Л.И. Быковская, О.Л. Ивановская, О.М. Лосева, М.А. Наянова 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Л.И. Быковская, О.Л. Ивановская, О.М. Лосева, М.А. Наянова


Л.И. Быковская, О.Л. Ивановская, О.М. Лосева, М.А. Наянова

Обучение студентов и аспирантов методике подготовки презентаций

Часть 1

(для студентов и аспирантов)

УДК 802.0

ББК 81.2 Англ. – 923


Издательство МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана


Научный редактор к.ф.н., доцент Беликова Ирина Федоровна

Объем 2 п.л.

Тираж 100 экз.

Course Description


The goal of this course is to offer a practical guide on developing the practical skills required to deliver effective public presentations.

It can be used as either a short, intensive course, or integrated into a longer, more general programme for teaching English.

This guide will help students to:

· make a clear well-organised presentation for all levels of study at university, as well as presentations geared towards business or research;

· reflect on, and learn from, what has been learned;

· make sure that both organising, and giving presentations or public speeches of any kind, become a pleasure and not a burden.

The course consists of sections, logically arranged to ensure that students are fully aware of what is expected of them before they begin their practical training. First and foremost, students should acquire a clear understanding of what a presentation involves, and which preparations are required in advance of the talk (the objectives of the talk, who is the audience, knowledge of the location, which equipment is required, etc.).

The course is split into two main sections: preparation and delivery, with the latter subdivided into four parts: the introduction, main body, conclusion and questions from the audience. Each section has an introductory segment covering the most essential issues to focus on, as well as a practical segment offering a variety of different exercises to help students acquire the practical skills required to give an effective presentation.

The course will deliver one segment at a time, combining theoretical teachings with practical exercises, with the course expected to last between 5-7 sessions.

We recommend that students start preparing their own presentations immediately after the first session, planning each section in accordance with the course sessions. In other words, after each session the students should use their new knowledge to shape their presentations, share their progress at the following session, and allow lecturers and fellow students to provide constructive criticism and feedback on the work done.

Proceeding components of the course will be taught in a similar manner, with each segment comprising of pre-lecture reading, individual preparation, and a presentation to the group. This would allow a greater absorption in the lessons, and a more frequent use of new words and phrases, resulting in a far higher rate of retention and understanding.

Upon completion of these core classes, students will be required to deliver their presentations in full, while the fellow students will then discuss and reflect on them within the guidelines suggested at the end of the course booklet. Through this students will both gain valuable experience in preparing and delivering a presentation to an audience, and will receive constructive criticism from lecturers and their student peers, resulting in the acquisition of all the key skills needed to deliver quality presentations to a variety of audiences.

What is a presentation?

A presentation is a formal talk to one or more persons that “presents” ideas or information in a clear, structured way. All presentations have a common objective: they are given in order to inform, train, persuade or sell. The key factors of any successful presentation are:

· the audience;

· the contents of the presentation itself;

· and the presenter.

The starting point should always be the audience. If you consider their needs and interests you cannot get off to a bad start.


1. Preparation

Can you name the three most important things involved in giving any presentation?

Number 1 is………..Preparation

Number 2 is………..Preparation!

Number 3 is………..Preparation!!

Preparation is everything!

With good preparation and planning you will be totally confident and less nervous. And your audience will feed on that confidence too. And this will give you control of your audience and your presentation. With control you will be “in charge” and your audience will listen positively to your message.


Before you start preparing your presentation you should ask yourself: “Why am I giving this presentation?” If your objective is not clear to you, it cannot possibly be clear to your audience.


You only have a limited amount of time in which to tell the audience what they need to know, rather than everything that you know.


    How should you give your presentation? Which approach should you use? Formal or informal? Should you include visual aids, and if so, how many? Will anecdotes and humour play a part in your presentation?


"If you fail to prepare, you are prepared to fail". Plan to rehearse your presentation out loud at least 4 times, and if you can get word perfect so much the better.

Rehearse against the clock. If you have to give a presentation in a short period of time then try to practice your presentation against the clock. This is particularly true when your time is limited by, say 10-15 minutes. You can add in parts from the script or take them out to fit the time.

