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1. Geopolitics (to become) an increasingly important force in the world today.

2. In colonial days people (to seek) cheaper substitutes for costly resources.

3. The cost of the natural resources (to increase) greatly nowadays.

4. The enormous changes in number of scarce and nonrenewable resources (to come) in some years.

5. An irreparable injury was made while people (to hunt) the whales.


Текст IV.

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The atmosphere is one of the most important components of the environmental ecosphere where man can exist. It is characterized by the quantitative and qualitative composition of the air. The dry air near the surface of the Earth contains 78% of Nitrogen (N), 21.95% of Hydrogen (H), 0.93 of Argon (Ar), and 0.03% of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). The rest 0.01% belongs to Gallium (Ga), Neon (Ne), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe), ozone, Radon (Rn), Iodine (I), etc. Nitrogen is important for all the life on the Earth. Oxygen is required for people, animals and plants to breathe.

The composition of the air determines the meteorological conditions near the surface of the Earth. For the last decades we have been observing the changes of the balance in the composition of the air. These changes are caused by the rapid development of industries. The atmosphere is polluted by industrial wastes such as steam, different kinds of gases, dust, soot, cinder. They are dangerous for people's health as well as for the environment and the wild life. They also change the climate locally and worldwide. After settling down on the vegetation cover (grass) harmful substances destruct it and pollute the soil and water bodies. All this causes irreversible processes in the environment the outcomes of which can be seen only some decades later.

       To protect the environment and to keep it clean is a global task. That is why international cooperation in this field has been developing recently. Today the development of industries increases the content of dust and gases in the atmosphere and its purity decreases. The development of the astronautics gave us an opportunity to determine the degree of the pollution more precisely. In the pictures (photos) received from sputniks one can clearly see the traces of industrial pollution, such as smoke, dust, cinder, etc. stretching for hundreds of kilometers. Town areas and their suburbs are the most polluted ones.

Dust contained in the air can be classified into two groups:

1) poisonous (toxic) substances, dangerous for the whole organism;

2) substances affecting the organs of respiration.

The body covered with dust can suffer from such diseases as suppurative inflammation and eczema. If got into eyes, dust causes the eye disease - conjunctivitis. Dust particles of 5 micro microns penetrate into the lungs and cause a lung disease.

The atmosphere can partly purify itself from pollutants that settle down themselves or by precipitation. The plants dissolve and absorb harmful substances. But nowadays the amount of pollutants and wastes are so great that the atmosphere cannot manage to absorb them, so they accumulate.



Текст V.

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New Energy from Old Sources

Automobile Engineer, vol. 82, No. 5, 2009, New York

   1. The resources of fossil fuel which made the industrial revolution possible and have added to the comfort and convenience of modern life were formed over a period of 600-million years. We will consume them in a few hundred years at current rates.

   2. The current energy problem is the result of many complex and interrelated factors, including a world wide demand for energy; inadequate efforts during the recent past to develop new energy resources; delays in the construction of nuclear power plants, automobile changes that increase gasoline consumption.

   Demand must, of necessity, be moderated, and intensive efforts must be made to expand the overall energy supply.

    3. But energy is available to use in practically unlimited quantities from other sources. Large amounts of energy can be received from ocean tides and currents, from huge underground steam deposits, from the power of wind and from the heat of the Sun.

     The idea of heating houses with the warmth of the Sun has become popular in the last few years. Since the U.S. News and world report first told about solar heated homes near Washington some years ago, many similar projects have appeared around the country. In many places schools are using solar units to provide classroom heat.

   4. Most solar-heating systems coming on the market use a black surface to absorb the Sun’s heat. Engineers cover the surface with glass which lets in the rays, but holds heat. The heat is transferred to water that runs through small pipes. The hot water is then circulated through the house.

    It is estimated that 40 million new buildings will be heated by solar energy by the year 2020.

    The solar cell is another way to produce power from the sun. It converts sunlight directly into electricity. These cells are used with great success in the space program, but remain far too expensive for widespread application.

     In the meantime, solar homes are being built and lived in from California to Connecticut. The next step is mass production of homes, office buildings and schools – all heated by the Sun.

   5. Putting the wind to work researchers are showing great interest in the age-old windmill. Several big companies are now studying windmills. These companies are to analyse windmills ranging from 100 to 2,000 kilowatts, The smallest would provide sufficient electricity to power several homes, the largest could provide electricity to a small village.



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