Read the letters and the advice. Answer the questions. 

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Read the letters and the advice. Answer the questions.

Letter A. We're having terrible problems with our fifteen-year-old son. He’s stopped doing his school work, he won't talk to us, and he stays in his bedroom for hours listening to music. He doesn't have any friends and I think he's very unhappy. What's the best thing to do?



Letter В. My daughter finished university last year and came back to live at home. I thought she would find herself a flat after a few months but she seems to be very happy living with me again. She has a good job and she gives me money each month. I love my daughter and I enjoy her company but I don't want her living in my house now. Any suggestions?



Readers' Advice

1. You should be happy that your daughter wants to live with you. Don't complain, you won't like it when she leaves you and you have to live alone.


2. Get help for your son as quickly as possible. You must speak to his school and take him to see your family doctor. You must try to talk to him even if he is rude or doesn't answer.


3. You should ask your daughter to leave. You have a good relationship so you can say this kindly. You must give her enough time to find a new home – and perhaps you can help her.


4. Why are you worried? Your son is growing up and he has to make his own mistakes. Why shouldn't he stay in his bedroom? You should give your son the freedom to grow up.


Match the letters and the advice.

Letter A: __, __.

Letter B: __, __.


Which letter did Sue (S), Jim (J), Helen (H), Daphne (D), Norah (N), or Bill (B) write?

1. is a worried parent? __

2. likes being with their child? __

3. suggests getting help immediately? __

4.wants their child to leave home? __

5. doesn't know how to help their child? __

6. thinks Jim shouldn't complain about his daughter? __

7. thinks Sue's son is normal? __

8.has a successful child? __


Translate the text from Russian into English.


…Разбросал игрушки, весь день ходил на голове, по уши вымазался в грязной луже. Да мало ли поводов для справедливого родительского гнева! Естественный порыв – справедливо наказать маленького дебошира. Вот только как это правильно сделать?

Для начала уясним: какую цель мы хотим достичь, подвергая малыша наказанию? Причинить физическую боль для того, чтобы ребенок испытал страх, обиду и, запомнив эти чувства, впредь ничего подобного не делал? Или помочь ему понять, почему он не прав? Первый путь может дать результат. Под страхом ремня чадо на время прекратит свои «происки». Но потом малыш поймет: делать, что хочешь, можно! Только нужно не попасться на глаза, а тот, кто сильнее, придет и всыплет. И начнет действовать исподтишка, попутно задевая младших или более слабых детей: бить можно – с ним же так поступили. И эту установку он проносит нередко через всю жизнь…

Попробуем пойти вторым путем. Когда ваше неугомонное чадо в очередной раз выкинет нечто, удержитесь от шлепков.

- Строго потребуйте прекратить безобразие, скажите: в вашей семье так вести себя не принято.

- Не кричите бесполезное «Почему ты?...» -  а объясните, что надо сделать, чтобы исправить ситуацию. Например, пусть вытрет пол, если пролил на него чай.

- На ребенка-школьника сильно действует «заговор молчания». Подростки признаются: «Уж лучше бы накричали…»

- Предупреждайте малыша, за что и как он может быть наказан. Не угрожайте и не запугивайте, а спокойно расскажите, чем чреваты нехорошие поступки.

- Когда страсти улягутся, объясните, ребенку свою реакцию: «Ты очень расстроил меня своим поступком. Я невероятно разозлилась(ся)!» Малыш должен знать, что мама (или папа) испытывает в тот момент, когда он не слушается.

Наказывая ребенка, дайте ему понять, что вам очень неприятно это делать. Пусть кроха твердо знает: несмотря ни на что, мама его все равно любит!


