International statistical classification 

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International statistical classification

International statistical classification of disease and relative problems of Health Protection are present of for successful international collaboration in Public Health, by understanding between doctors from all countries. It is revised each 10 years by the International organization of Public Health. Last 10-th revision was in 1993.

Classifications have a class, groups, rubric; each disease has cod from 3 digits.



- Change ordinal number class of disease.

- In a separate class pick out disease of organs (ear, nose)

- Increase number classes from 17 to 21 (19 basic and 2 additional; 20 class- outside sickness rate and death;

- 21 – factors influencing conditions of a health of population and visited in institutions of health protection.

- Figure code.

- Alphabet – figures code; 1st figure, means class must change on definite Latin alphabet (for example, class disease of endocrine systems designate with letter E.)







Polyclinic serves 23000 habitants. In 2014 filed up 740 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnosis of patients with diseases of bones, muscles and joints. From the sum, there are 514 coupons with the sign(+) in patients at which in 2015 these diseases are exposed at first.

Calculate indexes of primary sickness rate and morbidity (spreading of sickness rate) of diseases of bones, muscles and joints and to estimate their dynamics, if it is known, that in 2014 primary sickness rate made diseases of muscles and joints 23.5% and their spreading 35.0%


Polyclinic serves 30,000 habitants. In 2015 filed up 530 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnosis of patients with rheumatism. From the sum, there are 150 coupons with the sign(+) in patients at which in 2014 rheumatism was exposed at first

Calculate indexes of primary sickness rate and morbidity(spreading of sickness rate) of rheumatic diseases and to estimate their dynamics, if it is known that in 2014 primary sickness rate of rheumatic diseases is 5.5% and its spreading 18.1%


Polyclinic serves 20,000 inhabitants. In 2014 filed up 1100 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnosis of patients with diseases of nervous system. From the sum, there are 630 coupons with the sign (+) in the patients at which in 2015 these diseases are exposed at first.

Calculate indexes of primary sickness rate and morbidity(spreading of sickness rate) of diseases of nervous system and to estimate heir dynamics, if it is known, that in 2014 primary sickness rate of diseases of nervous system is 32.1% and its spreading 47%



Polyclinic serves 15000 inhabitants. In 2104 filed up 5500 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnosis of patients with diseases of respiratory system. From the sum, there are 5200 coupons with the sign(+) in patients at which in 2015 these diseases are exposed at first.

Calculate indexes of primary sickness rate and morbidity (spreading of sickness rate) of diseases of respiratory system and to estimate their dynamics, if it is known, that in 2014 primary sickness rate of diseases of respiratory system is 200% and its spreading 214%


Polyclinic serves 10000 habitants. In 2015 filed up 63 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnosis of patients with diseases of endocrine system. From the sum, there are 31 coupons with the sign (+) in patients at which in 2014 these diseases are exposed first.

Calculate the indexes of primary sickness rate and morbidity (spreading of sickness rate) of diseases of endocrine system and to estimate their dynamics, if it is known that in 2014 primary sickness rate of diseases of the endocrine system is 3% and its spreading 6.2%


Polyclinic serves 20,000 habitants. In 2015 filed up 120 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnoses of patients with ulcerous diseases of duodenum. From the sum, there are 23 coupons with the sign (+) in the patients at which in 2014 these diseases are exposed at first.

Calculate indexes of primary sickness rate and morbidity(spreading of sickness rate) of ulcerous diseases of duodenum and to estimate their dynamics, if it is known that in 2014 primary sickness rate of ulcerous diseases of duodenum is 1.1% and its spreading 7.1%



Polyclinic serves 19000 children. In 2015 filed up 900 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnosis of patients with diseases of nervous system. From the sum, there are 630 coupons with the sign (+) in patients at which in 2014 these diseases are exposed first.

Calculating indexes of primary sickness rate among the children and morbidity(spreading of sickness rate) of diseases of nervous system and to estimate their dynamics if it is known that in 2014 primary sickness rate of diseases of the nervous system is 32.1% and its spreading 47%



Polyclinic serves 13000 children. In 2015 filed up 430 statistical coupons for registration of final diagnosis of patients with diseases of the digestive system. From the sum there are 300 coupons with the sign (+) in the patients at which in 2014 these diseases are exposed first.

Calculate indexes of primary sickness rate among g the children and morbidity (spreading of sickness rate) of diseases of digestive system and to estimate their dynamics, if it is know that in 2014primary sickness rate of diseases of digestive system is 23.5% and its spreading 35%


Task 1

Estimate quality of diagnostics at a polyclinic and a hospital if:

a.   Total of clinical diagnoses – 890.Of which 800 correspond to polyclinic diagnoses;

b.   Total of dissection at a hospital - 209, including clinical diagnoses, coinciding with those of dissection- 170.