In the actual presentation you could take in a clock or take off your wrist watch and put it on the podium. This way you can see how the timings can develop.

Rehearsal is a vital part of preparation. This will have the following benefits:

· you will become more familiar with what you want to say;

· you will identify weaknesses in your presentation;

· you will be able to practise difficult pronunciations;

· you will be able to check the time that your presentation takes and make any necessary modifications.

So prepare, prepare, prepare! Prepare everything: words, visual aids, timing, and equipment. Rehearse your presentation several times and time it.

· Is it the right length?

· Are you completely familiar with all your illustrations?

· Are they in the right order?

· Do you know who the audience is?

· How will you answer difficult questions?

· Do you know the room?

· Are you confident about the equipment?

When you have answered all these questions, you will be a confident, enthusiastic presenter ready to communicate the subject of your presentation to an eager audience.

At the end of the booklet you may find relevant Useful Vocabulary, which provides some phrases and hints and could make your preparation a bit easier.

Preparation Practice

Exercise 1. Complete the suggested questions, trying to formulate major aspects before starting preparation for a talk.


· Purpose –why and what?

· Audience –who and how many?

· Premises –do/does and is/are

Who __________________________________________?

What _________________________________________?

Why __________________________________________?

Where ________________________________________?

When _________________________________________?

How __________________________________________?


Exercise 2. Restore the original order of instructions on how to prepare for a successful presentation.


__ __ _ 1 _ __ __ __ __ __ __ Be sure you know how to pronounce all the words correctly. Check with the dictionary if necessary. Create an outline that includes an introduction, an overview of the main argument or purpose, the evidence used to support that argument, any critiques of the work and the conclusion. Select the material you will use. Research your topic of discussion and determine the purpose of your talk. Talk through your presentation many times before presenting. Open your slides and actually click through them speaking your part out loud. Know your audience and what it knows. Prepare your handouts, if necessary. Make sure that your talk fits in within the time limit of your presentation. Create an outline (a plan) of what ideas you wish to cover.

Exercise 3. Checklist for Planning a Presentation. Arrange the following statements depending on whether they are advisable or not.

Do’s Don’ts


1. Understand the interest level of the audience;

2. Use jargon even if the audience doesn’t understand it;

3. Use simple language;

4. Make the presentation focused, easy to understand;

5. Prepare a logic tree;

6. Skip any point of your presentation if you feel like;

7. Be rigid in following a sequence according to your plan;

8. Use any available sources for in-depth analysis;

9. Be prepared for any kind of question from audience;

10. Prepare cue cards;

11. Ignore the audience during your talk, it’s their problem if they do not follow you;

12. Insert abbreviations, such as AC, MBT, QA, etc., whenever possible to make your talk more short-spoken;

13. Understand the audience question clearly;

14. Provide handouts for additional information.


Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the words in the correct form or choose the right word from those suggested.

When you ________ (to make) a presentation, the first stage is to plan it. You _________ (needn’t/should) start by __________ (to think) about your audience –who they are, what they ______ (to know) about the subject and what they expect from you. Will they be interested, enthusiastic, cooperative or perhaps critical? _____you_________ (to present) to the group from your own culture or to people of different cultures? All these factors ________ (to influence) the way you approach the presentation. If possible, try to visit the room where you__________ (to give) the talk. Check the equipment and make sure your voice _________ (to carry) to the back of the room if you don’t use a microphone. Look at the seating arrangements and make sure they are what you want.

You’re now ready to prepare what you _________ (to say). Stage one is the opening. A good opening is essential as you will be nervous and you _________ (needn’t/need to) grab the attention of the audience. You start by __________ (to introduce) yourself and then you use a technique to get the audience’s interest. We call this the ‘hook’ which focuses the audience’s attention on what you’re saying. You __________ (must/can) do this in various ways. You ________ (must/can): ask a question; use a famous quotation; use a striking visual image; appeal directly to the audience’s interests or needs. Once you have the audience’s attention, you _________ (needn’t/should) tell them the structure of your presentation. You give them a map of the talk, with signposts along the route, so they know what you _______ (to cover) in your talk.

Exercise 5. The chart below provides some ideas on what is understood by a good delivery. Read the items and give your considerations. Explain your point.

