Choose the right form of the verbs in parentheses(). Read some more facts about Australian history. 

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Choose the right form of the verbs in parentheses(). Read some more facts about Australian history.

Australia (to discover) by the Portuguese in the XVI century. The northern and western coasts of Australia (to discover) by the Dutch in the early XVII century and (to name) New Holland, Tasman discovered Tasmania in 1642. Dampier (to be) the first Englishman to visit Australia, in 1688 and 1699.

The land (to be) unattractive, however, and the continent (to remain) undisturbed until 1770, when the English navigator Captain James Cook chartered almost the entire eastern coast, (to name) region around it New South Wales, and (to claim) it for Great Britain. Eighteen years later, on Jan. 26, 1788, the first settlement (to establish) at Port Jackson, the site of the present city of Sydney.

Among the explorers of Australia (to be) George Bass (for whom was named the Bass Strait, separating Australia and Tasmania), Matthew Flinders (an associate of Bass in the late XVIII century, who first surveyed much of the W. coast of Australia in 1828), Edward John Eyre (who explored much of the interior during the middle of the XIX century), Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leichardt (a German explorer and geologist who (to cross) the continent in 1844—1845), Robert O'Hara Burke (who, during the early 1860s, made the first north-south crossing of the continent) and others.

The history of modern Australia (to begin) as recently as the first English settlement in 1788; the relatively short period of time since then (to witness) the whole process of development from a tiny convict settlement to a highly complex modern industrial society.

Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

1.The capital of Australia is:

a) Ottawa; b) Canberra;   c) Sydney;   d) West Coast.

2.The history of modern Australia begins in:

a) 1770;               b) 1778; c) 1897; d) 1492

3. An Australian wild dog is called:

a) Hot dog; b) Sausage dog; c) Lassie; d) Dingo.

5. The English navigator Captain James Cook chartered almost the entire eastern coast in:

a) 1770;          b)1365; c) 1778; d) 1828;

6. The northern and western coasts of Australia were discovered by the Dutch in the:

a)17century; b) 11 century; c)15 century; d)18 century;

Предлоги времени

Предлоги – это служебные слова, которые показывает отношение существительного (или местоимения) к другим словам в предложении. Они не выполняют самостоятельной функции в предложении и поэтому не являются членами предложения.

in – в (время дня,месяц, сезон, год, век)

at – в (час, праздники)

on – в (дни недели, даты, со словами день и ночь on a cold day, on a summer night)

by – к (срок совершения действия)

for - в течение (период времени)

Следующие выражения с предлогами студенты должны знать наизусть:

Above all - главным образом

After all - в конце концов

Day after day – день за днем

Soon after that –вскоре

Long after–спустя долгое время

At all - вообще

At best – в лучшем случае

At home - дома

At the age (of) –в возрасте

At the beginning – в начале

At the end – в конце

At the expense – за счет

By chance – случайно

By mistake – по ошибке

From day to day –со дня на день

From morning till night --c утра до вечера

on business – по делу

In conclusion –в заключение

In exchange – в обмен

In fact – в действительности

In time – вовремя

In vane – напрасно

By the(week) -понедельно

By (day) - днём

On the way - по дороге

On foot - пешком          

And so on - и так далее



Географическое положение и государственное устройство Новой Зеландии.

Insert the prepositions. Read the text about New Zealand and translate it.

New Zealand

New Zealand is situated … the southwest of the Pacific Ocean … large islands: the North Island and the South Island. Its total area is 268,112 sq. km.

Less than 1/4 … the territory of the country lies below 200 m contour line. The South Island is significantly more mountainous than the North Island. New Zealand has a temperate, an ocean climate without marked seasonal variations … temperature rainfall.

The total population … 1986 was … 3.3 mln people … average population density of about 12 persons per sq. km. About S of the population is classified as Europeans. Most of them are …British descend. English is the universal language.

The capital … New Zealand is Wellington. Like the United Kingdom New Zealand is a constitutional monarchy. Officially the head … the state is the British Queen (or the King) whose representative, the governor-general, is appointed … a five-year term. The Head … the government is the   Prime Minister.Legislative body is theHouse … Representatives, a unicameral body consisting 84 members elected … universal suffrage … 3 years. Four of the members of the House of Representatives are elected directly by the Maori people.

Local divisions are about 100 counties, 128 boroughs 10 towns and districts.

The government … New Zealand is democratic and modeled on that o: United Kingdom.

The economy of New Zealand has traditionally been based on pastoral farming. The last decades have seen a large expansion in the light industries. New Zealand draws many thousands of tourists to its shores because of the beauty, diversity, and compactness of its natural attractions.


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