Task 2

In 2015 in a city "N" number of women aged 15 through 49 constituted: 10000; 2100 babies were delivered alive. Number of artificial abortions - 1050.Calculate: index of fertility and artificial abortion frequency.

Task 3

Calculate provision of a city "I" with beds, taking into account that the city population in 2015 was estimated 25000 inhabitants, and number of beds - 150, in 2003 the population was estimated 40000, and number of beds - 400.

Task 4

In a city "A" 4200 babies were delivered alive (in 2014 - 3900), dead - 60. Within their first year of life 100 babies died, including 41 with born development diseases. Within their first 0-6 days 30 newly born babies died. Perinatal morbidity, in 2014 constituted 18, 9%. Total population is 20000 inhabitants. Calculate: index of infant morbidity, infant morbidity of certain causes, prenatal morbidity.

Task 5

What is a degree of weight diversity in males of 20 with average weight 71.6 kg and average critical deflection 1, 79?

Task 6

Calculate required number of hospital beds taking into account that number of attending inhabitants constitute 10000 is 13%, average bed occupation constitutes 20 days, the number of days of bed usage - 300.

Task 7

A dispensary physician diagnosed a worker V with otitis. How to register disablement?

Task 8

According to data received from observation of 25 infarction patients at the cardiology department of a hospital in a city "N", average RSC by the end of the first treatment week constituted 36 mm/hr. Calculate m and X.


Task 9

Average spirometric of 25-year males, not involved in sports, constituted 3300cm3 (m = ±200cm3), and males of the same age who regularly work out, - 4000cm,3 m = ±200cm3). Determine trustworthiness of difference of average values.


Task 10

 P. (age 29) residing in an attended by a polyclinic district, addressed the municipal polyclinic on April 16 at 9 a.m. She was diagnosed with dysentery. List recording documents which a polyclinic physician should fill out, and describe the standards of their registration.

Task 11

At an enterprise "N" with an average employee number of 109 workers in 2013, 120 cases and 1177 days of disablement were recorded, including 42 cases reported with influenza. Calculate:                       

1. Number of disablement cases per 100 workers.

2. Number of disablement days per 100 workers.

3. Average duration of one case.

4. % of influenza and EVD of all disablement case.


Task 12

In a city "N" number of inhabitants is 100000. 2100 babies were delivered alive, died altogether 660 babies.

Calculate: coefficients of birth rate, death rate, and natural increase.


Task 13

Determine criterion of economic efficiency of 3-year clinical observation of a group of hypertension patients. Take into account general cost of medical service is 120439 rubls and amount of prevented economic damage of 147712 rubls.

Task 14

A cook G. is removed from job on the occasion of exacerbation of infectious conjunctivitis. Employment is impossible, although the patient is able to work. How to register disablement?

Task 15

When examining 200 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, it was established that in 20% of cases the disease started mainly from the affection of major joints.

Calculate m and P.

Task 16

Results of study of sick-leave duration in connection with hypertension, for patients clinically registered, in a city N are as follow. The index of sick-leave duration with this pathology of an analogous group of patients is 23,8 days, σ = ±4. 6 days.


Duration of sick-list Number of clinical y registered
14, 17, 21, 25, 28, 30, 33 4, 8, 7, 18, 20, 8, 5


Calculate X, σ, Cv, estimate results, make conclusions, compare with results of other research.

Task 17

Determine character and degree of connection.

Levels of systole and diastole (in mm of a mercury column) in 12 healthy males aged 18: Systole: 105 115 115 110 110 120 120 120 125 110 125120. Diastole: 65 70 65 65 70 75 75 75 75 70 80 80.

Task 18

Determine economic damage in connection with temporary disablement of patients with hypertension, taking into account that the number of days of temporary disablement during the first year of clinical observation constituted 2750, amount of temporary disablement allowance estimates at 160000 rubls per day, the amount of national income - 117000 rubls per day.

Task 19

Calculate average error of death rate index in a medical institute taking into account that 289 patients left hospital, 12 out of which died.

Task 20

Calculate variation coefficient. What is a degree of variation in males aged 18 with weight 61,6 kg and average quadratic deflection 1,23 kg.


Task 21

Out of 80 children with rheumatism and those clinically registered in a cardiac-rheumatologic room in a polyclinic of a city N., 15% develop heart disease. Determine mp and P index of frequency of developing heard diseases in children with rheumatism and those clinically registered in a polyclinic of a city N.