A good presenter… 1 OK 2 useful 3 v. useful 4 vital!!!
does not speak too quickly        
is enthusiastic        
looks at the audience/makes eye contact        
is confident        
is not monotone        
explains the purpose of the talk        
knows their subject        
explains with interesting examples        
reviews what they’ve covered at the end of the session        


Home assignment

Think of a topic on which you would like to give a presentation. Do not forget that the topic should be interesting for you and your audience. Make your preparation according to the theoretical guide. Make a plan for your talk and collect the material you may use.




The introduction phase sets the tone and expectations of a meeting or presentation. Although very often the presenter will typically introduce themselves to the audience, on other occasions a colleague or chairperson may introduce the speaker.

A complete introduction for a presentation includes the following parts:

· greeting;

· your name and position;

· title and subject of your talk;

· presentation objective;

· main parts of your talk;

· mention of the visual aids that you will use;

· time you will take;

· when you would like to answer questions;

· and a link to the first section of your presentation.

At the end of the booklet you may find relevant Useful Vocabulary.

Introduction Practice

Exercise 1. Match these less formal phrases with the more formal phrases in the table:

What I want to do today is…                       It’s good to see you all here.

OK, shall we get started?                            In my talk I’ll tell you about...

Today I’m going to talk about…                 As you know, I’m…

Hi, everyone.

More formal Less formal
1. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  
2. It’s a pleasure to welcome you today.  
3. I suggest that we begin now.  
4. Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is…  
5. Today I would like to…  
6. In my presentation I would like to report on…  
7. The topic of today’s presentation is…  

Exercise 2. Replace the words in bold with the words from the box:

after that * begin * I’m * realize * responsible for * sections * turn

1. I’ll start off by showing you…

2. I’ve divided my presentation into three parts.

3. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Gordon Smith.

4. Then I’ll move on to the problems…

5. Professor Brown is in charge of our new Plasma Laboratory.

6. I ’m aware that you’re all busy preparing for the seminar…

Exercise 3. Match a sentence or phrase on the left with one from the right:

 1. Please help yourselves 2. If we're all here, 3. I'd like to start by 4. I'd like to welcome Professor Smith. 5. After that I'd like to 6. Today, I'd like to talk about 7. If you have any questions, a. describe the new project. b. Thank you. It's good to be here. c. to the handouts. d. let's make a start. e. please feel free to ask me. f. outlining the plan for the day. g. the success we've had with our research.


Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps in the sentences below with a preposition.

on       from    by    as     at      on         by            

example: Thank you for coming.

a) There are copies...........the table.

b) I'd like to start...........outlining the process.

c) It's good to have Professor Jackson here...........Stanford University.

d) We can discuss any questions...........the end of the seminar.

e) I want to focus...........the latest aircraft design.

f)...........the end of this session, you'll be able to teach your staff how to use this programme.

g) I'm talking to you today...........the designer of this new robotic system.


Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the correct word:

example: It's good to meet.. you.            have / take / meet

a) Did everyone.................... a handout?      give / get / go

b) Don't....................about taking notes.       worry / remember / think

c) Please....................yourselves.                 meet/ have/ help

d) Please feel....................to stop me.           expensive / free / open

e) I'd like to....................the previous survey.   let / happen / describe

f) I want to....................on the results first.  look / worry / focus


Exercise 6. Discuss these points in minigroups and present your ideas to the class:


1. The first few minutes of a presentation are the most important.

2. Words like we, us and our make the audience more interested in the subject of your presentation.

3. Formal and informal ways of greeting the audience. Why is it important to find the proper words?

4. What makes a successful speaker?

5. How to get the audience’s attention? Is it a good idea to make jokes or ask the audience rhetorical questions during your talk?

6. Do ‘presentation tricks’ help reveal the subject of your talk?

7.  Is there a special dress code for a presenter?

8. How to deal with nervousness?


Exercise 7. Read the introductions and say what is wrong with them:


1. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemens.

2. Hello, guys. Let me introduce myself. I am here in my function as the Head of the R&D (Research and Development Department). My name is Professor Brown. I should say it is a great honour to speak in front of such a distinguished audience.

3. Good morning, colleagues. I’m Doctor Smith from the University of Chicago. What I’d like to present to you today is the topic which engages me greatly. I don’t think many of you know much about it.