Task 1

1. Stood face to face 2. Stood at attention 3. Can’t stand 4. Stands to reason 5. Stood on end 6. Stand out 7. Stood 8. Stand his ground 9. Stands for 10. Stood up for 11. Stands 12. Stands with his back to 13. Stand in my light 14. Stood leaning against 15. Stood in a line 16. Stand treat 17. Stand by each other 18. Stands


Task 2

1. Take off 2. Taken after 3. Takes up 4. Take in 5. Take over 6. Taken in 7. Taking off 8. Take in lodgers 9. Take up 10. Take no for an answer 11. Take up 12. Take it for granted 13. Took to 14. Taken down 15. Took up 16. Took much pain; take in 17. Take down 18. Take off 19. Took to 20. Takes up

Task 3

1. He entered the house without asking for permission.

2. Without waiting for the answer, she started the conversation.

3. Having checked the watch once more Mr. Black went towards the house of his friend.

4. Nancy ran out from the living room without tasting any piece of cake.

5. He turned and left without waiting for her answer.

6. Dave is interested in history more than ever.

7. He wants to find any job more than ever.

8. Paul worked harder than ever.

9. Andrew has run a distance and tired more than ever.

10. We want to set off on a trip more than ever.

11. Why would I borrow you money?

12. Why would I travel abroad?

13. Why would Sarah invite them?

14. Why would Scarlett act on a stage?

15. Why would you disturb your boss without any reason?

16. She is clever enough to take part in the quiz.

17. He is not tall enough to play baseball.

18. Barbara doesn’t sing good enough to be admitted to the choir.

19. She is beautiful enough to take part in a beauty contest.

20. Ron is industrious enough to get the promotion.

21. I like skating as much as my friends.

22. She hates saying goodbye as much as you.

23. Poll wants to learn playing football as much as Bob.

24. A man doesn’t know as much as a computer.

25. Mr. Finch hates being late as much as his wife.

26. The audience was screaming with fear while watching a new thriller.

27. Jack payed Diana a compliment and she flushed with pleasure.

28. The play was so funny, that the spectators were screaming with laughter.

29. He had put into execution his plan and smiled with pleasure.

30. Children were reading anecdotes and shrieking with laughter.

31. Harry had prepared fireworks for Mary’s birthday. How he must have loved her.

32. Kids were taking a good look at the book with colorful pictures. How they must have liked it.

33. How inattentive she must have been to forget her child in the park.

34. What a comfort a responsible son must have been to his mother.

35. How the children must have loved their baby-sitter!

Task 4

a slight tap or stroke given with the hand a pat
unchanging, usual, habitual regular
to say in a shrill loud voice to scream
to be the right shape or size to fit
to give or send one’s affectionate greeting to give (send) one’s love to
balanced person level-headed person
to look pleased to be all smiles
extreme dislike or ill-will hatred
mean or low hateful
favour, support smile of fortune
to know as much as others to be on the same level
to make flat to level
to laugh until one cries to scream with laughter
a very funny person/ thing a perfect scream
impossible to get by any means not to be had for love or money
to begin to love to fall in love
to adore somebody to be head over heels in love with smb.
to be outlined or prominent to stand out
to defend or support smb. to stand up for smb.
to be firm to stand one’s ground
not to be firm to shift one’s ground
to goes without saying to stands to reason
to remain unchanged to stand
to provide and pay to stand treat
to mean to stand for
to rise up on the head as a result of fright or astonishment to stand on end

Task 5

1. Acquaintances 2. Companion 3. Friend 4. Allies 5. Has a crush on 6. Adored 7. Fancy 8. Love 9. Gossip 10. Chatting 11. Talk 12. Have a word with 13. Abhor 14. Despises 15. Loathes 16. Hate 17. Sniggering 18. Laugh 19. Chuckled 20. Giggled

Task 6

1. A journalist has published his article in a newspaper and the editors took great pride of his work..

2. Yesterday I gave the pupils of my class a test in mathematic on the subject “Addition of proper fractions” and it stands to reason that they wrote it excellently.

3. Mike decided to repair the mobile himself. He came into his room aware of his abilities. But it was easier to take the mobile apart, than to put it together again.

4. A calculator can count multiplication of six-digit numbers in no time.

5. Robert hadn’t prepared for the exam, that’s why he tried to read over his shoulder the correct answers in his classmate’s list.

6. Before playing music every pianist should get the stool adjusted to his height.

7. Could you tell us some more of the war heroes of the Great Patriotic War?

8. Of course, I know Rachel, as I live next to her.

9. The graduates will write tests this year to check the overall pattern of their knowledge.

10. A new task flashed on the screen of the mechanical teacher.

Task 7


Task 8

1.  In primary school children usually wear children’s garments. In the secondary school and in establishments for higher education the uniform is obligatory. It can be white shirt with dark trousers – for boys, and skirts – for girls. Or it can be even “sailor fuku”, that means “sailor costume”.