Task 22

Worker V received a social insurance a 24-day voucher to sanatorium. List the documents required for registering a disablement certificate.

Task 23

Determine average error of arithmetical mean (m) measuring a height of 100 males aged 7, if the average quadratic deflection (£).


Task 24

At an enterprise employing 800 workers, in year 2000, 480 illness cases were registered producing 4800 days of temporary disablement. Calculate indices of rate of diseases leading to temporary disablement.


1. An assistant of head physician investigated the level of disease of the population which is registered in a polyclinic for past 5 years. With what help of statistical sizes may he calculate the level of prevalence of illnesses?

A. Absolute sizes

B. Standardized sizes

C. Average sizes

D. Relative values

E. Sizes of dynamic row.


2. In a city, 3 infectionist doctors serve the population. On 10 000 population there are 4 doctors. What statistics index reflects in serving the population with infectionist doctors?

A. Extensive

B. Relative intensity

C. Ratio

D. Intensive

E. Presentation


3. In a study of diseases of the population in city A, a disease of the respiratory system is about 45%. What statistical indices reflect the densities of respiratory diseases?

A. Ratio

B. Intensive

C. Presentation

D. Extensive

E. Relative intensity


4. In city A, out of 10000 populations, 500 cases of urolithic diseases have been registered. What statistics index reveals the morbidity of the population with by urolithic disease?

A. Ratio

B. Intensive

C. Presentation

D. Extensive

E. Relative intensity


5. Health of the population is characterized by group of parameters. What parameter concern to demographic?

A. Sickness

B. Lethality

C. Invalidity

D. General death rate

E. Physical development


6. A therapist carried out the analysis of state of health of adult population on a fixed site. What groups of parameters will be included in this analysis?

A. Disease, physical inability, death rate newborn

B. Way of life, sickness, physical development

C. Demographic, disease, physical inability

D. Birth rate, disease, way of life

E. Disease, lethality, physical development.


7. A work shop doctor carried out the analysis of health state of workers in an enterprise annually. What dispensary groups of health are divided among the workers of the enterprises in the annual report?

A. Healthy, acute diseases, sub compensated period of illness

B. Healthy, practically healthy, 3rd stage of compensation

C. Healthy, frequently sick with compensated period

D. Healthy, not epidemic diseases, practically healthy

E. Healthy, temporary loss of working ability, patients with decompensated period


8. A regional pediatrician carried out the analysis of children's death rate in the subordinated territory. What parameters were used?

A. Death rate of children till 1 year of age, sex, causes

B. Death rate of children till 1 year, still birth

C. Lethality of children according to age, in-patient department

D. Death rate of teenagers in a district

E. Death rate newborn in a district


9. A therapist studied the level of common disease of the population. What registration statistical documents are used for this purpose?

A. Cards of patients whom have been discharged from a hospital

B. Statistical coupons with a mark "+"

C. Statistical coupons with a mark "-"

D. Statistical coupons with a mark "+" and "-"

E. Coupons of the out-patient with number "1" or "2"


10. A local doctor carried out the analysis of disease in a subordinated site. What kind of disease determines the group as last and frequently sick?

A. Hospitalized

B. General

C. Acute infectious

D. The basic non epidemic disease

E. With temporary disability


11. In a district, the absolute figures registered in a year by dysentery disease: January-6; February-9; March-11; April-10; May-16; June-23; July-19; August-33; September-58; October-19; November-11; December-5. Total cases per year-220 cases. What kind of graphic can be used to represent the monthly fluctuations of the disease from an average level?

A. The radial diagram

B. Map diagram

C. A map gram

D. The sector diagram

E. The bar diagram


12. In the structure of population of a region, the densities of people from 0 till 14 years is about 25%, it is equal with the densities of the people from 50 years and above. What concept characterizes this demographic situation?

A. Progressive structure of the population

B. Regressive structure of the population

C. Stationary structure of the population

D. Immigration of the population

E. Emigration the population


13. To study the disease of an agricultural population in a given area, the population was selected as the object of the research. What statistical material method should be used in the research for the given volume?

A. Combined

B. Selective

C. Continuous

D. The monographic description

E. Basic massif


14. The parameter of general death rate in area A is 11.9‰ and in area B is 15.9‰. According to age structure of the population more than 50 years old in area A is 30% and in area B is 40%. It is necessary to calculate the difference between the age structure of the population and general death rate. What method of medical statistics is used in this case?