4. Come on, guys! Shall we get started? As you probably know I’m the new manager. You know I’m very busy. So let’s get started right now in order not to waste my time.

5. Wow! How many of you have come! It’s so unexpected. I’m afraid I didn’t realize that you would be interested in such a dull (let me be sincere with you) topic.


Home assignment

Create the opening part of your presentation in PowerPoint. Begin with a title page as the first slide. This should include the full title of the paper and your name. Please do not forget, that in English your last (family) name goes after your first (given name), i.e., Oleg Popov, and not otherwise. The next slide will be the plan of your talk. Besides, think of what you will say in the introduction.

Main Body

What information should you give in your talk? All the information should support the goal of your presentation. In most cases you will have to limit the content, as time is usually precious!

How much information should you give? Enough to clearly develop your ideas. Do not forget to illustrate through examples.

Here are a few possibilities for organizing your ideas: logical; chronological order; from general to specific; from known to unknown; from accepted to controversial; cause/effect; problem/solution. Whichever strategy you choose, the headings should all follow the same grammatical form. For example:


Foundations of aerodynamics

· Chord, camber and angle-of-attack;

· forces on the glinder in flight;

· Lift and drag.

All the above phrases have the same grammatical pattern

And not


· Magnetic field is rather harmful; (a whole sentence)

· Expensive systems; (noun+attribute)

· Difficult to make wires. (contracted sentence)


Just as when you are driving along a road that you don't know very well, you depend on signs to guide you, you need to guide the audience by using expressions to tell them where you are going. For example, first announce what you are going to say (give an example, reformulate etc.) and then say what you want to say. This is akin to verbal punctuation. Indicate when you have finished one point and then go on to the next one. It is redundant in text but very useful in oral presentations. Experienced presenters will also clearly pause, change their pose and the pitch of their voice as they move from one part of a presentation to another.

At the end of the booklet you may find relevant Useful Vocabulary.

Main Body Practice

Exercise 1. Imagine that you are to give a presentation. Do the quiz about body language and discuss your answers with a partner. More than one answer is possible.

How should you stand?

a. Relaxed or leaning against the wall (table).

b. Straight, but relaxed with your hands by your sides.

c. Arms crossed over your chest.

d. Back turned to the audience.

How should you speak?

a. Speak with the same, flat, monotonous voice throughout your presentation.

b. At either normal speed or slightly slower than usual.

c. Speak changing your voice in either a high or a low tone.

Exercise 2. Complete the list of “signposting” phrases with useful phrases from the box given below.

Let’s go back to what we were discussing earlier…

In this part of my presentation, I’d like…

Let me briefly summarize the main issues.

This brings me to the end of my second (third, etc.) point…

As I said earlier… Let’s now turn to the next issue…
I’d like to sum up the main points. So much for …
As I mentioned previously… Let’s move on to the next point.
This leads us to my next point… Let me give you a brief overview of…
1. Saying what is coming in the next part ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
2. Moving on to the next point ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
3. Indicating the end of a section ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
4. Referring back to ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
5. Summarising a point ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Exercise 3. Match the two parts to make sentences.

1. 1. This brings a. a. the issue of environmental pollution.
2. 2. This leads b. b. come back to this question later.
3. 3. Let’s now turn to c. c. we were discussing earlier.
4. 4. As I mentioned d. d. us directly to my next question.
5. 5. I’d like to e. e. earlier, I’d like to give you a brief overview of…
6. 6. Let’s go back to what f. f. I’ll be focusing on the advantages of the technology.
7. 7. As I said earlier g. g. to the next point, which is price.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with words from the box according to the meanings.

cope with take care of identify clarify deal with


I think it’s important to ______________the problem as soon as possible.

a. to find or discover a problem

b. to make sth easier to understand

c.  to solve a problem, to perform a task

d. to deal successfully with sth difficult

e. to be responsible for or to deal with a situation or task

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with words from the box

regarding according to concerns apart from

Home assignment

Now that you have learned how to make the main body you may do the major part of your talk and speak on essence of the subject you have chosen. Take into consideration all useful tips given above.


