram.

16. What are the main indicators spirogram and their diagnostic value

17. Classification of respiratory failure as a result of spirography.

18. What are spirogram signs of obstructive and restrictive types of respiratory failure?




Theme № 19

The basic symptoms and syndromes of the patients with respiratory system diseases: consolidation of the lung tissue, increased airiness of the lung, bronchial obstruction, cavity in the lung, accumulation of the air and liquid in the pleural cavity. Clinical features of the bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, pleurisy.

 CP: Principles of syndromic diagnosis of the respiratory system diseases.

1. What is a syndrome? What syndromes most commonly encountered in diseases of the respiratory system.

2. What are the causes of the syndrome consolidation of the lung tissue, at what diseases he encountered?

3. What are the physical data and other research methods with the syndrome consolidation of the lung tissue.

4. What are the causes of the syndrome of bronchial obstruction, at what diseases he encountered?

5. What are the physical data and additional methods of research in the syndrome of bronchial obstruction an example of bronchial asthma.

6. What are the causes of the syndrome in the lung cavity, at what diseases he encountered?

7. What are the physical data and other research methods with the syndrome in the lung cavity of an example of an abscess.

8. What are the causes of the syndrome of increased airiness of the lungs, at what diseases can it be?

9. What are the physical data and additional research methods at a syndrome of increased airiness of lung on example of emphysema.

10. What are the causes of the syndrome, hydrothorax, at what diseases he encountered?

11. What are the physical data and other research methods of the hydrothorax syndrome on example of the effusion pleurisy?

12. What are the causes of the pneumothorax syndrome, and in what diseases can it be?

13. What are the physical data and additional methods of research of the pneumothorax syndrome.

14. CP: Demonstrate techniques for vocal fremitus, percussion, and lung auscultation. Name the importance of physical examination methods in the syndromic diagnosis of lung diseases.

Theme № 20


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