Культура деловых отношений будущих специалистов в туристической сфере 

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Культура деловых отношений будущих специалистов в туристической сфере

Мироненко В.В. Культура деловых отношений будущих специалистов в туристической сфере. [9] Статья посвящена формированию культуры деловых отношений будущих специалистов в туристической сфере. Проанализированы составляющие компоненты культуры деловых отношений студентов в профессиональной деятельности. Уделено внимание обеспечению этических аспектов формирования деловой культуры в учебно-воспитательном процессе.

Mironenko V.V. Culture in business relationships of future specialists in tourism. The article is devoted to forming of future tourist specialists’ business relationships culture in high establishment. The components of business relationships culture of students are analyzed. The attention is paid to the necessity of providing ethics aspects in forming business tourist relationships in the academic process.

Formulation of the problem. Today, when market and tourist economy in the Crimea are more confirmed, the specialists in tourist sphere are forced to turn to foreign experience in business communication to offer market and tourist services properly. Ethical business relationships are the main key benchmarks of professionalism of both the individual worker and the organization.

Ethics – moral rules relating to a particular relation. Moreover it is the system of specific moral requirements and standards of conduct that are implemented in the public life. Ethical rules of official relations are based on human values, norms and rules of conduct, but have some features.

The level of moral development of a person is determined by principles of justice, equality and respect for human rights. The work is a moral value, the method of forming human dignity. Individual ethics in the professional sphere also provides awareness of professional duty. The achievement of success in any profession is connected with discipline, organization, efficiency, neatness, perseverance. That is why the teachers of high establishments are responsible for implementation of professional capabilities of future specialists in tourist sphere, their careers, and their social status.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Nowadaysthe general principles of communication training of futurespecialists are studied in pedagogical science. The most interesting researches are devoted to the style of professional communication (T. Argentova, I. Volkov, N. Krilova). The formation of culturecommunication as an important factor of professionalismof future professionals is reflected in the works of A. Danilenko, A. Rembach, I. Timchenko, T. Chmut.Moral aspects of business culturerelations are presented in the articles of N. Shepherd,A. Kovalenko, A. Ponomarenko. The problem of creating culture and ethics in business relationships of future specialists in tourist sphere during educational process in the institute is not the subject of a special study today.

This contradiction exists between the need for public training of qualified specialists in this direction and insufficient elaborated theoretical and methodological bases of support. Particularly, it is necessary to solve the issues such as clarification of the content and structure of cultural business relations of future specialist in tourism, to determine the components of communication, to isolate basic moral qualities and behavior of students, to study conditions and ways of their formation in the academic process.

The purpose of the article: to analyze the structure of future tourist specialists’ business relationships culture in high establishment study the components of business relationships culture of students are analyzed.

Presenting of the main material. After analyzing the different approaches to individual aspects of cultural business relationships tourist sphere, it is obligatory to define the following components of cultural business relationships of future specialists in tourist sphere:

1. The value orientation of the students in business relationships in a professional activity;

2. Awareness of modern requirements and business rules relations in professional activities;

3. Practice of such relations in professional activities.

The value orientation of the students in business relationships in professional tourist activity includes: an expression of interest, needs, student’s interest in culture of business relationships, a sense of need of certain requirements of the work, the idea of business image, readiness to study develop, achievement of goals and motives, activities (artistic, economic, ambitious), production of new priorities, fulfillment of cultural norms, formation of general ideas about the culture of business relations, new needs and priorities of group interaction, the moral principle of personal items, initiative in the practical implementation of decisions and plans.

Taking into account peculiarity of work in tourism, the following tasks require the following solution:

1. Formation of the main basis for future specialists’ professional work in tourism: comprehension of significance of another culture; assuming responsibility for communication with people from foreign countries; broadening the educational content and introducing the cultural aspect.

2. Attending courses f professional development which could provide acquaintance with cultural basis of a certain country whose language the teach;

3. Taking into account relevant cultural traditions, mastering professional techniques and skills of communication, solving international conflicts.

It is known that high establishments are directed at the dialogue of various cultures. During the academic process it is important to research the cultural component during the studying the professional English course for future specialists in tourism.

The main thing in professionalism, competence, culture is to do the professional tasks perfectly, to implement the goals, ideas, methods and tools during professional activity, as well as a moral orientation activities, universal professional and ethical requirements, as the culture of business relations is focused on the improvement of a man, his progressive development and achieving harmonious relationships with people.

It is highly significant to form an educational atmosphere aimed at reviving the thoughts and customs of people’s friendship, recognizing the value of every culture.

Teaching young specialists in tourism the culture of business relationships which serves as an environment where the personality is brought up and developed is very important in the Crimea.

The student should respect ethnic origin, religion, gender identity, class, language, education and other characteristics of another people.

Conclusion. Today much attention is paid to culture of business relationships in different fields, especially in tourism in the Crimea. That is why it is necessary to ensure proper process of formation of cultural business relations in tourist business. Teachers of high establishments should provide an appropriate content of the programs, involve effective forms and methods in teaching process and improve future tourist specialists’ business relationships culture.

Список использованных источников:

1. Adler Ronald B. Communicating at work: principles and practices for business and the professions / Adler Ronald B., Elmhorst, Jeanne M. – [6th ed.]. – Boston: Mc. Graw-Hill / College, 1999. – 498 p.

2. Hartman Laura Pincus. Perspectives in Business Ethics / Hartman Laura Pincus. – Chicago: Irwin, Mc. Graw-Hill, 1998. – 814 p.

3. Paleha U. I. Business ethics /U.I. Paleha. – K.: Europe University, 2001. – 180 p.

Key words: tourism, business relationships, culture, young specialists in tourism, components of business culture.


УДК 342

Воронцов А. Л., к.и.н., доцент,

ФГБОУ ВО «Юго-Западный государственный университет»,

г. Курск

Воронцова Е.В., к.ю.н.,

ФГБОУ ВО «Юго-Западный государственный университет»,

г. Курск


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