Do not forget that last impressions are just as important as first impressions. Your conclusion is the place to make sure that you have planted the key ideas of your talk in your listeners’ minds. Do not miss the opportunity!

Here are some strategies of effective conclusions:

· Summarize the main points;

· Quote a famous person;

· Ask a provocative question or make a surprising statement;

· Use the “sandwich” technique, which means your introduction and conclusion are connected (like two slices of bread in a sandwich) and the main part is like the cheese in between. You should have a connection between the beginning and the end of your talk. If, for example, you start telling a joke in the introduction, stop at an exciting moment and move on to the main part. Then finish the joke in the conclusion.

At the end of the booklet you may find relevant Useful Vocabulary.

Conclusion Practice

Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences with the best preposition from the box.

into for as with for in
of up


by in

example: I would like to conclude by thanking you all.


1. So, to sum __________, I have presented three solutions.

2. Let's put the plan ________practice.

3. ______ conclusion I would like to say that.......

4. Please feel free to get ______ touch______me.

5. At this stage I would like to run ________the main points...

6. I would like to finish _____ reminding everyone that......

7. Thank you _____ listening.


Exercise 2. Match a phrase or sentence on the left with a phrase or sentence on the right.

1. I think this proves the point that a. of the new design.
2. First, I outlined the old system; b. for a few quick questions.
3. Finally, I'd like to c. then, I explained the advantages of the new system.
4. I recommend the third option. d. the experiment was conducted correctly.
5. If you need to get in touch with me, e. There are two main reasons for this.
6. That sums up my description f. my email address is on the screen.
7. There's just time i. thank you all for listening this afternoon.

Exercise 3. Complete the following concluding paragraph with appropriate words from the box.

recommend then sum up with just decide
attention next solutions third thank time

So, to 1 _________, I explained the problem 2 __________the existing system and 3 ___________ presented three possible 4 _____________.The first solution requires new equipment, the 5 ___________solution needs more research and the 6 ___________solution needs a complete change of strategy. We now need to 7 ____________which solution we will select. I 8 ____________ the third solution because it will be more efficient in the long run. Finally, I'd like to 9 __________you for 10 ___________this afternoon. 11 ___________is nearly up, so we 12 __________have a few minutes for questions.


Exercise 4. Choose the best word to complete each sentence.

example: I have covered the points I needed to.

a) covered    b) spoken    с) wanted    d) advantage


1. As well as pros, there are also....................

a) cons    b) compromise    с) advantages    d) negative

2. We have some time for a....................questions.

a) little    b) few    с) many    d) much

3. The....................disadvantage is the time it would take.

a) small    b) large    с) main    d) certain

4. Are there any....................questions or comments?

a) fast    b) few    с) more    d) less

5. That's the plan in ……………...

a) real   b) idea      с) general    d) theory.

Exercise 5. Choose the phrases which could be used in the final part of your talk

I'm here today to inform you...

My purpose today is to introduce you to...

I'd like to finish saying that...

I will talk for fifteen minutes.

I'd like to conclude by reminding you that...

My presentation is split into three key areas.

To sum up then,...

There will be time for questions at the end...

In conclusion, may I remind you..

Please feel free to interrupt me as I go along.

To summarise my main points...

I'd like to review...

I'm going to analyse...

Let me end by...

Let's now move on to...

This brings me to...

Finally, I'd like you to look at this graph.

To illustrate my point let’s look at some diagrams.

Home assignment

Think carefully about an effective conclusion. Do not underestimate this part of your presentation!


Dealing with Questions

At the beginning of your talk you let the audience know when they can ask questions. You either suggest that the listeners should save their questions for the end or they may interrupt you at any moment to ask a question or make a comment. In any case, be polite to your listeners, respect them! Imagine yourself asking a question at a presentation and the speaker dismisses you instead of answering. How would you feel? Annoyed, ashamed, or probably disappointed? Moreover, it is rude not to answer a question. It is better to answer evasively rather than answer negatively.

If your listener not only asks you something, but also expresses his/her point of view which you do not share, learn to say: “I agree with you/I see your point, but… ”. This phrase will not let your listener feel incompetent. You will be equals discussing an important matter, and the atmosphere will become friendly.

