Match the verbs with the nouns 

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Match the verbs with the nouns

Verb N oun
1. save a) an accident / fire alarms / calls for assistance
2. fight / extinguish b) first aid / assistance
3. communicate to c) victims
4. require d) fires
5. eliminate e) lives
6. provide f) concentration
7. extract g) the consequences
8. retain h) skills, knowledge, and experience
9. respond to i) emergency responders / victims
10. maintain j) empathy


Complete the text with necessary words or word combinations.

Fight, water hoses, extract, fire alarms, save, firefighting equipment, respond, provide, challenging, chemical leaks

1. The main duty of a firefighter is to 1) ______ to emergency situations such as car crashes, pandemics, and accidents.

2. Firefighters 2) ______ building and forest fires, respond to 3) ______ and other calls for assistance, rescue victims from burning buildings and accident sites and 4) ______ first aid and other assistance.

3. They also control and extinguish fires using manual and power equipment, such as axes, 5) ______ ______, aerial ladders and hydraulic equipment and various firefighting chemicals and ensure proper operation and maintenance of 6) ______.

4. 7) ______ ______ or fallen electrical lines are taken care of by firefighters as well.

5. If firefighters are responded to an automobile accident, they will help medics to 8) ______ victims and prepare them for transporting.

6. The job is quite 9) ______ and risky and requires skills, knowledge, and experience.

7. The profession of a firefighter is very responsible and honourable because these specialists 10) ______ people’s lives and protect people, the environment and property in different types of accident and emergencies.


Work in pairs. Role play the given situations.

Situation 1

Role I. You are a journalist. You are going to interview a firefighter.

main duty; accidents and emergencies; to use manual and power equipment; to eliminate consequences of emergencies; to respond to emergency situations; physically demanding; requires a lot of training; to responded to an automobile accident; to be emotionally involved; challenging and risky job; to possess; responsible and honourable profession; to save people’s lives; to protect people, the environment and property.


Role II. You are a firefighter. Answer the journalist’s questions about your job.

to fight fires; to rescue victims; to control and extinguish fires; to respond to fire alarms and calls for assistance; to arrive on the scene; to identify and solve problems; to extract victims; to prepare for transporting; to communicate to other emergency responders, victims and victims' families; to require skills, knowledge, and experience; communication skills, physical strength, adaptability, decisionmaking skills, courage, self-sacrifice, dedication; axes, water hoses, aerial ladders, hydraulic equipment, firefighting chemicals

Work in groups. Use given words and word combination, and questions from ex. 1


Situation 2

Some of you are firefighters / rescuers. Some of you are journalists who are going to interview the firefighters / rescuers.

Role I. Journalists. You are going to interview the firefighter. Work together to think of some questions to ask the firefighters / rescuers. When you are ready, conduct the interview.


Role II. Firefighters. Be ready to answer the journalists’ questions about your job (job description, duties, requirements, equipment you use, accidents and emergencies you respond to).

Work in groups. Use words and word combination from the text “Professional firefighters: job description, duties and requirements”, and questions from ex. 1, p.


Situation 3

Role I. You’re going to have an interview for a job. Employers want to learn if you are the person they want, so you’ll be asked a lot about yourself. Think about it now, and you’ll be able to give clear answers:

Role II. You are an employer. You have to interview an applicant. You want to learn if he/she is the person you want, so you’ll ask a lot of questions.

Work in pairs. Use words and word combination from the text “Professional firefighters: job description, duties and requirements” and information given below.

For employers:

- What are the criteria of the position?

- What skills and qualities should an employeer possess?

- What weakness does an employeer have?

- How much money do you want to pay? etc.

For employeers:

- Tell about your qualification.

- Tell about your skills and qualities / weakness.

- Tell your career goals, future plans.

- Tell your salary expectations.

Questions for the interview:

1) Tell about yourself.

2) What are your best skills / qualities?

3) What is your biggest weakness?

4) What are your career goals, future plans?

5) Why do we hire you?

6) What salary do you expect to have? Explain why. etc.



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