A. Calculation of standardized parameters

B. Calculation of coefficient of correlation

C. Calculation of coefficient factor by Student

D. Calculation of average sizes

E. Calculation of relative values


15. A laparoscopic cholecystectomy was introduced in the practice of surgical branch of a hospital. As a result, average duration of postoperative treatment was reduced up to 3.4±0.8 day compared to 7.3±1.1 day in usual cholecystectomy. What medical statistics method is used to confirm the reliability differences of the parameters?

A. Calculation of standardized parameters

B. Calculation of coefficient of correlation

C. Calculation of coefficient factor by Student

D. Calculation of average sizes

E. Calculation of relative values.


16. Daily average of lethality in surgical branch of a city hospital in 2001 is0.1% and in 2002 is 0.5%. The prospective reason of growth of lethality in 2002 is old system of hospitalization as result of first aid work. The parameters calculated under the condition of identical distribution of patients on terms of hospitalization: in 2001-15 and in 2002-11. What method was used for calculation of these conditional parameters?

A. Standardization

B. Correlation

C. Calculation of average values

D. Calculation of relative values

E. The analysis of dynamic row


17. In city C, the work of cardiology cabinets in a polyclinic was studied. Determine the observation unit.

A. Each case of a cardiological pathology

B. A cardiological cabinet

C. Each case of the reference in the given study

D. Each kind of result of cardiovascular diseases

E. It is impossible to determine


18. During a medical survey of the population patients with chronic diseases and different pathological conditions were registered, deviated. What parameter is used for studying the given situation?

A. Pathological affection

B. Spreading

C. Common sickness

D. Primary sickness

E. Disease with temporary disability.


19. The head physician of a polyclinic has given task to the local doctor: to determine myocardial infarction of an area. What document determines the initial disease of the population of the area?

A. Statistical coupons with marks "+" and "-"

B. Statistical coupons with a mark "+"

C. Magazine of medical check-up

D. A medical card of the out-patient

E. The coupon on reception to the doctor.


20. The head physician of a polyclinic has given task to the local doctor: to determine the spreading of myocardial infarction of an area. What document determines the spreading of the disease in the given area?

A. Statistical coupons with marks "+" and "-"

B. The statistical coupon with a mark "-"

C. A card of the patient discharged from the hospital

D. The coupon on reception to the doctor

E. Magazine of medical check-up


21. The head physician of a polyclinic has given task to the local doctor: to determine the pathological impairment of the population with myocardial infarction of an area. What document determines the pathological impairment of the disease population in the given area?

A. The coupon on reception to the doctor

B. The statistical coupon with a mark "+"

C. The statistical coupon with a mark "-"

D. Statistical coupons with marks "+" and "-"

E. Magazine of medical check-up


22. The organization of methodical room of centralized district hospital was subjected to study the birth rate in all territory of an area. The manager of the organization has been charged to carry out this task with the statistical doctor. What document is used to study birth rate of the population?

A. A card of physical development of the child

B. The medical certificate of a maternity hospital on birth/delivery

C. The health certificate about birth/delivery

D. An exchange card of pregnancy

E. Results population estimation


23. Structure of the population in region N: densities of people from 0 to 14 years are 15% and densities of people more than 50 years are 30%. Estimate structure of the population which characterizes the given demographic situation.

A. Regressive structure of the population

B. Stationary structure of the population

C. Progressive structure of the population

D. The accelerated structure of the population

E. The slowed down structure of the population


24. Structure of the population in region N: densities of people from 0 to 14 years are 31% and densities of people more than 50 years are 20%. Estimate structure of the population which characterizes the given demographic situation.

A. Emigration of the population

B. Regressive structure of the population

C. Stationary structure of the population

D. Immigration of the population

E. Progressive structure of the population.


25. In region N, under the favorable environmental-climate, ecologic and social economic conditions, people have moved to this region from another region. Therefore the amount of pensioners has increased. The state administration has estimated the reserve capacity of this region, which has a number of privileges that causes similar mass resettlement from abroad. Estimate movement of the population that characterizes last demographic phenomenon?

A. Re-immigration of the population

B. Emigration of the population

C. Repatriation of the population

D. Immigration of the population

E. Re-emigration of the population


26. In a company during the first half year, out of 2000 male and 4000 female workers, 320 male workers and 280 female workers had trauma. In the second half year, out of 6000 male and 2000 female 720 and 160 workers got injured respectively. What statistical data processing method is optimum for elimination of disagreements in the working structure according to sex and different level of traumas?

A. The correlation analysis

B. A method of standardization

C. The regressive analysis

D. Calculation of average sizes

E. Calculation of relative values


27. The value of arterial pressure and age of patient were studied in 200 patients suffering from hypertension disease. What statistical value (size) is necessary to measure the force of relation between the specified signs?