Always make sure you have understood the question. Do not hesitate to ask the questioner to repeat it. Rephrase the question in your own words, if necessary, to check that you have understood it right.

At the end of the booklet you may find relevant Useful Vocabulary.


Home assignment

Although you cannot predict all the questions the audience might ask you sometimes it is possible to foresee some of them. Try to reveal these points and be prepared to answer. If you were a person from the audience, what would you ask?



Useful Vocabulary

Welcoming the audience

Hello Good morning Good afternoon Good evening ladies and gentlemen members of the jury esteemed guests members of the board fellow colleagues dear friends everyone dear guests

It’s a pleasure to welcome you today.

It’s good to see you all here.

Thank you all for coming.

Introducing yourself or someone

Let me introduce myself, I’m Mike Petrov from…

I'd like to start by introducing myself. My name is...

I am very pleased and proud to introduce...who is....

Now I'll turn the floor over to today's speaker, … (to take the floor, to have the floor, to give the floor to someone.)

Giving your position, function department

I am a student at the BMSTU... /I am a doctoral candidate…/

 I am a researcher from...

Introducing your topic

The subject/ topic of my presentation is...

In my presentation I would like to report on…

The theme of my talk is...

Today I'm going to talk about...

What I’d like to present to you today is…

I've been asked to give you an overview of...

Saying why your topic is relevant for your audience

I’ve chosen to speak about this because...

Today’s topic is of particular interest to those of you/us who…

My topic is/will be very important for you because…

By the end of this talk you will be familiar with…

Stating your purpose

The purpose/objective/aim of this presentation is to…

My objective is to…

Today I’d like to give you an overview of…

What I would like to do today is to explain…/ to illustrate.../to give you the essential background information on.../ to outline.../ to have a look at...

What I want my listeners to get out of my speech is...

Structuring and sequencing

I’ve divided my presentation into three main parts.

In my presentation I’ll focus on four major issues.

First I’ll be looking at…, after that I’ll move on to…, next/then/after that…. And finally/ I’ll end with...

I’ve broken my speech down/up into X parts.

In the first part I’ll …/ In the next section I’ll…/ In part three, I am going to show.../ and in the last part I’d like to…


My presentation/talk will take/will last about…

It will take about 15 minutes to cover these issues.

I have limited my speech to…


Does everyone have a handout? Please take one and pass them on.

Don’t worry about taking notes. I’ve put all the key information on a handout for you.

I’ll be handing out copies of the slides at the end of my presentation.

I can email my presentation to anybody who wants it.

Questions and comments from the audience

I'd ask you to save your questions for the end.

There will be time for your questions at the end of my talk.

Feel free to ask questions at any time during my talk.

You may interrupt me at any moment to ask questions or make comments.

Please stop me if you don't understand anything I say but could you keep any specific questions until after I've finished.


Asking a question or recognizing the knowledge of the audience   Have you ever heard of...? You may already know... I feel sure that some of you... Every day you encounter... You've probably seen countless times... You may have wondered...
Problem to think about   Imagine you had to… What would be your first step?
Interesting fact Did you know that…? I’d like to share an amazing fact/figure with you


Saying what is coming Now let us turn to point one. In this part of my presentation, I’d like to talk about…
Indicating the end of a section This brings me to the end of my first point. So much for point two. That’s all I wanted to say about…
Moving on to the next point This leads us directly to my next point. This brings us to the next point/issue/problem. Let’s now move on to/ turn to… Let’s now take a look at…
Referring to what you have said previously As I have already said/ mentioned/ explained earlier... As we saw in part one... To repeat what I've already said...
Giving an example Now let's take an example. An example of this can be found... To illustrate this... Let's see this through an example. For example/ for instance /e.g.
Rephrasing Let me rephrase that, In other words Another way of saying the same thing is… That is to say, for example...
Summarizing a point Before I move on, I’d like to recap the main points. I’d like to summarize what I’ve said so far… To summarize…/ To sum up… Let me summarize by saying So that concludes my overview Briefly said…/ In short,… What I've tried to show in this part...
Emphasizing a point What is very significant is... What is important to remember... I'd like to emphasize the fact that... I'd like to stress the importance of... To highlight.../To underline... What I tried to bring out... What we need to focus on...
Referring to what is coming We will see this a little later on. This will be the subject of part 3. We will go into more detail on that later.
Referring to what an expert says: I quote the words of... In the words of... According to... Here I'd like to quote... As Mr. Brown says in his book... There is a famous quotation that goes...
Referring to  common knowledge As you all may well know... It is generally accepted that... As you are probably aware (of)...


