Read the text and check your answers 

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Read the text and check your answers


Measured by the effect they have on our spirits and imagination, bridges are the highest form of architecture. They stand as metaphors for so much in life. 'Let's cross that bridge when we come to it,' I remark, when I want to put off thinking about some nasty dilemma. If I quit a secure job, I am 'burning my bridges'. If I make friends with strangers, I am 'building bridges'. If I argue with someone, but want to forget it and be friends again, I say, 'It's all water under the bridge.' Why do we hold bridges in such regard? One reason is surely that, because of their strategic importance, they are often scenes of fierce battles and thrilling heroics. Another is that a bridge can often embody the spirit of a city, even an entire nation, as the Sydney Harbour or Brooklyn Bridges do, or the Stari Most did until it was destroyed in the Bosnian conflict. (Fortunately, it has since been rebuilt and is now listed as a World Heritage Site.) But perhaps the chief reason is that a bridge is a leap of daring: a symbol of mankind's belief in its ability to overcome any natural obstacle, no matter how wide, deep or windswept. That belief has occasionally been tragically misplaced, but it has never been shattered. What's indisputable is that our own age has seen one of the most innovative bursts of bridge-building ever.

There are some idioms in the first paragraph of the text.

- to burn bridges

- to build bridges

- it’s all water under bridges

Try to understand these idioms. Use the dictionary.

9. Read short texts about bridges. Write out all the words and phrases which characterize each bridge. Sum up the information you’ve got.


Built for Expo 92, the Alamillo Bridge across the River Guadalquivir in Seville demonstrates how a striking new bridge can revitalise an old city. The bridge is supported by a pylon and cables which form the graceful shape of a harp. It has a span of 200 metres.

There has been a bridge over the River Vltava in Prague, Czech Republic for several centuries, but the now-famous Charles Bridge (Kariov Most) was built in the 14th century and named after the king. It is unusual because it is made of sandstone, not hard granite, which required some maintenance work in the 15th century after a flood. In 2005 further repairs started on the bridge. This work was scheduled to be completed within two years. Street vendors, street artists and tourists can always be seen along its 500-metre length.

The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan is the longest, tallest and costliest suspension bridge ever constructed. Connecting Kobe with Awaji-Shima Island, this bridge has been built to withstand hurricanes, tidal waves and earthquakes. In 1995, an earthquake added a metre to the bridge's length while it was still being built. It has a total length of 3,910 metres.

The Golden Gate Bridge spans the mile-wide mouth of San Francisco Bay. The total length of the bridge is 2,739 metres. The bridge expands on hot days and contracts when it is cold. On hot days the heat lengthens the cable. As a result the bridge becomes 4.9 metres lower and 1.8 metres longer. The bridge was opened on 21 May 1937 with a ‘pedestrians’ day, during which 200,000 people walked across the bridge. On the morning of the following day it was opened to traffic.


10. Think about the most important bridge in the country, its age, length, appearance, use. In pairs, take turns to describe each bridge briefly. Use some of these phrases while describing the bridge structure.

The bridge is considered to be…

It spans…

The bridge is located…

It’s designed by…

It’s located…

The bridge is made of…

The bridge was finished…  

Unit 10


History of Interior Design

1. In pairs, tell each other about the place you live. Is it a flat or a house? Describe your favorite room. Why do you like it most/best? ­­­­­­­Can you say that it belongs to certain style (modern, classic, etc.)


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