A. Coefficient of correlation

B. Coefficient of Student

C. Coefficient of a variation

D. Mistake of representation

E. Sigma deviation


28. According to the doctor of general practice, the causes of death during the present year, in the first place-cardiovascular diseases (60%), second-neoplasm diseases (18%), third-traumas (8.3%) and so on. What diagrams can be used by the doctor to illustrate the structure of the given phenomena?

A. Map-gram

B. Sector

C. Linear

D. Radial

E. Bar



29. In treatment and prophylactic establishment, therapeutic efficiency on a new method of treating acute respiratory viral infection had been studied. In the experimental group of 10 people, average duration of treatment was 5 days and in the control group of 10 people was 7 days. Name the most probable reason, the differences after calculation of average sizes which appeared statistically doubtful (p > 0.05)

A. An insignificant relative difference of parameters

B. Small duration of treatment

C. An insignificant absolute difference of parameters

D. Small number of observation

E. Non-uniform groups

30. A study in relation between the body temperature and pulse rate of a set patient suffering from influenza has been carried out. The calculated coefficient correlation is equal to +0.5. Estimate the force and direction of relation between these values.

A. Average straight line

B. Average return

C. Strong straight line

D. Strong return

E. Weak straight line


31. To estimate the health of children population the following parameters were used: prevalence of disease, primary disease, structure of the disease, pathologic impairment and physical inability. What parameters reflect the level of disease in children with chronic diseases and morpho-functional impairment?

A. Invalidity

B. Common sickness

C. Spreading of diseases

D. Primary disease

E. Pathological affection


32. For information on number and structure of the population estimation of the amount of the population is carried out. What kind and a method of research it is?

А Continuous simultaneous

B. Selective simultaneous

C. Continuous current

D. Selective current

E. The basic file.


33. Concentration albumin (g/l) in blood serum of 10 women whom were under one inspection: 42, 41, 44, 47, 38, 40, 35, 38, 43 and 41. What statistical parameter is related to these values?

A. Dynamic row

B. Extensive

C. Intensive

D. Presentation

E. Average


34. As a result of introduction of a new technique of treatment average duration of hospitalization in the experimental group of patients is 12.3±0.2 days compared to 15.4±0.4 days in the control group of patients whom were treated under the old scheme. What coefficient criterion is possible to calculate the differences of these results?

A. T-criterion by Wilson

B. Criterion of marks (z-criterion)

C. Criterion of conformity (x²)

D. Coefficient of reliability (criterion Student)

E. Criterion Kolmogorava-Smirnova

35. In a study depending on the relation of the level of polluted atmospheric air and prevalence of respiratory diseases, the coefficient pair correlation r is equal to + 0.82. Estimate the force and direction of the relation.

A. Average straight line

B. Strong straight line

C. Strong return

D. Average return

E. Weak straight line


36. A clinical-statistical research of action of a new pharmacological preparation on patients with ischemic heart disease has been carried out. What parametrical criterion (coefficient) may be used for an estimation of reliability of results?

A. Coefficient of conformity

B. Criterion of marks

C. Coefficient Student (t)

D. T-criterion Wilson

E. Criterion Kolmogorova-Smirova


37. According to results of five years monitoring, it is estimated that environmental factors has influence on the parameters of population health. What statistical method is selected for the estimation of correlation between the specified signs (values)?

A. Calculation of coefficient reliability of differences

B. Calculation of coefficient relativity

C. Calculation of coefficient correlation

D. Calculation of standardized coefficient

E. Calculation of dynamic row parameters


38. For the pass 3 years patient A is under dispensary observation in a polyclinic. Diagnosis: chronic bronchitis. In the present year he had consulted for medical aid three times concerning exacerbation of the disease. What statistical document is necessary to be filled for the account of the disease?

A. On all three consultations statistical coupons with mark (+) are filled

B. One statistical coupon with mark (-) in the first consultation is filled

C. One statistical coupon with mark (+) in the first consultation and mark (-) on repeated

D. One statistical coupon with mark (+) in the first consultation is filled

E. On all three consultations statistical coupons with mark (-) are filled


39. A patient has consulted a doctor of a rural medical ambulance station twice per year (in March and November). In both visits diagnose was the same: acute viral-respiratory infection. What documents is necessary to be filled for registration of this disease?

A. On the first place the statistical coupon with a mark "+", on the second - is not filled

B. On each place separately statistical coupon with a mark "-"

C. On the first place the statistical coupon with a mark "+", on the second - with a mark "-"

D. On each place separately statistical coupon with a mark "+"

E. On one place the statistical coupon

Appendix I


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