Indicating the end of your talk I’m approaching/ nearing the end of my presentation. Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation. As a final point, I’d like to… Finally, I’d like to highlight one key issue.
Summarizing points To conclude/sum up/ In conclusion, I’d like to… Let me go over the key issues again. I'd like to summarize/sum up the main points of my talk… At this stage I would like to run through/over the main points... So, as we have seen today.... In conclusion I would like to say that...
Making recommendations As a result I suggest that... In the light of what we have discussed today I suggest that... My first proposal is... My final comments concern...
Inviting questions Are there any questions? I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have If there are any questions please feel free to ask. Thank you very much for your attention and if there are any questions…


Clarifying a question I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that. I’m sorry, could you repeat your question, please? If I understood you correctly, you would like to know whether… If I could just rephrase your question, you’d like to know… Does that answer your question?
Avoiding giving an answer I’m afraid that’s not really what we were discussing today. I saw that in the work of...
Admitting you don’t know Sorry, that’s not my field./ Sorry, that’s off the top of my head. I’m afraid I’m not in a position to answer that question at the moment. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to your question, but I will try to find it out for you.
Delaying the answer I'm glad you asked that question. That's a good question/point/remark. Can I answer that question later? If you don’t mind, I’ll come back to this point later in my presentation. Can we get back to this point a bit later? Would you mind waiting until the question and answer session at the end?
Agreeing I agree with you 100 percent. I couldn't agree with you more. That's true. That's for sure. You're absolutely right. Absolutely. That's exactly how I feel. Exactly. I'm afraid I agree with Peter. I have to side with Dad on this one. No doubt about it. (weak) I suppose so./I guess so. You have a point there. I was just going to say that. I agree with you but there is another way of looking at it.
Disagreeing I don't think so. (strong) No way. I'm afraid I disagree. (strong) I totally disagree. That's not entirely true. On the contrary… I'm sorry to disagree with you, but… Yes, but don't you think… That's not the same thing at all. I'm afraid I have to disagree. I'm not so sure about that. I must take issue with you on that. It's unjustifiable to say that... I beg to differ. (strong) I'd say the exact opposite. Not necessarily. That's not always true. That's not always the case. No, I'm not so sure about that.



akin to - быть сродни кому-л/чему-л

appeal - апеллировать, обращаться, прибегать, взывать (к кому-л.)

approach - подход (к решению проблемы, задачи)

argument - довод, аргумент, доказательство

attention grabber – прием для привлечения внимания


catch - зд. понять (вопрос, замечание)

cause/effect – причина/следствие

chairperson - председатель (мужчина или женщина)

clarify - зд. прояснить; пролить свет (на что-л.)

concern - затрагивать, касаться, иметь отношение

confidence – уверенность

content – содержание

controversial - зд. спорный, сомнительный; дискуссионный

convincing – убедительный

cooperative - совместный, объединённый; работающий; отзывчивый, готовый помочь

cope with – справляться (с)

cover - зд. охватывать, покрывать (круг проблем, вопросов)

cue cards/note cards – зд. карточки-шпаргалка


dull - зд. скучный


encounter – гл. а) (неожиданно) встретиться, столкнуться (с кем-л.) Syn: meet б) наталкиваться на (трудности), столкнуться с (трудностями)

essential – зд. важнейший; необходимый; основной

esteemed (guest) - почитаемый, уважаемый; глубокоуважаемый, достопочтенный

eye contact - зрительный контакт


feel free - чувствовать себя свободно, не стесняться (делать что-л.)

