Найдите слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте, заполните столбцы « Science » или « Psuedoscience », сопоставьте их с существительными. Объясните значение словосочетаний. 

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Найдите слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом в тексте, заполните столбцы « Science » или « Psuedoscience », сопоставьте их с существительными. Объясните значение словосочетаний.



  evidence conclusions reference works material people   testimony footprints photos anecdotes facts tactics modes of thought ideas arguments  


13. Для слов 1-7 найдите соответствующие определения A-F.

A a false appearance or deceptive impression of reality B a mistaken or misleading opinion, idea, belief, etc C a suggested explanation for a group of facts accepted as likely to be true D something you are told sounds so exciting, unpleasant or dangerous that you don’t believe it is true E information that you have heard without having any proof that it is true I the ability to perceive clearly or deeply; penetration and understanding, as of a complex problem F behaviour or an action that is of extreme cruelty     1 delusion 2 hearsay 3 illusion 4 hypothesis 5 atrocities 6 tall tale 7 insight


Заполните пропуски, используя слова из правой колонки предыдущего упражнения.

1. His evidence was all just ……………………..

2. It is the great ……………………. about the web-enabled future: that the internet will, by its nature, set us free.

3. With the help of their sophisticated equipment, they have gathered the reliable technical data that makes ……………………… a less easy to dismiss. 

4. he may not yet be a household name, but her work provides a rare and compelling ………………………. into the lives of children and young people growing up in 21st-century Britain.

5. Saddam Hussein was confronted with video evidence of his ……………. as part of CIA efforts to get him to talk. Atrocities

6. One of the great strengths of science is that it is comfortable with being wrong. When a researcher proposes a ……………………. that fails to be confirmed by the data, there may be disappointment but there is no dishonour – so long, that is, as he or she accepts the evidence and moves on.


Почему лженаука может создать проблемы для общества? Определите пять факторов.

1. ………………………………………………………………..

2. ………………………………………………………………..

3. ………………………………………………………………..

4. ……………………………………………………………….

5. ……………………………………………………………….

6. Сравните: Science vs. Pseudoscience


Model: SCIENCE: Is in constant search for new facts, proof, evidence. It results in new editions and opportunities for new discoveries. ………………………………………………… …………………………………   PSEUDOSCIENCE: displays a remarkable and characteristic indifference to fact. Pseudoscientists never revise their books. ……………………………………………… …………………………………


Круглый стол.

       Panel discussion  is the format of a debate in which participants representing various shades of opinion on a topic argue the case, usually under the guidance of a chairperson.

Research Work. Look for the information on the following topic in various sources of information.


PSEUDOSCIENCE helps to survive in our rough world. 


The relevant issues may be useful to consider while discussing the topic:


• Alternative medicine: a reliable substitute for conventional medicine or a rush for wealth.

• People with supernatural abilities: healers or charlatans?

• Astrology: can it define our life.

• “Junk Science” versus critical thinking


Arrange the information in the written form.

Choose a chairperson to lead the discussion.

Contribute to the discussion.

Make use of more words and phrases:

Giving an opinion   It is my view that … In regard/ With regard/  As far as I'm concerned, … I tend to agree with you. That may be true, but … You have my support on this one. Expressing an Alternative Viewpoint There is also the matter of … A point in favour of … is … Something worth mentioning is … Not to be taken lightly is the fact that … I can't say I have strong views either way.
Expressing hesitation On the one hand …, but on the other … In a sense …, however … That's true up to a point, but … It must be said that …, however When you disagree I would argue that … I think this deserves careful consideration … I wouldn't go along on that. I'm (not) persuaded that …




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