1. On the 6 of April

2. There is a movement in Japan, that stands for beginning of the school year on the 1st of September but it’s not popular enough.

3. Each lesson lasts 50 minutes.

4. In the secondary school and in universities the homework is so large, that children have to spend 5 or 6 hours a day doing their tasks.

5. Pupils have to know ALL history in chronological order, names of ALL emperors and revolt leaders. And the main thing is not to try to discuss the reasons of historical events.

6. Sometimes mother attends lessons if her child is ill. 

7. Such crazy mothers deserve their nickname “keyku mama”, that means – mother, that is obsessed by education.

8. until they are 25 or even 30

9. After school when boys by the sweat of their brow do homework, girls can go shopping, spend time in coffee house or look through some magazine. Because Japanese believe that woman’s first consideration is motherhood. That’s why girls have some ease-up at school.


Task 9

1. single sex 2. compulsory 3. independent school 4. nursery 5. grammar school 6. mixed ability grouping 7. continuous assessment, intelligence testing 8. experience 9. an adulterer 10. virile 11. an octogenarian 12. antique 13. veteran 14. to respect


Task 10

solicitude care neglect
friend intimate authoritarian
to speak firmly to be consistent to stumble
to loose one’s temper to let the steam off to keep anger under control
calm and quiet peaceful and relaxed stressful and shocking
to be proud to be gratified to be ashamed
to be fair to have no favourites to be unfair
true realistic idealized
material physical mental
responsible answerable irresponsible
to spank to smack up to pat
to live up to to meet not to justify
to pat to stroke to beat
exaggerated overstate diminish
resentful touchy nonchalant
to interrupt to cut short not to interfere
patient tolerant impatient
accomplishment progress failure

Task 11

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. c

Task 1 3


Task 1 4

1. Empathy, the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and recognize and respond to what that person is feeling.

2. The adult elephant who tried to rescue a baby rhino stuck in the mud despite being charged by its mother.

3. Yes, she does.

4. Both.

5. No, only discipline a child receives should help the child regulate emotions.

6. No, never.

7. No, she wrote “P. J. the Spoiled Bunny”.

8. Yes, he did.

9. Do as I do.


Task 1 5

1. 11 years old

2. Brooklyn

3. 59 years old

4. shortly after noon

5. 15th floor

6. Nearly an hour

7. 44 years old


Task 1 6

1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. False 9. True 10. True 11. True 12. True

Task 1 7

Letter A: 2,4.

Letter B: 1,3.


1. S

2. H

3. D

4. J,N

5. S

6. H

7. B

8. J



1. Apresyan Ju.D. English-Russian dictionary/ Ju.D.Apresyan. – 250 000 words. – M.: Russkiy jazik, 1993. – 2494 p.

2. Arakin V.D. Practical course of English language for the 3rd year students/ V.D.Arakin. – M: Vlados, 1999. – 432 p.

3. Muller V.K. English-Russian dictionary/ V.K.Muller, 53 000 words. – 24th edition. – М.: Russkiy jazik, 1995. – 823 p.

4. Soars John and Liz. Headway. Pre-intermediate/ John and Liz Soars. – London: Oxford university press, 2001. – 143 p.

5. Soars John and Liz. Headway. Upper-intermediate/ John and Liz Soars. – London: Oxford university press, 2001. – 159 p.

6. Discuss. [Electronic resource]. – Режим доступа:

7. Facts. Upbringing.  [Electronic resource]. – Режим доступа: upbringing.htm

8. Geo. [Electronic resource]. – Режим доступа: =CHILDREN+AND+YOUTH&fdq=19960101&td=sysdate&sort=newest&ac=CHILDREN+AND+YOUTH&rt=1%2Cdes%2Corg%2Cper%2Cgeo

9. Questions. [Electronic resource]. – Режим доступа:

10. Electronic Russian -English dictionary «Lingvo12».


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