Специфика межличностных отношений в экипаже в условиях ОСИ в течение длительного рейса. 

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Специфика межличностных отношений в экипаже в условиях ОСИ в течение длительного рейса.

Long voyages: behaviour dynamics of

The longer the voyage lasts behaviour dynamics of the personality and the group as a whole gains more and more negative character:

• psychological tension increases,

• intensity of interpersonal contacts weakens, the person more and more feels a need for privacy.

By the end of a voyage  the majority of crew members refuses from collective forms of leisure: strengthening of intra psychic potential  (усиление интрапсихического потенциала) of the personality takes place. Impossibility to satisfy the need for privacy becomes the reason of psychogenic* neurosis ([njuə'rəusɪs] психогенный невроз).

* Psychogenic - having a psychological origin or cause rather than a physical one.


Негативная динамика социальной перцепции в экипаже в условиях ОСИ. Возникновение конфликтов.

Negative dynamics of social perception (перцепция, восприятие)

Negative dynamics of social and psychological perception of an image of other people is observed: crew members don't notice any more a number of traits of character or emotions — especially positive - of their colleagues which were fixed by them earlier (for example, sociability (общительность), talkativeness (разговорчивость), good nature (добродушие), etc.)

Toward the end of the voyage many crew members suffer from depression, melancholy (['melənk(ə)lɪ]), apathy, the increased anxiety.

Some crewmembers have phobic reactions (фобические реакции), constant doubts in the ship’s safety, fear of storms, others have negative attitude towards the profession, loss of width of interests and needs. A special place is taken by ideas of jealousy (особое место занимают идеи ревности).


The interpersonal relations in the crew are characterized by instability, they complicate, microgroups appear.

  In the extreme situation of group isolation under the influence of psychological fatigue there are problems in communication of people. Friendly relations between people can be replaced sometimes  by hostility (враждебность)leading to open conflicts. 

  Restraint and compliance (уступчивость) of people disappear, they become irritable and harsh (грубый) with other members. Frequency of conflicts, often unmotivated (Частота конфликтов, часто немотивированных),  increases.

  Usually the reason of insignificant conflicts are household trifles (бытовые мелочи), serious – problems at work. But often conflicts at work regenerate (перерождаться) into personal ones. If conflicts don't get constructive settlement (конструктивное разрешение), they also promote violation of integrity (целостность) of the group structure.

  By the end of a long voyage two types of typical reactions are observed in the behavior of crew members: 

1. either rough - (бурные), aggressive ly offensive (агресcивно-наступательные), emotionally protesting in the form of irritability, conflict, quarrel s (ссоры), or

2. passive ly- defensive (пассивно-оборонительные), indifferent, displayed in the form of isolation, detachment (отстраненность), self-restraint (сдержанность).



  Сonditions of deprivation during group isolation are a strong stress factor negatively influencing psychological health of crewmembers, their performance and interpersonal communication. 


  Favourable psychological climate in the crew is an important factor helping crew members to endure the conditions of group isolation and influence of negative psychogenic factors, to maintain high working capacity.


  In this respect major direction in ship’s officers' activity is creation of favorable 'moral and psychological climate, maintenance of the harmonious interpersonal relations onboard and organization of professional activity without frictions (без трений) and conflicts.




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