field – зд. область знаний, компетенций

flat (voice) - зд. вялый, однообразный, унылый, скучный

floor – пол, зд. право выступать на собрании, слово


get down to business - приступить к делу

get the ball rolling – начать, сдвинуться с мертвой точки

graph - график, диаграмма, схема; кривая


handouts – раздаточный материал

hesitate - сомневаться

highlight - 1) отводить главное место; выдвигать на первый план Syn: feature 2) подчёркивать, выделять 3) отмечать слова в тексте маркером

hint - подсказка

hook – крючок


ice-breaker – ледокол, зд. прием для установления контакта с аудиторией

in-depth analysis - углублённый анализ

installation - зд. установка; сборка; инсталляция

issue - зд. проблема; дело; тема; пункт


jargon - профессиональная лексика; жаргон


key factors – ключевой фактор


option – сущ. 1) выбор, альтернатива, (возможный) вариант

outline - зд. конспект, план; схема; краткое содержание

overview - 1) общее представление (о каком-л. предмете); 2) (беглый) обзор


pitch of their voice - высота (тона, звука), интонация

point - зд. пункт, момент, вопрос; дело

pointer – указка

position - зд. должность, be in a position to do smth. быть в состоянии, иметь возможность что-л. сделать

precious – зд. драгоценный; большой ценности

premises – зд. помещение

proposal - n. предложение

pro - зд. сокр. от professional

purpose (syn. aim, goal) – n. цель


quote – v. цитировать

quotation – n. выдержка, цитата


recap - от recapitulate резюмировать, подводить итог

refer – гл. (refer to) направлять; отсылать (к кому-л. / чему-л.)

rephrase - перефразировать

redundant - зд. излишний, чрезмерный

refer back – зд. вернуться назад

remark - замечание; высказывание

rephrase - перефразировать

responsible (for) / in charge of – ответственный (за)

rigid - 1) жёсткий; негибкий; неподатливый 2) устойчивый; неподвижно закреплённый

run through/over - пройтись (от начала до конца по выступлению и т.п.), повторить основные моменты


sequence – последовательность

signpost - указательный столб; указатель, веха

share - зд. делиться to share one ' s problems with smb. — поделиться с кем-л. своими проблемами

skip - пропускать, не затрагивать

solution - зд. решение (задачи, проблемы)

staff – персонал, сотрудники

stance - поза, положение; syn: pose, posture

subject - зд. предмет обсуждения, рассмотрения

summarise - зд. подводить итог

survey - зд. обзор, обозрение


take care of – зд. рассматривать, охватывать (содержание, проблему)

title - 1) а) заглавие, название, наименование Syn: heading, name; 2) титул, звание

trick - зд. ловкий приём,уловка; шутка


visual aids - визуальные средства, наглядные средства

vital - (жизненно) важный, насущный, существенный; необходимый


with regard to - относительно; в отношении; что касается Syn: with respect to, in respect of, concerning




Course Description

What is a presentation?

1. Preparation

2. Delivery

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Main Body

2.3 Conclusion

2.4 Dealing with Questions

Useful Vocabulary







1. Alley, M.: “The craft of Scientific presentations; critical steps to succeed and critical errors to avoid”, Springer, 2003.

2. Chivers, B. and Shoolbred, M.: “ A student’s guide to presentations: making your presentations count”, SAGE Publications, 2007.

3. Freitag-Lawrence, A.: “Business Presentations”, Longman, 2007.

4. Grussendorf, M.: “English for presentations”, Oxford University Press, 2011.

5. Dignen, B. Fifty ways to improve your presentation skills in English”, Summertown Publishing, 2007.

6. Powell, M., “Presenting in English, how to give successful presentations”, THOMSON Heinle, 1996.

7. Moss, J., Lee, C., Atkinson P., “Presenting for Success”, Business English Pod Ltd., 2007.

8. Kaul, A., “The Effective Presentation, Talk your way to success”, Response Books, 2005.

9. Lomas, B. “Giving Confident Presentations”, Rowmark, 2002.

10. Pincus, M., “Boost Your Presentation IQ”, McGraw Hill, 2006.

11. Van Emden, J. and Becker, L. “Presentation Skills for Students”, Palgrave MacMillan, 2004.

12. Storz et. el. “Oral Presentation Skills, A Practical Guide”, Evry France, 2002.


1. ABBYY Lingvo X5.

2. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 8th edition, Oxford, 2010.


Л.И. Быковская, О.Л. Ивановская, О.М. Лосева, М.А. Наянова

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